Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Telephone REpahlic 7 1234' 4 I A LD ASHINGTON SATURDAY MARCH 6 1954 They Thought They Saw Green And They Did Using New Legs 7 'X 2 BY GOP LEADER '4 I Two Slayers Die in Chair wr I 4 in recent Yes buy Diamond by 0N EASY TERMS EaitqfinM Safe Washable 3 Pc SUITS With Matching Coat s25 4 i 8M THE WAY THE EXPERTS OUTIT THE ENTIRE AMILY ON ONE CONVENIENT BUDGET ACCOUNT HUB ON 2 GREAT Mj IWN 7th STREETS NW tlnlld ULLT CUHISHEDI 45 Negro sw was Clean it In yaur Wasting Machine! their case New evidence to prove that the killing took'1 place In North Carolina was claimed Oov James Byrnes refused Wednesday to commute the death sentences to life imprison ment 7th oowmown JGYIT CALLS ELECTION CAIRO Egypt March Primo Minister Gamal Ahtlel Naaar annouced riday that the revolutionary council had decided to bold a nationallection to enable an elected conatltuent assembly to meet on July 23 HUMmmmK BERNHARD SEES ACCORD ON PLANE BASES Open Dolly 9:30 to 6 pm Thursday 12:30 to 9 pm GOT LEWIS ACTION BROWNING SAYS INP Soundphoto Katherine Benedictr Hyde Park(Mass) typist who lost both legs when she fell under train last December steps out confidently on artificial legs fit ted riday at Bay State reha bilitation center She says she'll look later for ones that "will be more well' SAMPLE AMOUS LABEL 1 WOOLEN TOPPERS Theaniwar to your Spring fever prob lem I 100 Du pont nylon topper that weih in a jiffy and need no ironing In lovely ehadea of ice blue pink and white Sixes 10 to 18 Gantt and Gainey maintained that Oliver Was not killed in South Carolina Gaihey in his statement said hope no one in Horry county (site of Myrtle Beach) has any hard feelings against us for given "I go with he said and recited the first 15 verses of the ifty first Psalm from a Bible held for him by the penitentiary chaplain the Rev Thomas Petty Gantt from Gastonia and Gainey from Hartsville were convicted at Conway in July 1951 after trial had been postponed several times Court testimony was that they sluffed Oliver's body into the trunk of his cab and set off on a trip across several states The body was found in a roadside ditch near Princeton Va a short time after Gantt and Gainey were captured in the cab near Lock Haven Pa The state supreme court turned down their appeal and the United States Supreme court last month refused to review Kansas Girl Texas Boy in Pakistan Contest A Kansas girl and a Texas boy have won the 30 day car trip to Pakistan for their essays on thatj country Ambassa dor Syed Am ad All has an nounced here They are SIgrid Jan Larson 17 of Topeka Kan and Michael Grady Woods 17 of Taylor Tex They will 'come to Washington about March 30 and leave New York by plane on their expense paid trip around April 1 the ambassador said NORTHEAST BENNING ROAD MINN or the Complete Outfit Beautifully tailored in critp gabardine and stun ning i hark kin You'll lead the Eaater parade in thiomart 3 piece ensemble Navy black ice blue pink dacia grey and tan SIZES 10 TO 44 Gov McKeldln of Maryland was accused riday by the chair man of Montgomery Democratic party of "procuring an indictment" for libel against radio commentator ulton Lewis jr Warren Browning chairman of the state central committee said the indictment! charging the columnist with libel ing two St Marys county offi cials the mdst damaging thing done by a public official in Maryland in a long The Indictment returned by a grand jury is based on English common law prohibiting state ments which might provoke vio lence and in which truth is not a defense Brownbig asserted Browning and George Warner representing the Republican state central committee in the county spoke before a meeting of the Montgomery county press asso ciation The left of the Democratic party led by such individuals tas Truman Hum phreys Lehman and is the primary enemy of the Re publican party Warner told the group Warner predicting a mild pri mary campaign in his party said the OP will attract the Democratic vote in the county He upheld the record of the present Republican con trolled administration in the county i Browning scored Sen McCar investigating committee and criticized high county assess ments on the local level TAKE ADVANTAGE THESE TREMENDOUS VALUES NOW BUY ALL YOUR CLOTHING NEEDS ON ONE EASY ACCOUNT AT HUB fAs Student Nurses Watch and had been discharged at two others! According toj Eddy the Phil adelphian had xome to Univer sityofgNew Hampshire with recommendations and asserted that he had been a scientist with the Christie company for seven years His true" story atf reported at the university was revealed as that of an ambitious poor boy who worked his way thru the Philadelphia public schools and then apparently with study at night had become proficient in physics'' Efficient Teacher Eddy who is assistant to presi dent Robert Chandler jald Hewitt was a very popular and efficient teacher He added that students whq received instruc tion in the courses would be given credjt their work and grades The alleged sklf styled profes sor 'revealed his true Identity Eddy said when a student in pre paring a paperjooked into the background of scientist Yates who ls connected with a Chicago company SHUTS IRRITATING RADIO AND TV COMMERCIALS CUTS SOUND WHILE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE OR LISTEN OR CRY! Navy Ship Saves 30 Japan ishermen GUAM March 5 The 1350 ton American navy ves sel Edmonds riday rescued 30 Japanese fishermen from a200 foot long atoll only three feet above sea level Their fishing boat ran aground on Murilo atoll In the Carolines four days ago v' to $10 95 You'll look your love liest in one of our nev one and two piece Spring dresses A wide selection of prints in navy and pastel (hades in dacron and sylon Dressy tailored and casual styles Junies 9 1) Misses' 10 20Women's 38 44 Half Sixes 14's 24's Stouts 46 52 nColumbla March 5 AP) Ray Gantt 31 and Shelton Gainey 24 died in the state penitentiary electric chair riday for the bludgeon and shooting murder of Robert Oliver Myrtle Beach taxicab driver in July 1949 Gantt went first He was pronounced dead two minutes and 35 seconds after the electric ity was turned on Gainey was pronounced dead after three minutes and 56 sec onds: Sixty three student nurses from the state hospital witnessed the executions in two shifts Several cried fainted after the sec ond electrocution and was car ried outside by other witnesses After he was escorted into the electrocution room by guards and seated in the chair Gantt was asked if he had any statement innocent of any crime in this Gantt said help those who persecuted Production almost came tor a halt at the Douglas aircraft plant In Long! Beach Cal riday when Mrsi Lucile'allinger a tool crib operato showed up with green hair About 300 persons came over to stare Mrs Ballinger shown combi ng her tresses said it was done over a bet NYLON TOPPERS BUY DIAMONDS Prince Arrives or our of Nation By Aiaoclated reni i Prince Bernard of the Nether lands said riday that he thinks agreement in principle has been reached to station United States air force units in his country The price spoke to reporters at National airport just after his arrival for a trip thru the United States He expressed pleasure at the opportunity to make the visit and said am going to see as much as I can something I have been wanting to His stay will be about three weeks he sgid but his program has not been definitely decided Asked about the prospects of United States air units being sta tioned in the Netherlands he said go beyond what the minister has said but I think it has been agreed in principle The details have to be worked Durham March 5 (INS) Philadelphia high school graduate posing as an Illinois scientist Was revealed riday as having taught two advanced courses In 'physics at University or New (Hampshire before he was i Maivta Hewitt the alleged im personator was reported by uni versity authorities to have stated ciyhis application that he was Kenneth Yates research scien tist for the Christie Engineer CorD Philadelnhla The real scientist Yates is connected: with an DMnoi industrial firm Hewittwho is 31 was'' re ported to have gone with his wife and children to Hempstead He was the university Jan 31 1954 He had been appointed assistant profes sor of physics at Durham on eb 1 1953 Claims Experience Eddy jrM an offi cial of the university denied re a ports that Hewitt had taught in four other colleges in the coun try that he had left two before his real identity was discovered CARAT WEIGHT A flNP flfttinlnhAtAl Production almost came tor a halt at the Douglas aircraft plant In Long! Beach Cal Compare! a Carat Distinguished 14 kLLring 1 with superb '2 carat dia mond $2J5 Week Ill Ml uailflMil Wat lidlt cintnl lni Bl blsu! (iluc il til Hick it 1Hir Inn Illi canlirt af vaur tall chltr ill th! tinttil ivltth inwiUc mnh ihiit of! I Ta ftltlflft Ihtr flip if IM twitch It CwHplilt Hani with tnry kit 20 WittAilM cert hM tki tmaiUf Mtyl DEPT lt Higli School Grad Passes HARNESS DEALS TrdfTeaclies Physics ARE A MUTED Ring! enlarged to ihov the detail prices plus tax Nf Branch Also Open Tri and Sat Nights' Both Bates 4 i Are Open i Thurs Nites Visit the Optical 'Departments at Both Bates 5SS ontmann Glama Gora Juilliard 100 top pert to American Woolem highlight your Spring Goodall wardrobe! Adjuitable cuffs and fine detaih Boxy 1 flared fitted and finder tip lengths in Spring shades of ice blue nude pink coral white beige navy and aqua juniors Missis' WOMEN'S SIZES TWO SENTENCED TO PRISON HERE OR HOMICIDES Two men were sentenced ri day in District court to prion terms for their part killings William Dorsey of 445 Delaware av ordered to serve 4 to 20 years for second degree murder in the fatal beating of Henry Ware sr 49 Negro of of 628 Delaware av sw last Nov 7 Judge Charles McLaughlin who imposed the Dorsey penalty set a to 3 year term for Her bert Williams 32 Negro of 1854 Eighth st nw Williams was found guilty of manslaughter in the fatal stab bing of Boysie Glasgow 52 Ne gro of 1312 st se last May 12 Williams pleaded sel de tense riiv with niurinurn in 1 1 rciisDsiuTEcni err tun nnMiv rrm nr vuniinil LLV ULI BULL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE iATANYTIME! THE HUB Tells of Profits While In NY Assembly New York Mar 5 (NY News) Mallory Stephens wealthy chairman of the Putnam county GOP admitted on the witness stand riday that he trafficked secretly and profitably In har ness racing stocks while he was still chairman of ths potent ways and means committee of the state assembly Stephens admitted to a deal in' Yonkers Trotting association stock that netted 8211200 to his wife in less than two years end ing after the harness racing scandals broke out following the murder of Tommy Lewis Yon kers raceway labor boss last summer And he also told of earlier deal in Nassau County Trotting association stock that set up trust fund of nearly $90000 foi his three children on a $1500 investment The Republican chieftain was the top witness before the More land act commission investigat ing harness racing as it wound up its fifth day of public hearings Other testimony riday spelled out how a bookie financed Pat Provenzano former assistant secretary of the state senate in setting up the Batavia Dowiis trotting track halfway between Buffalo and Rochester and how the family of former Democratic state Sen John Dunnigan ac quired the Hamburg track near Buffalo lu Special Session Announced Besides the testimony the hearing produced an announce ment by Chairman Bruce Brom ley that the Moreland act com missioners will hold an extraordi nary public session next Wednes day morning to give Secretary of State Thomas Curran a chance to explain testimony he gave Tuesday at the public hearing No other 5 witness has been granted such privilege 4 Curran asked for tha public session saying that his testimony that he got $10000 for helping set up the Algam corporation deal to buy Yonkers raceway and that his wife had 500 shares of stock in her name was misinter preted Stephens was accompanied to the hearing by his lawyer Theo dore A Kiendl counsel to the state crime commission In Its sen sational waterfront hearings The GO leader disclaimed personal profits from his harness track stock deals but did acknowledge that the final sales agreement of his Yonkers holdings named him his wife as the owner Netted Over The Yonkers deal lnvolvedthe purchase of 2200 shares of stock at $20 a share in 1951 and their resale last September after divi dends amounting to $35200 had been paid for $220000 Subtract ing the dividends from the pur chase price the net of more than $211000 Is shown In the earlier jieal Stephens bought 4500 shares of Nassau trotting but paid for only 3500 at $la share paying for the remaining 1000 out of dividends These stocks were held in 1500 share blocks by his aunt Mrs Winship his brother in law George Hine and the trust fund Dividends accruing to the Hine and Winship accounts were paid into bank accounts they held jointly with'Mrs Stephens the witness said The funds were paid to the trust and when the trust sold the 1500 shares last fall after a 4 to stock split up the price was $89 817 Stephens angrily repudiated suggestions that while in the as sembly he favored harness track legislation because of his stock deals Compare! l4 CARAT Glorious carat dia mond in 14 'kt design $125 Week k' Na ho'nt Ordars COO'i or Stimpi $in4 Chock Cnh at Money Ordir GOODBINDER ASSOCIATES 1013 Ninth St NW Washington your diamond by weight al Bales and get a greater measure of value! Bates imaorts' direct from the leading diamond centers of the world in order to give you the best diamond buys! Comparej our prices and be convinced of your savings and enjoy the advantage of paying on easy terms! iYour Credit Rates at Bates I i TAKE A YEAR TO PAY! ULL CARAT Man's 14 kt ring with a full carat center diamond tasy Terms vvmuuics ULL CARAT Yes a full carat in a tif fany 14 kt mounting 4SS New Easter HflrAAA A SftS UKCddEd 5 I S' '4 hr JH HLwH I 9 few 1 Ihfe A SSflkui 3 'tR' 2 1 i a UlW i 1 1 1 14 'I 1 I 2 ram IN I' 99 9 or asy Terms 11'1 I' II Compare Il RM I KOT tttt Vx C'mt SE I SS A Kg A JKZkZuiUNM VLTt NY iwii iUHYU vat iwrcdiz 1 I I II I gk Smart naw A' uwi IH'Za 1 1 Lfhw'w KI a 1 1 I "Irf iSB 7 1 VSj Wil JaBTi 1 I O' r'ii 1 KHK gjS rvTZ AB uoa5 M'X I Eks Jk 1 fir vY 1 i jay vljz isl iw UVA? jflrl i YrC It XW I 40 WLV mspi rWv 11 i xxx' wan zv Aral no hmB' A UJJ 1 4 I rsMi SsLyrX 1 ilL Mfir I Effirf I 'A I 1 to a M'tat LUTH Wf I' 't mW tix VI S3" EX fHlH'YMlUA I 1 I kf'Vrztszd rRnJI I rr i nu vmnrtt Stee Patient tn Vfe jzyt rpu 4 li a.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.