Don’t mess with me - Outtahereeee (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Chapter I Chapter Text Chapter 2: Chapter II Chapter Text Chapter 3: Chapter III Chapter Text Chapter 4: Chapter IV Chapter Text Chapter 5: Chapter V Chapter Text Chapter 6: Chapter VI Chapter Text Chapter 7: Chapter VII Chapter Text Chapter 8: Chapter VIII Chapter Text Chapter 9: Chapter IX Chapter Text Chapter 10: Chapter X Chapter Text Chapter 11: Chapter XI Chapter Text Chapter 12: Chapter XII Chapter Text Chapter 13: Chapter XIII Chapter Text Chapter 14: Chapter XIV Chapter Text Chapter 15: Chapter XV Chapter Text Chapter 16: Chapter XVI Chapter Text Chapter 17: Chapter XVII Chapter Text Chapter 18: Chapter XVIII Chapter Text Chapter 19: Chapter XIX Chapter Text Chapter 20: Chapter XX Chapter Text Chapter 21: Chapter XXI Chapter Text Chapter 22: Chapter XXII Chapter Text Chapter 23: Chapter XXIII Chapter Text Chapter 24: Chapter XXIV Chapter Text Chapter 25: Chapter XXV Chapter Text Chapter 26: Chapter XXVI Chapter Text Chapter 27: Chapter XXVII Chapter Text Chapter 28: Chapter XXVIII Chapter Text Chapter 29: Chapter XXIX Chapter Text Chapter 30: Chapter XXX Chapter Text Chapter 31: Chapter XXXI Chapter Text Chapter 32: Chapter XXXII Chapter Text Chapter 33: XXXIII Chapter Text Chapter 34: Chapter XXXIV Chapter Text Chapter 35: Chapter XXXV Chapter Text Chapter 36: Chapter XXXVI Chapter Text Chapter 37: Chapter XXXVII Chapter Text Chapter 38: Chapter XXXVIII Chapter Text Chapter 39: Chapter XXXIX Chapter Text Chapter 40: Chapter XL Chapter Text Chapter 41: Chapter XLI Chapter Text Chapter 42: Chapter XLII Chapter Text Chapter 43: Chapter XLIII Chapter Text Chapter 44: Chapter XLIV Chapter Text Chapter 45: Chapter XLV Chapter Text Chapter 46: Chapter XLVI Chapter Text Chapter 47: Chapter XLVII Chapter Text Chapter 48: Chapter XLVIII Chapter Text Chapter 49: Chapter XLIV Chapter Text Chapter 50: Chapter L Chapter Text Chapter 51: Chapter LI Chapter Text Chapter 52: Chapter LII Chapter Text Chapter 53: Chapter LIII Chapter Text Chapter 54: Chapter LIV Chapter Text Chapter 55: Chapter LV Chapter Text Chapter 56: Chapter LVI Chapter Text Chapter 57: Chapter LVII Chapter Text Chapter 58: Chapter LVIII Chapter Text Chapter 59: Chapter LIX Chapter Text Chapter 60: Chapter LX Chapter Text Chapter 61: Chapter LXI Chapter Text Chapter 62: Chapter LXII Chapter Text Chapter 63: Chapter LXIII Chapter Text Chapter 64: Chapter LXIV Chapter Text Chapter 65: Chapter LXV Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Chapter I

Chapter Text

It was Max's second year of college, surprising enough the only thing that changed was that dad wasn't in college right next to him. There was definitely more freedom now which felt like a weight lifting off his chest. Of course he always gets those same calls on his phone from his dad constantly texting and calling him.

"How's college Maxy?"

"I miss you pal!"

" I hope you're focusing for your old man!"

" Tell Sylvia I said hi!"

And blah blah blah. Of course, this was sweet and all but the older Goof does way too much with these texts. At this point the old man had begun to be his alarm clock which brings us to this beginning of the story.

It was 8:30 In the morning and Goofy had called Max. Max was deep in his sleep to the point where he unconsciously declined the call to rest. When the calls kept on coming it had annoyed his roommates Bobby and P.J. So much so to the point where PJ answered the call for Max with a yawn "Morning Mr. Goof..." he said in a tired expression. "Oh well good morning Petey Jr! Is Maxy awake? Gotta make sure he gets up and ready for his classes! And most importantly have his three squares a day!" Goofy said while doing his iconic "uh-yuck!" giggle to finish it off.

" Yeah I'll wake him up now sir…." PJ said in a tired manner as he smacked Max in the head with his pillow. Max didn't budge. Instead he groaned and said " I got classes at 9:30am" Max mumbled face first into his pillow. Goofy managed to hear that and replied " Perfect! You've got an hour to get up, brush your teeth, take a shower, change, eat your breakfast and if you have extra time you can squeeze in a little studying! You see, life is like a horse shoe-" "Daaaaaad it's too early for a lecture. I'm getting up now. I'll talk to you later." Max said "But-" and before Goofy could continue Max hung up the phone.

He stretched getting up to get ready since his dad was sort of right. Bobby eventually got up as he rolled over and looked down, staring at P.J. "What time is it man?" He asked as PJ checked the alarm clock " It's 8:43" he answered " okay if I add 7 that's 8:50, then 10 that's 9:00, then a hour and a half to make 10:30 that means I've got 90 plus 17…107 minutes left till my first class starts. Nice" Bobby yawned and rolled back over to knock out again. While PJ stared at Bobby all confused and sort of weirded out "I forget that's the only way you use math man." He said as Bobby mumbled "I don't need the square root to get me through life. All I need to know is how much time I have left before class starts and how much longer it takes until classes end." He replied. PJ shrugged. He will never understand Bobby but that's what makes Bobby so fun to hang around.

Max was in the shower as P.J. entered the bathroom as well to brush his teeth. "Heard you got a big date with your girl this Saturday" Max chuckled as PJ smiled. He was completely and utterly enamored by his girlfriend Stacey "oh Stacey~ the way her pink hair flow's as she spouts such beautiful words with the deepest of meanings. I've been trying to lose weight for this date dude. I'm so hyped" P.J. smiled "Dude don't lose weight for the girl, do it for yourself, regardless I think she likes the chub." Max chuckled as PJ looked down at his belly "yeah you're right! She does like it! And if she does then so do I~" he swooned while Max finished his shower. He stepped out wrapping a towel around his waist and began to brush his teeth alongside Bobby. Since Pj was already finished and wanted to get a head start to grab coffee before his first class.

After getting ready, Max finished getting ready, he grabbed his skateboard and said goodbye to Bobby. "Bye man, see you soon!" Bobby shouted as Max left. He skated around campus and stole some random students' coffee before they could even taste it. He lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip. "Woah. This is pretty good. Wonder what the guy ordered?" Max said to himself.

But as he was distracted by the coffee while skating he didn't see that Bradley was walking on the sidewalk. He skated past the other as Bradley saw him and sneered, staring at Max. "I hate that goof” he said to himself as Tank co*cked a brow " You're just mad he dethroned you without cheating. Stop talking smack or I'll knock another tooth out that pretty boy mouth of yours" Tank said to Bradley. Bradley perked up and turned looking at Tank "Tank man I thought we were on good terms again!" Bradley said as Tank quickly replied by poking at Bradley's chest "I might've forgiven you but that doesn't mean I haven't forgotten what happened. You still let me down dude." Tank sneered as Bradley sighed " yeah yeah I'm sorry big guy. But Max still gets under my skin. I can't help it!" Bradley said as Tank snickered "you're too old to be acting like this jealous man. Just be happy you aren't his towel boy." Tank replied as they kept on walking off to grab their own coffee. Part of Tank's deal to forgiving Bradley is that Bradley buys him whatever, whenever which includes this moment of coffee.

Bradley sat down at one of the tables and told Tank "Order whatever and get me my usual. I'll pay the bill after" he sighed rubbing his eyes as Tank co*cked a brow seeing Brad all annoyed. He knows he shouldn't care about the guy who almost killed him but Bradley's been working really hard to make it up to his long time friend. After Tank ordered half the menu and Bradley's order, he brought the drinks and snacks to the table "So, what's up Brad? Why are you stressing?" He asked as he begun to eat.

"Stressing?" Bradley asked " no, I'm not stressed." he replied as Tank co*cked a brow "Really? or is it because every time you see Max, you remember how humiliated you were when he totally beat you in the X-games" Tank teased poking at Bradley's ego. Bradley clenched his teeth pissed "Knock it off!" He replied even though Tank was right. Nothing pissed Bradley off more than thinking about Max. Which he's sadly been doing a lot considering this year's X-games were strolling on by just around the corner.

Chapter 2: Chapter II

Chapter Text

Knowing the X games were around the corner Bradley could be seen skating around campus. Regardless of the outcome of last years X games and the word around the block spreading on the Gamma's obvious scams over the past years to win. Bradley still had his popularity. Either through his good looks and talents or others hatred for him for his confidence and lack of remorse for others. Ever since losing to the freshman, now turned sophom*ore team. Bradley had found it rather eye opening. He's noticed around campus a deep destain from others towards his character. He didn't pay mind. After all his ideology consisted of 'it's better to be feared rather than loved' wise words told by his father sadly. His father was Bradley Uppercrust the II and his grandfather, the Bradley Uppercrust. It was tantalizing and a distorting feeling to be related to such a self innovated man. A man who started from nothing only to build himself up from the dust into gold. Previously his grandfather had called him explaining his genuine feelings after the X-games from the year prior. His words consisted of disappointment to Bradley's character and how "you should've played a fair game to lose in the end and stand like a man even despite your loss rather than cheat whilst causing a whole show of embarrassment and still lose.". Needless to say that wasn't a fun conversation for Bradley at all. To know he shamed his grandfather was one thing. An old man that he has looked up to for years, his practical idol, only to disappoint him. It wasn't fun when his father called either. Spouting insults in an orderly manner ranging from "stupid f*cking idiot!" To "an absolute embarrassment to the Uppercrust name" and much more hurtful terms Bradley wouldn't want to remember.

Regardless of such, he skated. He skated. He skated. To where is undetermined but still he skated. Lost in thoughts of self shame, a car drove speeding past him to break him out of his daze. He flinched starring ahead and scoffed turning to look at the car shaking his fist in the air " DUMBASS! I WAS SKATING! I COULD'VE.... Died.." he sighed knowing the person didn't hear. As long as the situation didn't happen it didn't matter after all. The potentials to the victim clouded up the mind. Clouding.... I could've died... I could've been road kill.... I could've, It would've, it's should've! And that's when the clouding stopped. He felt horrible again, shame that he had almost killed his best friend Tank to win a trophy. To win pride and honor. To be put in a potential situation that didn't even come close to being killed like Tank was in and yet it was horrifying. Bradley thought to himself how in the hell could Tank ever forgive him? Why was he giving him a second chance?! Potentially....Bradley could've murdered his best friend. He groaned in annoyance " Enough with this self deprecating..." he whispered to himself in hatred.

He skated back to the gamma house. This was too much to think about and if his thinking continued to cloud up his mind he would lose focus and he might get hurt in a crash or even worse if he wasn't focused.

When arriving back to the frat and walking up the steps, he opened the door to be greeted by a loud abundance of noises. The gamma brothers playing pool, talking and laughing, enjoying the others presence. Bradley decided to step into the room. A new look appearing throughout the room. A difference in aura upon seeing Bradley. They went quiet and glanced over " Sup Brad" one said snickering. It was the short one, Bradley sighed softly and spoke " why good morning short stock" he smirked standing his ground. Regardless of rumors and lack of love throughout the popular voting ranks or whatever, Bradley wasn't going to let himself be walked all over. Besides Tank, Tank has the pin to his Debit card. DEBIT! No way he's risking his credit card. Anyway, the short one got mad and started to growl. He ignored and spoke " news on this years X-games?" Bradley asked since it was the next upcoming event.

The gamma brother co*cked a brow before laughing manically at this question. "What? Did I say something funny?" Bradley sneered in annoyance. "Did no one tell yah sweetheart? You ain't playin this year" Tank said chuckling. "Excuse me? Says who?!" Bradley clenched his teeth. " says the judges. They can't risk another fire hazard like yourself sweet cheeks. Remember? You almost killed me!" He pointed out as Bradley softened. His eyes widening in horror at this being true " you're lying?! Without me the X-games would be nothing!" He said. The tall skinny one co*cked a brow "and what about us huh? What are we? Chop liver?" He asked. Bradley turned his head quickly to glare at him as he replied " A back ground character who works in the side lines to keep the game functioning you dim wit!" He said to the other in anger as all the brothers stood up quickly, some cracking their knuckles ready to throw hands at this rich know it all with no filter. Tank quickly stood in front of Bradley to break this fight up before it even starts. " Okay Brad, watch your mouth" Tank warned " who you calling Brad?" Bradley sneered absolutely despising the nickname. " you sweet heart, now shut it. You got a bad enough rep. And you guys, tone it down will yah? This is the Gamma house not f*cking fight club." Tank said. This caused the vicious intent in the air to die down slightly. " You're lucky Tank is here Brad" Short stock snickered as the other snickered along with him. Bradley ignored and scoffed rolling his eyes " okay but if I'm not playing then who is replacing me?" He asked.

Tank sighed rubbing the back of his neck " that's what we're deciding on. We don't know yet." Tank said. Bradley looked around and saw an opening to sabotage his own team. Make it seem like he's being nice by giving his role to the member who he felt was the least talented of them all. When they lose the X-games, then the will see the actually needed Bradley. "Might I suggest this lucky fellow?" He smirked offering it to the tallest of the players who didn't even skate but offered an intimidating aura besides Tank. Tank and the rest stood up in shock " what?! He doesn't even know how to do an Ollie!" And blah blah blah. " no no! We just haven't seen his full potential yet." Bradley smirked and wrapped an arm around the other. " we can't cheat again Brad. It ain't happening" Tank declared and looked around " You, you're replacing Bradley" he picked a totally different player than Bradley's decision and it seemed like the rest of the Frat agreed. Bradley realized his power in the frat was becoming diminished. How did he fall so far off? After everything he's given it's like he's never even existed in the first place. He scoffed and walked out of the room as quickly as he came in with the sounds of cheering could be heard in the background for the new replacement. Everything was beginning to turn into sh*t.

At least he still is in the university and has potential to earn a college degree. But what is his passion for college if he isn't part of the X-games?....

Chapter 3: Chapter III

Chapter Text

As story goes Bradley wouldn't be able to participate in this year's college X-games sadly. He had went to his room and closed the door behind him. He attempted to hold himself up with pride but his knees had gone weak as he fell to the floor. Staring into a never ending abyss of shame. As of recently he had become more dissociative, lost in thought. His father ashamed of him, his grandfather was disappointed, his gamma brothers angered, losing the ability to part take in the most important event in his life time, worst of all he could feel Tank's pity on him. Tank. Having pity on the man who had almost killed him? How was this right at all? This made no sense, none at all. It enraged him to think he was getting pity, no one ever describes the way they feel when receiving pity. To Bradley it was like a stake right through his brain, no matter how much money in the world he had, no matter how much fear he had gathered from the peers around him, it's like everything he was was washed away and replaced by some dying old man. This young and to think he was the fool of a circus act after being on top for so long. Things had significantly declined for the other when the x-games had arrived last year. Events recalled like a bad dream he couldn't wake up from.

He tried to distract himself. Maybe finishing up assignments days before the due date and being ahead of his work will distract him. He got off the floor and headed for his desk, opening up his book bag to start with and he dumped his homework on to his desk. He rolled up his sleeves and put his glasses on getting ready to work. First assignment was an essay, a summative . It was a book report in which students had the option to pick a random book from classical literature genre and write a report on the psychological background and deeper meaning of its contents. Bradley being his father's son was used to reading all sorts of classical literature when he was younger. Of course comics, sci-fi and romance had peaked his interest here and there but one book in particular always caught his eye that he hadn't read yet. It was within the classical literature genre luckily and his mother had claimed it to be her favorite book. The picture of Dorian gray.

How to get that book? He had pulled out his wallet and skateboard needing to make a trip to the library to grab the book. Therefore passing the gamma brothers. He walked passed them as one asked " where are you headed Brad?" Obviously using the nickname to taunt and tease. Bradley flinched and gritted his teeth as he turned and smiled in such a gut wrenching manner. " the library, I need to grab a book" he smiled. He needed to avoid conflict with the frat. If they won't listen and he won't install some sort of hierarchy power then they could do whatever they wanted. Even ban him from the frat. He can't risk it. So he turned and left fast. He rode his skate board to the library. Passing by males and females of different cliques such. Some not minding his passing, some glaring. But whatever. He needed something and went to retrieve it.

When arriving to the library he had found the picture of Dorian gray by Oscar Wilde. Alongside the classical literature section he ventured to see if he could find books he had previously read. Frankenstein, Dracula, Lolita, Crime and Punishment, The trials, hunchback of Notre dame, the monk... yeesh. Bradley realized how much gothic literature he had consumed at such a young age. That could not be good for the mental. But then he caught wind of a rather tinier book but it was recognizable. His mother read it when he was younger just like Dorian gray except she never really talked after reading each chapter yet it fascinated her to no extent. He took the book of the shelf and read it out loud "No longer Human by Osamu Dazai?" He whispered to himself.

He flinched hearing " I heard it's good! Tell me what you think after! I have yet to read it" The librarian Ms. Marpole said as she smiled softly. Bradley blinked awkwardly for a second but then smiled softly and nodded " will do" he said. Now he had to check out the book. He's gone so far down that this small interaction made him feel inclined to read it just because her tone was so sweet and gentle. Ever since elementary school he's struggled to find anyone who would speak to him like that unless it had something to do with lust or benefits. It was such a strange form of comfort. He didn't want to let go of it.

When checking the books out he decided to read No longer Human in the library. He opened to the first page and was hit with the first few words "My life has been one of much shame." And he immediately closed the book. Well that was um... rather coincidental! One line that summed up his junior year pretty nicely. Regardless that line did intrigue him..... he reopened the book yet again and continued to read. Every twisted ideology of that book gathered his attention and intrigued him to continue on further and further with the book investing him so much that it held him tightly in a choke hold. He found himself relating a little bit here and there and because of this it really had him set on every detail and analyzing each page. He knew he f*cked up when he didn't bring his bagel with him because he might just change the book he will be writing about now.

By the time the library had begun to close he was already half way through the book. He was so focused on this powerful read that he lost all tracking of time. He sighed and memorized the page number as he got up and left with his two books.

When he arrived back to the frat he felt solemn. Empty this book weighed heavy on his heart. A disgustingly, gut wrenching story expressing the authors distain in women only to be told that it was a fear caused by his early childhood sexual assaulted. Bradley couldn't deny that if he had been in a situation like that his feelings might've been pivoted or might've been more peaked depending on his chemical imbalance of his brain. Science never ceases to amaze him. How a traumatic situation like a sexual assault could either make a human more sexually active or be repulsed by the acts itself, maybe even adore people who had the same traits of the assaulter or even be disgusted by anyone who shared the same attributes. He's never been in a position of sexual assault thankfully but what makes him different than Osamu Dazai or aka Yozo as mentioned in the book is that instead of hating anyone who shared the attribute of his abuser. Aka women. Bradley always found himself speaking comfort and clarity in appeasing those who remind him of his own abuser. His father. A strong, independent man, who holds himself with much power over others without a care in the world. Bradley had always admired that and wanted to become like him so badly, more than anything. Yet he knew from a long time ago, that, that dream seemed to be just a desensitized version of what he was forced into thinking was the ideal man.

One of the frat mates saw Bradley looking rather lost in his expression and grew worried thinking Bradley was in distraught about the X-games still. He asked "Hey Brad, you doin alright buddy?" Which broke Bradley's trance. " hm? Oh yeah I'm fine. Ignore me" he said stepping up the stairs to his room " hey man, listen were all still sorry about the x-games sh*t really, it's just that-" and the frat brother was interrupted. " no no! It's fine really. If you think I'm still upset you are mistaken my friend. I'm just tired. I've spent the whole day in the library and I need a break. That's all" Bradley said with an eerily tone of comfort and kindness? This wasn't normal Bradley behavior but the gamma brother shook it off "alright man whatever you say... but pizza is in the oven if you want any dude." the guy said while quickly walking away " thank you" Bradley replied. Maybe after a shower he'll grab a bite. Why not?

Chapter 4: Chapter IV

Chapter Text

According to P.J. he said he had seen Bradley in the library all day yesterday.

I found that strange considering no one ever sits in the library all day. None moving and in a trance. P.J. explained how he had grabbed a book earlier in the day for a class and saw Bradley sitting at a empty table reading some story. P.J. hadn't touched it until later that day to finish up some assignments. When looking at the book he had realized it was the wrong one and. Returned to the library to exchange it only to see Bradley there. In the same spot looking more distraught and sad. This made me wonder if Bradley genuinely sat there unmoving the whole day. Did he eat at all? Use the bathroom? Drink water? There's no way he just sat there for so long. Personally I could never. I would need multiple breaks throughout the day if I was doing some hard core studying. I expressed this thought and P.J. shook his head saying "No dude, he wasn't even studying. He was just reading a book. That's it!" Which sort of made a little more sense now. When it comes to studying everyone can't handle the absolute overdrive of concentration it takes to do all that. But when reading a book, especially a good one I can see how it would be easy to get lost into it. But now this just struck another thought that would be mentioned out loud "Depends on what book he was reading. Did you manage to catch it?" He asked as P.J. simply shook his head no "Nope. But it looked sort of short. So I don't know why he was there for so long." he mentioned and my mind immediately raced to "He probably has dyslexia or something" I shrugged as Bobby sat up from his bed "Yo, don't make fun of dyslexia dude. It ain't fun" he mentioned as I perked up and turned looking at Bobby, completely forgetting he was there in the first place " My bad man, I didn't mean to joke about it. It was just a thought" I replied quickly. I keep forgetting Bobby had dyslexia. Bobby nodded as a sign that he quickly forgave me as he ate some spray can cheese. Normal Bobby behavior but whatever.

I looked back at P.J. and asked "what made you tell me that Bradley was at the library all day? Why would it matter to me man?" I asked getting off of my bed to grab a shirt to change into. " I don't know" P.J. said simply, but based on the look on his face he wasn't done finishing the thought so I waited for a few seconds for him to reply and that he did "He just doesn't seem like Bradley anymore. It's uncanny and weird man. I think you broke him!" P.J. snickered as I did to. " Well deserved though" Bobby mentioned as I nodded " Little miss princess needed a rude awakening and he got what he deserved when he got his ass kicked in the X-games" I mentioned which the others snickered. " for real man. But it feels good to be on top!" Bobby smirked. "Real man, we're no longer the losers we once were in high school! It's great!" P.J. replied. I had to agree with them. It felt good to be on top.

I looked at the time though realizing I had practically 20 minutes left to grab a bite to eat and then head to class " Hey, I'll see you guys later. I gotta get goin" I said dapping P.J. goodbye and nodded at Bobby who held up a peace sign. I grabbed my skateboard and bag as I left. I grabbed some food in the cafeteria and headed to my literature class. When arriving I found a seat quickly. The room wasn't completely full yet so I scanned around to see if I knew anyone there, maybe I could switch seats and make conversation. But my eyes landed on Bradley. I squinted noticing some new details. His snarky demeanor had slowly disintegrated and he slowly had grown dark circles around his eyes. Probably from lack of sleep. Of course he still kept his clean cut look, that wasn't different. I also noticed he had a book in his hand. It was probably the one P.J. was talking about this morning. I looked at the title reading " no longer human". That caught my attention considering it seemed so angsty just by the title itself and the dark circles around Bradley's eyes were fueling that theory much more. I perked up realizing I had been staring at Bradley when he looked my way and co*cked a brow. I quickly signaled with my hands to ask what he was reading. He simply tilted his head and closed the book lifting it up to show me which I found VERY SHOCKING! Bradley Uppercrust the motherf*cking third. Not shooting me a death glare? Or insulting me straight away? But instead just being reluctant and showed me the book he was reading! That was insane, P.J. was right! Bradley was changed- oh wait I spoke to soon. I think he might've noticed my shocked expression so he rolled his eyes sighing and went back to reading. Regardless of such he still agreed to show me the book. It was off behavior. I might be overthinking a little but still. I found it eerie.

The class filled up more so and it had begun. The professor asking all of us if we had found a book we were interested in to present. Some nodded their heads, including me. He then asked each student who said yes to confirm which book we would be picking as each one took turns telling the story title, author and genre. Bradley chose the book he was reading before class started and said simply " No longer human by Osamu Dazai, a semi-autobiographical Japanese classical literature novel." to which the professor wrote down. Then another student spoke next saying " Stephen King's the shining. A horror novel" as the professor wrote it down. The professor then called my name as I spoke " same as hers" I simply said and I was denied " You cannot pick a book that was already chosen Mr Goof" He said as I perked up shocked by that " okay um.... Then I choose I have no mouth and I must scream by Harlan Ellison, a sci-fi novel" I shrugged. If I listened to the audiobook it would be 40 minutes long and I had a basic understanding of the concept of the book itself considering it was gaining popularity. The teacher allowed it and wrote down the book. Others chose Franz Kafka books or Mary Shelley or even Oscar Wilde. 'Have fun with reading those long-ass books' I thought to myself until someone said Fyodor Dostoyevsky and I was in genuine shock. Even the teacher was shocked too considering his books were 600 pages long in such small text. But whatever floats their boat at the end of the day.

After class the teacher called Bradley to the front of the class to discuss something with him in private. I was meaning to leave ASAP but I couldn't resist the temptation to be nosy and listen in. From what I could make out I heard the teacher explain to Bradley that he had an averaging B level grade. So I thought to myself ' That's a good grade? Why is he being called up?' And as I listened more my eyes widened when the teacher said " I suggest you fix this grade by working your ass off on the project. If you don't then don't blame me for your father's wrath." he said. This made me so confused as to why the f*ck a teacher would say that? But Bradley scoffed and replied " sometimes I hate the fact you and my father are friends. But fine, whatever I'll complete the project with nothing but absolute perfection" he said as the teacher hummed " you better" as he patted Bradley's shoulder. Bradley spun on his heel and begun to walk out. That's when I got on my board and skated away. So now I had more information on Bradley; lack of sleep, reading what I can only assume is a angsty book, our professor is a friend to his father but still doesn't give Bradley a break despite their connections and a change in his personality. Those clues alone were enough to raise some red flags but I shouldn't really be caring...except I did care. I felt guilty because I feel as though I have a part in all of this when winning last years X-games. Did me winning f*ck up Bradley? No I'm overthinking it. Bradley is fine. I can't be thinking so hard on this subject or I'll only stress myself out even more.

But maybe it is my fault.... Maybe I did f*ck him up and throw him off his game. After all, after the X-games his reputation has shifted so much you wouldn't think that the famous Bradley from just a year ago was the same Bradley you're hearing about and seeing today. Same can be said for me honestly. Initially, I thought we had just switched roles in the social status but I'm thinking Bradley has been going through so much worse than anything I've ever been through.

Chapter 5: Chapter V

Chapter Text

My name is Bradley Uppercrust. A title of nobility. But I have been demoted to lower state of social classing. Not based of money but my reputation. I feel like I shouldn't be wallowing in my self deprecation, yet I cannot help but feel I must. I have lost the respect I had worked so hard to accumulate whilst growing up. Father wouldn't be proud of the state I have wound up putting myself through. I'm a grown man in college yet I still feel as though I am a child desperate to seek the attention and validation from my own father. The man who lacks empathy for anyone. Especially his own son. I am his only child, he proclaimed he didn't demand children but here I am. A product of a marriage of convenience. My mother who grew up wealthy would continue to live a comfortable life with my father's fortune. My father who also grew up wealthy and who desperately needed an heir to hold the business. Then there was me, growing up in wealth. But what is wealth and being surrounded by money when your whole life you feel trapped in a jail cell. Father always demanded perfection. Using different methods to play with my mind and toy with me to persuade me to do better. That being praise to inspire me by showering me in gifts and treats, only to have me have a small mishap and destroy all my personal belongings and shouting threats of any sort of death sentence caused by his own hand. It got to me psychologically. With my father, I learned one rule. You never ask, you just manipulate the game to take whatever you want. For example, women never really intrigued me but I noticed women found me desirable. I took care of myself to an extent and I managed to play into a facade in which I tell white lies that made me seem like an angel. Therefore I grasp their attention. Of course now it won't work considering my reputation is destroyed. But it did previously. Women adored me for my charm. Men adored me for my determination and success. But now I am simply....nothingness. That's not completely true. To others I am an incompetent fool, a cheater and a misfit, a spoiled brat who knows no bounds. I try my best to act accordingly but I get no where in the end.

All the stress of being destroyed builds up so heavily within the mind, Of course it only gets worse knowing my father knows. How fun summer was! God.... I was so happy when school came back ease the tension weighing heavily on my mind, I decided to grab a coffee. See if everything will ease up and have the taste of maybe a hint of vanilla or cinnamon take my mind away from its troubling thoughts.

I arrived to the cafe soon later and wait in line, sharp dagger-like glares stab at me from all different directions. North, south, east, west of the cafe. I glance up. A blonde girl sitting, legs crossed on the couch sipping her latte, her lips pursed in disgust, her nose twinged and scrunched pairing rather nicely to what her lips conveyed. I look left, a man leaned against a wall as what seems to be his friend whispering in his ear. They both glance back at me and quickly retreat their gazes to laugh and snicker. I didn't mind. After all, my father's famous words "It's fine if people talk, it's being forgotten that you should fear." Those words stuck with me throughout my youth. To be forgotten is to be exiled. He installed these words in my mind since birth. Fear. That's what he desired and I generously gave it to him. So as I wait for just a simple cup of coffee in line, I disregard their stares of malice. In fact, I desire the attention. As long as I am not forgotten. I am not just a nobody. Of course, I would argue that I prefer to be recognized for my greatness and my achievements but I also realized that I can't have everything. When my turn came to order, I stepped up to the counter speaking without delay or draw back. I can't let others know that the event had changed me. It had changed me but I can't show it. " May I get a mocha." I asked pulling out my wallet. My order was simple yet straight to the chase. It wouldn't be a bother to make it, after all I had bothered all of the student just by being here. But whatever. This isn't some sort of diluted cry for attention. It was the truth that I sadly had to come to terms with. I paid for my drink and left my usual five dollar tip as I sat at an empty table. As the coffee was placed down I had taken out my book to read and let my mind wander through the endless amounts of words and unintentional poetry. I was never one to let my heart be swayed but this book had done that for me.

As I read and read and read I found myself ordering more drinks as well, to keep a reason to just stay in this cafe and read. Eventually the cafe was coming to a close and I had almost finished the book. 'Just a little longer...' I thought to myself with a sigh. Only to have it be broken by little miss mochachino walking over to me "what's up? You've been here all day, before you wouldn't have even dared walk in here" she mentioned as I co*cked a brow "since when did it become illegal to enter a cafe?" I asked in a snarky remark as she rolled her eyes at my attitude. She sighed "it's not that. But it's the fact that it's unusual? Something happened huh? You wanna talk about it?" She asked. She had gone straight to the point and offered an ear. I found it odd but reluctantly I agreed. Opening up to someone could probably relinquish some lingering thoughts. But then I spoke " we wouldn't have enough time to talk since the cafe is closing." I pointed out and she smirked "I work here hun, I'm allowed to stay and invite at least one person" she said. She sat down in front of me and asked "So... tell me what's been troubling you" she asked. I went quiet for a second but I opened up. "I have a B in my literature class currently." I said. She waited for more but when I wasn't speaking she looked confused " Is that all? A B letter grade is good" She replied.

"But it isn't perfect." I retorted.

"Perfection is only in the mind" she came back.

"Not to every mind" I sighed

"But isn't your mind the only one you need to satisfy?" She questioned

"My mind isn't even my own. I am what I am" I was then interrupted

"And what are you?" She asked

"I am my father's spawn. If I cannot appease my father's standards then I become his burden" I answered. She took a moment to think of her next words before speaking once more " So the real issue isn't your grade. It's what stems from it?" She asked. I looked up to meet her gaze. Analyzing it... hating it. A look of pity followed as I stared shocked. Pity, concern.... I am not an animal is some sort of distress. " that's exactly what it is." I realized what I was doing. I was going to let my emotions get the best of me and misdirect her concern into fear. " who knows, maybe since it's a B my father will cut off my credit cards or something. But taking away money wouldn't be enough to satisfy his appetite. I assume maybe he will break my nose again or maybe lecture me for hours upon hours on how I'm some sort of ungrateful brat that doesn't know true hardships. Or how I will never be his son. That's why I refer to myself as his spawn. A son is to be nurtured and a spawn is to be trained to be some sort of mule. Following his commands as he says." I replied with no emotion in my tone or face. I've grown fond of these acts, something I'm used to. But she..... she couldn't comprehend this sort of acts from my father. " Brad..." she said softly as I interrupted "Bradley, I detest the name Brad. My father and his father both went by Bradley, why should I have to live with the fact that I haven't been able to earn the respect from even peers to have them correctly pronounce my name" I said gripping my cup tightly. She looked down noticing this and then looked at me "Bradley... you shouldn't live with the fact you are just property" she said as I agreed " oh I know, I know I shouldn't'. Maybe if I didn't then I would've made friends, had a normal social life, had fun. But I didn't and now I'm stuck being the center of just hatred. If that's how life presents itself to me then so be it. But I will not let anyone take advantage of me for my weakened state." I replied standing up and nodded my head in respect " thank you for listening. I must get going." I replied, grabbing my books and leaving the cafe.

Maybe that was a cry, but the look of pity changed into fear and horror was more comforting. I hate pity, I don't care if her fear was because she was scared for me but as long as pity wasn't the facial expression she was making then I don't care.

I already know that she's going to tell her boyfriend but what do I care.

Chapter 6: Chapter VI

Chapter Text

"Brad really said that?" I asked finding that hard to believe. P.J. nodded and said " That's what Stace told me. She said he was in the cafe trying to read and it caught her off guard. Especially because she was so used to him talking sh*t about the cafe you know?" P.J. mentioned. I nodded agreeing. That is strange. Bradley would say the cafe was too poor for his liking or whatever. But as P.J. explained further into what she had mentioned. Bradley, the grade in literature and his overbearing dad. I felt a little saddened by this information. My father was always trying to give me the best life, he can be a little overbearing and all but at least he was trying. It made me realize that I should be more thankful I have a farther like that , not everyone is as lucky. Even though dad is goofy and sometimes gets on my nerves, he's still the best. Bradley on the other hand didn't even get his dad's grace to call him a father. I feel bad for him really, that must be why he acts so....aggravating? Sneaky? I don't know how to truly describe Brad. But things were connecting and to hear that Brad isn't just some stuck up spoiled brat was kind of saddening. P.J continued " She said the way he spoke, it was like she knew he was being honest. She said he was saying really absurd things. Like potential punishments he might receive." P.J. said which made me confused " Isn't Brad a grown ass man? Why would he be scared of his dad?" I asked " Well I can only think the dude depends on his dad, Brad's a rich boy and isn't he like..inheriting his dad's business?" Bobby mentioned also listening in to the conversation. I stayed quiet for a moment. Bobby was right. Bradley was inheriting his dad's business. " I also think I heard from someone Brad didn't have a mom, I heard she ran away without a word or something" I mentioned. I remembered that detail from when I went to the cafe to chill and I heard from a group of students who were sitting nearby. This detail kind of caught Bobby and P.J's attention. Bobby spoke "duuuuuuude.... This is like... lore man" he nodded as I rolled my eyes. Bobby sometimes says the most outrageous sh*t.

Regardless of such I still find it very saddening, I never would've thought Bradley would have it so hard in life yet here we are. I had a moment of thought to go ask him how he was doing. See if he was alright and all. I thought I was doing him a favor by humbling him and all but I guess I had broken him, not just me but others as well. This had changed my perspective completely. Of course I can't blame myself for winning the X-games, it was my dream after all, but I didn't think it could've ever affected Bradley to this extent. Maybe I should check up on him, if he will allow me to. I wasn't going to get up immediately to see him, I'll probably catch him after class today. Something like that.

Later on, it had been time for our literature class and I was seated in my normal spot. I glanced over to see Bradley. He had such a look of focus as he was taking notes, I found it a little funny now noticing it. His nose scrunches when he's hyper focused, his eyebrows twinge a little and his gaze is so sharp. I snickered softly to myself only to be caught by the professor who asked me "care to share what's so funny Max?" He asked as I quickly shook my head. " no no nothing is funny. I'm sorry" I quickly apologized as the professor shook his head and went on with his lesson. It was a long and boring lesson. Excruciatingly long since I wanted to talk to Bradley but now I'm just sitting here dozing off, thinking on what the hell I should even say to him. I shouldn't ask him straight up if he's okay, I'm sure he's gonna be pissed if I do that. Then what..... After dozing off for so long I didn't realize class had ended. I gathered my things quickly and shot straight up to run over to Brad who was leaving.

I had to run past a bunch of people crowding up the hallways, shoving through and profusely apologizing " sorry! Excuse me! Pardon!" And other variants of apologies. Brad was already outside the building by the time I caught up with him. Once reaching Bradley I had grinned widely finally getting to him! "Hey! Brad wait up- WOAH!" I shouted, I had tripped over the uneven sidewalk and landed right on top of Bradley who was slowly turning to look at me. We both crashed to the ground pretty hard and I had landed on top of him so he broke my fall. I groaned a little and lifted myself up to look at Bradley who was laying on the floor looking a little woozy. I panicked and profusely apologized "Holy sh*t dude! I-I'm sorry man I was just trying to-" but then I was interrupted by Brad quickly pushing me off him "watch it freshman" he scoffed and rubbed the back of his head. "So first of all I'm a sophom*ore now and second are you okay? You're not concussed or anything are you?" I asked not even realizing I had been sitting in between his legs as he looked up red faced when I had begun to inspect his head for any bumps or lumps. He quickly pushed me off of him as I co*cked a brow confused "dude you alright?" I asked questionably as he stood up fast "what do you want you goof!" He exclaimed. I didn't understand why he was so bashful and loud for until I looked around noticing others were snickering or laughing. I remembered that we were in a rather suggestive position two seconds ago and I immediately felt worse about it. " Hey man I'm sorry I just wanted to ask if you were okay..." I said softly as he scoffed " I'm fine so leave me alone! I don't need your concern so leave me be" He said as by standers quickly stepped in "Hey don't talk to Max like that!" " yeah Brad! What's your deal? He was being nice to you!" "Jeez, the wrong people get grace" These random people spoke defending me. I didn't even know who these people were! I looked worried and quickly took a look at Bradley who stood there shocked by all these people actively yelling at him to go away, one person went to far and said " I hate rich prissy ass holes, I wish y'all could die off for real". Hearing that sort of triggered me. I stood and ignored them as I quickly grabbed Brad's arm and dragged him away from the crowd. " don't listen to them, they're being dick heads" I quickly said to comfort the others mind. Bradley stared at my hand and snatched his arm back. "What's it to you? I know you agree with them..." He replied making my eyes softened "No I don't. I wouldn't tell you to die. That's way too much" I shook my head. I noticed Bradley rubbing his arm and flinching which had grown my concern " you okay?" I asked " yeah I'm fine" He quickly dismissed but I didn't buy it. I took his arm and noticed his long sleeve sweater was torn at the elbow in which his elbow was bleeding. "dude, you're arm is bleeding you aren't fine. I have a first aid kit back in my dorm. Come on, I'll buy you coffee as an apology man, I'm sorry" I assured as he attempted to protest but I didn't listen as I pushed him to my dorm room.

When arriving, thankfully P.J. and Bobby weren't there as I sat Brad on my bed " okay give me a sec.." I said as I searched for the kit, I heard Bradley scoff annoyed which was understandable but frankly annoying. I rolled my eyes and found the kit. I retuned and gently rolled his sleeve up, careful to not damage the injury further. My eyes widened seeing these scars on Bradley's arm. They didn't look fresh but there was a lot..... I automatically assumed they were self harm scars and I think he noticed that I was thinking that because he sighed " don't get your panties in a twist. I didn't cut myself" he said assuring me. That gave me a little relief considering I was worried for a moment especially from the way Brad was acting recently. I had begun tending to his wound in silence. The silence was suffocating and I noticed he flinched here and there because the alcohol for sure burned. But to fill the silence I had asked the stupidest thing I could think of. Something that I shouldn't have asked but I did anyway.

"Were these made by your father?...."

Chapter 7: Chapter VII

Chapter Text

I stared at Max stunned at the audacity of him asking something so personal. My eyebrows furrowed as my glare sharpened in slight fury. " Little miss mochachino told you huh?" I scoffed as his gaze softened apologetically "What makes you think it's a good idea to ask something so personal?" I asked still so shocked at his question. He sighed softly "I know it's personal and all but I can't help but wonder" he replied as I co*cked a brow wanting him to be specific " wonder what?" I asked curiously. " I wanna know who you really are, who you are now especially since you act differently. I know we aren't friends but what the f*ck is going on?" He asked " You aren't going to be all sad and depressed during the X-games are you?" He asked chuckling softly. I didn't reply. I felt a twinge of heartbreak. He still thinks I'm playing this year... " I can't participate in the X-games anymore..." I replied softly yet in an annoyed manner. His reaction was nothing but pure and utter shock " what?! Why?!" He asked " oh don't act so clueless, you know the exact reason why! I cheated and endangered others to my own benefit!" I admitted. I couldn't lie or falsify the truth! That's what happened. I'm just so shocked Max is such an idiot he couldn't piece it together. "So its not even out of your own choice, its that you're banned" He said in a way he was piecing things together finally realizing " yes.. I wanted to play this year but I can't for obvious reasons..." I said with a soft sigh as Max looked at the ground thinking of his next words to say. " I understand why, but even so I still consider you an all time rival." He cracked a joke to tease. That made me freeze, it was relieving to hear that. It was like something at least didn't change. I have to admit, I smiled softly and even chuckled at his statement to which he joined me. " you're lame as hell Max" I replied as he scoffed " says the one who wears polo sweaters everyday" he insulted as I smirked " you wish you could pull off my look" I said with falsified pride as he poured more alcohol on my wound as I flinched and hissed in pain " ass hole! What was that for?!" I exclaimed annoyed. He snickered and replied "because your prissy ass needs a wake up call sir blabs a whole f*cking lot" He insulted. I had to admit, even though it pissed me off. It was a good comeback.

He eventually wrapped up my wound as he let his arms drop onto his lap and sat next to me on his bed. I leaned against the framing of the bed near the foot end side while he leaned against the opposite end frame. "I'm sorry for coming off as nosy earlier about your dad..." he apologized. "It's fine.... But if you want to know so badly, it is his fault I have these scars" I sighed softly finally answering his question. He looked up at me curiously, I had grabbed his attention. He then proceeded to ask " does he usually do that?" As he tilted his head to the side. I nodded and looked at him " It was for minor faults, like whenever I used the wrong fork when eating I got hit on the wrist from a ruler he'd carry. When I mispronounced a word in French or Dutch or German, I would get hit." I explained and fully expected him to give me a look of pity. But to my surprise I was met with shock " no way... you speak four languages?! He asked in an astonished manner. I was stunned by this question but I nodded " yeah? Why?" I asked. " that's impressive!! Do you only know those languages?" He asked as I chuckled at his stupid questions " no, I know Spanish, Russian, Portuguese , Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, Greek and Latin." I said which shocked him even further. "No f*cking way, you're lying!" He accused as I laughed " No I'm not. I really do know all those languages!" I defended myself " that's so impressive... I only know English and a little Spanish from high school." He chuckled. " being bilingual is useful though. It gets you around easier." I replied as he snickered " Yeah especially when you need to use the bathroom during Spanish" he joked as I chuckled softly. " what made you learn Spanish?" I asked " well if you took two years of language classes in my high school, your college resume looks better. But I actually really like Spanish class so I took it all four years" He explained and then asked me " what made you become multilingual?" As I thought for a moment " um... multiple reasons... my dad wanted me to learn for bragging rights, I traveled a lot as a child, like you it's also impressive for college resumes." I explained as Max asked " where have you traveled to?"

"A lot around America, Italy, France, Morocco, Dubai, China, Japan, Korea, Greece, Qatar, The UK, Brazil, Russia and the Netherlands" I said which flabbergasted Max " Holy sh*t.... So your family is rich-rich huh?" He chuckled as I rolled my eyes snickering " I guess so" I shrugged " you're so lucky....I wish I had money like that to spend" he chuckled. That struck a cord with me, I didn't indulge in his laughter and I assume he noticed because his chuckling stopped abruptly and he asked " why aren't you laughing?" He asked curiously. " It's because I don't agree with you" I replied. "My father might have a lot of money but I don't own any of it. Because he's such a rich ass hole he thinks he can do anything. You don't understand how the higher class treats their spawn. Majority of the time I'm just used to be his tool" I sighed as Max co*cked a brow " His spawn? Why don't you just say his son or child? He asked. That's when I chuckled " because I'm not his son." I replied as his eyebrows raised "wait wait wait.... You're adopted?" I asked to which the room fell into silence before I had bursted into laughter at the others stupidity "No! Dumb ass" I practically teared up from laughing too hard as he blushed embarrassed " ass hole..." he pouted and crossed his arms " so what do you mean by spawn then wise guy?" He accused. I sighed softly after getting a good laugh in " I mean he doesn't allow me to call him father and he thinks I'm not capable of being his son" I explained chuckling as I looked up at Max. I froze seeing the heart broken expression in his eyes. I went silent and looked away as he leaned in and held my hand gently " You don't deserve that. I don't think anyone deserves that..." he reassured me to which I felt disgusting. I snatched my hand away at his pity and coughed in my hand slightly " um... thanks..." I said awkwardly. I'm not gonna get used to Max this fast. But I think I can get used to him eventually.

By the time our chat ended I had to get going to my next class. He offered to walk my but I denied his help, I can't be a burden to the man that helped wrap my injuries and actually gave me a true smile after so long. We said our goodbyes as I left his dorm. I think maybe this changes my perspective of Max a little. It felt nice to open up to him and he was so.... Thoughtful and understanding....

When arriving to my trigonometry class, I had sat down and took out my notebook to copy notes. I was focused just so all the information I could gather would be remembered. I jotted things down and when class had ended I couldn't help but think of Max. It's just that encounter really struck a cord for me. I genuinely enjoyed hanging out with him. I was walking out of class not even realizing that I had a smile on my face. That was until Tank wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I flinched and looked at him " look who's smiling~" he teased making me blush at being caught "Hello Tank" I said. That's when I realized Tank was making physical contact with me. That means he's actually beginning to forgive me.... Oh thank god... did I manage to finally get my friend back?! Tank then spoke "I'm starving man, wanna hit up a burger joint or something?" He asked. " mmmmm I'm not feeling burgers right now" I said softly in thought. He waited patiently for me to make up my mind as he co*cked a brow. " maybe Italian?" I asked " Ooooooh~ taking me out somewhere fancy~ huh lover boy~ making me blush" he teased like he used to do. I snickered and rolled my eyes " yeah yeah all the best for you babe" I indulged in the joke. This is how Tank and I used to joke. Pretend flirting. Of course I've seen Tank actually fall in love before. When that happens he becomes a gentle giant, all tongue tied and such.

When arriving to the restaurant, he ordered half the menu practically. Keep in mind Tank was actually a Tank, he does body building, Rugby, Weight lifting on top of skating. He mainly focuses on arms and chest, he prefers the pudge on his stomach which rather suits him. He ate his spaghetti and meatballs with his garlic bread. Yet all I ordered was a salad. He noticed this and asked " why are you only getting salad? You on a diet?" He asked to which I nodded " yeah, thanksgiving break is coming up in two months and I have to lose a few pounds of fat and replace it with muscle as soon as possible" I replied. " what for?" Tank asked as he took another huge bite of his food " well I'm going home for break. Father does this weird thing of making sure I'm orderly. Checking my measurements, weight, hair and all" I explained as Tank rolled his eyes " I f*cking hate your dad. He's such a lame ass loser" he said causing me to chuckle softly " I couldn't agree more" I said back while eating my salad. " what's gonna happen when you don't reach your goal though? He asked. " eh.... He'll probably bitch me out and threaten me like usual" I shrugged " that's not normal. But at least he doesn't physically abuse you" He said whilst munching " no, but I do think he will put me on a strict diet and work out routine to make me as thin as possible." I said " how strict are we talking?" Tank asked me while sipping his cola. "Like strict enough that I've passed out and had an eating disorder before" I explained and flinched hearing Tank choke from shock on his cola. " What the f*ck?..." he said " yeah your dad is some sad*stic f*ck head" he said as a matter of fact.

"Oh Tank... you don't even know the half of it..."

Chapter 8: Chapter VIII

Chapter Text

"How in gods name did you get the Bradley Uppercrust the III to come here?" P.J. asked me in utter shock by my story. I don't blame him considering Bradley and I are famous rivals and it's been widely known that we despise each other. I replied to P.J's question with " I accidentally tripped and fell on him. He crashed and hit the ground scrapping his elbow and I felt bad so I brought him back and patched him up. Then we hung out, chatted for a little which was surprisingly nice and then he left for class. I was supposed to buy him a coffee as an apology but I guess I'll save that offer for another day." I said with a shrug. Bobby was just as confused as P.J as he hit his blunt in the corner, inhaling the smoke and blowing out the excess "uhhhhh cool, can we order pizza now or nah?" Bobby asked not really caring for the conversation anymore which I was thankful for because I can't handle this interrogation anymore. P.J snatched the blunt for Bobby and took a hit too as I called up the nearest pizza place "Hey, can I get a large pepperoni pizza-" "With extra cheese man!" Bobby interrupted as I sighed "With extra cheese for-" "don't forget the mozzarella sticks man~" Bobby giggled as I rolled my eyes " with mozzarella sticks for Max Goof? And add in a liter of Mountain Dew please" I asked. "Okay man is that all?" The pizza dude asked and I replied "yup" "okie dokie, your order should be ready and delivered in 20 minutes. Can I get the address?" They asked as I told them the address and the dorm number "alright, thank you for ordering!" They said as the phone call ended. I looked at the boys "20 minutes, now let me get a hit" I asked at Bobby passed the blunt over. I took a hit and coughed a little at the slight burning sensation in my throat but I still liked it.

20 minutes passed and we got a freshly baked pie with mozzarella sticks. I took the pizza and gave the delivery guy a tip, I placed the pizza down on the desk and opened the box taking the first slice. Bobby and P.J. ate like animals. Can't blame them, we all had the munchies pretty bad. I'm not gonna hype myself and say I ate like some sort of high class motherf*cker. It's pizza, you're supposed to inhale that sh*t. I ate around three slices though, I left the rest for P.J and Bobby considering I had to wash my hands and finish the book report up. It was due tomorrow and we were presenting to the class. I already finished the and only needed to explain the conclusion of the story and why it ended that way. P.J and Bobby were playing video games since they were all caught up with their projects and assignments anyway. For being dumb asses, they were actually really responsible and smart students. I liked that about them, they're fun idiots but smart asses at the same time, they just don't show it. Especially Bobby, he acts so stupid but he's in some of the hardest classes since he's going into software engineering.

I managed to finish up my project after popping in my earbuds and drowning out all noises with my headphones. By the time I finished I realized it was way past time to knock out. It was 1 am after all. I stretched and yawned taking off my shirt and chucking it in the hamper, then came off the pants as I crawled into my bunk, under the covers and slept soundly. Although I had a dream where I was back at the X-games. But it was in the perspective of an outsider point of view. When Brad had seen me pass by and pulled out the remote. His desperate face full of determination in anger as he spouted "No one finishes this race but me" then after as he skate past the fire and smoke that Tank and I were engulfed in practically. The way he looked, full of smug pride. But it was like I got more information on who was watching. A older man who had similar features to Brad. It looked like what I assumed was his father who was watching the X-games with an amused face until Brad had lost. Then his father's expression changed from amusem*nt to pure rage. He wasn't screaming or anything but his eyes. It was like there was fire.

I woke up from this strange dream confused and slightly deranged. I sighed rubbing the back of my head as I turned to see what time it was. I realized quickly I was running late. I didn't even have enough time to brush my teeth! I quickly changed into something decent, put on my shoes, grabbed my project, bag and skateboard, then I dashed out while fixing my hair on the way to my literature class. I knew I shouldn't have slept so late! When I arrived I was saved by the bell thankfully! I sat down in my seat to which I heard a cough next to. I co*cked a brow and looked over shocked to see Brad had switched spots and sat next to me. " morning? you look like a mess" He teased with a snicker. I rolled my eyes and sighed " I woke up five minutes ago..." I said still so tired. Brad's face scrunched in slight disgust " I don't mean to be that guy but... did you even brush your teeth?" He whispered as I flinched and clasped my hand over mouth blushing in embarrassment. "Is it that bad?!" I whisper shouted as Brad laughed softly nodding. He pulled out a granola bar from his bag and a pack of gum. " I'm assuming you didn't eat anything either so here." He passed both things over. I sighed in relief, unclasping my mouth " can't believe I'm saying this but you're god sent." I chuckled as Bradley gagged a little " say that after you eat-" he said. This gave me the idea to annoy him and so a leaned in and huffed a waft of nasty breath straight into his face. Hear me out, I'm just a guy! But Brad's face was priceless. He had a look of fear as he gagged and went teary eyed. I 100% invoked trauma to him and I was proud. I snickered and ate the granola bar and right after I popped in a piece of gum. Our professor then begun to speak "good morning class, I hope you all remember that today we will be presenting our presentations accordingly one by one. So please be respectful to one another as we present, be quiet and no interrupting." He said as he pulled out his attendance sheet. "First up-.." and random names were called. Half the class went today and it continued on the next day. I was part of the group of students who went the first day. I'll admit my story was a little disturbing considering it was a horror story but I ended up getting a standard grade as a result. So there wasn't much to complain about. When I went back to my seat Bradley had nodded "impressive presentation" he complimented. I snickered "thanks, it totally beats your presentation I bet" I had to tease as Bradley rolled his eyes "we'll see about that." He replied as a matter of fact. When class ended though I finally got to uphold my end of the deal, Bradley and I ended up hanging out at the cafe and I bought him a coffee. It was actually really nice and Bradley ended up teaching me how to play chess. Needless to say I'm not a fan of the board game. I'd rather play Uno instead.

When the next day arrived a few more students presented, including Brad. I snickered hearing his name be called up "good luck" I whispered as he smiled. Usually Brad would say " I don't need it" or whatever snarky sh*t but the smile was a nice change of pace. He walked down the stairs and was in front of the class. I watched him present as he begun. " My name is Bradley Uppercrust and for my book report I chose the semi-Autobiographical book 'No longer human' by Osamu Dazai. To begin with some context, this book is a top seller in Japan considering the author is an extremely famous writer in the classical literature genre. But these were his journal's told in the story of a fake character he created to represent himself. The name of the main character is Yozo. His story starts off from when he was young, he came from a rich family and he was put into a good school, yet he never felt like he truly belonged. In fact he felt almost inhuman compared to his classmates. Because of this, he had developed a fear of them finding out he was some sort of outsider, so he used comedy and expressed himself to be a sort of clown to throw the other students off his track. That was until one day during P.E he had pulled a fake stunt of falling and a young boy called him out, accusing him by saying he did that stunt on purpose. Therefore Yozo kept the student close, becoming his quote on quote friend. I believe he did this to manipulate the other, make him think differently about Yozo in case he had uncovered his secret." He begun and as Bradley went on and on about this book it was as if there was unintentional poetry in his wording. Yet the whole vibe of the class had went from tired and annoyed to saddened yet focused. The book Bradley chose, the way he spoke about it specifically. It was like he was relating to it. It was a rather depressing book, it mentioned triggering subjects such as sexual assault, drug abuse, alcoholism, family issues, mental disorders, a falsehood of reality and most importantly. Suicide. He explains how the beginning sentence "My life has been one of much shame" and the ending sentence "This year I am twenty-seven. My hair has become much grayer. Most mistake me for over forty." Had corresponded and tied the book together nicely. But what really struck me was when Bradley said "now there are many conspiracy theories on this book, but one I believe was that this book was actually a suicide note. After all 4 months after publishing, the author had taken his own life." He explained which sent shivers down all of our spines.

Bradley had ended up getting the best grade in the class undeniably. His book report had genuinely moved the whole class room, of course some would say it was because of the book itself but I had to disagree. I think it was because of Bradley's connection to the book, his personal endeavors were expressed without even him admitting it. That's what made it so powerful. He returned to his seat silently and I could tell his demeanor had changed. It seemed like a silent cry for help and I'm actually ashamed in myself that I didn't say anything to him.

In fact if I had just even said "good job" or anything, I probably would've made a difference.

When class had ended and we all packed up, I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by the teacher who spoke first. "Bradley, come here. I'd like to see you to discuss something." I looked at the professor and then Bradley who had gathered his items and walked towards the front of the classroom to speak to the teacher.

I watched in silence until he reached the front. Then I got up and left. I just had to think for a while.

What was the teacher even going to say to him? I feel like I already know, it's gonna be something stupid like "hey buddy, how are you feeling?" After that presentation. Little did I know I was actually so wrong.

Chapter 9: Chapter IX

Chapter Text

When I had walked up to the front of the classroom I full on believed the professor was going to ask me if I was doing alright mentally. Instead I was caught by surprise when I heard " So your presentation had pushed that B up to an A, I thought I should let you know" He said as I stood shocked for a moment. I smiled softly and breathed a sigh of relief. It's been a long time since I've felt that, relieved. " thank you" I said in a polite manner, as you are to when speaking to someone with authority. "Buuuut" he elongated his wording... in a rather eerie tone. "But what?" I questioned, co*cking a brow suspicious by his brief pause and curious to know what he would say. He sighed.. the longer he took the more anxious I had become. The more anxious I feel, the more I get worked up I get, annoyance builds, tensions arise etc. I felt my whole world crash in an instant though when he spoke " Your father and I are friends so he's told me about your past" he said finally looking up at me. His gaze meeting my own. His gaze was unreadable, he had no expression, no tone. The professor was secluded to expressing anything?! How was I supposed to know as to what he was referring to if he didn't give me one clue. I shook my head to gather my thoughts as a worried chuckle left the bridge of my lips "what-what? What do you mean?" I asked. Stuttering wasn't a good look, in fact father hated it when I used to stutter. His quote on quote training to get rid of it was ruthless but effective. The professor looked a little uncomfortable to go into detail as he nudged his head side to side in a way that I knew he was debating on if he should speak or not. "What?! Spit it out!" I demanded in a tone of fear. He sighed before speaking " he's told me of your troubles in the past including your attempts on um....suicide. I just wanted to ask if you were okay considering um... your book report was rather suggestive to the matter." He asked. I couldn't believe it, not only did he know about my attempts but he asked if I was insinuating that I would attempt yet again. I felt shock but I tried not to express it as I gathered my thoughts yet again before I exploded into a meaningless outrage. "No, I can assure you I am not insinuating that I would be thinking of doing such a thing yet again." I spoke in a calm tone followed by a soft yet forced smile. " Now may I be excused? I'd like to have lunch before I go to my next class" I stated as the teacher looked skeptical but agreed to let me go.

I left the classroom annoyed practically, how dare he think that of me?! concern?! I didn't need his f*cking concern. This is absolutely infuriating, especially at the fact that father would release my business out there like this!! Whatever the matter may be I was just going to try and attempt to calm myself, I can't be getting stress pimples after all. I need to keep my skin porcelain. Which was practically impossible considering I had acne scars from to past. I got so aggravated from my acne when I was younger that I'd pick at them and practically tear them out only to be left with a bleeding wound in my face and regrets right after would follow. No one would see the scars though. I wake up early every morning to get myself ready and apply concealer to cover up any evidence of the matter. I don't like a lot of things about myself, it's probably stemmed from my father's pickiness. He would comment about my hair being dry and messy so I went to a salon and purchased hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of treatments, I wasn't allowed to go to the barber shop as a punishment which sounds silly but as a man it hurts your pride to be in a area where its deemed feminine, yet you get used to it, I had a bump on my nose so I was flown to turkey to get a surgery, I had acne so I had a restricted diet and purchased a whole 20 step skin care routine and even went to the dermatologist god knows how many times, I had either been too thin or too chubby for my fathers liking so I had gone through numerous amounts of diets and work out routines and gained a record for eating disorders, I had messy and bushy eyebrows, I didn't just get them waxed or threaded. I had laser done on them, I had uneven patches of facial hair that were thick and left in grown hairs as well, I got laser done all over my face as well. Arriving home from the X-games? I didn't only just get a missing tooth replaced, I had reconstructive surgery on my jaw because my father found my face uneven and not to his liking. Even my personality didn't suit my father's liking, I was actually a creative and outgoing boy growing up and that lead to countless etiquette classes, therapy sessions and punishments if I didn't act accordingly. I was designed to my father's taste. It was belittling. I can't find one thing I like about myself, not even my grades, I have all A's but for what? It's not for me it's for my father. My trophies? Yeah, all for my father, my medals? I achieved it all for my father. Yet I get no grace or gratitude from him.

That's why I adored college so much, I got to live a little, I got to go out without a team of body guards and spectators following and watching me waiting to report back to my father for anything. How sad is it that my first time eating pizza for god's sake was with the Gamma's?! That's unbelievable in my opinion. In fact sometimes I day dream about how if one day I become a father I would treat my child like my world. Son or daughter, I wouldn't care. I would just adore them. Never hurt them. Protect them..... stuff I would've wanted as a kid.

I had arrived at a restaurant and ordered a chicken salad, no dressing just light lemon and a water on the side. I ate by myself, chewing each bite at least 40 times each side. A crucial step to make sure my brain remembers I'm on a diet, if I have to chew my food 80 times before swallowing it, was it really worth it to eat? Being drowned in my own thoughts of my father's disliking of me wasn't good way to get my mind off of the transaction with the professor earlier but it was a sure way to do so. So I continued to think of it. But because I dozed off, I didn't even realize I wasn't keeping track of how many times I chewed. I even didn't realize until my fork hit the empty plate that I was finished. I looked down shocked by this and was...hungry. I was so f*cking hungry. I wanted a real meal. With salad being the f*cking side maybe! I wanted food so badly... no no no don't think that. I just drank my water and stood up to pay for my meal and left a tip before exiting and heading to my next class. I had time to kill so I took the longer route as I could feel my stomach grumbling but I ignored. I walked and walked until half way to my class I took a brief pause. I closed my eyes and looked tone. My body felt hot and cold at the same time and my head hurt. I knew what this was so I opened my eyes and looked around to find a fountain nearby that I ran to and sat down by. The mist hitting my face was nice and cooling despite the black dots clouding my vision. I slowly regained myself to try and not pass out. I'm so hungry..... after a few minutes I did get up again and walked to my trigonometry class again when I felt better. Light but better. I had arrived and sat in my seat as the lecture begun and I paid attention.

When class ended, I might've stood up too quickly because I swayed as my vision went black for a second. It faded after a few seconds and I could see again but my head still ached. Ignorance is bliss so I ignored the situation and what could've been wrong with me. I left class and went back to the frat house in which the boys were outside playing volleyball. Slouch saw me and shouted "Heyo Brad! Wanna play volleyball with us?" As the others cheered for me to play. Their noise bugged my head ache so I laughed it off and shook my head " sorry guys, I would but I'm exhausted. I'mma take a nap for an hour or so" I said followed by a bunch of 'aww man' or 'come on!' Or even a 'lame ass'. The last insult was a joke obviously so I didn't take it to heart as I continued upstairs. Tank and another Gamma member were eating in the kitchen and chatting about their classes bugging them. Tank looked over and smiled " yo Brad! Baby! Want some wings? They're your favorite man" he chuckled. I paused and looked at the wings. Mouth watering practically but I shook my head " no no I'm alright, thanks though man" as the other Gamma member co*cked a brow "what? You on a diet?" He teased snickering. That stung me but I didn't show it. Instead I laughed it off and replied " no, I ate earlier" I smiled as Tank didn't indulge in the laugh. In fact I think he regretted offering me a wing, he remembered I was on a diet and so he stayed quiet.

I went upstairs to lay in bed and sleep....sleep off the rest of the day hopefully but that was quickly interrupted. I didn't get to relieve my head ache. Instead I got a knock on the door "what?" I replied with my eyes closed as I heard Tank speak "hey Brad, someone is here to see you..." he said. I sighed and stood up walking to open the door and was met by a woman. I went wide eyed in shock as I recognized her.... She was my old therapist.....

She spoke " I was informed by your father to visit you after receiving a rather concerning email from your literature professor..." she started.

Chapter 10: Chapter X

Chapter Text

P.J, Bobby and I grabbed food at the burger joint down the street after our schedule was cleared. P.J and Bobby were laughing it up while I was thinking on and on about the probably embarrassing conversation the professor and Bradley were having earlier. The boys noticed my silence and Bobby asked "what's up Maximillian? Maaaan you've been so down in the dumps lately dude!" He said with concern as I chuckled "ummm... to be honest dude I'm just a little worried you know?" I said as P.J wondered what I was worried about. "What's got you so worked up?" He asked as I shrugged "I guess Brad man... he presented his analysis of this really depressing ass book and it was like he could relate." I said as Bobby chuckled " oh please, it couldn't be that bad man. You trippin" He chuckled " it was bad enough for teacher to called him back to stay after class" I replied rather bluntly as both P.J and Bobby sort of stared rather shocked at that for a second. " okay but it's Brad, he's a little overdramatic" P.J said as I shrugged " I mean sure but this seemed like an actual issue and I'm worried about him you know?" I said almost after immediately I had regrets of saying that because Bobby cooed " awwwww~ Maxyyyyyyy~ you really care for him?! That's so romantic" he snickered as I perked up "oh please Bobby, I don't even think Bradley considers us friends man." I snickered as P.J laughed " yeah! The two are like all time rivals dude! You're sayin some weird things Bobby man, you sure you ain't high right now?" P.J asked. " for your information Pete jr. I am 14 hours sober!" Bobby replying making P.J and I laugh. The discussion of Brad shifted into P.J and I doubling up and pestering Bobby with friendly insults to which he pouted and crossed his arms slouching on his chairs "Not cool dudes..." but Bobby can't stay mad. He ended up giggling and sh*t five seconds later.

After we ate and headed our separate ways though, P.J went to his girlfriend's place to hang out, Bobby went to his late night classes and I skated back to the dorm. As I skated, I heard a noise in the distance. I looked up to see none other than Bradley Uppercrust jogging down the same road I was skating along. I smirked and shouted "Hey Brad! To try to get his attention but I was ignored which confused me. I skated up closer to him and noticed him leaning against a lamp post out of breath. I chuckled finding it a little funny at first as I caught up and stopped nearby him " dude, why are you jogging in this? You're gonna overheat" I pointed out the sweatsuit he was wearing, including the compression shirt underneath which was visible through the collar of his shirt to his neck. He was so out of breath he couldn't even look at me. I grew concerned as I tilted my head and asked " hey, you okay man? Do you need water? I got an extra water bottle on me you know" I mentioned taking it out as he slowly stood back up straight. But I noticed that he was swaying, he looked unfocused and frankly a little scared which concerned me. " Brad? Hey dude? You good?!" I asked waving a hand in front of his face. I gasped seeing him collapse to the ground full on passing out. I caught him before he could hit the ground and looked worried as hell "sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t" I panicked not knowing what to do. That was until I heard a groan from the very sweaty Bradley. " Brad? Brad hey man you good??" I asked quickly. Clearly he wasn't alright but I just wanted a response. He panted softly as he nodded " yeah I'm okay..." He said softly trying to stand. I'm assuming he wanted to continue his run which I wasn't gonna let happen. The dude almost fell face flat onto the ground for god sake! What if I wasn't there? Hell, it's a coincidence he was even running down the same road as I was skating on.

He attempted to take another step but he staggered as I caught him once more "come on man. My dorm is right around the corner. You need a break" I assured him. He didn't protest which was nice thankfully. I slung his arm over my shoulder and wrapped my arm around his waist practically carrying him to the dorms. I walked up each set of stairs and staying quiet on Bradley's appearance. He looked exhausted beyond compare. When reaching my dorm room though, I opened it and brought Bradley to my bed laying him down before returning to the door to close it. I then walked back and checked on him. I checked his forehead, he didn't seem to be overheating but he was warm, most likely because he was sweaty as hell. His breathing was fine and his heart was beating rather quickly, I panicked until I realized it was slowing down to a normal pace once more. Probably just because he was exercising. I thought this whole ordeal was odd. Bradley is an athlete so why couldn't he handle a bit of exercise? There's gotta be more to all of this..... I didn't want the dude to overheat and I realized he had fallen asleep rather quickly on my bed. So I took his sweat shirt and compression shirt off gently, I blushed in embarrassment at this because this looks so wrong. But then I looked down and noticed Bradley's body which sort of alarmed me, I saw him playing volleyball in nothing but trunks the other day and swimming as well a different day. He lost weight really quickly. He looks good undeniably though, I just hope he's losing weight safely. But he's very fit right now, I'm not gonna tell him that obviously but I'll admit it to myself. I replaced the shirts with one of my graphic t shirts. I turned a fan on and faced it towards him. I realized again that P.J and Bobby really f*cked up the room so I opened the window to rid of the smell and begun cleaning a little. I didn't wanna hear Brad wake up and complain about the garbage in here. So I cleaned everything and tidied up a little. Once finished, I looked over at Brad who was still sound asleep. He looks better when he's not angry at the world. The thought made me chuckle and shake my head. But I guess since I'm alone considering Brad's asleep I'll just do homework and wait for him to wake up.

An hour went by and I finished my homework for my classes before realizing Bradley was awake. He sat up slowly and groaned rubbing his head as he sighed "jeez...." He said in a soft manner. "Headache? I got Tylenol if you need man" I said offering him a bottle of water. He flinched and looked up shocked to see be practically and looked around the dorm before looking at himself. He gasped and covered himself in the blanket as I co*cked a brow confused "what's wrong?" I asked " did you undress me?! You perv!!" He quickly accused as I gasped now and flinched stepping back. I could feel my face going red as a Cherry " WOAH WOAH WOAH! ITS NOT LIKE THAT I SWEAR!" I shouted. "No I'm just playin" Bradley snickered. " you gave me a heart attack ass hole! I thought you were gonna sue me for sexual harassment!" I scoffed as he laughed "no, but thanks, I was sweating like crazy earlier." He admitted as I gave him a bottle of water to which he chugged. "Someone's thirsty" I mentioned with a snicker as he flipped me off.

The room went quiet for a moment as I thought about what to say to Bradley. I was worried about him and all but I didn't wanna push boundaries with the other by asking personal questions. I rubbed the back of my neck for a second before mustering up the courage to ask "what happened man? Why did you pass out like that?" I asked him as he just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Low iron I guess?" He said. This confused me. "Are you sure? Or are you not eating properly or something?" I asked him. " I'm eating properly Jack ass. What makes you say that?" He asked me in return to which I answered " you just look a lot thinner, a lot quicker..." I replied awkwardly to which now he couldn't even deny. He sighed and replied to me "I don't feel comfortable continuing on the conversation" in which that flabbergasted me. I stood up quickly and looked at him "dude. You passed out earlier! What do you mean?! You can't just avoid what can potentially be a serious issue!" I asked Bradley. He glared at me and spoke "why does it matter to you? It's not your life it's mine. I'll do whatever I see fit" he said back as he growled in annoyance " okay but haven't you realized you're hurting yourself! That effects others as well you selfish prick!" I said, I shouldn't have exploded like that but his attitude irritated me " why do you care then! If I'm annoying you then don't help me!" He replied swiftly and quickly.

"Why do I care?! Who asks that!?"

"I asked you! So answer me!"

"I care because I'm worried about you Jack ass!"

"Then stop being worried!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?!"

"I just-.."

"Spit it out already!"


The moment I shouted that Bradley went quiet which annoyed me more "I answered you so answer me! Why are you doing this to yourself!?" I asked "because there's always room for improvement and I plan to eliminate everything wrong with me to obtain perfection" I said. This shocked me, he spoke like a robot and he didn't even look at me as he spoke "Brad you're perfect the way you are.." I consoled as he snapped "Bradley!! Not Brad! Bradley!!" He corrected quickly as I stood stunned at him snapping back. "And I'm not perfect. I can be better. I can achieve greatness... I don't need your concern..." he said crossing his arms.

"You're going to die Bradley. Is that what you really desire?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment. When he answered my heart broke "In some cases yes... I really do want to. But I don't let my emotions sway me like yours do.." he insulted. I was confused and asked "what is that supposed to mean?" As he snapped back instantly. " you're so soft, you saw helpless ol' me passing out and because of your concern you helped me up here. Then you console me and say we are friends. Don't pull yourself into despair because your heart is too big for your own good, Goof" he replied. But I can see the look of shock on his face when he saw me smile. "Is that supposed to hurt me? You just gave me the sweetest compliment man. Thank you" I chuckled as he grumbled to himself annoyed. I chuckled softly and slowly sat next to him. "You're a good person Bradley, but you're hurting yourself. There's safer ways to do things and I'll help you out every step of the way. I'm here to offer advice if needed, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on." I consoled. He looked at me and I could tell by his eyes he seemed to be relaxing. He wanted something and I knew he did so I asked "what do you want Bradley?"

"........ nachos"

Chapter 11: Chapter XI

Chapter Text

Max laughed at my request and sighed right after, he nodded and agreed " Nachos do sound good right now. Come on, let's go grab some" he said. I smiled excitedly, embarrassingly enough. I slowly stood up from the bed, despite the aching feeling in my body, I just wanted to eat. I didn't care.... It's not like I wanted to go on this stupid diet anyway. I followed Max out of his dorm as we walked to the nearest place to get nachos. As the cold and crisp wind hit me, it was a light breeze that felt like a gentle mist. Especially since I was still slightly overheated. I sighed in relief at the nice breeze before looking at Max who had spoken " so.... What do you like on your nachos?" He asked. I chuckled softly at the random question but thought about it "just melted cheese and jalapeños really" I shrugged as Max nodded "standard, I like them loaded, Cheese, Jalapeños, Beef, Salsa and lettuce on top" He nodded as I chuckled " jeez, you don't throw up after?" I asked as he shook his head no "No? I eat that sh*t uuuuup" he laughed softly. I snickered at his reply as we stopped at a street vendor. I've never been to a street vendor before so this was new experience. Max went over and ordered for the both of us and paid for my meal which confused me. Once getting our food, we walked by the fountain I almost passed out by earlier that day and sat down on the edge. "Why did you pay for me?" I asked curiously as Max shrugged " I used your money I stole from your pockets" he said, instantly this terrified me and enraged me " you stole MY CASH?!" I shouted as he snorted and bursted into laughter. "I'm just kidding! Jesus! So defensive" He laughed. This made me release a sigh in relief as we opened our styrofoam boxes. It was like the nachos were pure light to me. My mouth practically watered at the sight as I picked up a chip and ate it. The satisfaction of the crunch between my teeth and the flavor was amazing. Max ate like a slob but I was too focused on my own meal to care.

I perked up when Max asked me " why do you chew like that?" He asked co*cking a brow with melted cheese dribbling off his chin. I swallowed the chip I had previously chewed on and looked at him confused " like what?" I asked "like you don't enjoy your food. You chew so much and so quietly, it's weird" He snickered as my eyebrow twitched " why do you eat like an animal?" I asked as he shrugged " because this food is bomb as hell and I don't think it deserves to be eaten so slowly." He chuckled " So why do you eat like that?" He asked me again. "It's etiquette" I replied simply as I took another bite "dude... you're in college at the age of 20 years old, eating nachos from a street vendor by a fountain, 9 pm at night. You don't need etiquette 24/7" He chuckled. I went a bit quiet and shrugged " well I prefer it.." I replied softly as I ate more. I flinched as a chip filled with so many toppings was shoved into my face " try mine" Max offered " it looks like a lot..." I said hesitantly " oh stop being a push over and try it!" He laughed as I gave in. I was curious to know what it tasted like, so I leaned in and took a bite from Max's chip that he held out from me. I chewed the chip and looked up at him as he looked disturbed and disgusted. "What?" I asked covering my mouth which was full. " don't ever eat out of my hand like that again-" he said as I laughed realizing what happened. That was until the overwhelming amount of flavors hit me. I flinched and looked disturbed back, Max looked rather shocked at my reaction " Oh come on! It ain't that bad!" He defended himself as I ended up swallowing the chip " it's not bad... it's just overwhelming.." I said honestly as he shook his head rolling his eyes and ate more.

After three minutes of munching on these delicious nachos he asked me " what did the professor ask you when you? The day you presented your project?" He asked. I paused and debated if I should lie or not. I decided to tell him just a little of what happened so I replied " the professor just asked if I was okay, he thought I was going through something or whatever" I said as Max chuckled " well.... I don't exactly blame him. Your project analysis was amazing but it was concerning. It's like I could tell you were relating to the book on a personal level and all" He said as I chuckled " I mean yeah I did at some points of the book, here and there it felt very close to home" I said as Max co*cked a brow "how so?" He asked me. I thought about what to say. I didn't want my business to be out and about everywhere but I guess I could tell Max, I might find a little comfort with him. I took a breath in and out as I begun" Well in the book, the main character had these thoughts where he thought he was different from the rest, almost inhuman, he didn't feel like he belonged, nothing made him happy besides alcohol and occasional drugs. He wanted to be an artist but his father denied him the privilege to becoming one. He didn't have many people he could call friends either, in fact he was isolated and portrayed himself as some sort of clown character since he didn't know his true self.... I feel like that sometimes, I feel like majority of the time I'm never actually happy, never satisfied, I have this sort of righteous personality to everyone but it's not who I really am, physically and personality wise everything his fake about me. I study even though I don't have any interest in what I'm learning about, everything I do is for my father and therefore I don't feel human. I feel like a robot." I said softly. Max stayed quiet letting me be able to continue as I did " In the book though, Yozo also attempts suicide a few times, it isn't until after the book is published to which he succeeds. I've attempted as well before but of course it didn't work. I tried to overdose on any medications I could possibly get my hands on. I had blacked out and when I woke up I was in the ER getting my stomach pumped, I then attempted again by drowning in the bath tub but my body rejected this attempt. I'd like to think I'm better now but my mind has these occasional slips of self loathing and it's been getting worse these days" I admitted. Max looked at the ground thinking of what to say " so... the whole thing about you passing out during your run?" He asked as I chuckled " no, I'm just on a diet so when I spend a week with father during thanksgiving break he won't bug me and make me feel shame again" I answered. Max's eyes softened as he leaned in wrapping his arms around me. He held me in a tight, yet firm hug which shocked me for a second. But I didn't reject it. I hugged him back and rested my head on his shoulder. He then said " You're life shouldn't be ruled by your fathers decisions. It's your life and frankly I think you're perfect just the way you are." He comforted. " you're just saying that.." I said in response to which he sighed and quickly let go of the hug and shrugged his shoulders " yeah I know" he snickered.

I knew what Max was doing, he's been doing it a lot recently. Whenever I've been feeling down or I say something negative he responds in a joking tone with something neutral. It makes me chuckle and roll my eyes " you're really annoying Goof" I said in response as he shrugged. "But you're smiling, so that's all that matters" he said. Those words made me blush slightly. Thankfully it was dark so he couldn't see it. Either way he continued to speak " but in all seriousness. Your father sounds like an ass hole, I'm really sorry you had to grow up with a man like that" he apologized as I shook my head "It's not your fault so don't apologize" I chuckled.

Max and I ate the rest of our Nachos which were absolutely delicious. We had managed to go our separate ways after the brief hang out. It was nice though, I was really happy and refreshed afterwards. When arriving back to the frat, I walked upstairs and laid in bed tired.... that's when I realized that I was still wearing Max's t-shirt. I smiled a little thinking about Max. He makes me surprisingly happy.... The way he laughs is so contagious and it's cute. Not to mention his hair is so messy and fluffy, it's really adorable.... I gasped and sat up realizing..... I clasped my hands over my face utterly ashamed as I slumped back into the bed again. Do I have a crush on Max?! NO GOD NOOOOO!

I thought about it for an hour as I paced back and forth in my bedroom. " do I?" I whispered to myself as I stopped and looked out the window. I thought about what it would be like to kiss him... that's when I broke out of my thoughts at how repulsive that sounded until I realized I was unconsciously smiling. I groaned pissed off and hit my head against the pillow a few times. I stood up and took a deep breath in and out.

"Maybe a bath would help clear my mind.." I thought to myself. I gathered my stuff to take a bath and realized on the corner of my desk there was an unfamiliar note. I co*cked a brow and reached over to open it as my heart dropped.

'strike 1, don't miss another therapy session again' -Bradley Uppercrust ii

Chapter 12: Chapter XII

Chapter Text

Tw: mentions of severe past punishments

I stared a the note in practical fear, it was like the blood drained from my face practically. My breath hitched as I read the note over and over and over again. I already knew what the strikes meant. My father had a way to categorize his punishments which is insanely sad*stic of him. Strike were considered a major offense, in this case strikes were to be counted to three and when that happens something bad is to come, being my fathers spawn I expect it to either be some cruel, physical punishment like a strict work out exceeding my limits as a human being to psychologically impact me. It's going to sound rather disgusting or silly but the last time I was punished in a formation of strikes he had forced me to drink two liters of sprite. It doesn't sound all bad, but to drink it straight and finish both liters in such a fast pace was one thing, another was that every time I put the liter down to take a breath I would have his cigarette pushed onto the back of my neck causing excruciating pain. When I had finished the two liters, I would feel the carbonation reacting badly to my body, I would burp of course followed by intense vomiting. I had forgotten to mention that when I had gotten a told my strikes were up the punishment would delay for the next day, keeping me up all night in panic, that was part of his stupid psychological game. To make me panic beyond compare. The next day he wouldn't let me eat either so the vomiting didn't kick out any substances I had in my stomach considering I was being starved. After I had nothing left to vomit, I was left dry heaving and on the floor, but oh no no no! It's wasn't over. He had stomped on my back and urged me to do push ups to carry his weight. In fact these, punishments would add on more and more. They were absolutely painful.

That was just one example of the least painful punishment I had received due to these strikes. Another one was him killing my pets in front of me and blaming me for their deaths, another was when I had misbehaved in school so he would sit me down and force me to watch gore video's, he would laugh as if he enjoyed them. Mean while I felt queasy and chills run down my spine. I couldn't show emotion in regard to their torture. But even if my facial expressions didn't show anything. My insides would churn. I quickly figured that my father wasn't like many abusers, he used physical abuse on more minor punishments. Major punishments were to dealt with psychological torture to which he enjoyed much more. Sociopathic bastard....

Of course even if I had it badly, I think nothing would've affected me then when my mother had died. She had been caught being unfaithful to my father. Made sense, after all he had treated her horribly. But he was so ashamed and infuriated by this act that he didn't dare look at her. She had planned to run away with one of our servants. Getting it a car and leaving immediately without even saying goodbye to me. Around 2 hours later, my father received a call from the police. He had me sit by the phone as it was put on speaker and the police explained how she was in a rather gruesome car accident. Her and the servant were found dead instantly. My father didn't express any sort of hurt or anything. When the call had ended, I looked at him still shocked by the revelation. He glanced down at me and sighed "Boy... this happens to those who dabble in the sin of lust" He said. That was all?.... He then got up and left. She had received an extravagant funeral but it wasn't open casket. Her face was too gory to look at. After the funeral, my suspicions had floated around. I had a feeling it was my father who had actually killed her. One reason as to why I think this?... the police called involving the investigation and it seemed as though she was way to drunk, her blood/alcohol content was extremely high and therefor the case was considered solved. My mother doesn't drink booze..... he put something in her drink before she left. I just know it. But I didn't have any evidence on the matter so I couldn't report it. God knows what would've happened to me if I did and the case never went through.... My father would've been enraged. Keep in mind. I was only 9 when this traumatic event had occurred.

Later on the night of hee death, my father called for me into his bedroom late that night. He patted a spot on the bed next to him as I curiously walked over. I crawled into the empty spot where my mother used to sleep and laid down. He scooted closer and hugged me? I never did understand why he only treated me with affection that one time.... He combed my hair with his hands and whispered in my ear "her death was gods will. It was her punishment..." he whispered. I stayed quiet. Fearful. As he stroked my hair as if I was some sort of pet. Eventually he fell asleep and I knew I had to quickly leave and go back to my room in which I was curled up in bed crying for the majority of the night.

All these recollections from my past memories just floated into my mind when reading the note. I felt like I was going to go into a panic attack, I had to quickly calm myself down. I gathered my items and went into the bathroom turning the shower on to the coldest setting. I got undressed and stepped in, the temperature of the icy cold water practically sending a wave of shock to distract me from my previous panic. I sighed softly as I let the water run down my body and over take my senses. I begun to calm down thankfully and I felt at peace once more.

After my brief shower, I had changed into more comfortable clothing and did a necessary night time routine consisting of skin care, brushing my teeth, making sure I took a little time to read and such before bed, even though it was a complete fail considering the strikes were still engraved in my mind. That was before exhaustion took over and I was carried into sleep.

The next morning, I had got up earlier to brush my teeth, go on a 30 minute run around campus and then have breakfast all before I got ready for the day. I had a thought that Max would wake up late again so I packed a granola bar, an apple and an extra water bottle in my bag for him and then made my way to class. I had been first to arrive, taking my seat and taking out the necessary supplies for the class out as I waited for the class to fill in. Eventually, a familiar raven haired boy sat beside me. I can't explain why but it immediately put a smile on my face "Good morning Goof, did you wake up late again?" I asked as Max rolled his eyes laughing softly " No because I managed to brush my teeth this time" He replied. "But I assume you didn't eat breakfast?" I asked to which he went silent and sighed. "I hate that you know that..." He chuckled. His chuckle caused me to chuckle as well, I then took out what I packed for him and gave him the snacks. He perked up in slight surprise but he smiled regardless "Thank you" He said in a soft but earnest tone. I nodded my head as I watched him eat before class had begun.

Of course class was boring as per usual, but I tried to stay focused. That was until Max slid over a piece of paper. I co*cked a brow and looked down seeing a cross hatch pattern with and 'X' in the upper right hand section. Max was asking to play tic tac toe and I indulge. I smirked and made an 'O' as we slid back the paper every move made. We ended up playing the whole way through class which annoyed Max, even though he kept on asking for rematches since I kept winning against him. I used the same method every single time, I don't know how he hasn't picked up on it yet. It was funny though. I chuckled as Max glared at me for winning yet again. "I don't wanna play anymore..." He said as I teased "awwww, Goof can't handle a little game of tic tac toe?" I asked and poked his shoulder as he shook his head. I looked down at the paper and took it as I doodle on it. I wasn't the best in art but I was decent, I tried to draw Max as I slid over the paper back to him when I finished. Max co*cked a brow and smiled before leaning over to draw something else. I watched silently and was impressed, Max was extremely talented.... He passed the paper back to me and I could tell it was me. I blushed a little but scoffed instead "you don't need to brag..." I said in a hushed tone as Max snickered "yes I did, but you like the drawing so I think it's a win." He said. I quickly replied "I never said that" denying I liked it even though it was written on my face that I did to which he laughed softly and shook his head " yeah yeah whatever" I said tearing my drawing out and stuck it in his folder "what are you doing?" I asked curiously " I want to keep the drawing, it's cute." He said which caused my heart to race a little. But I copied him instead and I kept his drawing of me....

Max can be so cute sometimes. But I truly hope these feelings don't grow much more. What would father think if he found out these feelings? I'd be a disgrace..... My thoughts were interrupted by Max who asked me.

"Do you wanna hang out after class?"

Chapter 13: Chapter XIII

Chapter Text

I asked Bradley to hang out after class, I saw his face light up all happy before quickly diminishing into annoyance. I looked confused and asked " is something wrong?" To which he replied with a sigh and spoke "I can't, I have something to attend to right after class." He said as I nodded understanding and didn't try to push the matters any further with him, I tried to compromise with him asking " How about after? will you be busy then?" I asked as he thought about it and shook his head " No, I should be free. Would you want to grab lunch?" He asked as I smiled and nodded "Burgers and Skate park?" I added as he agreed. "Will it be just us two?" He asked. "Um.... I think Bobby and P.J might come with" I said honestly as he asked "Then I'm going to invite Tank, I owe him lunch." Bradley informed to which I smiled "sure, I f*cking love Tank, He's the sh*t" I chuckled as Bradley agreed but chuckled as well. "He's amazing but now that I'm owing him meals of his choice ever since last years X-games he's been seriously abusing my bank account" Bradley snickered as I laughed "I see that, didn't he win that hot dog eating contest during summer break? He ate over 143 dogs. That's absolutely insane-" I mentioned to which Bradley gagged. " we went on a roller coaster together right after and he threw up all of the hot dogs all over me! It was so gross" He shivered as I gasped and snorted at the story "it's not funny!" Bradley replied quickly "oh no no no no no! It's not funny at all! God come to think of it the story is rather...putrid?" I joked elbowing Bradley as he scoffed "stop..." he said annoyed. I laughed softly and gagged to imitate throwing up in front of Bradley as he quickly turned away and gagged much louder and covered his mouth. I was confused so I did an experiment where I fake gagged an again and Bradley scrunched over a little gagging much more realistically. He was catching his breath and looked at me teary eyed as if he was actually about to throw up "s-stop doing that!" He said with a scratchiness in his throat while he held his stomach. "Do you get queasy at gag noises?" I asked holding back my laughter. "Yes! So stop it!" He said as I busted up laughing only for it to quickly end when the professor coughed to get our attention and silence us. That's when Bradley passed a note to me that said 'f*ck you' and I passed the note back to him with a few hearts drawn on it as a reply.

After class, I had made my way back to the dorms where I saw Bobby "Maximilliaaaaaan! What's up buuuuuuuddy?" He asked me as I looked over seeing him " not much man, but hey, Bradley and I are grabbing burgers and heading to the skate park in like an hour or so, wanna come with?" I asked " oh and third wheel your date? Nah I'm good" he said as I perked up "huh? Excuse me??" I asked confused "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about man. It's so obvious you like him you dope." He said flipping through his comic book as I looked stunned "What?! No I don't!" I replied as Bobby looked up from his comic book to look at me "Oh really? That's all you ever talk about, Brad this! Brad that! And frankly I have to say you have really bad taste in men" he insulted as I got offended " No I don't! Brad is a dude!" I replied quickly "So you admit you like him?" Bobby asked. He caught me as I blushed and was shocked on how he got me to admit it. I sighed softly "Okay maybe a little..." I said softly rubbing the back of my neck as Bobby sat up "Max he tried to kill you man, that ain't normal silly ha ha goofy humor. That's premeditated murder man" He said as I nodded " I know, but I don't think he meant to go that far. After all it's his dad's fault for putting so much pressure on him. He's actually very sweet... it's also really cute when he gets annoyed and his eyebrows scrunch along with his nose. He brings me these granola bars in the morning because he knows I didn't eat breakfast. I found out today that he doesn't like gagging noises, he gets so queasy and starts gagging after, He's also just so put together like his hair is always done up nicely and he smells like roses...." I went on practically swooning when thinking about him. Bobby chuckled softly "you said he's all put together?" He asked me as I co*cked a brow "Yeah? Why?" I asked " nothing, I just bet you wanna see him all disheveled~ in bed maybe~" insinuating something profoundly dirty minded as I blushed red and chucked a pillow at Bobby's face. He laughed loudly and rolled around in his bed as I felt embarrassed. "Don't say stuff like that man!" I said as Bobby laughed harder "he doesn't like gagging noises? Good luck on getting a BJ man" Bobby joked more as I freaked and hid my head in my pillow legit burning up in embarrassment. Thinking about Bradley like that was so perverted! "Okay dude, don't worry. You ain't going with us anymore. Hopefully P.J and Tank can still go." Max said " oh don't do Tank like that man. P.J is definitely bringing Stacey. You gonna really make him fifth wheel?" He snickered as I flipped him off " don't push it dude" I said as he held his hands up " alright man I'm done I'm done. But I do want those burgers though" he snickered "and you'll get them fat ass" I replied as he gasped "Very fatphobic Max man" He snickered as I shook my head.

When it was time, P.J., Bobby and I grabbed our boards and Bobby got his rollerblades and we skated off to the burger joint where Tank and Bradley were. I looked through the window and noticed Bradley had a look of stress written all over his face. This concerned me, especially when I looked at Tank to see him staring at Bradley in a concerned manner. Did something happen? Me and the boys walked inside and walked to the duo as they perked up and Bradley smiled " Well if it isn't our three favorite sophom*ores! How you three sweethearts doing yeah?" Tank chuckled as Bobby shouted "WOOOOOO IT'S TANK MAAAAAN! THE TANK MEISTERRRRRR" he hyped as Tank laughed "That I am! Bring it in baby!" He shouted opening his arms as Bobby filled them with a hug only for Tank to squeeze so tightly that I could hear Bobby's back crack as he scrunched in slight pain "T-Tank man... I c-can't breathe!" He wheezed out as Tank put him down quickly " sorry baby doll" Tank laughed as we all joined him. Bobby huffed out of breath as he leaned into P.J whispering loud enough for us to hear " that is one strong dude...." As Tank smirked and flexed his arms all proud. Bradley laughed and shook his head at the scene which had made me happy to see him smile like that. It was so adorable. Bobby skated to the front first to order his meal, P.J following after and then I. We paid for our meals as Tank went afterwards and ordered the most as per usual. Considering he's a body builder and weight lifter I don't blame him. But what bugged me was that Bradley order a water and a salad. That's it? I didnt say anything and left it at that. We got our food to go and skated off to the skate park to eat and vibe. Of course Bobby brought weed to which P.J, Bobby and Tank were hitting here and there. Bradley avoided it at all cost. Even when I offered to him. He denied and shook his head "I don't wanna get the munchies" He said. This pissed me off as I whispered sternly " Bradley, you look good. You don't need this stupid diet" I scolded as the three were skating and I was sitting to the side with Bradley. I was peeved that Bradley wasn't taking care of himself properly. He just shook his head " regardless, I don't feel like getting high" He said as I rolled my eyes "This isn't about you not waning to get high. It's about you not taking care of yourself and hurting yourself in the mean time" I urged. "Max can you just drop it? This doesn't concern you" Bradley said in an agitated tone as I paused and looked away " fine then...whatever" I dropped it. That didn't mean I still wasn't extremely concerned for him though.

All in all the park was fun. Bradley tried copying my one handed skateboard trick. His determination is adorable. After a few tries he managed to get it perfectly. But of course his shirt went down and revealed his body. I blushed softly noticing details I wasn't exactly focused on before but damn. He's hot. He's got this tiny waist and a lean figure. He's so cute. Bobby elbowed me to break me out of my thoughts as I perked up and he whispered "perv" while snickering. I scoffed " shut up Bobby" I said back as I skated off to do other tricks.

At the end of the hang out It was just Brad and I. Tank and Bobby had a class together and P.J went to visit his girl Stace. Bobby invited me to hang out in the frat to which I agreed and followed. We were skating and chatting as usual and when arriving, he lead me up to his room. I looked around and thought it was really nice. It smelled like Bradley which made me swoon a little. I perked up when he spoke " make yourself comfortable. I'mma get changed into something comfier and do skin care" He said which made me co*ck a brow " skin care?" I asked " yeah? What's wrong?" He asked me back "nothing.... I just don't really know what that is. Isn't it only like face wash?" I asked as Bradley gasped. " okay come on" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bathroom. He sat me on the ledge of the bath tub and tossed a robe onto me and a head band " put those on." He said grabbing a robe for himself and changing. I blushed immediately and turned to change as well. But I felt like I could feel Bradley's eyes on me as I changed.

After changing, he helped me put on the head band and pushed it back as he asked me questions like "Do you have allergies? Do you have oily or dry skin?" Etc. I answered the best I could as he pulled out a basket of products, placing it on the counter. He leaned in and applied cleanser on my face which I could've done myself but his hands felt so nice and smooth and just so soft. I leaned into them happily. He did the same for himself, Then we applied a toner, then serum's, eye cream, spot treatment, moisturizer and sunscreen which made me confused. He saw the confusion and answered quickly " U.V rays are everywhere. You don't want to risk it" He chuckled. Then he applied pimple patches on my face. "Woah... I'm glowing" I said shocked by the results as Bradley smirked and nodded "Don't you feel so clean?" He asked as I chuckled and nodded " Yeah.. it's nice" I replied. Lastly, he used his finger to put lip balm on my lips. I let him as I stared at him dazed. He looked up meeting my eyes as he blushed and turned away quickly and blushed " don't look at me like that..." he said softly as I chuckled "You're so cute when you're this focused" I smiled which I quickly regretted because I got my nose pinched which made me flinch but laugh "hey! What's that for?" I asked as I stood rubbing my nose. I stood up and walked closer to him as he smirked " what? You deserved it" He snickered as I chuckled " oh really?" I asked as I stared at his lips. "Yeah really" He chuckled. He smiled softly as my heart raced into the moment. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But I thought against it. I couldn't do that just yet. Even though I really wanted to.

Bradley also seemed hesitant. So he diverted the tension to something else. " I'm in the mood for smoothie. You want one?" He asked with an awkward but such a cute ass smile. I smiled back and nodded.

"Sure but am I gonna have to wear this robe or do I change into something else now?"

Chapter 14: Chapter XIV

Chapter Text

Max was going to change into his clothes that he wore earlier. Of course I didn't allow it considering they were dirty now. Why would I want him to change into something so full of dirt? So instead I got him a clean change of clothes to change into. I gave him some sweats and fresh new socks and begged him to take a shower first. But to not let it touch his face considering we did a whole skin care routine.

He left for the shower and I waited for him as I finished up some last minute homework. Eventually he walked out of the bathroom wearing my sweats which were just a little tight on him but otherwise comfortable thankfully. I looked over and smiled softly as Max asked " what are doing? Like a sleep over or something?" He asked chuckling as I shrugged " sure why not. If you're down then so am I" I replied. He ended up smiling and nodding " sure" He said as he stretched and sighed " I should've brought my book bag though. It would've been nice to get up and out to classes" He sighed as I snickered " I wake up early. I'll wake you up and then we can have breakfast" I smiled as he sighed softly. "But Braaaaaad, I need my beauty sleep. A face this handsome doesn't just come from nothing" He teased as he batted his eyelashes. I rolled my eyes and laughed at his stupid joke " handsome is an overstatement" I replied to which he gasped at my rudeness " okay then your majesty" He said. But he had the cruel idea of gagging again as I shot up and gagged as well as I ran to the garbage. " dude I don't understand why you do that?" Max asked as I grew annoyed " because ever since Tank threw up on me I couldn't handle b-barf-" I said and gagged again. Max grabbed a water bottle for me and offered it to me. I snatched it and caught my breath as he chuckled. " The Bradley Uppercrust the third can't handle a little barf? That's crazy" He snickered as I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my water.

I made him a futon that was in my room and gave him a few pillows and a blanket as he slumped down laying in it. It was pretty late after all and I had finished up everything I needed. Except for some late night reading. I turned on a small light and looked through my library debating on what to read. Eventually I found a book that peaked my interest which was 'The Monk by M.G Lewis'. I pulled it out and walked to my bed as I laid in it and begun to read. Max rolled over and stared at me in silence. I could feel his eyes on me without even looking up. So I asked him " Is there something wrong?" To which he asked " no, but do you have a pen and paper?" Which I nodded. " My drawer on my desk. Third drawer is papers. First it pens, pencils etc." I replied as he nodded and grabbed his items and my clipboard. He froze for a second staring at the drawer for a few seconds. This caught my attention so I asked " Is there something wrong?" And he quickly dismissed it by shaking his head " no no nothings wrong" he said and closed it as he laid back on the futon. I shrugged it off and continued to read. Each page captivating me. This was a sleepover but it was like we were just comfortable in each others presence. The silence wasn't awkward. But Max started to talk " what are you reading?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the paper. He was drawing. "I'm reading The monk. It's a gothic romance" I replied as he chuckled " you turning gothic?" He asked as I snickered " maybe a little. I think I'd look good in all black" I chuckled as he hummed and nodded " yeah I can see it" He agreed chuckling. This of course made me smile as I asked " what are you drawing?" And he replied "gothic Bradley Uppercrust obviously". This made me chuckle as I asked " show me when it's done yeah?" To which he snickered and nodded " of course of course" he smiled.

Eventually though as I was reading and he was drawing. He asked me " you know .... I was wondering but you looked so stressed earlier. Is something wrong?" He asked. I paused to think of what he was talking about. Then it came to mind as I replied " oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just that ever since the book analysis project the professor got all concerned for my well being and so he contacted my father. Now I have scheduled therapy sessions once a week which annoy me" I replied. But what Max said next shocked me " is that related to the note? With the strikes?" He asked. I froze and looked at him " was that note in my drawer?" I asked as he nodded. I couldn't blame him, after all I gave him permission to look in there and so it was my fault. I sighed and nodded " yeah it's related to that." I said in a bugged tone. " What even are strikes? Like 1,2,3 your'e out?" he asked as I chuckled. " No it's an organized way of giving me chances. When the third one is up the severity of the punishment will be upheld" I explained " Jesus Bradley... What kind of punishments are you talking about?" he asked as I listed some " Like keeping me locked up on the roof of the business building with no jacket, altitudes up there are extremely cold considering the building has 100 floors" I explained. " He left me up there for like hours and the winds were so strong I had to hold onto something so I wouldn't fly right off. It was all part of his stupid psychological torture fix. He likes to break my mind for some odd reason" I shrugged. The room fell silent so I looked at Max confused to see him look shocked and utterly horrified. " what did you even do to deserve that?" He asked. I thought about it and remembered " first strike was because I lost a spelling bee competition, second was because I had gotten a C on my math test and third was because I accidentally spilled water on one of our most expensive carpets." I listed as Max looked disgusted " is he serious? Those things don't equate to a punishment like that! How old were you?" He asked me. " I was ten when I received that punishment..." I said softly as Max looked baffled " no that's actually insane. Your father is disgusting" he insulted but I agreed with him. I nodded and sighed " I know..." I said softly.

Max was still in so much shock from what I had said so I attempted to divert the conversation off of me. " what punishments did you get?" I asked "nothing harsh... the occasional go to your room.... Having my cell phone taken away and father/ son bonding trips like camping out in the woods. But I wouldn't consider those punishments." He said. I nodded and sighed " one day, I'm going to be a father. I am going to make sure I raise the perfect son or daughter without them having to go through life long trauma's and stress." I said softly which made Max confused " aren't you a little too young to think about having kids?" He asked. "It's not up to me to have children. It's my father's decision and he's made it clear that I need to have children. He's even stated that he will arrange marriages for me if it means I could have an heir to the family business" this of course flabbergasted Max. He sighed and rubbed his temples " okay man what the f*ck. That's so wrong...." He said. I shrugged and continued to read my book. " Bradley this isn't right.... You're an amazing person. You shouldn't be your dad's toy like that" He said as I looked to the side "I appreciate your concern Max but my life was written out for me since the day I was born. There's no changing anything at this point" I said softly as he sneered " Not if I have anything to do about it" He scoffed " Stupid f*cking bitch ass father...." He mumbled. I thought it was kind of cute. He was getting all defensive. Over little ol' me~

He eventually fell asleep though and I noticed the drawing in front of him. I got up to look at it and saw he actually drew me all gothic. It was really cool, it was like looking at me in another universe. He is so talented, it's unbelievable.... But I smiled and kept the picture for myself. I laid back in bed and looked up to see Max's sleeping face. I smiled softly growing tired as well, I begun to doze off thinking of only one thing.

How utterly adorable Max is.

Chapter 15: Chapter XV

Chapter Text

TW: mentions of miscarriage
I dozed off starring at Max, I had fallen asleep shortly after and as sleep took me away into the nights grasp a dream had occurred. Or what I thought would've been a dream.

I was back in my house, except it was like I unconsciously knew that I wasn't born yet. This was my mother was still alive and was newly wedded to my father. I watched her follow him with a desperate look on her face from an outsider point of view. It was as if I was watching some sort of deranged scene in a very f*cked up movie. I watched as she tried to grab his arm demanding him to speak to her "Bradley please look at me! I'm sorry just speak to me I beg of you!" She beckoned as he snatched his arm back ignoring her. She screamed, demanding his attention as he grew fed up and turned quickly and smacked her across the face hard. I was shocked to see her barely even flinched and she stared at him wide eyed in anger. Her hair was a mess as well, as if she was pulling on it in anger earlier, she used to do that a lot when I was younger. My father screamed at her "YOU MUST KNOW YOUR PLACE AS A WOMAN! SHUT UP! YOU ARE ONLY TO SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO SO LEARN YOUR PLACE!" He shouted. I was disgusted to see him speak to her in such a way. Speak? No I redact my statement. This wasn't speaking, this was screaming at her in disdain and belittlement. I was furious by this treatment until my mother spoke in a stern yet oddly horrifyingly angered tone " I.AM . YOUR. WIFE! You can belittle me all you want but all I am to you is your wife, not your lover and therefore you are nothing to me but a sort of co-worker in a loveless marriage. Now I understand that you're busy but I regret to inform you that I am pregnant with your child" she said. My father replied by a simple nod " good, make sure it isn't a girl or else I will force you to abort it" He said as she stared shocked at his reply " excuse me? If I have a girl I am keeping her!" She shouted "no you aren't...." He chuckled shaking his head thinking she was some idiot "it's my decision to keep her or not! How dare you!" She screamed as he sighed ignoring her and walked away.

Then there was a cut in the dream, it soon skipped to around her being five months pregnant. She walked over to his desk and placed the ultrasound scans on the desk as he looked up from his folder of statistics co*cking a brow in a confused manner to see what it was. " Ultrasound scans?" He asked as she nodded "yes... a healthy baby girl" she said to which he instantly raged. He slammed his hands down on the desk and stood up screaming " WHAT?!" To which mother didn't flinch. She had grown used to his tormenting screams. "If god wishes for us to have a daughter then that is god's plan" She said. " GOD?! YOU DARE SAY GOD??" Father shook with anger, face turning red. " you dare say god? THIS IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! HOW DARE YOU SAY GOD TO LAUGH IN MY FACE?!" He shouted. Mother stood her ground, unfazed, unflinching, unscathed. " you're not keeping the baby" he said. " what? Of course I am!" She said as he got in her face " NO YOU ARE NOT!" He shouted. "YOU ARE NOT TO SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" She screamed back as he punched her so hard she fell to the ground. He noticed something as he laughed " not anymore you aren't" he smirked and stepped over her to walk out the room. I forgot to mention that he didn't punch her in the face. No no. He punched her in the stomach. To which she fell in a pool of blood, her own blood. She screamed in pain and agony when she saw the blood. So loud that the servants rushed in to see her. She was immediately brought to the hospital where it had been pronounced that the baby was dead and she had miscarried.

Onto another cut of the dream, she had given birth to a baby boy. Me. My father was in the delivery room and took me away from my mother immediately. " give me my son Bradley I beg of you..." she pleaded. But he ignored and kept me cradled in his arms. " his name will be Bradley." He told the nurse who looked at my mother who begun to scream " NO!" She insisted but he told the nurse " ignore her or else I will have you fired" he threatened to which the nurse looked scared and nodded "of course sir" she said rushing off.

Another cut to where I was 9 crying and begging my mother to stay home. Pulling on her dress trying to keep her home. I begged and begged as she screamed " I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! GET OFF!" She shouted as I grew scared. It was the first time I heard her scream at me. He flinched and stepped away from her as she was panting all misty eyed. She sped walked away as a servant approached me looking at me and then her as she shouted "ma'am? It's time for dinner. The masters family is here to await your presence!" She called as mother didn't look back "ma'am?" She called again as mother screamed "TELL THEM I'M NOT AT ALL WELL!"

Then everything drained into black as I begun to shake. I gasped as my eyes shut open and I looked up being awoken by none other than Tank " Yo Bradley, you good?" He asked concerned. I sighed in relief as I nodded " Yes yes I'm alright" I said before looking over to see Max sitting on the floor beside my bed with his head rested on my mattress sleeping. I co*cked a brow confused on why he moved from the futon as Tank chuckled " you guys had fun last night?" He asked wiggling his brows "No we didn't, please don't joke like that" I sighed as I rubbed my temples annoyed. Tank co*cked a brow and asked "nightmare?" As I sighed and nodded " yes" I said softly " you didn't take your medication huh?" He asked as I clasped my hands over my face and groaned " I knew I had forgotten something..." I said annoyed until I heard soft groaning. I looked over to see Max slowly wake up "oh... you're up" He yawned and stretched " yes? Why did you move here?" I asked him curiously " you were having a nightmare so I decided to hold your hand to calm you down. It worked for a little thankfully" He chuckled as I flinched and blushed horribly as my heart rate increased. " oh didn't have to do that" I said as Max chuckled " why not? it was sort of cute the way you calmed down instantly" He smirked to which Tank gagged "ew gross..." and I gagged right after at the noise and shouted " TANK!" As I Tank laughed " OH MY GOD I FORGOT!" He shouted laughing at my reaction as I kicked him out and Max laughed shaking his head. He stood up and sighed " hey I'm going to head out. I'll see you in class later today though" he smiled as I looked at Max and nodded " of course" I chuckled. He waved goodbye as I started to get myself ready for the day. Taking a shower, brushing my teeth, combing my hair etc. I packed my bag with snacks so Max could eat and I went down stairs to grab a simple water bottle. The diet remains of course. No changing that.

But as It was time to walk to class I couldn't help but continuously think of my dream and how I could've had an older sister....

Chapter 16: Chapter XVI

Chapter Text

I got to class on time but somehow I managed to get there after Bradley. This was incredibly annoying considering I wanted to beat him here to surprise him. I sighed and walked over and noticed him mindlessly flipping through his pages of notes. I snuck up next to him and quietly whispered "boo" to spook him. It worked considering he flinched and went wide eyed as he turned his head towards me. He looked annoyed and rolled his eyes "you're so aggravating" he said as I snickered and sat down "you're so aggravating~" I mocked snickering as he shoved me. "Shut up will you?" He asked as I shrugged. "Make me~" I teased him. I love teasing Bradley. He becomes all red and flustered, I love it especially when he shies away and mumbles so random insult that just rolls off the tongue. His bashfulness is adorable. The moment was ruined though when we both heard my stomach grumble. Bradley paused before snickering "you didn't eat?" He asked as now it was my turn to blush a little "well duh, I was waiting for you to give me snacks" I said rather confidently and Bradley pouted "ooooh~ poor ol goof wanted me to feed him? Well that's too bad because I don't have any food on me" he snickered as I gasped shocked "what?! You're lying!" I exclaimed worriedly as Bradley bursted into a fit of laughter "yeah I'm lying" he snickered and gave me a few snacks. I sighed in relief as I took a granola bar, quickly ripping the wrapped off and eating it. Bradley bringing me food just made food taste better for some reason. Eventually though the professor walked in to teach him class. "Alright students. Today we will have a class group reading. There are a few books I'd like you to purchase so please write down the following list" he explained as he wrote the list of books down. I think out of all the books he wrote, the only one I read was Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Bradley wrote the books down in his notebook which he keeps really organized. There's another trait I found about Bradley that is just so utterly adorable. I dozed off staring at him only to have him glance up and co*ck a brow "is there something on my face?" He asked as I smiled " yeah, a whole lot of ugly" I said quickly regretting it. WHY THE f*ck WOULD I SAY THAT?! He stopped writing and did a full body turn to face me with the most annoyed expression I have ever seen as my eyes widened and I quickly turned abiding eye contact "say that again Max" Bradley urged and for some reason my body betrayed me as I repeated "I said a whole lot of ugly" f*ck! WHY DO I NATURALLY INSULT HIM! HE ISN'T UGLY AT ALL HE'S SUPER CUTE WHAT THE f*ck!! I thought practically screaming at myself as Bradley smirked " yeah, that's why you wanted to kiss me so bad last night huh?" He said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing "now how dare you-" I said starring at him "you wanted to do the same thing!" I replied as he blushed and looked shocked "so you did want to kiss me? I was just joking!" He whispered as I grew REDDER THAN RED! "Nope" I said immediately. " I have no clue what you're talking about. You're legit going crazy. Absolutely bonkers" I replied turning away from Bradley as he tried to grab my attention but the teacher begun to speak again to which Bradley shut up to listen.

By the end of class Bradley and I had started to pack up as he asked me this time "do you wanna hang out today?" He asked as I sighed softly "do I have to?" I groaned jokingly as Bradley co*cked a brow "fine. f*ck you then" he said grabbing his stuff and slinging it over his shoulder. I snickered and shook my head "jokes man jokes, but in all honesty I can't. I got an appointment today" I said as he nodded understanding "alright. Tomorrow maybe? It'll be Saturday" he mentioned as I smirked "wow. You're that desperate to see me?" I smirked " Goof I will rip those gauges right out of your ears I swear to god" he threatened as I stuck my tongue out at him. I stood up and flicked his forehead " OW!" He shouted as I quickly dashed away laughing and heard him chasing after me " GET BACK HERE!!" He shouted. It wasn't gonna happen. I was too far ahead. Or so I thought.... Bradley jumped and tackled me to the ground and flicked me back on my forehead as I laughed. " WOW! YOU WERE DETERMINED!" I shouted as he snickered "of course I was. All is fair" he said having this smug look on his face. He sat up and sat on my lap as I soon followed sitting up as well. "Hey Bradley, is it just me or whenever we crash to the ground we get into a very suspicious kind of pose?" I asked snickering and teasing. He looked down and gasped standing up quickly "you're so perverted Max jeez!" He sneered. He looked angry but regardless he still lended me a hand to stand up "awww don't pout. You're to cute to be all sad" I smirked as he shouted " WHAT?!" And so I cut him off by leaning in and kissing his cheek. I leaned closer wrapping my arm around his waist to pull him in and whisper in a lower tone "I said.... You're too cute to be all sad" I smirked and let go to see him frozen in shock " I'll catch you later sweet heart" I smirked and winked at him before turning on my heel and walking away leaving Bradley flustered, confused and very make frustrated. That was the best combo after all.

I had skated all the way down to my appointment which wasn't to far. In fact it was by the cafe. Now I know what you're all thinking, a doctors office? Next to the cafe? That doesn't sound right why would a doctors office be underground and clustered up in a building full of other shops? Well you'd be right because I didn't have a doctors appointment. In fact it was a piercing appointment. When I walked inside I was greeted by a lovely lady who was covered in tattoos and a whole bunch of piercings. She greeted me with a nice smile and offered me some paperwork to fill out. I obliged and wasn't exactly nervous considering I had gotten piercing before. I had filled out everything and eventually had been seated in my chair. My piercer was a older dude, probably 42 or so I thought because we had a long ass conversation when he was prepping his items to which he asked me how old I thought he was and when I answered his heart practically swelled as he held his hand over his heart "oh kiddo you're so sweet! I'm actually 55!" He laughed which genuinely did sort of shock me. Eventually when he had finished the piercings it was practically quick and painless shockingly. He gave me the mirror to which I looked in and saw my new snake bite piercings. He then asked "what do you think dude?! Do you like?" He asked as I smiled and nodded "hell yeah. These are sick" I chuckled and gave him back the mirror "awesome! Well here is my business card. I'd love for you to come down again hopefully if you're considering another piercing. You are one sick motherf*cker" he laughed which made me smile and chuckle "of course man. I sure will" I smiled. Eventually I paid and left a tip before leaving. I couldn't wait to show Bobby and PJ these new piercings... but most importantly I couldn't wait to show Brad.

I arrived to the dorm and walked inside "PJ? Bobby? You guys here?" I called as they both looked over "hey max! Where've you been man- WOAAAAAH!" PJ shouted and got up off his chair and walked over. Bobby looked confused be his face turned into shock as he followed PJ and they both stared at my lips. I smile showing off the piercings and said "pretty cool huh?" With a soft chuckle " dude these look so sick!" PJ said as Bobby nodded "mmmmhm man. You gonna get all the ladies with this one. Especially a certain someoneeeee~" he teased snickering as I blushed and shoved Bobby a little as he begun to laugh. "Damn Max you did all that just to impress Bradley?" PJ asked joining in on the snickering. I went silent and rubbed the back of my neck blushing a little as they both gasped and went hysterical " HOLY sh*t THIS GUY IS OBSESSED!" They shouted both falling into one another laughing. I sighed and rolled my eyes "hahaha whatever laugh it up. But I did really want snake bites for a while now..... but do you think he will like it?" I asked curiously as Bobby's laughing died and he sighed a breath of hysteria.

"Dude I'm like 99% sure he's going to ask to suck your dick when he sees those" Bobby snickered and I flinched and blushed horribly red as I shouted.

" BOBBY!!"

Chapter 17: Chapter XVII

Chapter Text

Exams were right around the corner so I had to get to work. Father wouldn't be pleased if I had anything other than a A+. Therefor since Max and I weren't hanging out today I had decided to study for the rest of the day. So I got to work, I grabbed my necessary supplies and headed to the library on my skate board. Upon arrival, I had browsed the shelves using my finger to graze the brim of each book I passed and mindlessly skimming through the titles on the brim of the book until I found exactly what I needed. I stopped when my finger was placed on the necessary book and pulled it out. As of lately I've noticed my vision slightly worsened due to the constant studying and reading which has formed my eyes to strain and I can not tell you how many migraines I've received as of late. Part of it is my fault, I don't give myself a break and I do enjoy reading as a hobby or a past time as well. Anyhow, I gathered the necessary books I needed and headed off to an empty table. I displayed all my supplies out including my glasses..... I felt like a fool to put these things on. But unfortunately now I had to use them for reading. I know I was reading yesterday in front of max without them but it took me forever to even get through one page and I'd rather die then let him have the leverage of spotting me with these glasses. I sighed softly and put them on as I begun to study.

An hour had gone by and I was doing perfectly fine, I was focused and I knew what I was doing. I followed the necessary steps to every math equation and so far I've been getting everything on the dot. So far so good with my studies, I feel like I have a good shot of scoring a 100%. That was only for the math portion though, I still have to study for my other classes. But I'll have the whole day to do so. When I finished the math portion though I closed the book and set it aside to start on my business portion. That when a girl walked over. She was cute needless to say as she tucked her hair behind her ear and asked me in a soft tone "excuse me, I'm so sorry to interrupt but are you using that book still? I need it for my trig class" she said softly. I looked at the book and shook my head "no I finished it already. Here, you can take it" I said giving it to her. Her fingers grazed my hand and I knew it was purposeful. She blushed softly and looked at me "hey you're that Bradley Uppercrust guy in my trig class right?" She asked me as I co*cked a brow "yes? I believe so... um... you're Claire right?" I asked as she smiled. I think it was because she was surprised I knew her name "yeah! That's me!" She giggled in a soft tone. "Well it's nice to meet you" I said with a soft smile. I wanted to get back to my studies but she interrupted me "it's lovely to meet you as well. I've been sort of struggling in trig and I know you're like one of the smartest students in class if not the smartest so... could you please help me out a little bit?" She asked. I felt bad considering she was so sincere so I gave in and nodded " sure. What do you need help with?" I asked her. She sat down next to me immediately and pointed out a few equations. Some of which were extremely basic formulas to which I obliged to help her even though I knew she knew what it was. I found it comical that she wanted to waste my time and pretend to act dumb to try and flirt with me. I can see through her facade.

Around 2 hours went by and I started growing annoyed trying to help her but I kept a calm front. That was eventually until she leaned in to hug my arm purposefully pressing her breasts on in. She gave my arm a firm squeeze to grab my attention as I co*cked a brow and glanced at her " do you wanna take a break and go to the cafe with me for a little?" She asked giggling. "Oh no I can't... I have to study" I said immediately declining her offer. She pouted softly as she extended one hand out to circle her fingers along my knee "cmon please? I'm really hungry. I could use a treat" she whispered. I could feel her smirk pressing against my ear. I grew uncomfortable as I looked away trying to not cause a commotion "no really. I'm okay" I said once more as she slowly dragged her finger along my thigh. "Please~" she whined and pouted as I flinched a little at the thigh teasing "I can't" I whispered softly. I gasped and froze in fear unable to move as she rubbed the palm of her hand against my crotch. She leaned in more and whispered in a sultry tone "please Bradley~ I've been told I'm really good" she said in a teasing tone as she unbuttoned my pants. I flinched and shoved her off " get the f*ck off of me" I said immediately as I buttoned my jeans again. I really hate being a guy sometimes, even though I didn't enjoy one bit of what was happening I was growing hard. I didn't like her at all and I didn't enjoy it but this was a natural reaction to this sort of touch. "You say no but your boner tells me otherwise~" she smirked and leaned in to grab my hand and brought it up to her breast. I snatched my hand away disgusted "leave! Now!" I demanded as she pouted "come on Bradley~ I can show you a good time" she winked. I felt my heart pacing abnormally. I was... scared? She tried to come on me one more time until a familiar hand rested on my shoulder and I felt a kiss on my cheek "hey babe, are you okay?"..... that voice.... I looked up to see Max who wasn't even looking at me. Instead he was glaring at the girl. She realized immediately and gasped "oh my god you're-... oh my god I'm sorry" she quickly said gathering her stuff and leaving.

I blushed softly at the kiss until my eyes landed on something shiny. My blush grew ten fold when I saw his new piercing. I gasped softly as he looked down meeting my gaze and froze blushing as well. "Piercings?" I asked flustered just staring "Glasses?" He replied as I realized HE SAW ME! f*ck! He leaned in to which I backed away a little nervously. Max was so hot. I couldn't control my heart rate... he smirked and said "you're so cute. You're like a dorky nerd" he smirked as I blushed "I need them to read jack ass.." I insulted as he smiled " yep. A nerd. You're so f*cking cute Brad" he chuckled as I scoffed rolling my eyes "and you're ugly. Those piercings are hideous" I insulted even though I didn't mean it. "Oh that's to bad, I heard snake bites add more pleasure when it comes to kissing. I was planning on testing that theory out with you but I guess not" he teased as I flinched and blushed horribly " Shut up!" I exclaimed and threw my bag at him to which he caught and smiled.

"Yeah. You're so cute"

Chapter 18: Chapter XVIII

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" Max stop" Bradley said. I smirked as I chuckled "why? I'm not hurting anyone. You're adorable with your nerdy glasses" I commented as I smiled. Then a idea popped into my head. I hummed as I got up and reached over to Bradley "what are you doing?" He asked curiously. I reached my hands for his hair and ruffled his hair up " WHA- I-" he slapped my hands away but I glanced at his messy hair and glasses. I snickered and quickly pulled out my phone to take a picture of him as he blushed embarrassed "delete that!" He chanted as my heart raced " Bradley you're so cute!" I practically squealed and set it as my wallpaper to tease. "Goof come on!" He chanted again. As I snickered "nope" I smiled as I put my phone in my pocket. He tried to reach for it but I quickly blocked his hands from reaching. He looked so mad. But the annoyed look + the nerdy glasses and the messy hair just made my heart swell. He stood up shifting his weight onto me as I snickered still blocking him " Come on!" He sneered annoyed before I realized... oh sh*t... I'm tipping over- the chair fell back with me on it and I pulled Bradley down with me. We both hit the floor with a loud thud. I froze. I went wide eyed as I realized that Bradley was on top of me and our lips had met. Instantly our faces both flushed red as he quickly sat up and gasped clasping his hand over his mouth. I sat up too and quickly apologized "I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I asked as Bradley covered my eyes quickly "DONT LOOK AT ME!" He shouted as a bunch of people together had placed a finger over their mouth and in unison went "SHHHHHHH!" Bradley and I flinched as Bradley quickly got up. He helped me up of course and he dusted himself off. He straightened himself up blushing horribly red as he looked around and gathered his items. I co*cked a brow worried " where are you going?" I asked him as he didn't dare look at me as he softly said "I need fresh air or I'm gonna pass out" he said and quickly sped walked away.

I smiled watching him leave as I felt my heart pounding and I swooned slumping in my chair. Practically melting, he's so stupid but so f*cking adorable. I didn't notice Tank was in the library so when he walked over it startled me a little "what's up baby? Why do you got that look on your face?" He asked. I didn't care honestly at this point. I knew Tank knew so I said "Bradley and I kissed~" as he gasped "no way-...." I looked over and saw him getting all excited "so what's goin on? You two dating now or what?" He asked. I blushed and shook my head "no no not yet. The kiss was an accident but it was still so nice" I swooned as Tanks excitement fell. "Okay listen buddy" he sat down next to me and looked like a dad about to give a really uncomfortable lecture. Which I was right "so you know about the birds and the bees? It this situation you're both the bees. So sex is gonna look a little different. First you wanna know that-" and I interrupted him by covering his mouth " SHHHH!" I hushed him. My face turning extremely red. "I'm not listening to this!" I replied as Tank laughed. " sweetheart, you've got a lot to learn. If you ever need any tips don't be afraid to ask" he said as I perked up "wait Tank you're gay?" I asked rather shocked. " from one queer guy to another man your gaydar is capital F for f*cked" he laughed “they don’t call me Tank for nothin baby!” He laughed and stretched his arms back behind his head flexing. I was even more confused “so you’re a gay man and your nickname is Tank? Wait-.. what’s your actual name?” I asked shocked “first of all I’m bi, if there’s a consensual! Key word consent, hole there is a goal and nah I’m just playin. They call me Tank because that’s what my mama called me” he snickered. I was stunned by his wording but I absolutely died laughing. Tank is f*cking hilarious man. Regardless I sighed and nodded “yeah I’m bi too man.” I replied as he nodded “sick, what made you realize?” He asked as I pondered “well I had a girlfriend before, Roxanne. I absolutely adored her. But my bi awakening…… hmmmmm probably Ryan Gosling or Peter Steele. Two different type of dudes but they both captured my heart” I chuckled and asked Tank “what about you man?” As Tank chuckled “Brad Pitt playing a sexy ass Vampire” he nodded as I thought about it “interview with a vampire?” I asked as Tank nodded “That’s the one. The one that made it official was Patrick Bateman in American psycho. He’s so hot” Tank snickered as I laughed softly. “You’re so real for that Tank” I said as he chuckled nodding “man I know” he snickered “anyway I’m hungry. You wanna grab grub?” He asked as I nodded “yeah I’m down” I replied standing up and grabbing my things. Tank looked at me and flicked my cheek before pinching it “look at you being all hot getting snake bites like that” he snickered. As I blushed softly and rubbed my cheek “ Bradley likes it a lot.” I mentioned sa Tank snorted “it’s perfect since he always gets a hard on for guys with piercings. You plan on getting any other ones?” He asked. “Um…. Yeah actually…. Maybe a tongue piercing…” I said softly, thinking about it. “Dude we would match!” He laughed sticking out his tongue as I gasped “no way! Where’d you get that done?” I asked shocked while smiling. “I did it myself. Hurt like a bitch but I’m chillin. I think it’s f*cking awesome” he chuckled “ does it hurt?” I asked curiously as he shrugged “you’re asking the wrong guy man. I’m Tank, nothing really hurts me” he snickered as I rolled my eyes “ haha very funny. You’re no help at all” I chuckled as we walked out the library together and were on our way to grab Chinese food.

“ I have two piercings actually” he mentioned. Well I knew the tongue piercing was one…. Where was the other then? I looked at him confused as he smirked and looked down. I looked down as well and went wide eyed realizing “no…” as he nodded “yup, Prince Albert.” He snickered. I cringed a little and managed to squeak out “how did you let a needle touch your-” I was then interrupted by Tank saying “co*ck? Let me tell you, 100 buck bet and a shot of hard liquor gets you a looooooooong way” he laughed as I shook my head. “You should get one man. Brad would love it~” he teased as I blushed horribly red “shut up..” I said softly feeling flustered. Just the fact that I’m thinking about…. Stop thinking about anything further!! I’m in public I can’t be getting a boner right now! That’s insane. But Bradley~ NO! NO THOUGHTS! JUST FOOD!

Tank noticed my internal struggle and snickered “you and Brad act like your virgins I swear” he shook his head. I sighed knowing Tank was right. I’m still not used to all this lovey dovey sh*t. Roxanne was my only ex and besides that I’ve had a few one night stands. Bradley though really caught my heart. “You’re aggravating Tank, you and Bobby both are so nasty” I shivered as Tank laughed “dude Bobby is f*cking hilarious, he’s a little weird but I love that guy” he snickered “ love him enough to f*ck?” I smirked thinking I could FINALLY make Tank uncomfortable but instead he hummed and thought about it. “If you gave me a few beers and a couple shots probably” he shrugged. I looked annoyed seeing him so casual about it though….

“…… holy f*ck Tank…” I sighed

Chapter 19: Chapter XIX

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I quickly left the library, I needed to. After that kiss I had shared with Max I was practically going nuts. It's not like I haven't been wanting to kiss him it's just the fact that it happened that I wasn't prepared for. Not to mention my previous boner with the girl, it had died down but with Max and the encounter it had rang back up straight away. I quickly ran into the nearest bathroom, hiding in any open stall and covered my face ashamed as I slid down the bathroom walls and onto the floor. I was so disturbed by myself and my own feelings. I can't believe I couldn't gain any control of myself. I kept thinking about Max and the kiss, it was all to much for me to handle right now. The way he got protective of me when that girl was invading personal space. The way his lips and piercings felt against my lips. It was truly all too much. I felt so embarrassed and suffocated like my heart was practically going to explode. I flinched hearing the door to the bathroom open. As I quickly climbed onto the toilet seat and picked up my legs. I heard a couple of steps walk in and heard two familiar voices talking to one another. I couldn’t put my finger on it but he sounded so familiar. It was my Professor and a strange man. I tried to ignore as I sighed softly before my breathe hitched when I heard “ is anyone in here?” Mentioned by my professor. I heard a few footsteps before a brief pause to which the random man hummed “no I don’t think so” he said as the professor sighed in relief. “Thank god” he said and locked the door to the restroom shut. I heard the sound of a lighter before the random man spoke “pass it over here”. Eventually the bathroom begun to reek of cigarettes as I put my face in my sweater to filter the smell. I tried to inhale my cologne instead. If I left the restroom now the professor would threaten me to stay silent about the smoking incident considering he’s not allowed to smoke in here. Then again he was on break and needed to smoke, he couldn’t smoke on campus either, after all it wouldn’t be professional.

The smell of cigarettes made me so queasy, ever since the brutal punishment of my father when he would put out his cigarettes on the back of my neck I’ve been so nauseous about it. I grew annoyed by the smell alone but what really topped it off was when they spoke. The random guy to which I assumed was another professor asked “anything knew about Bradley?” He asked. I wondered why they were talking about me? What the f*ck? I froze and listened in. Ears heightening immediately. My professor sighed as he took a hit of his cigarette before speaking “ he’s hard at work, one of my top students. But he’s been talking to a boy, Max Goof. The winner of last years X-games. I’m shocked they’re talking considering Max and his father pretty much humiliated the poor boy” he chuckled as the other professor joined in. My heart squeezed in panic. No… not my professor.. please please please no… My heart dropping practically…. The other laughed “I know, I’ve been seeing them around as well” as the professor laughed “yep, you wouldn’t believe it” he shook his head. “ I don’t… considering his father absolutely beat the sh*t out of him after losing last year…. That’s insane” the other explained “beat him how?” My professor asked. “ oh it was brutal…. He was shouting like a mad man and grew so infuriated by Bradley’s silence that he grabbed a vase and smashed it over his head. It left Bradley with a bad scar on his head and stitches, I then saw him grab Bradley by his hair and slam his head into the wall before choking him out. That poor boy” the other said. But this confused me….. he saw? How… what?

That’s when it hit me…. The voice did sound familiar… it was one of my fathers body guards…. He never really spoke to me but I’ve heard him speak a few times when I was younger. My heart practically stopped. Had he been following me around?? That’s when the professor clicked his tongue “ Bradley’s father is a lunatic but I owe the man a lot. Even though I consider Bradley to be the son I never had his father is still my best friend and the one who’s helped me through so many financial issues.” My professor said. I felt misty eyed by that statement. Of course I thought of the professor like the father I’ve always wanted. Growing up with him around was the only thing that truly made my childhood. But the heart felt moment soon shattered instantly when the body guard sighed “ I’m obligated to report back to the master everything I’ve seen or heard. To hear Bradley is falling in love is one thing. But to fall in love with the enemy Max Goof let alone talk to him is another. You better hope he comes out alive. After all the therapy session and now this counts up to three strikes and his father has already been informed on these things.” The body guard said as I felt my world shatter. A shaky breath was released from my parted lips as I quickly covered my mouth praying they didn’t hear me.

I was relieved to find out they didn’t and even more relieved when they eventually left the bathroom. I gasped for air only to inhale the second hand smoke. That and knowing that the three stories were up had brought me into a rising panic attack. My breathing grew into practically a suffocation. I could feel myself getting light headed and shaky as I stood up grabbing onto anything that’ll stabilize me. I tried gasping for air a little, it felt like I was breathing out of a straw. I needed fresh air immediately so I ran out the bathroom. I just ran…. And ran and ran and ran…. I didn’t even know where I was going. I just needed the consistent rotation to keep my mind occupied so I wouldn’t fall into a panicked episode in front of the public.

I don’t know how long I’ve been running for but by the time my legs grew sore enough, my sides cramped hard enough and I felt my stomach attempting to curl and vomit out what little nutrients I had. It had grown dark. I fell to the ground and laid on the side walk in some random park district? Valley? I didn’t even know. But I was searing in pain practically. I sat up and I took off my shoe and sock and notice my feet bruised and blisters around it. I panted, all sweaty and exhausted as I stared at the bruises. I took off my other shoe and sock before I attempted to stand, despite the burning feeling of my feet. It felt like I was stepping on hot charcoals. I practically limped onto the grassy area. The crisp wind and the cold night hit my face so gentle. It was refreshing.

Regardless of such I could feel my panic still inside. When I limped over to the field a let myself fall into the grass as I rolled over staring up into the stars. I wanted my mind to be distracted by something. Anything so badly.

What I wanted most of all though….

I just wanted Max… he was such an amazing distraction, no matter how annoying he was, how aggravating he is. He still kept my mind off the terrible things that are to approach me.

Now this might sound idiotic but I closed my heavy eyes and fell right asleep there in the middle of who knows where. I just wanted to sleep and never wake up at this point.

When I did wake up, it’s was around 3 am….

I was awoken to the sound of police sirens.

Chapter 20: Chapter XX

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I woke up to the sounds of police sirens as I groaned and sat up. I was yanked by my shirt up as I flinched in pain "easy easy now, you're holding fragile cargo here" he said sneering at the police officer " yeah that's funny and all but we don't want rats dirtying up a public area like this. So beat it kid" the officer said pushing me away like I was trash. I co*cked a brow agitated by this encounter "do you know who the hell I am?" I asked as the cop reached over to hold his gun "is that a threat?" He asked me as I sneered and crossed my arms " a little bit yeah! You're talking to the Bradley Uppercrust the Third" I stated my name. The officers color drained white as he froze and let go of the gun " I apologize sir... I was just doing my duty as an officer.." he said as I smirked "yeah yeah whatever. Go away now please" I beckoned. " I'm afraid I can't do that sir. You're trespassing and you're endangering yourself by being out here this late." He said as I scoffed "then what? What do you suppose I do?" I asked as he offered "I will escort you back to where you are residing sir" he said. I perked up and smirked. After all my legs did feel like hell after running so much. I guess there was a few benefits to being the son of such a cruel bastard. I nodded and replied "that's sounds more like it" I said standing up as I was brought to the back seat of the cop car.

I told him to go to the frat house to which he made it there in no time. He turned on the sirens and sped off to bring me back. He asked me a few questions but I decided to ignore each one. It wasn't worth it to reply. After all I knew my amendments so I didn't need to regardless. He eventually gave up and just continued to silently drive. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. Regardless of such he eventually got onto campus and turned off the sirens. He parked in front of the frat to which I realized the boys were holding a party without my permission. The people in the front of the house in the party freaked out when seeing the cops and desperately ran away. That was until I stepped out of the car. I glanced at the police officer and even though I was annoyed I had said "thank you" as the officer nodded "anytime sir". I excited the car feeling f*cked up and noticed some starring at me but I really didn't care. The officer sped off as I walked inside the house yawning. The blaring music, the smell of weed, the disgusting college students ferritin freaky with one another. I was usually able to keep a calm front even though I despised each and every one of the motherf*ckers here. But I couldn't care less. It pissed me off of course but I was too exhausted to really do anything about it.

A arm wrapped around my shoulders and I was greeted by a friendly voice " AYOOOO! BRAD'S BACK LETS GO!" A fellow gamma member shouted. I groaned a little smelling a mix alcohol and b.o radiate off the other "yes I'm back. Lovely..." I sighed as I slowly escaped the grasp and walked up the stairs kicking the trash out of my way. I could feel familiar stares on me but I couldn't care less. Eventually I got to my room which had two students about to f*ck on it. A girl was topless and bra-less as a man was grinding against her while making out. I sighed as I walked in and walked right over to them. They stopped abruptly as I co*cked a brow "no no continue. I'd love to see where this goes" I said sarcastically. The girl understood immediately but the guy didn't. He smirked and perked up "really?" He asked "no. Now bounce the f*ck up out of my dorm or Imma clock you bitch" I said which shocked the both of them. They grew intimidated as got up immediately. The girl grabbing her shirt and quickly putting it on while leaving. I sighed and slumped into bed. I could feel dirt every where but I was too tired to care. The music was loud and aggravating as well but I had just slept right through it.

The next morning I got up to brush my teeth and take a shower early. Everything still hurt so I didn't try with my hair. I put on a little concealer, deodorant and cologne but that was it. After I changed, I had walked down the still disgustingly sticky stairs and over to the kitchen I brewed myself a coffee to wake me up hopefully. That's when Tank slumped down the stairs groaning and rubbing his head. He looked up and flinched "woah! Creepy- where the f*ck did you come from?" He asked laughing " Max's dorm I bet huh?" He asked as he begun to make coffee. I rolled my eyes and replied " no. I was sleeping in a random park district and at 3 am I got dropped off here by the cops" I answered plain and simple. He choked for a second looking shocked as he exclaimed "what why? Is that why you look like that?" He asked. "Look like what?" I asked back as he hesitated before sighing and finally replying. "Man you look like f*cking sh*t, your hair is a mess and you look tired as f*ck" Tank said sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes and sighed "no it's because I didn't know a body guard was following me around" I said as I watched Tank go wide eyed and spit out his coffee. Onto the kitchen counter. He wipe his lips with the nearest napkin and said " excuse me?" As I nodded " yeah I know" I groaned rubbing my eyes annoyed " I guess my father didn't trust me at all" I sighed "well what did the body guard see?" Tank asked " he saw Max and I kiss in the library and is reporting it back to my father.... Tank I'm so f*cked when I get home it's not even funny" I slouched over the counter and used my elbows to prop myself up.

Tank walked over and rubbed my back to calm me down. He didn't what to say so instead I appreciated the silence. I sighed softly taking a moment before I stood up. "Well if I'm going to die. I wanted to do something fun today" I smiled and looked at Tank who didn't like my joke "you're not going to die Brad. But what do you want to do?" He asked. " I don't know..... I wanna do something fun. Maybe get a tattoo or a piercing. Maybe go skinny dipping in a public pool, maybe even spend a sh*t ton of money today and f*ck a bunch of people at the night" I smiled. Tank co*cked a brow "okay sweetie. You're going manic please just chill out. Don't do anything you're gonna regret" he said " Tank I'm gonna die anyways. The only regret I'll have is not having fun" I laughed as a worried looked was written all over him face. I turned to look around the already ruined frat from the previous party and saw a vase that my father had bought from the frat many years ago. I snickered and sighed "my father always such horribly taste in design" I said slowly walking over and grabbing a random baseball bat which was rather convenient. I twirled it around as Tank rushed over "Brad don't do that!" He exclaimed but I didn't listen as I swung the bat and the vase broke into piece. I smiled and hummed in enjoyment until I saw another decorative item placed here by my father. A mirror. I smiled and swung the bat to the mirror shattering that as well. The sounds of the crashing were so pleasing it was absolutely divine. I continued to search around and woke up some other frat members as Tank rushed over to grab my arm snatching it. " Brad enough! You're going manic! Come on baby, we're taking you upstairs to let you calm down a little" he said as I laughed and leaned back letting Tank practically drag me to my room.

Once in my room I flopped into my bed chuckling as Tank looked worried "Brad I-" I interrupted Tank by grabbing his arm and squeezing it " Tank buddy I got something to say" I smiled. I felt like I was high without being high. The adrenaline? Fear? I don't know what was going on with me but I felt like I just didn't have control. " you're my best friend man. What happened in last years X-games makes me feel like sh*t every day. Yeah I lost but I almost killed you in the process" I said as I begun to laugh " oh god....." I sighed trying to calm down " and I was just... thinking and thinking about how much everyone hated me. Including you! You beat the f*ck out of me! But no one hated me more than myself. I mean come on. I almost killed you and I didn't even stop to save you? I was more focused in the game? How f*cked up am I?" I snickered as Tank looked uncomfortable "sweet heart you're good. I forgive you. You don't have to mention it" he said as I snickered and shook my head "no no Tank, I want you to know. I hated myself so much I actually attempted to kill myself before the school year started. I went to the psych ward for 2 weeks man." I laughed as Tank looked horrified " and what makes things even better is that I don't even know why you're forgiving me? I'm an awful person Tank and you're such a great guy I mean come on. I'm not worthy of our friendship!" I laughed as Tank grew annoyed "Brad I forgive you already. I understand why you did all that I don't blame you. So please shut up" he said as I snickered and let go of Tank rolling onto my side and holding my stomach. Tank sighed and went down stairs to make food. His last words before leaving being "I'm gonna make us some breakfast doll. Stay right here"

So what did I do when he left? I quickly opened the window and climbed down to the ground. Once reaching I walked all the way to Max's dorm. I know it's early and it's a Saturday or whatever but I just wanted to see Max. I walked up the steps in the dormitory and when reaching Max's dorm I knocked on it. He opened right away looking tired as he had his phone in his hand. He sighed softly seeing me and said "come inside" to which I interrupted and leaned in cupping Max's cheeks and kissing him passionately. I could feel him freeze up before slowly indulging as he wrapped a arm around my waist as we let the kiss linger for a little longer. But when our lips parted I said something that utterly shocked Max.

"Max, let's hook up"

Chapter 21: Chapter XXI

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I stood shocked at the kiss still but what struck me even more was Brad asking to f*ck. If I'm being honest in any other circ*mstances I'd probably give in but considering Tank had called me 2 minutes ago talking about how Bradley is going manic I decided against it. "Bradley I'm not going to hook up with you when you're like this" I said softly as I brushed his messy hair back. "Why not? I thought you wanted to Goof" he smirked "anyways we might as well. I'm not going to see you after break" he laughed. He had a crazed look in his eyes. I can just tell something was up. "Bradley don't say stuff like that. Listen to me, you're just scared I understand but you seriously need to take deep breaths and think for a moment" I tried to comfort "I don't wanna think Max I just want you" he said. I blushed horribly red as he leaned in once more placing his lips against mine again. I practically melted into the kiss as I closed my eyes. My hands unconsciously grabbed lifted to hold Brad's waist as his hands met my chest. The kiss broke for a moment as he looked at me "Bobby and PJ aren't in here right?" He asked as I shook my head no. "PJ is at his girlfriends house and Bobby is at work" I said as he nodded "good. Come on I can't wait any longer" he said said as he kissed me once more. He gently pushed me as he kicked the door closed and we made our way to the bed where I fell onto and Bradley fell on top of me. Both of us never breaking the kiss.

I felt Bradley bite down gently on my lower lip asking for entrance. I opened up and our tongues met dancing around one another. I slowly slid my hands up and under his shirt to feel his skin. So smooth and warm. My heart was pounding as I heard Bradley moan. The hums vibrating through into the kiss especially causing a much more pleasurable sensation. I felt myself beginning to grow hard, I knew I had to stop.

I let go of the kiss and panted softly "Brad..." I said in a hazy tone. Holy f*ck he had so much power over me... "if you're scared don't worry, I used to go to boarding school I know what to do" he smirked as he traced his finger down my body almost about to graze the button of my pants before I quickly flipped us over, I grabbed his shoulders and slammed him into the mattress as he stared shocked "jeez I was going to let you top anyway" he snickered as I grew annoyed " Bradley enough, we're not doing this right now okay. You aren't in the right state to think clearly" I said softly cupping his cheeks and grazing my thumb along his cheek. I leaned down and kissed his forehead "how about we go out on a date. Just us two?" I offered as I smiled softly.

He didn't say anything for a moment. He thought about it before smiling softly "just us?" He asked as I nodded "of course, I have an idea on where to go. Im sure you'll have fun" I said as I leaned down to kiss his cheek again. I don't know what's gotten into me but I've become very attached and affectionate towards Bradley. I heard him chuckle at the kisses as he turned his head gently lifting my chin as he kissed my lips again. I swooned softly as he chuckled " you're so stupid" he said. That's how I knew he's finally all there. "Yeah, but you like that don't you?" I smirked as he blushed softly "whatever goof. Get off of me" he shoved me off blushing horribly. I smirked "oh but you wanted me all up in you two seconds ago huh?" I snickered as he blushed harder and grabbed my pillow biting my face " I seriously hate you" he said as I smirked "sureeeeee" replying to his comments. I got up and stretched "well Imma get ready now for our date. You just sit there and be pretty" I snickered as he looked away all flustered.

He's so cute. I'm happy we stopped before things escalated. I would've hated to have our first time be while Bradley wasn't fully there. I don't want him regretting it and then end up never talking to me again.

After I finished changing, I had put my shoes on and looked at Bradley "come on. Let's dip" I said as he nodded and stood up following me. We walked down the steps and out of the dormitory as he asked "where are we going?" With a curious look as I smirked "you'll see" I said looking back at him to wink. We ended up at a fast food joint as Bradley looked around "this is the date?" He asked "no, just a part of it" I said as I ordered "two cheeseburgers, two cheesy fries, a side of jalapeño poppers and one chocolate milkshake..." I looked at Brad and asked "what milk shake do you like?" I asked as Brad perked up "oh um... a water is fine..." he said softly as I rolled my eyes. "Add in a vanilla milk shake too." I said as the cashier typed that down and gave me the total amount I owed. I gave him my money as Brad was about to order but I pulled him aside. He looked confused at this and asked "what?" L. I replied with "I already ordered you a cheese burger and fries. I'm not letting you get a salad" I snickered as he blushed a little and didn't say anything in hopes he wouldn't ruin the date.

When we got our food I grabbed it and Bradley grabbed the shakes as we walked out. He was so confused and curious it was so cute. He kept asking me questions and I pretended to be dumb about where we’re going which fueled his rage even more. He would ask “Max where are you taking me?” “ Max I need to know or I’ll die” “ Max answer me!” And I would reply with a hum and a simple shrug which had completely pissed him off.

Once we got to the place I looked at Bradley who looked extremely confused “an arcade?” He asked “yep an arcade” I snickered “ I know how competitive you can get so I decided to take us here” I smiled. “I’m not good at playing video games at all…” he said looking at me with hesitance. “It’s fun. I’ll teach you and you can let loose a little finally.” I replied to ease his mind “okay but I’ve never been to an arcade before so I don’t really know what goes on in there” he explained as I gasped “what?! Oh you’re so going in! Come on!” I pushed him inside laughing.

I bought us a few tokens before we found a seat to eat first. I gave Bradley his food and I took out mine to sit down. I was starving. So hyped to eat. I ate the burger like it was nothing and begun to eat my fries as well. I noticed Bradleys hesitance to eating the food though which made my heart ache. I understand how eating disorders can seriously effect your relationship with food. But then I had an idea “ hey, if you’re scared you’re gonna gain weight then later on after our date we can go to the gym if you’d like” I offered. He looked at me and smiled “sure, only if you can keep up with my routine though” he smirked. See now that was something I was hesitant about. I know Bradley works out hard mean while I just do the basics…. This was gonna be rough but I obliged anyway. I softly and nodded “fine…” I rolled my eyes and heard his snickered. But I smiled seeing him pick up a fry and begun to eat.

I was so overjoyed practically when we were finished eating. I was actually really proud of Bradley. We washed our hands and then grabbed our milk shakes to hit up the arcade. I introduced him to some of the 2 player games I liked and as the date continued he seemed to be enjoying it. I won a lot compared to Brad which hurt his ego but then I also let him win a few times. There was a few games where I genuinely couldn’t win against Brad. Especially the Skee ball game… he just scored 100’s in a row mean while I would roll duds and the occasional 20 or 40. He stood with his hands on his hips all smug as I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “New game!” I demanded as he snickered as followed. We played a whole bunch of games and by the end of the day I grew shocked as I blushed a little when Bradley won me a huge ass doll. I didn’t wanna be seen carrying this alone even though I loved it so I decided to spend my tokens on a giant nerf gun and gifted it to Brad. He had no clue what it was which made me die laughing. “You get plastic bullets and shoot them at things as if it were a real gun. They hurt but they’re so fun to use” I assured. “Oh I’m so using this on slouch” Bradley snickered as I shook my head “ what have I done…” I chuckled softly. We held hands as we walked out and I hesitated to try and grab Bradley’s hand until he abruptly took my hand. I looked over to see him looking away all bashful and such as I chuckled. “Soooo … did you have fun today?” I asked. “It was mediocre…” he replied. I smiled softly as I chuckled “you so had fun don’t lie” I laughed wrapping a arm around his shoulder snickering. He laughed softly before sighing.

“Okay fine yeah… I had fun” he smiled softly. I adored that smile so much. He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and I couldn’t help myself. I leaned in to kiss those gentle lips as he leaned in as well until a flash light was pointed at us. I flinched and squinted “what the hell?” I said softly. My heart dropped when I heard a horrifying voice shouted.

“ Bradley… get over here NOW!!”

Chapter 22: Chapter XXII

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A familiar voice shouted as the flash light blared in my face. I squeezed Max's hand before quickly letting it go and walking forward. The flash light turned off as I was met with the eyes of the man I hated the most. "What do you think you're doing? Shaming me!! Being a disgusting hom*o and dating the man who humiliated you? Are you out of you mind!" He shouted. I was just quiet. Embarrassed even. I looked at Max to see his reaction. All I could see was fear. I knew that he was shocked to see my father standing here in front of the both of us.

For a little context, my father was a little taller than me standing at a hood 6'4 with light brown hair and gray strands, his hair always slicked back with an ungodly amount of gel, he had tired eyes with eye bags underneath that were due to stress from work in which he would take it out on me, he had olive toned skin with a mole placed along his temple, he had a clean cut beard and mustache which he took good care of and his posture was always perfect. He wore designer clothes always but he was never afraid to get them dirty, aka cover it in blood. He also had a signature smell of Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty Perfume which had costed him around $435,000 which I found utterly insane but he practically adores it with a mix of cigarettes. The mixed scents always made me nauseous.

My father looked over to see Max as he walked over to him. I watched Max stiffen as my father stood in front of him looking down at the other. I grew nervous until I heard my father speak "go home immediately" he threatened as Max nodded hesitantly. I can't say I'm mad at Max for leaving. In fact I'm happy he at least took a glance back at me to make sure I was okay. I offered a smile and a thumbs up as I waved goodbye.

Max could tell I was putting up a front but he still left. I'm happy he did. Last time I was out with a guy my father didn't hesitate to ruin the boys whole life. But once Max had run off a car had pulled up. My dad opened the door and looked at me to enter. "Inside. Now" he demanded as I nodded entered into the car. I didn't speak to my father once he entered inside. I am not to speak until spoken to. I didn't mind though. That was until my father begun to speak "Bradley, you're my son. You know I only want the best for you, so seeing you with another man is heartbreaking to see. Have you no shame?" My father asked. I looked down and sighed "I have shame father" I replied. " you understand why I'm unhappy with this right?" He asked as I nodded "I understand father..." I replied. "So you understand that I am arranging you with a woman to which you will marry correct?" He asked as I froze. I looked up at him wide eyed as my heart dropped "excuse me?" I asked. "Yes she's a lovely woman I'm sure you'll like her" my father said "but what about my say in this?" I asked horrified by this all. Since when did he make these decisions for me?! " you don't get a say." He said plain and simple "her name is Claire Williams. She's actually in your school at the moment. She's studying business as well. I'm sure this marriage will be convenient for you when you take over the business" father explained. That name made my heart dropped "out of anyone I cannot marry Claire!! What are you crazy!" I stood only to be immediately greeted with a punch straight to the face. I fell back into my chair holding my eye in pain. I can't let this man get away with this!! I attempted to stand up to fight again before a heard the sound of a click in which a froze. My breath hitched and my body went still. I felt my father press the gun on my leg as he leaned in to whisper into my ear. "You deny my authority one more time and I'll make sure you end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Then how will you be able to run from Claire hm?" He asked. I felt myself about to pass out from straight fear. "This is the punishment you get for disobeying my orders. 3 strikes and your out" he said as the car soon stopped in front of the frat house "now get out of my car." He demanded as he put the gun away. I hesitantly stepped out, shaking. Before I could close the door my father called for me "and boy" he said as I turned to face him. I watched his eyes look me up and down.

"You can stand to loose a few pounds. I don't want you going around looking like a pig"

He closed the door and the car sped off into the distance. That last sentences made all of my insecurities worsen as if I were hit by a bus. I slumped to the ground in front of the frat just looking off in to space for a few minutes. Thinking about how I loathed myself so much to the point where I was considering on how dying would be so much more easier. What was I going to do? How... how am I going to live knowing that my life will never be mine? I sighed and shook my head standing up as I walked into the frat. Once I opened the door I was immediately met by Max and Tank who quickly stood up when seeing me. "Bradley?" "Brad?" Both exclaimed rushing over to see me. Max cupped my cheeks gently as I winced. He looked shocked to see my black eye as Tank gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in fury. "What happened in the car?" Max asked as Tank listened. " well the three strikes had been used. I had forgotten to mention that to either of you earlier. So my father gave me a punishment and because I tried to refuse it he punched me dead in the face and pointed a gun at me threatening to paralyze my legs" I sighed softly. I felt a raging head ache set in but I ignored it to pull up a strong front the best I could. "What? Three strikes? I thought you were only on your first one. What happened?" Tank asked.

I rolled my eyes sighing as I explained "a body guard had been following me around without my knowledge ever since the professor sent an email concerned about how I might attempt to kill myself again. What the body guard found was that I was in a relationship with someone who humiliated my family name. Not only that but the person was a male aka Max. My father didn't take too kindly to that" I explained. Max looked horrified by this. I could immediately tell he thought it was all his fault. I tried to comfort him explaining to him that it wasn't at all but he couldn't help but think it was. Tank then asked "well what was the punishment?" He asked.

I went quiet for a moment. This worrying the two boys even more. "Remember that girl in the library Claire?" I asked Max. "Claire?" Tank asked confused. I explained after "she was hitting on me repeatedly and wouldn't stop no matter how many times I said no" I explained as Tank sneered in annoyance. "Okay okay anyways what about her?" Max asked. "Well..." I hesitated as they both asked "well??"

"...... my father is setting us up for a forced marriage..."

Chapter 23: Chapter XXIII

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I was absolutely shocked “excuse me?” I asked Bradley as he repeated himself “ I’m to be arranged with that girl Claire in marriage all because of my fathers dilemma with my sexuality” he answered. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing…. I felt myself grow irritated and annoyed beyond compare. Bradley noticed this and tried to think of something “ I’m still trying to figure out a way to get out of this stupid arranged marriage bull sh*t. This is absolutely insane. I don’t even know why he would do this” he said as I stayed quiet. I didn’t know what to say so he asked “why aren’t you saying anything?” As I shrugged “it’s not my place to say anything really..” considering we weren’t exactly dating but I perked up when Bradley scoffed “you’re my boyfriend though aren’t you?” He asked as I looked at him shocked “wha- but.. huh? When did we make this official?” I asked confused “we didn’t need to. I’ve claimed you as my boyfriend already. You have no say in this” he said as I co*cked a brow “ and what if I didn’t want to be your boyfriend?” I asked as he scoffed “please” he rolled his eyes “next time you lie make it believable” he smirked as he placed a hand on his hip and raised my chin slightly “and you’re too cute to give up to some random bimbo anyway” he said as I blushed softly “Dont make me hard now Brad” I smirked grabbing his hips as Tank gagged and so did Bradley at the gag sound “ TANK GO AWAY!” He shouted as Tank shook his head “ you guys are freaks…” he sighed as he walked off.

I snickered softly as I looked at Bradley and caught his lips with mine for a second as I smiled “soooo were official then pretty boy?” I asked as Bradley blushed softly “what’s the matter? You like it when I call you my pretty boy?” I asked leaning in closer as Bradley looked away covering his mouth all flustered. He’s so cute I want to bite him. So I did. I let my impulses win and I bit his shoulder. I felt him flinch and shout “ OW! MAX WHAT THE f*ck?!” As I snickered “you’re just so bitable. I’m getting cuteness aggression” I admitted as I squeezed his ass next and he flinched again yelping. He tried to wiggle his way out so I gripped it tighter and he started smacking my back “ MAX LET GO! THAT HURTS!” He shouted as I snickered and let him go. He was a blushing mess as he rubbed his butt. “Holy f*ck Max… why do you squeeze so tightly?” He asked as I shrugged “I don’t know” and smacked his ass hard. He yelped again and held his booty as he looked at me shocked “ can you at least say please before you treat me like a common whor*?” He asked as I snickered “ all I can say is don’t bend down when I’m around. I will smack it every time” I snickered as he scoffed “ my newest concern now is that I have to make a relationship contract..” he sighed as I stuck my tongue out at him giggling.

He went to the kitchen to grab as ice pack though which confused me “did I smack you too hard?” I asked as he co*cked a brow “what? No! ASS HOLE THIS IS FOR THE BLACK EYE!” He shouted as I perked up and blushed so embarrassed at my stupidity.

I decided to stay though with Brad. I knew he’d want some company. I took a shower after him and when we both changed into Brad’s comfier clothes. He forced me to do skin care again and instead of applying the lip balm on my lips I kissed him instead with the excuse of “now you can save your lip balm” with an innocent smile as Bradley’s face went red in fluster.

We eventually headed to bed and Bradley was going to set up the futon but instead I shoved him onto his bed and crawled on top of him as I plopped down smothering him in a hug. “You sure you’re okay with this?” Bradley asked. “Not gonna lie Brad you’re really comfy… so yeah” I yawned for a brief moment “I’m totally okay with this” I said nuzzling into his fluffy head of hair as I held him close like a teddy bear. He wrapped his arms around me and I soon felt myself drifting off into sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Bradley shifting a little in my arms. I assumed he was waking up too. I imagined he would’ve liked to be woken up fully with kisses so I grabbed his face gently and smothered his cheeks with a boat load of kisses as he chuckled softly yet sleepy “stop it Max. It tickles” before I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. “I want breakfast…” I yawned as Bradley chuckled “then go make breakfast I’m not your personal cook” he said “well I want you to come down with me” I replied as I slowly got up and dragged him downstairs with me. “Max I’m not really hungry” he said all sleepy. I looked at his messy bed head hair and almost died at how cute he was. “Breakfast is important babe. You’re gonna eat” I scolded as he rolled his eyes “I’m good with a smoothie.” He chuckled as I turned to look at him “ enough with this diet thing you’re gonna eat” I said as he sighed “fine”.

I made breakfast… or well attempted. Bradley saw this and shoved me aside as he threw out what I had made. I don’t blame him.. it looked almost poisonous. He took over and started to cook instead. He had made the fluffiest pancakes I had ever seen, sunny side up eggs without the yolk being broken and bacon. He made a lot, more than two people could eat this. I wondered why as he rang a bell and the gammas came rushing down to eat. I perked up confused by how fast they ran. Tank looked at the food and hummed before getting to work on some fruit salad and sausages and even made a cheese board. I was so curious as to where the hell Bradley and Tank learned how to cook. We all ate together in the dining room. The Gamma’s talking to one another as I sat awkwardly with them. I didn’t really know what to say considering I felt like a plus one.

Slouch then asked “soooo what’s Max doin here?” As Tank replied “I invited him over. Thought the guy could eat breakfast with us”. He lied to cover for Bradley. I understood so I didn’t say anything. Instead I just awkwardly smiled and ate my eggs. I swooned at how good everything was and it was like in no time everything was gone. I had to ask the two “where did you both learn how to cook?” As Bradley answered first “I used to hang around the kitchen area and learn how to make a lot of different meals from the chef.” He said finishing his plate as he stood up. I grew confused and asked “where are you going?” As Bradley replied “the bathroom. I’ll be back in a second.” And then he left. Tank replied second “my parents are world class chefs so of course I’d pick up a few things” he chuckled. I nodded “that’s actually really cool man.” I smiled. It took a while for Bradley to get back down stairs. I assumed he was fixing up his looks but when he came back down looking the exact same I grew confused. “Stomach issues?” I asked snickering. Bradley scoffed “ew no, I was brushing my teeth” he replied. I didn’t know it takes that long to brush your teeth but knowing Bradley he’s probably doing extra to be honest.

Eventually when everything was cleaned up, we heard a knock on the door. Bradley went to open it and as he did, he gasped. A familiar girl walked in hugging him immediately all giggly.

“Hello future fiancé~”

Chapter 24: Chapter XXIV

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Tw: Eating disorder and non consensual sexual behaviors

After breakfast I had went upstairs to the bathroom to use it. I had went into my private bathroom and knelt over the toilet, lifting the lid. I did what I usually used to do prior to college. I sighed softly before I took my middle finger and index finger pushing it to the back of my throat. I tried to get everything I ate for breakfast out. The words of my father before he left repeating consistently in my head "you look like a pig" or things he's told me in the past prior about my body. I feel like a fat ass every time Im in the mirror. I think about how I can look like the models I see on the cover of magazines or the celebrities who lose weight for roles like nothing. I grew so envious of them. I continued to shove my fingers down and as swoon as I started gagging, I couldn't stop. I felt tears begin to prick out of my eyes as I uncomfortably forced myself to throw up. Eventually I hurled everything I had eaten and panted softly as a few tears rolled down due to the suffocation. I closed my eyes and sniffled a little as I rest my head against the wall collecting my thoughts. The acid reflux was burning my throat so I knew I had to wash my mouth immediately. I stood up and flushed the toilet before grabbing my bar of soap and washing my hands thoroughly. After doing so, I washed my face and then brushed my teeth, followed up with a tongue scraper.

I had lied about the reason why I gag at the sound of gagging. Even though the story of Tank throwing up on me was true, that's not the real reason. It was because I had forced myself to throw up so much when I was younger it had begun to trigger my body to just immediately trigger my reflexes and follow through. I looked at myself in the mirror noticing small things about myself to which I despised. The acne scars, how my body wasn't appealing at all to me. How my eyebrows were a mess again and needed threading. I looked at my hair and noticed it had brown longer which was good. I was trying my best to cover the cigarette burn marks on the back of my neck which my father had created.

Eventually when I was finished I spent a minute or so relaxing a little trying to collect my thoughts before going back down stairs. Max had asked me a few questions regarding my whereabouts and I had instantly lied to cover up what I had actually been doing. It looked as if Max had believed me which was all that mattered. But when I heard the knock at the door I grew curious as to who would be here this early? I went to answer it before going wide eyed at it being Claire.... " good morning my future fiancé~ How are you darling?" She asked all giggly as she hugged me. "I-.. what?" I said confused and concerned " your father didn't tell you?" She asked as I looked severely uncomfortable "no he did.... But how the hell did he know who you were?" I asked as she rolled her eyes chuckling. My dad knows your dad and I asked if he can arrange something for us and so he asked your father! Your father agreed obviously" she giggled "oh how.... Kind..." I said in a unamused tone. She bit her lip and chuckled "I know~" she said in a seductive tone as she slid her hand down my body to touch me. I grew extremely uncomfortable as Max came in a pulled her off of me "I'm sorry princess but Brad's gotta get ready for classes" he smiled but I could tell he was irritated. She looked confused and said "what? But it's Sunday though?" She asked as Max hummed "mhm, he had weekend classes" as he quickly pushed her out the frat house. Once the door closed he looked super annoyed as he scoffed under his breath "stupid f*cking bitch, how would you like it if I cut you whor*" he muttered. I chuckled softly at his annoyance but deep down I knew she was going to be a big issue....

Later on the boys got bored and decided to do something fun aka through another party. Tank brought in the booze and snacks mean while the rest brought in speakers for music and lights for ambiance. Max and I helped out as well, when everything was set up we opened the doors and got the music going. As usual students pranced on in. Weed, alcohol, cigarettes. The smell was everywhere. Needless to say the night was going well. Max and I stayed close by each other as max extended a hand out. "Wanna dance?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. I smiled and chuckled "sure why not" as I took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. The song changed as Max gasped " I love this song!" He exclaimed getting all hyped up as he brought me in to dance. Max isn't the smoothest dancer but I can see the dorky appeal, I snickered and decided to dance like a goof as well. I'm usually not the biggest fan of these parties but today I was having fun. I enjoyed it a lot.

Max and I took a break from dancing and decided to get a beer cup "cheers" I said lifting up the up to which Max lifted his own and clinked it with my own. I smirked having the idea to lift Max's cup a little higher when he was drinking it so the beer spilled on his face a little. He flinched and out the cup down wiping his face with his sleeve "ass hole" he chuckled as I snickered and shrugged taking a sip of my own beer. I set my cup down for just a second as I took a paper towel to clean up Max's face. He allowed my to do so as I chuckled "there you go. Good as new" I said as I threw the napkin away and took another sip of my cup. " MAX!" " MAXIMILLIAN!" Bobby and PJ shouted which caught Max's attention. Max laughed and walked over "hey you guys! What are you two doing here?" He asked "aw man. I'm tryna look for a little hottie for me man" Bobby admitted as PJ shrugged "I just wanted to enjoy the vibes with my girl Stace" PJ said hugging his girl from behind. Tank joined in the conversation laughing "don't I know it Bobby! I'm tryna get laid tonight!" He laughed as Bobby snickered "let's make a bet, if we can't find hotties by the end of the night we should link man" Bobby said. I perked up along with the rest. So did Tank. Tank busted up laughing and shrugged "sure why not" he said which made our jaws DROP. The rest of the boys laughed as I shook my head and sipped my drink.

All of a sudden a raging and pounding head ache occurred to me. I felt dizzy. That was until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I could barely open my eyes as I shifted my weight onto whoever was holding me. It felt like a guy so I assumed it was Max. We walked up the stairs to my room as the person laid me down in bed. I looked up at the person and realized the guy didn't look like Max at all. He stared at me for a moment before leaving the room to which I saw a familiar woman pay him outside the door. It was Claire.... She walked inside and locked the door leaving the both of us in there alone. "Hi Bradley~" she giggled. I wanted to shout at her but I couldn't form words. I already knew she roofied me. I didn't drink that much to get this f*cked up. I tried to sit up as she placed a hand on my chest and hushed me as she leaned her weight against me "shhhh it's okay~ I'm gonna take real good care of you~" she hummed as she leaned down kissing my lips. I tried to move my face away but she held it in place and kissed me harder as she forced her tongue through. She then begun to take off my shirt and kissing down my face then neck and then torso up until she reached the brim of my pants. I wanted to die at that moment but because my mind was so foggy I couldn't think for myself. I tried to push her away but nothing.

She ended up getting my pants half way down and was about to start on my boxers. That when she flinched hearing extremely violent knocking on my door. " BRAD?! BRAD!" A familiar voice shouted. It was definitely Max. She covered my mouth with her hand as she waited a moment. The silence was hee okay to continue afterward as she slowly pulled down my boxers. I tried to love I really did but nothing seemed to work. What the f*ck did she give me?

I don't think either of us noticed the doorknob moving because before she could take off my boxers, the door swung open. There was Stace and Max there at the door way with Stacey holding her Bobby pin in her hand. " oh f*ck no!" Max said infuriated. "Max you can't hit girls as a man. But I can" Stacey said as she pulled Claire off of me and dragged her ass down stairs. I heard Claire screaming sh*t like “ WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT! HES MY HUSBAND!” And all sorts. That's where I could here people shouting " CAT FIGHT!" Before the sounds of "oooh- oh! Wow... OUCH!" Was audible. Max ran over to me and asked "what the f*ck? What happened?" As he checked on me. "Holy f*ck you're beyond high" he said as I groaned and looked at Max's worried face. I was barely even able to keep my eyes open. He didn't know what to do so we decided to wait it out a while to which I fell asleep with Max beside me. Holding onto me.

The next day approached and I was woken up to Tank bursting into my bed room panting and looking shocked and disturbed.


Chapter 25: Chapter XXV

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Trigger warning: mentions of past sexual assault

I woke up to a booming head ache, aka Tank screaming into Brad's room " WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS STOP US!" He shouted at us as I sat up covering Brad's ears. "Brad isn't feeling well. Something major happened last night so let's talk outside yeah?" I asked to try and calm Tank down a little. He paused and looked confused "what? What happened?" He asked as I hummed " Claire and drugs" I sighed and he immediately understood. "f*cking bitch" he sighed and shook his head "is he okay though?" He asked as I nodded looking at Brad "yeah he should be fine.... We stopped it before it could go any further thankfully" I said as Tank nodded " that's good...." I agreed and nodded before looking back at Tank " anyways what happened?" I asked " Bobby and I actually hooked up last night" Tank answered. " solid 10/10 would do again. The Prince Albert piercing made the experience go craaaaazzzyyyy" Bobby interrupted as he laughed. "Dude we're you sober?" Tank asked "because I was 100% f*cked up" he added as Bobby laughed "bro am I ever sober? I mean like hellooooooooo" he lifted his glasses up to which his eyes were red "I'm high right now bruh"

"Dude.... We gotta get you back into rehab..." I said softly as Bobby scoffed "nah man. I'm all good. Being high is great anyway" he snickered. I shook my head and sighed as I looked at Tank "sooooo what's the issue?" I asked as Tank paused. "...... actually there isn't really an issue. What happened did happen" he shrugged as he held out a hand to dap up Bobby "bros?" He asked "yeah man we cool" as Bobby dapped the other up and they just went about like nothing happened. Which absolutely confused me but alright. As long as there is no tension then everything was good. I shook my head chuckling softly as I walked back into Bradley's room to check up on him.

He had woken up all sleepy and such as he yawned "Bobby and Tank hooked up?" He asked confused. "Well good morning to you too sleeping beauty" I replied chuckling softly "hardy har har Max" he said as he sat up tiredly. I sat on the edge of his bed and looked at him. I was still so devastated by what happened last night but I was shocked to see Bradley didn't mention any part of it. Maybe he had forgotten all of it? Hopefully... I would hate to have him remember something like that. But despite my better judgement I asked him regardless "you hungry?" To which he sighed "sure but I don't want to be poisoned by your awful cooking..." he chuckled to which I rolled my eyes. "Fine whatever. I'll ask Tank to cook" I said as Bradley approved "much better option" he said as I shook my head and went to go ask Tank.

When Tank agreed, he had gone down stairs and seen Bobby already stirring up with own concoction to which he freak out and shoved Bobby out the kitchen immediately. Bobby shrugged and ate his cheese by himself regardless as he slumped onto the couch. Tank finished up making breakfast and called the Gamma's down including Bobby and I. I helped Bradley downstairs and he sat in his chair as I sat next to him. Tank served the food as we all plated ourselves. Bradley didn't put a lot but he did put a decent amount which made me happy. We all ate our breakfast which by the way was absolutely delicious. Tank is so talented.

The Gamma's helped clean up afterwards and so did I. Then we begun cleaning up the house in general. Bradley claimed he wasn't feeling to bright so he wanted to rest for a while. Because of the situation that happened last night Tank allowed him to do so.

He didn't come down for a while. By then we had brought the frat back to its original sat. I went back upstairs to check on Bradley who was asleep in bed again. I smiled softly and let him rest. So I closed the door and left the room. Once out, I had gone downstairs and looked at Bobby "let's bounce man." He nodded and stood up as we waved goodbye to the gamma brothers and went back to the dorm. Bobby hummed softly to himself "dude. I just realized that halloween is like... right around the corner" he mentioned. I nodded agreeing "yeah it is... I completely forgot about that" I chuckled "sooooo~ you gonna bring Brad into haunted house dates?" He snickered as I shrugged and looked confused at his snickering "yeah.... Why?" I asked. "Oh I don't know. Just so maybe you could show off how manly you are~" he teased as he busted up laughing. I pinched his side as he flinched and yelled "what was that for man?!" He asked "to keep track of your stupidity dude" I snickered as he pouted. "Okay whateveeeeeer" he whined rolling his eyes. I shook my head and chuckled "so? How was hooking up with Tank?" I asked as he shrugged "honestly man I can't tell you. We don't even remember. All I remember is my lower back hurting and then waking up booty naked in his bed man. He doesn't remember sh*t either but he's a chill dude so I don't think it matters man" he shrugged. "Okay well I'm still shocked on how you're so chill with the whole thing like you two hooked up. Your not embarrassed or flustered or anything?" I asked as he shook his head "no bro not really" he said dead serious. He whistled in a low tone as he snickered "I guess we just aren't as complicated as you and Brad" he replied as I looked confused "what do you mean?" I asked as he sighed "y'all never hooked up yet dude." He said as I co*cked a brow "Bobby what does that have to do with anything?" To which his reply shocked me "man to keep a relationship you guys have to hook up consistently. Please the other you know. Even if you don't wanna do it sometimes. sh*t with my last relationship that's why we broke up. I couldn't keep up with her stamina man" he said. My eyes widened for a minute "dude..... you got raped man. If she did sh*t to you, forced you practically because you didn't want to do it and especially if you didn't enjoy it. Not to mention if she broke up with you for not indulging then you were just being used... was it your ex from high school?" I asked "nah man. Remember after we graduated I told you I went on vacation to the Maldives? And I met a girl there and we had an instant connection. It was her. I don't think she raped me though man" he said. I looked at him and sighed " okay I'm gonna ask you a few questions and you have to answer them truthfully. Did she ever get mad at you for not being in the mood?"

B: "yes"

M: " did she claim you didn't love her when you said you didn't wanna f*ck"

B: "yeah?"

M: " did you ever do it with her and felt horrible after?"

B: "yeah..."

M: " did sex mostly revolve around her and her own pleasure?"

B: "..."

M: "Imma take that as a yes. Did she ever threaten you, f*cked while you were drunk or purposefully got you drunk to f*ck?"

B: " yeah yeah and yeah..."

"Bobby... you got raped... consistently"I said softly "and she probably guilt tripped you into thinking that you were a bad boyfriend to make her look like the innocent one huh?" I asked as Bobby rubbed the back of his neck "how come you never told me man?" I asked saddened by his reaction. "Because she had lied to me saying she was pregnant and because I had no right to doubt her I stayed and I felt too ashamed to tell you or PJ thinking you guys were gonna think worse of me you know?" He said softly. My eyes widened in shock "Bobby never!! Absolutely the f*ck we wouldn't dude! You were our day ones!" I said softly and gave him a hug. Bobby sighed softly and hugged me back as he said softly "she also threatened she'd find you and PJ come kill you guys both if I didn't keep my mouth shut..."

"Excuse me what?"

Chapter 26: Chapter XXVI

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"What do you mean kill us?" I asked as Bobby shrugged "I don't know man she was just off the charts. Like I know I smoked weed in high school but she's the reason why I became such a huge stoner. She stressed me the f*ck out consistently so I just got attached. Rehab was a whole different thing. Rebab wasn't because I was a huge pot head or alcoholic. I got accused of being addicted to co*ke when I was at a party and someone snuck like a pound in my bag so they wouldn't get in any trouble" Bobby explained as I looked confused "how the f*ck did you not realize someone snuck a pound of co*ke in your bag Bobby?" As he shrugged "you know what... being drunk does wonders. I'm just happy I didn't go to jail" he shrugged "and how did you manage to not go to jail?" I asked "something along the lines of me being a idiot and a victim of accusations. I also wasn't read my Miranda rights so I didn't get in trouble because I didn't know anything" He explained "Bobby you know your Miranda rights though...." I replied back as Bobby scoffed "duh I do Max! But you gotta act stupid sometimes to get out of certain situations! Why do you think I didn't bring my ex back here? Because I told her I was dumb and didn't know how to book a ticket back I just snuck out the place" he snickered as I nodded "so why don't you tell PJ and I any of this stuff?" I asked as Bobby shrugged " I did like once when we were super drunk and then I forgot to tell you guys again. All I know is that I'm a fee man and I'm not a felon. I think that's all that really matters" he smiled as I sighed shaking my head. "You're so careless man" I chuckled.

" yeah well the world is unexpected. How was I gonna know that I a pound of co*ke was placed in my bag or that I was dating a convicted murderer" Bobby said in a calm manner as my eyes widened " BOBBY! HOW COULD YOU MISS SUCH AN IMPORTANT DETAIL!" I shouted as Bobby shouted back " I THOUGHT YOU WOULD'VE GOT THAT WHEN I SAID SHE WANTED TO KILL YOU AND PJ!" He replied as I covered my face in shame and disappointment at my dearest friend being this f*cking slow. “ okay Bobby… we gotta get you into some therapy asap” I told him as he shook his head “nuh uh” “why?” “ becaaaaaauuuuseeee….. I don’t like venting about my life what if my therapist is a spy or something trying to take my information!” He said “ BOBBY! THATS WHY YOU NEED THERAPY!! STOP MAKING SCENARIOS THAT’LL NEVER HAPPEN!” I shouted once more and he shouted yet again “ THE co*kE THING HAPPENED! AND THE DATING A EX CONVICT THING! AND THE HOOKING UP WITH TANK THING! MAYBE THE THERAPIST BEING A SPY THING WILL HAPPEN TOO!” He shouted as a grown man walked by in a black tuxedo and sunglasses was with a ear piece speaking a different language and whispering some random numbers for a code in a very angry tone. We silently watched as he walked by and it didn’t help that the spy conversation influenced our thoughts on him. I sighed and looked at Bobby “ maybe you’re right… maybe we just need to put you on medication” I said “nooooo I don’t like taking pills they’re so icky” Bobby whined as I rolled my eyes “okay then you’re a lost cause” I said “not when it comes to my love for cheese. I want cheese pizza now” he nodded making me shocked “Bobby! We just ate breakfast!” “So? I got room for more” he laughed.

He managed to convince me to get pizza with him and honestly… there wasn’t much I regretted. It was nice after all. We talked about a whole bunch of things regarding um… Bobby’s extremely concerning past but then Bobby struck up a different topic “ man I got a project in my technical engineering development class. I don’t really wanna do it but I’m not willing to fail bro” he said. I ate my next slice and with my mouth full I said “ why not?” And he went on and on about all sorts of confusing stuff regarding the class. Now he started to sound smart again which confused me even more. There was definitely two sides to Bobby. Only one of them had a brain but that’s what makes Bobby such a cool and fun person to hang around.

Not to mention Bobby was also very respectful. For example, Pj’s girl, Stacey was in the pizzeria and she saw us. She walked over to talk to us. Bobby offered her a seat and when she accepted that was it. Back then he would’ve been hitting on her but since he knows that her and PJ were dating they’ve become close in a cousins sort of way. “I’m performing again at the cafe. I got a new poem I wanted to share. I think you two should come visit” she said as I nodded and Bobby agreed “f*ck yeah. Gotta support family man” he said as she chuckled “thanks you guys. Also, you should bring Bradley, Max.” She offered as I blushed softly. Bobby snickered “that’s what I’m sayin man. Aren’t they cute as f*ck?” Bobby asked her as she smiled and nodded “yes. Despite how annoying Bradley can be sometimes you two are a true perfect match” she smiled as I grew flustered. “Aw shucks guys…” I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck as Bobby snickered “look who’s getting all flustered~” he teased as Stacey giggled. “ oh shut up guys” I said embarrassed but I was happy that at least my friends were approving.

It’s hard to watch Bradley struggle with so much considering his home life. But seeing him grow into becoming a better side of himself was more than enough. I can tell the weight of the pressure his father was putting on him to become the best was slowly lifting off of his shoulders. Even if his father still controlled him and all sorts, I knew I was going to be there to help him through every step of the journey. I’m happy he let me in and told me a few issues he’s had and it’s made our relationship stronger. Not to mention the beef between the gammas and our group was also diminishing so college life was really looking up for all of us. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought that though because Stacey added her two cents. She talked about how lovely the aura was around here now that everyone was beginning to come together and it didn’t feel so awful now. She also had a rebuttal that there are still a few bad people lurking around the campus but as long as they weren’t effecting the circle we had created then everything was fine. Bobby agreed with her and it made me smile.

After hanging out in the pizzeria, Bobby and I went back to our dorm and Stacey tagged along to visit her boyfriend PJ. They didn’t plan to hang out today but considering they were both free she decided to join. Everything was good and when we arrived, I opened the door to see PJ….. and “ MAXY!” A familiar voice exclaimed with such a charismatic tone.

“ DAD?!”

Chapter 27: Chapter XXVII

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“ DAD?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” I shouted in shock as my old man smiled “ I came to visit my favorite son!” He laughed and gave me the strongest hug ever known to man. I wheezed feeling like my lungs were going to collapse “dad! I can’t breathe!” I strained as he put me down immediately “uh-yuk! Gosh Maxy, I’m sorry!” He chuckled as I sighed softly in relief “ it’s fine pops. And I’m your only son remember?” I asked as my father chuckled “yeah I know. But you’re still my favorite person Maxy. Always in my heart” my dad smiled which in return made me smile a little. “Oh! I also forgot! GUESS WHAT!” He got all excited and bounced a little. I co*cked a brow and tilted my head “ what’s up dad?” I asked “ IM GETTING MARRIED TO MS. MARPOLE!” He said as everyone in the room gasped including me “ NO WAY DAD! THATS AMAZING! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” I exclaimed with a big smile. I laughed as I hugged my dad now first. He wrapped his arms around me as the rest of the room joined. Bobby, PJ and Stacey giving their congratulations. “You guys are all invited! Everyone’s gonna be at our wedding!” Dad laughed as Bobby and PJ cheered “ congrats man! Love wins brother WOO!” Bobby cheered as PJ nodded “yeah! Seriously mr. Goof! I’m happy for you!” PJ smiled as dad chuckled “thank you guys. I love my nephews so much” he smiled hugging the boys as Stacey smiled “congratulations. I wish the best for you two” she smiled as dad gave her a hug as well. But he was much more gentle with her.

Stacey then looked at me and whispered “you have to tell him” but I didn’t understand what she was referring to. PJ grasped it immediately and whispered in my ear “about Bradley” as I froze. My dad knew I was always bisexual but I don’t know how he would feel about Brad and I getting together. Considering my father genuinely despised Brad and my father doesn’t hate a lot of people. In fact I’ve never seen him hate in general. I’ve seen him get angry but not to the extent of hate. I shook my head no quickly because I didn’t think I could take the thought of disapproval from him. Stacey didn’t want to push it, she was really respectful of boundaries which was amazing but unlike her. PJ and Bobby pushed me too. My dad caught onto my nervous energy and their persistence which concerned him. “ what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked worried. I froze when he spoke. The others stares kind of broke into me and it felt like I was coming out to my dad all over again. The fear was definitely back. “Um…… I sort of… no no I did…. I got a boyfriend dad..” I said softly. My dad smiled all happy “that’s amazing!! What’s his name?! Can I meet him?!” He asked all excitedly as I sighed “um…. You have actually met him. You know him sorta well dad” I said all embarrassed. I really like Bradley, I’m not ashamed to call him my boyfriend I just didn’t know how my father would take it.

My dad was confused as he perked up “oooooh a guessing game! Is it… Bobby?!” He asked as Bobby and I flinched. I screamed “ NO!” As Bobby laughed “I would hit that though” he said as I smacked Bobby in the back of his head “ I’m kidding I’m kidding!” He laughed as my dad snickered “okay if not then….” And he just started listing a bunch of guy names. Starting from elementary school friends to middle school, high school, coworkers everything. Everyone but Brad. When I said no to each my dad grew fed up “then who?” He asked “um…… you remember-” then my dad interrupted me shouting “ IS IT BRADLEY?” He asked as I flinched and went quiet. He immediately knew that was a yes and he sighed. I knew from that sigh he was disappointed and I wanted to defend Brad immediately but instead what I got was “I knew it was coming. I’m just hopping he became a better person before you two got together!” Which shocked me “ what?! What do you mean?!” I asked. “Oh just because I’m a old man doesn’t mean I can’t see the tension floating around! You’re hilarious Maxy. You and sir uppercrust had that enemies competitiveness but no one knows that you two were staring at each other from afar like forbidden star crossed lovers!” My dad giggled as I grew red in fluster “s-so you’re okay with this?! Brad and I?” I asked “I mean of course but I’d love to see him again! I feel like that sounds about right doesn’t it? See if he’s changed” my dad said as I nodded smiling. I ran in and hugged my dad again. I was so happy on how accepting he was as he gently hugged me back “ oh there there boy. You didn’t think I was gonna force you to do something you didn’t wanna do right?” He asked as I looked nervous “I did… I don’t know why I think so pessimistically…” I said softly as pops chuckled and booped my nose “you’re a goof! We’ve got dumb luck and positivity in our blood” he smiled as I nodded and laughed too “uh-hyuk!” And covered my mouth really proving that I in fact was a goof.

My dad then suggested “how about you call him over! We can all hang out together over a nice dinner at some restaurant! I’ll pay it’ll be on me!0 my dad offered as I hesitated “oh uh… I don’t know if that’s a good option right now. I think we should give him a little space today” I said softly to which my dad looked concerned “ what? Why? Did he do something to you?” He immediately thought which I don’t blame him for assuming so. But I shook my head “no no I just um….. he’s been through a lot. Family issues and all” I said as my dad pouted “my condolences…” I nodded and I perked up “dad no one died!…. Yet…” I scoffed and rolled my eyes while crossing my arms. Dad look confused and asked “what is that supposed to mean?” As he sat down on my bed. Bobby whistled in a low tone as his eyebrows raised. He’s been filled in with everything. PJ hasn’t because he and Stacey have been hanging out a lot so the couple and dad leaned in curious. I sighed and rubbed my temples a little annoyed by this story but I just laid it all out there.

“Basically, Bradley’s dad is a piece of sh*t who wants all control over Brad. One of his bodyguards was stalking Brad with out Brad knowing and found out we were together. Brad’s dad didn’t like that and now Brad is forcefully engaged to a girl who SA’d him and when Brad said no his dad swung at him straight in the eye.” I explained which made all three of their jaws drop instantly. I could tell by dads face that he was heart broken as he sighed “it’s so upsetting when a father and son bond is broken over differences..” he sighed as I shook my head immediately “there was never a bond. His dad had treated him like sh*t all his life. He told me stuff that his dad has done to him which I can’t even repeat out loud. But long story short his dad practically tortured him through out his childhood” I explained to which my dads expression changed from grief to anger “no wonder why Brad acted so stuck up! His dad sounds like a piece of work!” He scoffed. “ dad … Bradley almost killed Tank and I during the X-games which was on accident. He didn’t mean to. But he almost did all for the sake of pleasing his psychotic father. Brad went manic the other day and apparently Tank called me all worried saying Brad was apologizing to him like crazy and shouting about how Tank should hate him just like how he hates himself. Bradley is a good person underneath I know it but his dad f*cked him up horribly…” I said softly as my dad stayed quiet just going wide eyed. He sighed and shook his head saying.

“Someone outta give that boy a hug…”

Chapter 28: Chapter XXVIII

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Back in the Frat house. I woke up again after taking a short nap to find Max gone which sort of annoyed me but assuming it's Monday and I was asleep I let it be. I had previously thrown up the breakfast Tank made and my nap had relieved my exhaustion so I was glad to see that I was doing a little better. I didn't have any classes on Monday thankfully but I was assuming Max might've had a class.

I laid still in my bed dozing off trying to collect myself to fully wake up but I genuinely just didn't have the energy to move. I checked the time and saw it was 3 pm already and the exhaustion was hitting my like a bus. I could hear the ticking sound of my clock to which I focused on so my mind wouldn't rush to thoughts I didn't want. Aka the Claire situation. If Max and Stacey weren't there on time it could've been real bad.

But then I got a knock on my door "Brad? You up man?" Tank asked. I stayed quiet which I thought would make him leave but he still pranced on in as he looked to see that I was awake. "It's rude to come in without knocking" I said softly as Tank nodded "yeah I know but um.... We kind of got an issue.." Tank said softly "what is it?" I asked not even looking at Tank. I was too tired. "Your dad is here and he's waiting for you in the car outside" Tank said..... those words made my heart drop as I stood up quickly "sh*t why didn't he contact me!? Im not ready!!" I said in fear as Tank watched silently. I ran to the bathroom to quickly fix my hair and teeth as I shouted " Tank! Pull out an outfit for me!" I called to which he did and tossed me each piece of clothing as I u quickly changed into them. I looked in the mirror to see if I was presentable which I was and I ran downstairs quickly as I put my socks and shoes on.

When reaching the door, I opened it to find a limo with the back seat window rolled down revealing my dad and someone else in the car. I grew confused as I walked over and went inside the car. But I froze to see... Claire in the back seat with my dad. She had a black eye and a cut lip as she crossed her arms glaring at me. Now I didn't know who to sit next to at all. I sat in between sort of but I wasn't comfortable either way. I sat down as the car started to move and my father spoke. "Good morning Bradley" he said as I nodded "good morning father." And then the conversation begun... " so I found out from this lovely young woman that you tried to sleep with her and when she denied, you sent another woman to attack her so brutally..... what in that tiny brain of yours thought that would be a good idea?" My father asked to which shocked me beyond compare "what? No no no that did not happen!" I said as I tried to quickly explain "the frat held a party and she slipped a roofie into my drink. She tried to rape me father" I said to which my dad laughed "oh please. Men can't get raped, what are you some girl? You would've enjoyed it if that was the case" he said as if it were a matter of fact. I looked at Claire disgusted as she smirked. She knew she had won. That's when I cracked... I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Pardon my language but father I can not marry a whor* and a two faced slu*t. You know how bad that would look for MY image. She's a f*cking gold digger who only wants to marry for my money which I'm not allowing her to take!" I said finally standing my ground which infuriated my father. He pulled out his gun and placed it along my forehead immediately. "Say that again boy...." He said. I don't know what came over me but I didn't feel fear. I was no longer scared. " I said I'm not marrying that stupid whor*! She can die for all I care but she doesn't mean anything to me!" I stated again and smirked "and what are you gonna do? Shoot your only heir dead? Have fun with that" I said as my father gritted his teeth. He glanced at Claire and told the chauffeur to drop Claire off. Claire was trying to fight back saying "no! I want to see you punish him for speaking to me like that!" And blah blah blah to which we ignored still glaring at one another.

When Claire was dropped off my father drove me all the way up to a random location. Some strange valley I had no clue of. When arriving he gripped my hair so tightly I thought he was going to rip it off as he dragged me out the car. He threw me to the ground. My head was throbbing in pain because of it as he stomped on me repeatedly. I had enough with this old man so I jumped up and attempted to tackle him down. I wanted to throw countless punches. I managed to land one and it felt so relieving to bunch that bastard in the face. I hated him. I hated him so much. I hated him with every fiber of my being. Of course though he always had to win one way or another even if it meant pushing things to the extreme. He took out his gun and shot. I flinched at the noise but because I didn't feel pain I immediately assumed he didn't shoot me. It was just a scare tactic. But that wasn't until I felt the warm sensation along my thigh in which I looked down to see my leg oozing with blood. This bastard shot me in leg. I went wide eyed staring at it in shock as he swung his gun and hit me straight in the face. I fell over from the impact of the steel hitting my jaw which was sore immediately after. He stood up and stomped on my head which caused me to go dizzy as he panted. I looked up to see his nose bleeding from my punch as he fixed his hair. "You.. you little sh*t. You are walking home." He said as he walked to the limo and stepped inside. Before driving off he rolled the window down to shout "the wedding is still on. You aren't going anywhere Bradley" Soon enough the limo drove off leaving me in the middle of the valley. I felt sore and my whole body ached like crazy.

I needed to call an ambulance immediately. I did so as they drove over to come help me out and when arriving I was put in a gerny and they drove me to a hospital. I was immediately put into the emergency room as they called for surgery. Everything ached horribly.

I could only think of one person who I wanted to be there the most of course.

That was Max.

I wanted no one else but Max.

Chapter 29: Chapter XXIX

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Eventually the pain of the gun shot had settled in. I felt this surging pain. The adrenaline in my body started to die down and I realized how bad the pain truly was. It's funny how you don't feel the pain, you feel invincible until it truly settles in. What's funny is that the gun shot alone wouldn't have stoped me from beating the sh*t out of my father. But instead it was when he stomped on my head on the side walk. I could feel the blood dripping out of my head, with the raging head ache complimenting it all. My body was warm being all soaked in blood and such. I was taken in to multiple scan rooms to check what had been affected. In the ambulance I texted Max telling him to come to the hospital. He didn't respond. He must've been busy. The nurses and doctors were rushing everywhere. I've seen this scene play out before. Except it wasn't for me, it was for my mother. I was a little scared, I thought I was going to die. I didn't want to die after life had just started to become my own. I can't let the man who took the experience of living away from me also take my life. I'm not going to allow it. I felt the fear overwhelm my emotions as my breathing became ragged, my heart dropping to my stomach and my mind becoming buzzed. I felt light headed and heavy both at the same time. The doctors noticed my heart rate increasing and new I was going into a panic attack so they tried to calm my nerves. I tried to keep a cool front but I couldn't I just broke instantly. I wasn't sobbing, just pure panic.

I didn't even realize that Max had arrived with his friends and dad until I heard a audible gasp. I looked over to see his face as my eyes widened. He looked so scared. But I couldn't help but smile. He calms me down so much. Just his presence comforts me. When I was pushed in to surgery for my leg I could hear Max shout " WHAT THE f*ck HAPPENED TO HIM?!" Which made me chuckle softly. I don't know why but his concern for me was comforting and so sweet.

Everything went well despite hearing I won't be able to walk for a few weeks and the fact I had a pretty bad concussion. The doctors then said I had guests visiting which made me confused. I quickly forgot because it was a sign of the concussion. I was shocked to see Max, PJ, Bobby, Tank and the old man goof. They gasped seeing me covered in bandages and one of my eyes being red since a blood vessel popped. Thankfully it won't stay that way. Max ran over and gently hugged me. I flinched a little at the pain but I needed that hug so bad. I wrapped my arms around him quickly. He eventually let go and cupped my cheeks as he asked in a worried tone, eyes full of tears "what the hell happened to you?" He asked. I looked embarrassed but I sighed softly and said "who else?" Expecting Max to know immediately "what did he do?! What made him go this far?!" He asked me as I explained. "Claire had told him a completely different story saying I wanted to have sex with her and when she didn't want to apparently I had Stacey here beat her up. So he picked me up after you left the frat and Claire was there accusing me still. He then started laughing when I told my side and said that men can't get raped and I would've enjoyed it in that case so I went mad and told him how I didn't wanna marry a slu*t faced whor*. So he dropped her off and drove off into the middle of no where. Pulled me by my hair out the car and tried to beat the sh*t out of me. I fought back and tried to beat him up afterward so he pulled out a gun. Shot me in the leg and then stomped on my head on the sidewalk, he then left me just laying there bleeding out." I said as I heard the groups audible gasp as Max looked hurt and angered at the same time "your dad is a f*cking psychopath. I'm going to kill that mother f*cker I swear to god.." he said annoyed. Max's dad took him and had him relax a little "now listen Maxy let's calm down and think about this logically. We will figure this out together" he said to which Max slowed down and sighed softly to calm down a bit.
"Bro.... Max almost unleashed his inner alpha dawg" Bobby commented which made me snicker until Bobby continued "that makes you the omega Brad" so I shouted " SHUT UP BOBBY!" To which Max shrugged " nah I'll always take care of my pookie bear" which made me blush and super annoyed at the same time.

The room laughed but because it was so loud my head ache became worse as I put my head in my hands and groaned as PJ chuckled "Brad it's just a joke. There isn't a need to flip out" he said as I shook my head "shut up shut up shut up" I groaned to which everyone looked confused. I don't blame them from what it looked like it was like I was being immature at their stupid comments "babe I promise it's not that big of a deal he was just joking" Max tried to comfort me by holding me as I quickly pushed him away. The head ache grew so bad as I leaned over and vomited into the trash can. Everyone flinched and cringed a little as Max tried to comfort me as I laid down groaning "my head..." I whined as Bobby left to grab a nurse who came in giving me pain medications. She suggested everyone left because my head aches were only gonna get worse. Max kissed my forehead before leaving but I grabbed his hand quickly "stay..." I begged. He smiled softly and laid next to me gently as he held me close. I could hear his old man say to PJ " they're a match made. I'm happy for my boy..." which made my heart rush. I'm at least happy one of our fathers supports. That's all I needed.

When everyone left, I held onto Max and closed my eyes sighing as I tried to relax this damn head ache. "How are you feeling?" He asked carefully. His voice was so soothing. "Not well... I have a horrible headache... my dad almost killed me.. I'm forced to marry someone who assaulted me and tried to rape me" I said as Max kissed my cheek gently " I'm gonna do whatever in my power to help you...." He said softly. But the next thing he said made my eyes widen. I didn't expect it at all. "I know it's too early to say this but I mean it Bradley, I'll do anything for you. I love you" he said in a serious tone. I felt my heart squeeze as I froze. I looked up at him with softened eyes as I slowly leaned in smiling softly. "I.... I love you too Max" I smiled as I kissed his lips gently.

Even though I was going through hell. Max somehow managed to always comfort me despite everything. Despite living in this hell.

That was until I got a text

Father: " I want to meet this Max Goof kid"

Chapter 30: Chapter XXX

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I was confused when I saw Brad freeze up. “What’s up?” I asked as Brad showed me his phone to which I too froze up as well. I didn’t even know how to respond to seeing something like that text message. He looked at me and asked “what should I say?” As I shook my head “I don’t know!!” I panicked to which Bradley grew even more confused asking “why the hell does he even wanna see you?” He asked as he texted his father “why?” To which his father replied

Father: “ I feel our relationship has become strained more than before, I want to know why my son desires this man more than a woman, I’m curious to know what your taste is”

Bradley: “why? So you can find me another bride?”

Father: “ no no that’s not the case, I just desire to at least attempt to become closer with you”

Bradley: “ my apologies but I am not interested in becoming closer with you in the slightest☺️”

Father: “ you have no choice, I will get to meet this Max boy”

Bradley scoffed and rolled his eyes showing me the text messages which made me genuinely concerned. What the f*ck was going to happen?….I stayed calm for Brad who rested his head against my chest. He sighed softly and closed his phone trying to get some sort of rest that he hasn’t been able to achieve for the past…however long? I can tell he hasn’t been getting a good nights rest lately and he continues to get thinner and thinner which doesn’t make sense? Brad had been eating in front of me all the time. How is he getting thinner? It worried me but I held onto him. Like if I were to let go he would die.

I don’t know why I thought like that but I just wanted to hold him and let him know how much I needed him here. I can tell he had fallen asleep which comforted me a little, he needed the rest more than anything and I stayed up watching over him. I wanted to play with his hair but I decided against touching his head due to the injuries. I laid there for a while waiting for Bradley to wake up. I was quiet and I snuck a few pictures of sleeping Bradley on my phone. Despite having all these injuries he’s still so adorable. I wanted to save them.

Eventually he woke up and how I knew was that he out of no where begun to give me kisses on my cheek. I smiled and chuckled softly but I let him. “How are you feeling?” I asked in a gentle tone. Bradley replied with “my leg is still sore and I feel like a hammer is hitting my head but I’ll be okay..” he sighed. He cupped my cheek gently and let his thumb graze it. I chuckled as his finger grazed all over my face “what are you doing?” I asked. What he said surprised me but “ Im tracing your vitiligo…. It’s so beautiful.” Which shocked me but I smiled “it’s really not… but thank you” I said a little embarrassed as he shook his head “no no I like it. You look like a painting or some really cool character.” He said softly which made my heart swell. Despite all the sh*t I got for it in my past this made my skin condition all worth it. I kissed his lips happily because he was so adorable and he kissed me back. It was like having puppy love.

With Roxanne, our relationship was amazing but she was never this affectionate. There was nothing bad to say about her, things just didn’t work out for us because she wanted to move to pursue her dreams at a different college and we broke up because we both knew we couldn’t do long distance and I wasn’t going to stop her from achieving her dream. We’re okay friends now, we text here and there but Bradley was everything. Despite his slightly sensitive ego but that makes him hilarious whenever he gets all fussy.

When we broke the kiss, he chuckled softly as his hand slid down to grab my hand. He pulled my hand up and kissed the palm before placing it on his cheek. I looked worried and took my hand away as he grew confused “ what’s wrong?” He asked “I don’t want to touch your injuries and hurt you more” I said softly as he smiled “it’s okay” he reassured and gently placed my hand on his cheek. I looked at him, eyes full of sadness and kissed his nose “ I wish I can take all this pain away from you” I said earnestly as he chuckled “ it’s not possible. I grew up with this bull sh*t since day one. Even then this still isn’t the worst thing my father has done” he said which shocked me “what could be worse than this?” I asked.

Bradley sighed and explained the story of his mother, from the marriage of convenience to the miscarriage then to her death in which his father had planned. I looked shocked by his words and the heart breaking story as he shrugged. “I also… know what it’s like to not have a mother..” I said softly. “Go on” Bradley smiled a little showing that he was listening “…. Well when I was little, she died from a brain tumor. Numerous chemotherapy’s and all sorts of treatments never helped her and it was heart breaking to watch her go through so much pain only to have her be taken away so soon. I was 11 when she passed away leaving my father and I to be our own little duo. I was rough for the past couple of years or so but we managed and now dad is engaged to the librarian, Ms. Marpole which is amazing and I’m extremely happy for my father. Of course I’m always going to miss my mom. She was my everything but my dads happiness means a lot to me as well. He didn’t take it well at all when my mother passed away. He was beyond depressed, he tried to keep a positive front but my uncles came over a lot to take care of the both of us” I told him as Bradley listened “I’m so sorry to hear that…. I’m happy you both are living better lives now” Bradley said as I chuckled “without my uncles we would’ve been stuck in the same position.” I admitted “your uncles sound like amazing people” Bradley mentioned as I hummed “well they aren’t really my uncles.” I mentioned as he looked confused “ then what are they?” Brad asked as I replied “well like PJ’s dad Pete and Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. They always came to help out. Don’t forget Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck too” I mentioned as Brad looked shocked “what did you just say?” He asked. I get that a lot and so does PJ. Everyone gets so surprised when they find out we grew up with those celebrity millionaires. “They’re my dads best friends. We consider them as uncles. The only reason why my dad isn’t as big of a celebrity as they are is because he wanted to settle down with a quiet life with my mom and start a family without the stress which I much more prefer. I don’t think I could ever handle stardom like those guys” I chuckled. “ that’s amazing though. Are they as nice as they appear on TV?” Bradley asked as I nodded “yeah it’s not a persona at all. They genuinely act like that. Uncle Mickey is always optimistic and uncle Donald is always angry. Uncle Donald is hilarious though I love those guys” I chuckled as Bradley looked so invested “ that’s awesome. How come I never knew about this stuff?” He asked as I shrugged “I think it’s because I wanna be seen as me rather than having celebrity family members” I replied which Bradley chuckled “tell me about it. No one knows me for me. They know me for my dad” he admitted. “ that’s gotta suck huh?” I asked as we both chuckled “yeah. But that’s what body guards are for you know? I think the only person who didn’t care when they found out was Tank. He told me straight up ‘I don’t give a f*ck who your dad is man’ and he flipped me off” Bradley rolled his eyes chuckling. But then a question popped into my head “have you and Tank ever been a thing?” I asked as Brad shook his head “no but he did have a thing for me. I rejected him a few times and he stopped having a thing for me after the X-games. I wasn’t mad that he didn’t like me like that anymore I was more annoyed at the fact my ego got in the way of our friendship. You’ll never meet anyone as loyal as Tank I promise you that” Bradley said as I looked surprised. “ hm…. That’s really nice to hear. But I have to disagree. You see Bobby, is the most ride or die type of dude out there” I chuckled “and not PJ?” Bradley co*cked a brow asking. “ PJ’s my dude but Bobby you can text and he immediately will do anything with you. But PJ on the other hand knows to focus on himself sometimes and take breaks from going out and focus on his other things like studies and his love life which I can’t blame him for. Bobby though is always there. That’s the difference. One of them thinks about stuff before doing it and the other has no thoughts” I snickered as Bradley nodded “I get that. Your trio is very sweet. How long have you been friends for?” Brad asked as I hummed “we’re sandbox love” I admitted which made Brad confused “huh?” As I snickered and explained “sandbox as in childhood friends. We were a trio since kindergarten.” I explained as Bradley pouted “that’s so cute. You call it sandbox love?” He asked as I blushed a little and nodded “a lot of people call it that but yeah. That’s basically what it is” I smiled as Bradley chuckled.

After a while Bradley eventually was released from the hospital. I brought him flowers everyday in the hospital with some snacks for him to eat which he never finished but we worked on it. When he was released though he had crutches so I’d help him carry his things from classroom to classroom. I did my best to help him. Of course we got into a small argument about him wanting to things himself and be independent but after he explained how he wasn’t going to heal and do things properly by himself if I kept on helping I let it go. Time had passed and thankfully Bradley’s recovery process was going well.

It had been a few weeks and Halloween had eventually occurred and I took a part time job as a scare actor. Our haunted house took us on field trips too and I could bring a plus one so I brought Brad with me. He always got scared at these other haunted houses so I’d wrap my arm around him so he would calm down. He’s so cute.

It was hilarious how I would go back to my dorm and scare the f*ck out of PJ and Bobby with my make up. Bobby though loved it. He thought it was so dope.

Tank on the other hand almost beat the f*ck out of me when I went to the frat and the whole frat couldn’t even look at me with my make up. They were so scared. The only one who never got scared was Bradley who always ended up blushing when seeing the scary make up. I asked him why and he admitted that I looked extremely hot in the make up which made me chuckle. It always gave me leverage to act extra flirty with Bradley until one night he had enough and we hooked up.

“You have a really weird kink princess” I snickered still mocking Bradley on being turned on by my actor make up which made him blush “shut up. Just because I bottomed doesn’t mean you call me princess now” he said all flustered.

I walked over and lifted his chin “no, I call you princess because you’re pretty and I love that ego of yours” I smirked and kissed his lips happily.

2 months strong into the relationship and everything’s been going great.

I just hope it continues to be that great…

Chapter 31: Chapter XXXI

Chapter Text

Max wasn't my first love but he was my most loved.

Max wasn't my second love but he was the one I loved the most.

Max wasn't even my third love yet I could envision a life with him.

Max had this charming sweetness to him that could make my heart stop instantly along with that dorky gap tooth smile, his eyes were deep and dark like the finest chocolate and his skin which was decorated with vitiligo was like a renaissance painting. He was what I would describe to be art. Words to describe Max would be caring, thoughtful, determined, flirty, charming, artsy and just all around wonderful. He was a beautiful man that I wish I had met sooner in much better circ*mstances. But regardless of how we met I'm thankful for the outcome. I think I can say I genuinely fell in love with Max Goof with my whole heart. That little sh*t stole it of course.

ALSO! Did you guys know that Max Goof is a f*cking liar? All this time I thought he was way shorter than me but it's because this motherf*cker SLOUCHES! I noticed it when we were on a walk and I told him to fix his posture because it'll affect his spine long term. HE STOOD STRAIGHT AND NOW HES AN INCH TALLER THAN ME? Of course that kind of hurt my ego so I never asked him to fix his posture ever again. He caught on sadly so he continuously fixes his posture next to me to tease and it pisses me off.

Ever since my leg had healed we’ve been going on a bunch of dates, either quick runs at target, skate park, restaurant, carnival, arcade, movies or even the circus which was my person favorite. I’ve loved the circus ever since I was a kid it was amazing in my opinion. Today we went on a date to a art museum with genuine art. I apologize but I’m my opinion I’m not a fan of modern art. One piece that did catch my attention was a woman posing for a portrait. She had a head dress on and a necklace with a B in the middle. I looked at the artist statement and read the name Anne Boleyn and recognized her immediately after. I’ve always been a huge history buff and I adored her story. I felt a little stupid for not recognizing her immediately but regardless, her story was always so extremely heart breaking to me but I couldn’t help but connect hers with my mothers. Them both going through a miscarriage and their husbands being abusive pieces of sh*t only demanding a son to become their heir. It pissed me off beyond belief.

Max wrapped his arm around my shoulder and asked “you okay babe? What’s wrong?” As I replied “nothing, I just really like this painting” to which he looked and co*cked a brow “who is she?” He asked as I started info dumping all about her life story. He smiled and listened. He watched me get so hyped on talking about it and as we continued he kept asking me who every historically figure was. I don’t know why but I caught on later that he liked to listen to me getting excited about stuff. He told me that and it made my heart rush. I hugged him and kissed his lips out in front of the museum with the biggest smile. He always made my day with these simple acts.

As weeks passed life was looking up until thanksgiving break had eventually arrived. Max and I had made the plan for me to stay by Max’s place for the week and I was whole heartedly going to. That was until school let out and a limo had pulled up front to the Gamma house. I walked out expecting to see Max as my heart dropped. I dropped my items as four big body guards ran over and dragged me into the limo with my items and threw me inside and my items into the trunk. I felt utter rage knowing that I was being forced against my will to go back home. Not only that but when I arrived home I saw my father who extended his hand out. “Phone, immediately” “what?” I said confused “give me your phone” my father demanded “what the f*ck? No! I’m not doing that!” I replied. “Alright then” he said as one body guard restrained me out of no where and the other patted me down, finding me phone and giving it to my father. “ HEY!” I shouted trying to break free as my father took the phone and placed it on the counter. He opened the drawer below it, taking out a hammer and smashing it into pieces. I stared in shock… how the f*ck am I supposed to contact Max?! What the hell!! “Now…..” my father said and pulled out a scale “ let me see if you’ve fixed anything. Step on the scale” he demanded. I hesitated for a moment. Max and I had been working on my eating disorder so I had gained a bunch of weight. I hesitantly stepped on the scale and I could feel my fathers eyes glaring at what it would say. When it rung to a 180 considering I’m 5’10 I thought I was in the clear since that’s the good average weight for my height and sex. But my father didn’t approve. He scoffed and rolled his eyes “I’ve raised a pig… how disgusting.” He shook his head.

He pulled me to the center of the room where a stumbled a little because of how harsh his pull was “you know the drill. Strip” he demanded. This part always made me uncomfortable. I always felt so dehumanized. He had me strip down to my boxers and measure everything on my body so we knew what I should focus on when building a work out routine to keep a good figure. When the process was finished he recorded everything in his note book. “Get dressed.” As I followed and he sat me down in a chair after. He inspected my face, oral health, hair, symmetry “hm….” He squinted looking for any signs of imperfection. “ you have eye bags. Your new scheduled bed time is 8:30 pm sharp. You wake up and go for a jog first thing in the morning which you wake up 6:30, not 6:31. I will make you a designated diet and work out routine. Do I make myself clear?” He said in a demanding tone. I nodded looking down “yes father…” I didn’t have a say in anything.

And that’s how it was going to be.

I had skipped lunch everyday. Breakfast was mandatory which was a single boiled egg cut up into a salad with water. A snack would be a handful of trail mix and for dinner it would be some small portioned cuisine that would never satisfy my taste. Dinner was never later than 6:30 pm considering I couldn’t eat after 7 o clock pm. I was assigned a trainer to help me with my work outs and made sure I completed the task everyday, three times a day and the next day I was much more sore than the last.

Then in the middle of the day my “breaks” consisted of apprenticing my father with his work and going with him to attend business meetings. But that wasn’t even the worst of it…..

Because on the second day of break I had met Claire’s parents….

Chapter 32: Chapter XXXII

Chapter Text

When the day came to meet Claire's parents I had to put on nice attire. I was going crazy without texting Max or calling him. I wanted to know if he was okay or at least let him know where I was.

I had fixed myself up accordingly and got my fathers approval. Barely, considering he hated the scaring on my temple which he had caused. But nevertheless… the family has arrived. The maids had our mansion cleaned top to bottom, providing a charcuterie board filled with the finest cheeses in the world which made me smile thinking about Bobby’s odd obsession with cheese. Maybe I should pack some for him before I go. But the board had cheese, the freshest and crunchiest grapes, baked crackers our personal bakers had made with wine. Specifically Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 1945 which had costed $558,000 sold at a auction my father attended a year ago. He’s been saving it for a special occasion which was today. I hated how he could spend money on such useless things when he could be using it for things much better. Like donations or literally fixing problems around this sh*t hole of a country. Still he had a lot of money to spend so this was basically nothing in his eyes.

He ordered the chefs to make a meal for them and as they started they finally arrived… that bitch Claire showed up in a dress and heels. Ones that tried to portray her as some innocent girl. She had a bright smile as she greeted my father and I. I couldn’t even fake a standard smile, you could tell I was visibly uncomfortable. Regardless, I greeted her parents and offered them a seat.

As we sat in the living area and my fathers maid poured us the wine I took my glass in my hand. I took a sip and I had to admit… it was really good. Claire’s parents seemed to love it and when offered to Claire she refused “oh I don’t drink wine. I’m so sorry” she refused the offer with a small giggle. I didn’t look at her. Instead I felt my eye twitch at the tone of her voice.

Claire’s hair was blonde but you can tell it wasn’t natural because her roots growing showing her natural brown hair underneath. Not to mention she had curled it into beach waves. You can tell she put cans of hair spray on due to the suffocating fumes intoxicating the whole mansion. Of course, that was a exaggeration but to cover up the smell she laced herself with some sort of cheap perfume. This concerned me due to the fact her presence created a biohazard throughout the place. It was getting hard to not breathe because of her presence. I wanted this fake blonde bimbo bitch out of my house this instant. Not to mention, everything about her was fake, you could tell that it wasn’t just rumors since even though I sadly got assaulted by her, her boobs felt like rocks against my arm and her manicure scratched the f*ck out of my chest. She has stiletto acrylic nails on, which made sense because she was a f*cking predator of course with those nasty ass claws of hers.

Worst of all, her nails didn’t even match her outfit. For having such dagger like claws. Practically talons. She wore this cottage core styled dress, it was plaid and blue like a picnic blanket. I had to admit the dress was cute, but it just did not suit her. I think what she was attempting was to portray a subtle innocent vibe towards the parents, especially my father. Sadly enough, she didn’t need to impress him with looks. Just the fact that she had the parts to provide an heir to the business and the money to provide status into the relationship. He didn’t care for my opinions.

Despite all this, Claire’s parents seemed to adore me. Which was not good, I attempted to disengage myself from any conversation but not make myself look like a fool so my father wouldn’t pull some crazy sh*t on me later on. I can’t suffer another concussion or shot like that again.

As the conversation went on, eventually they had gathered my attention when Claire’s mother specifically looked at me, turning her whole body to forcefully have me enter in on the topic at hand which was the wedding. She asked if I was excited as Claire was. For the life of me I wanted to answer “no, I’m gay” but I obviously I couldn’t. So I faked a polite smile while swirling around my wine in my glass and nodded accordingly “yes, of course” but my voice had no charisma in it which caught Claire’s and my fathers attention. I looked at my father to see his slight disappointment and disapproval. I didn’t bother looking at Claire. That bitch can be heartbroken for all I cared. I didn’t want to see that whor*s face right now and have my mood shattered ten times harder. Her mom was a sweet woman who clasped her hands together with a sigh “oh I’m so excited, for my daughter to be married to such a fine young man as yourself. She’s been talking a lot about you.” She admitted which caught my attention. I co*cked a brow hesitantly and leaned in slightly asking what she meant by that. And what she said next, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how uncomfortable it made me. “ oh, she said stuff like how handsome you were, or how kind you were to her when helping her study. But most importantly how amazing you were in bed” which made me shocked considering I’ve never slept with her. I shot her a confused look before side eyeing Claire who sat smiling mischievously. Sending shivers down my spine. Then her mother said something even worse. “What do you plan on naming the baby?” She asked which made me confused “what baby?” I asked “oh! Claire never told you? She’s pregnant with your child” the mother admitted as the father added on “oh yes, so we must push the wedding date even sooner. If that child were to be born without them wedded my grandchild would be considered a bastard. We can’t have the baby being born out of wedlock” her father said.

I panicked, I was not ready for marriage, for a baby, for this bullsh*t life. I looked at Claire starring! No! Not staring! In fact I was fuming with rage. As the parents were talking to my father. I turned to Claire and whispered “who got you pregnant?” To which Claire replied “none of your business. All they need to know is that the baby is yours. So shut up and be a good dog or else” she replied with this innocent smile even though her words were so deranged. I felt this pit in my stomach. I’m not gonna take in a child that one is not mine and two I will be sharing custody with this girl. I don’t understand any of this. But then it hit me. Now I understand why Claire refused the wine earlier.

As dinner was ready, the chefs called for us. My father and I let the family walk in first to the dining room. My father wrapped his arm around me and whispered with a huge smile.

“I knew you weren’t gay after all.”

Chapter 33: XXXIII

Chapter Text

My father whispering that in my ear was enough to make me cringe. Everything was going horribly and I wanted to curl into a ball and just break down. I felt this heavy weight being placed on my shoulders that I just couldn't carry at all. I felt myself about to break in any moment. This was too much for me and especially because the parents believe she's pregnant with my child it made everything so much worse. I felt the stress weighing heavily over my shoulders. How was I supposed to take care of all of this? This isn't my responsibility?! This isn't what I wanted! Not at all!!

We sat down for dinner... dinner was a pain in the ass to bare. Considering I knew my father wanted me to eat way less but it was also rude for me not to finish my plate. So of course there was only one option for me.

The dinner had continued as Claire acted so sweet and soft to the waiters "excuse me, is this dish cooked? I can't have raw fish" she giggled. "You know, I'm pregnant" she smiled and reached over holding my hand. The waiter co*cked a brow seeing her hold my hand implying I got her pregnant. He just co*cked a brow and looked at me as he rolled his eyes "I can assure you madame the fish is cooked perfectly. And congratulations" he said as I sighed annoyed. He knew that I didn't get her pregnant because he also knows that I in fact do not swing that way. But what can a simple waiter do in a situation like this?

Claire's comment made the parents all happy and excited while I sat there... suffocating. I stared at the half eaten plate in front of me and felt sickly as my body churned knowing what I had to do next. I stood up and excused myself from dinner. Claire's mom asked me "where are you going dear?" To which I quickly responded with "restroom" and dashed off. I walked away up the stairs panting softly. I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown and desired just any sort of out I can possibly find even if that included the stupid excuse to go to the bathroom and throw up my hefty dinner like I usually would, but this time to escape this god forsaken dinner.

I crouched over the toilet lifting the slid up as I sat on my knees and started to make myself gag and immediately it worked. I threw all the food up as tears came out due to my body physically injuring itself. But then I rested my head on the toilet seat. Just wishing this was all over. I wanted to go back to the frat. I wanted to see Max so badly.... I didn't even realize that I finally broke and had tears falling down my eyes. I was crying... I was crying like a f*cking baby....

I tried to make myself stop but nothing worked. I couldn't go back downstairs!! What would everyone think of me? I'd be a joke and then my father would do the unthinkable to me if I embarrassed him....

All I could do was hug myself as I tilted and laid on the floor pretending like my arms weren't even my own but instead they were Max's. Holding me close to himself. But even despite this delusion, I couldn't fool myself into a false sense of reality. I knew I was f*cked and I knew everything was going to crash down one way or another. How am I supposed to get out of a situation like this? A situation this f*cking bad...

I tried to recollect myself I really did. But as I looked at myself in the mirror you could tell I was crying. I looked so pathetic. I knew it would piss off the old man so I tried to calm myself down as fast as I could. I flinched hearing a knock on the door "who is it?" I shouted as a maid replied "master Bradley, you father awaits you down stairs. Him and the guests seek you presence" she said "alright I'll be down in just a moment" I replied as I washed my hands and rinsed my face attempting to calm myself. I then dried my face and walked downstairs. Claire's mother perked up and gasped asking " oh dear are you alright? Have you been crying?" She had asked as I looked at my father who appeared annoyed. I hesitated before pulling a stupid lie out of my ass. "Guilty, I was just so overwhelmed by the news's that I'm going to be a father... I'm so excited" I smiled softly as I sat on the couch since they had relocated after dinner. The parents pouted and chuckled "oh you sweet thing..." she sighed as Claire smirked " yes. A very, very sweet man. My sweet husband" she cooed chuckling as I felt a shiver run down my spine at her words.

I played off her words with a fake smile as the rest of the meeting had gone by well. Of course that wasn’t good news for me at all but whatever the case it was good for my father so he wouldn’t have to take it out on me.

The mom had this weird obsession with me and her daughter getting married but the father was rather silent. He stared at me throughout the whole meeting. It was as if he was analyzing me. I felt nauseous whenever he stared. I didn’t want to make him mad or anything but regardless I kept quiet and to myself. Despite how uncomfortable his stares were making me. What was even worse was that he asked my father for a tour of the house and he specifically asked me to be the guide. Father immediately thought that it was an excuse for the son in law and father in law to get to know one another as he reluctantly agreed with a smile “of course. Go ahead.” My father smiled as I froze up. I hesitantly stood up and nodded leading the way trying my best to be as polite as possible.

He stayed silent for most part of the tour until we reached the farthest point in the house away from everyone else. He wrapped a arm around my shoulder and pulled me in firmly as he whispered in my ear “ be honest boy… do you really want to marry my daughter?” He asked. I flinched as I went wide eyed at the others words. “W-what? Of course I do” I said trying to sound as believable as possible to which he wasn’t buying. “Why?” He asked. “W-why what?” He chuckled nervously rubbing the back of my neck “ why do you want to marry her?” He asked more profusely. I tried to give my reasonings but nothing came out because there truly was no reasoning. I didn’t want to marry her at all. So I looked stupid and went quiet. “ if you didn’t want to marry her. Why would you get my daughter pregnant?” He asked annoyed. “ it’s because I didn’t get your daughter pregnant sir. In all honesty I don’t even swing that way” I said finally admitting to someone that I was gay and I didn’t even care. Anything to get Claire away from me.

Her father went wide eyed at my words and asked “are you serious?” As I looked down nodding my head in shame “I’m sorry…” I apologized. I expected to have him storm out or scream but instead he sighed “no I should apologize. I was wondering why you seemed so stressed during the whole meeting. In all honesty, I knew something was up between you and Claire but I didn’t know it was this.” He said. He was so kind it shocked me “what?” I asked softly “I’m saying, if you can get through this meeting perfectly fine I’ll be out of your hair forever.” He said smiling softly. I sighed in relief feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted. “Do you know who the real father of the child is then?” He asked me as I shook my head “not at all sir, I don’t. She refuses to tell me” I replied. Oh this is exactly what I needed.

By the end of the meeting we said our goodbyes and walked the family out. As place passed by, she grabbed my face and smiled “bye bye babe~” she smirked and kissed my lips as I flinched and backed away. Once leaving, my father congratulated me on the baby. I smiled awkwardly and nodded as he left. Around an hour later my father got a call as he answered and placed it on speaker phone. It was Claire’s father and you could hear in the background was a woman sobbing. “ hello mr uppercrust the ii, I’m sorry to inform you but we’re deciding to decline on the marriage proposal. As parents we find it’s best for Claire to marry to person who actually got her pregnant and that person was unfortunately not Bradley. We are so sorry for taking up all your time” the father said as the mother agreed “yes, deeply sorry. But we feel it’s wrong to drag your son into a marriage with a child he never made or wanted.” She added in “I see, that’s understandable. I hope you find the proper father as soon as possible” my father said in reply. It’s not the fact that I didn’t want a child like Claire’s mother said. I could parented the kid, took care of the kid, loved the kid. But I just didn’t want a kid with Claire….

Dad went on a rampage that night. Screaming, shouting, kicking and breaking everything in his way as I stood silently watching this man have a temper tantrum realizing now where I got my anger issues from. I stayed silent as he went bat sh*t crazy and damaged the room he was in. There wasn’t much I could do or say in this situation really. No matter how badly everything turned out on my fathers side, I felt a strong wave of relief on my own.

“ f*ck!” My father shouted with rage and grabbed a golf club as he swung it making me flinch thinking he was going to hit me with it but instead he pointed it at me “ you wanted this didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?!” He shouted as I froze up in fear. “Father… I don’t think you took your medication today. Please sit down before you blood pressure raises right through the roof..” I tried to calm him down as he screamed and shouted in pure rage.

“ GUARDS!” He shouted as they ran in immediately “yes sir!” They shouted in unison. As my father slammed his hand on the desk and pointed at them with an angry look on his face.

“Get me, Maximilian Goof”

Chapter 34: Chapter XXXIV

Chapter Text

In the beginning of spring break Bradley and I made a plan where he would stay at my place for the week with my father and I. Only issue was that when we arrived to the Gamma house, no one was home. Not even Bradley. I was super confused as to where the hell he was so I contacted him multiple times but I got no response. Where the hell did he go? I tried contacting Tank next and when he replied he simply said “ I don’t know baby, I left the house before Bradley did. Is he not there? Want me to give him a call sweetheart?” To which I sighed and replied with “yes, please? And thank you Tank.” As the call ended. I waited a few minutes and begun to blow up Brad’s phone as I searched around the Gamma house and sent him numerous texts like “ Where are you?” Or “princess I’m outside the Gamma house waiting on you” and blah blah blah….. no responses?…

I grew worried and my dad seemed to notice as he comforted me. I turned to my dad and said “you think his dad took him already?” To which my father shrugged “ I’m not sure Maxy. But if he did there isn’t much we can do about it…I’m sorry…” he said softly. I felt frustrated but I knew my father was right considering legally Bradley did still belong to his dad and either way his dad can do whatever he’d like.

Days had passed and my worry for Bradley did not go away. No matter how many times dad or Ms. Marpole would try to comfort me. I tried to distract myself by hanging out with PJ and Bobby. Of course Stacey would join all the time but she’s super chill so I didn’t mind. I just felt bad because every time we got together I always felt like a buzz kill in their plans since I was always so stuck in my own head about Bradley and they were focused on vibing and hanging out. It got to the point where I even zoned out completely as they were talking to me and Bobby had enough “dude, you’ve been zoned out this entire time. What’s your deal man?” He asked which brought me back to reality “it’s nothing man…” I replied “did Bradley break up with you or something?” PJ asked as I shook my head “no it’s just that… I have no clue where the hell he is right now” I mentioned which confused them all “ I thought he was going to stay by you during spring break? What changed?” Stacey asked me as I shrugged “ I went to go pick him up at the Gamma house and he just never showed.. he wasn’t even inside the house. I think his dad got to him before I could. So I’ve been trying to spam his phone to get at least one call or even a text message. But I didn’t get anything and I’m still not getting anything” I sighed as they looked a bit concerned “are you sure? We don’t want you jumping into conclusions” Stacey mentioned. She didn’t want my mental health to be deteriorated by this but I nodded “ yes I firmly believe that’s what happened. He wouldn’t just up and ghost me like that” I sighed as they looked concerned.

We tried to get through this hang out as casually as possible but I ended up leaving early. I could hear them whisper “poor max..” and all but I couldn’t care less. I just really missed Bradley. I skated home by myself. Try to take a nap and sleep off the worry. That was until I felt a hand grab me and another hand covering my mouth and nose. I felt a cloth wrap around both as I tried to break free from the random hold. But I ended up passing out.

Next thing I knew, I woke up in a unfamiliar area. It was this spectacular dining room in this beautiful mansion? I looked around shocked and when I turned I gasped to see Bradley… he was sitting right next to me. “Babe?” I asked as he perked up and turned “oh god you’re awake” he sighed in relief. I flinched seeing his appearance, he looked paler and he had bruises all over “what happened to you?” I asked him gently cupping his cheeks. He flinched and pulled my hands down quickly as we heard foot steps approaching “Max Goof… it’s lovely to finally meet you” some man said. I froze as a shiver ran down my spine. I turned slightly to see Bradley Uppercrust the II. I offered a polite smiled as I spoke in a fearful tone “h-hello sir. It’s nice to meet you as well” I replied as he smirked. “You must be hungry. Aren’t you Max?” He asked me. I shook my head no “no I ate before I um.. got here” I mentioned “oh please” he chuckled as he turned shouting “ CHEF! MAKE MAX A MEAL IMMEDIATELY!” He demanded.

I flinched scared at his loud voice. For a old man you really don’t expect it at all. He turned back to me and smiled innocently “the meal should be coming shorty as he sat down in front of me. “ so Max. How are you?” He asked “honestly sir I’m a bit horrified right now” I answered with an awkward smile as he chuckled “oh there’s nothing to be scared about. You’re in good hands boy I promise” he smiled. It was such a fake smile to the point where I knew he was planning something. “So Max. What career plans do you have for the future?” He asked. I hesitated but I spoke “professional skating hopefully.. if not then maybe start a business selling skating equipment” I mentioned as his eyebrows raised “oh a businessman or an athlete I see. Very solid choices I’m impressed” he smiled “so.. how did you and Bradley meet?” He asked as a waiter came back with a plate filled with delicious food such as wagyu steak with caviar as a side and a glass of wine. He set everything down as I stared in awe. I’ve never seen a plate decorated so beautifully. I noticed the steak had no sauce on the side so I co*cked a brow “we met at a cafe.. he asked me to join the Gamma’s with him…. Um sir…. May I have sauce on the side or something?” I asked as he laughed loudly “sauce? Boy this is Wagyu beef. You aren’t supposed to dip it in sauce. You’ll ruin the flavor” he said as my eyes widened “Wagyu?…” I asked and pointed to the side “and is this..” as he nodded answering “caviar, I suppose you don’t eat food like this everyday?” He asked chuckling to himself. I shook my head no as I hesitated. I took my knife and fork as I started to cut into the steak “wrong fork…” Bradley whispered to me as I perked up “oh um… I’m sorry which on do I use?” I asked. “The one on the end” his father replied as I replaced my fork with the correct one. I never understood that, a fork is literally a fork? Why do they have different uses??

Regardless I ate my meal, the wagyu steak was divine but I wasn’t a fan of the caviar. But as I held the glass on wine up to my lips and took a sip….. it tasted so good. I’ve never had something so amazing in my life….. that was until I begun to struggle to breath. “What’s the matter Goof? Cat got your tongue?” He asked as Bradley gasped standing up “ Max?!” He exclaimed as I gripped my throat and felt myself growing dizzy. I slowly begun to black out as I leaned over and feel off my chair. The last thing I heard was Bradley was shouting “ MAX!!” Before officially passing out.

That motherf*cker had just poisoned me…

Chapter 35: Chapter XXXV

Chapter Text

" MAX?!" I shouted getting on my knees attempting to wake him up. I was panicking as my heart rate increased like crazy and my breathing became haggard. " no no no no!" I quickly turned facing my father " WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shouted as tears welled up in my eyes. How was I not supposed to f*cking cry. This was like seeing my mother die in the car crash but instead it was my love dying from poisoning. My father stood up and walked over "oh Bradley... I had to get rid of the main issue that was holding you back. Your disgusting feelings. These sinful behaviors will be no longer. We will soon find you a wife and marry you off to her and you will give me a new heir. You have to realize that this relationship was never meant to truly last Bradley, he was only going to get in the way of your future and destroy everything you had later on. Father knows best my boy. It's about time you realize that" he smirked lifting my chin to make sure I looked at him in the eye as he spoke with such malice in his voice. The power this man holds all because of his money was unbelievable and I could do nothing but follow his every direct order. How could I love? How could I exist? How could I dream? How could I even think? How could I be? If not to just be a pawn in my fathers life. Something he could utterly control. I wasn't a human being I was a pawn used in this deranged game of chess my father had called the harsh reality of this world. What was I, if I wasn't just another Uppercrust upholding the family business and made to reproduce to keep the business afloat? I was nothing. I was put in this world to live in this deranged hell.

I often thought of how my father grew up as a child. Was it as bad as I had it? Was it worse? Grandfather wasn't any better than father but at least he was an earnest man who actually made the company while my father had it given to him.

When I didn't reply he let go of my face. He stepped on my thigh and leaned over weighing on it. I screamed in agony realizing he was putting pressure on the bullet wound he had created a few weeks ago. "You don't want to speak then I'll take away your ability to walk as well" he said in a monotone voice. I leaned over to grip his leg and rest my forehead on his knee " STOP STOP! IM SORRY!" I shouted in a panic. Everything was crashing down so quickly. He eventually let go and I realized that the simple weight on my leg was to prove to me how much power this man truly had over me. He scoffed and formed a fist with his hand punching me straight in the face and I just let him…. I said nothing in return. As he said “ if you disobey me once more I promise I will put you through true hell” he threatened as I nodded “yes sir…” and he walked off.

I had watched him walk off and once out of sight I took immediate action. I ran to a maid and asked her. Practically begging her for her phone. When she refused I searched for waiter after maid after chef after bodyguard as they refused. I went nuts and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and swung it towards a maid pointing it at her throat “ give me your phone. Immediately…” I demanded as she froze and hesitantly gave her phone to me. I snatched it from her hand and called 911 as fast as I could. “Pick up pick up…” I urged as they answered “911 what’s your emergency?” As I explained the whole situation from my father kidnapping Max and I to him poisoning Max in an attempt in murder. I begged for an ambulance to arrive and shortly after they did. They tried arriving as fast as they could as I let them in. I directed them to Max’s limp body as they loaded him into the ambulance. I went into the ambulance with him. I held his hand sobbing horrified at what was to happen. I could only pray that Max would come out alive.

In the end, when we arrived to the hospital, the doctors checked to figure out what Max had consumed and found out that he had consumed Cyanide. This had made me panic and I immediately thought the worst. Max was going to die. I went into a full blown panic attack, this time I truly couldn’t put up a front. The doctors tried to calm me down but I just couldn’t.

They treated Max immediately. I wasn’t in the emergency room to find out the details but they were rushing and attempting to save Max as I was in the waiting room shaking uncontrollably. I couldn’t contact anybody. I didn’t have a phone anymore so I sat there alone in the waiting room trying to collect myself. I just couldn’t. I kept on getting odd stares and concerned ones as well from the others in the waiting room. They seemed curious but didn’t dare ask which I was grateful for. But of course since Max’s emergency contact was his father. He had arrived as soon as possible. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me while I sobbed and I realized it was Goofy.

I had hugged him tightly as I profusely apologized “I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault” I repeated in a raspy voice not realizing that since I had been crying so much my vocal cords had been scratchy. I couldn’t help it truly. I was in such distress as I repeated.

“I’m sorry”
“This never should’ve happened”
“I can’t believe I brought him into this mess”
“He didn’t deserve this”
“ it should’ve been me”

And all this. I just couldn’t believe Max’s father still was hugging me and rubbing my back gently as he whispered “ its going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay” why wasn’t he hating me? Why didn’t he hate me?! Why did he comfort me and treat me like the victim? Why was this man being so kind to me? I didn’t understand… All I knew was that in his arms was a safe space of a true father. One I’ll never get to have. And for that I cried my heart out into his shoulder.

Once I had eventually calmed down I explained everything to Goofy. From my own kidnapping to the meeting with Claire’s parents, the her parents breaking off the marriage and how it lead to Max’s current state. His father sat silently and listened to it all as he held my hand. He just held it… gently… no malice or anger towards me just a firm squeeze to let me know he was there and listening. I felt horrible every time he offered me a hug. I felt as if I didn’t deserve this man’s grace at all. Yet he still gave it to me.

Eventually we were allowed into Max’s room. He had been saved and the doctor described to us to short term effects of the poisoning. How Max would be nauseous and dizzy for a little along with some head aches. I promised to keep check of him and take care of him as he got better. I walked over and sat beside his bed holding his hand as I sobbed into it. All I wanted was for Max to be okay. I’m so grateful he’s alive.

Soon enough Max woke up as he groaned and looked at me. He smiled softly as I met his eyes and quickly stood up to kiss his lips. “You’re okay…” I sobbed as I hugged him tightly. He weakly hugged me back as he replied “I’m alright…” he said softly. Oh how I felt this despair weigh off my shoulders instantly. I felt like life was granting me a miracle for once.

Max’s father Goofy offered him a hug as well as he smiled softly. “My boy… Im so happy you’re alive” he said softly as tears fell. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to have such a thoughtful and devoted father. Max’s dad is crying over Max’s injuries and almost dying mean while my father didn’t visit me in the hospital. In fact he almost tried to kill me. But to see Max have such a logout father made me happy. I was happy to see Max and the old man Goof being so United. It made me over joyed.

That was until Bobby, Tank, Stacey, PJ and what I assumed was PJ’s father ran in panting “ MAX?!” Bobby shouted as they crowded to check on Max seeing if he was alright. I backed away silently. Letting the friends check up on their own friend. I was shocked when only one person hugged me.

It was little miss mochachino herself… Stacey offered me such a comforting hug as she whispered.

“ you might act all high strung but your eyes say otherwise.”….. She knew… she knew that I thought that this whole was my fault.

She knew….

Chapter 36: Chapter XXXVI

Chapter Text

I sat frozen in shock. I couldn't believe she was actually hugging me. I'm not even the main focus of this moment yet she hugged me. I felt seen and I felt heard but I felt selfish at the same time. How was I the one to steal attention from the one who almost died? This made me feel guilty so I tried to stray away from the hug. Yet she held on tighter as if she knew the mental strain I had endured and attempted to squeeze it out of my head... I'm ashamed to say her and Goofy giving me such comforting hugs made me want to just fall asleep. I had never felt so safe and secure in my life I felt genuinely loved and I'm surrounded by people who actually wanted me alive. It felt so new and refreshing.

When she let go I had seemed to calm down yet she looked still so concerned. I mean who wouldn't? From the look on my face I looked as if I had just watched a murder happen in front of my eyes. Which I technically did, a attempted murder on my lover. I looked up at Max silently and just admired him. I waited for everyone to take turns on talking to him and checking up on him while Goofy and Stacey sat by my side.

PJ's father had left to go grab food for all of us. I knew I wasn't going to part take in eating. Not because of my eating disorder but genuinely because I couldn't eat at all when having such strong emotions. For example, when my mother died I had gone a week without eating. I almost died then but of course father wouldn't let me. My depression had been so bad and yet I was only 9.

I sat down watching PJ, Tank and Bobby all talking to Max and calling him all sorts of things like "you're so cool" "bros legendary. How the f*ck you survive cyanide poisoning?" Etc. I smiled softly seeing he was okay though. More than anything I just wanted him to be okay....

PJ's father had come back with all sorts of comfort foods. Of course Tank, Bobby and PJ took the opportunity to dig in while Max shouted " hey hey hey! I'm the injured one here save something for me!" Which caused all of us to chuckle. But the PJ's dad offered me food as I kindly refused "I already ate dinner. But thank you for your kindness" I said. I flinched when his father hummed and said "you sure? You look rather thin kid. You need some meat on your bones" he said. Thin? Really? I always thought I was big. I didn't want to seem like a pick me or anything so I smiled softly and looked at the food. "I can't eat either way, I feel like throwing up honestly..." I said as Goofy perked up " you okay kid?" He asked me with concern. I nodded as I chuckled "yeah, the stress took over like crazy and I feel sick. I think I'm just gonna skip out this time" I said. This was my own decision. I should be eating properly and all but I felt too anxious to do so.

That's when Tank looked at me and asked "you want some fresh air buddy? I'll walk with you down" he offered as I immediately took it. I stood up and sighed rubbing my eyes. I could feel their eyes on me as I walked out but I couldn't handle it. I was coming down from a panic attack and what's worse is that I felt like such a terrible boyfriend for leaving Max in the room. But the room was so filled with everyone there and the smell of the food was so overwhelming. Everything just made me so sick. I needed space for at least 2 minutes.

I walked down stairs with Tank and when reaching the outside lobby we had found a spot to sit at in the hospital garden. The night was cold yet refreshing especially because I had been sweating the whole damn day due to all the stress. "So... what happened man?" Tank asked as he ate his burger that PJ's father had brung. "What do you mean?" I asked Tank, looking up at him to meet his gaze. He then asked "why haven't you been contacting any of us? We were extremely worried about you" he asked as I sighed. "My fathers bodyguards took me back home and I got my phone taken and demolished by my father. He didn't want me texting Max at all so he took extreme measures to do so." I said sighing softly "not to mention I almost had the okay to marry Claire considering she was pregnant and accused me of being the father. I'm not the father though..." I said softly as Tank perked up "okay firstly, your dad is a raging psychopath. f*ck that guy and secondly you didn't get Claire pregnant. Slouch did” Tank admitted as I froze and went wide eyed “ what did you say?” I asked as Tank lifted his hand and placed it on my shoulder “listen Bradley, she came onto him and he accepted. He said he wore a condom but I’m 99% sure she poked holes in it and slept with him to get pregnant just to accuse you. It’s definitely not your baby.” He said as I nodded “I mean I knew that. I never slept with her but the thought that she accused me of that and when her parents found out and disapproved the marriage… my father went ballistic and kidnapped Max and tried to kill him. I should’ve just married her if I knew Max was going to get hurt” I said as my voice cracked. I covered my mouth as tears begun to over flow and fall once more. I covered my face as I sobbed and Tank scooted over to hug me. “Bradley listen, none of this is your fault. You’re being put under so much stress and you’re hurting yourself so much to the point where everyone is becoming extremely concerned for your mental and physical health. You need to take care of yourself baby, focus on you. I can see how much this is all affecting you and knowing you I know you’re blaming yourself but you need to know that this is none of your fault.” He said. His words attempting to comfort me. I believed a portion of what he said. But I couldn’t help that this was just all some sort of domino effect.

This was also part of father psychological torture. He figures out a way to destroy my life and convince me into thinking Im the root of all my problems. A situation where he describes my punishments as a “it’s not me. It’s you” situation. I needed to wake up to reality and recognize that it really wasn’t my fault but I just couldn’t help but feel that way.

Tank recognized this as he held my hand and repeated “it’s not your fault Bradley. There was nothing you could do” as I flinched at his much more stern response. I nodded and sighed “I know I know. I just feel like I could’ve done much more and I didn’t” I said putting my head in my hands in shame.

I felt like such a loser, such a burden. How the hell could Max ever love me when all ever loving me made him suffer.

“I just feel like the issue…”

Chapter 37: Chapter XXXVII

Chapter Text

I watched Bradley leave with Tank silently. I felt awful and not in the physical sense since I had just been poisoned but I got a practical taste of what Bradley had to grow up with. Not saying he was poisoned everyday obviously but to be put in such a harmful situation like that from your own father is absolutely insane to me. To know that the man who kidnapped me had shot his own son and stomped on his head was something I just couldn't fathom but it had happened undeniably. In all honesty I didn't know what to make of the current situation or what was to happen.

By now Bradley's father should've found out about Bradley rescuing me and he would've gone absolutely insane attempting to find Bradley. But since he isn't at the moment I can assume he's locked up in jail considering Bradley did call the police on him and explained the situation. Hopefully he was in jail right now. That crazy bastard can not keep getting away with this time and time again.

I laid in my bed eating the burger uncle Pete had brought for us. It was tradition for whoever went to the hospital for some stupid injury accident to a genuine surgery needed like when Bobby got his Appendix removed. To now. Except I'm the only one who dealt his genuine poisoning and an attempted murder victim. Bobby sat on my bed next to me slurping his milk shake as he asked "man this sh*ts wiiiiild. Can't believe you really ate cyanide man. What did it taste like?" He asked. "Um.... Well it was in wine. It was the best wine I ever tasted but I quickly turned bitter and it started to burn the hell out of my throat" I described as Bobby looked astonished "wooooah.... Dude you're gonna go down in the history books as a legend" he laughed as I chuckled. Bobby's stupidity always made my day. PJ added in " for real man that's absolutely crazy. How did you even get poisoned?" He asked. "Bradley's dad kidnapped me and he offered me dinner and wine. I tried Wagyu for the first time but I wasn't a fan of the Caviar he gave me" I shrugged as PJ's dad interrupted. Uncle Pete pushed passed everyone and asked " Wagyu? How did it taste? Was it as good as they say?!" He asked. Uncle Pete loved to cook in his free time so this made sense. I chuckled softly and nodded "it's amazing. I asked for sauce on the side before eating and Bradley's dad said I didn't need any and that it'll ruin the flavoring of the steak and he was right Wagyu was so good" I chuckled and noticed how Uncle Pete looked so invested. He's been dreaming of saving up enough money to get Wagyu and I don't blame him.

But now I feel like I should maybe higher my standards when it comes to taking Bradley out on dates. But how am I going to get the money to take him to some sort of fancy restaurant that isn't some random fast food place... I took him to a classy restaurant once and he didn't seem to enjoy the date a lot though. He seemed to have much more fun at the arcade and haunted houses, even the museum. I don't even like museums but the way Bradley talked so passionately about each and every painting and it's historical back ground made the date much more memorable.

The vibe in the room was much more vibrant. Everyone was talking to one another and it felt less like a stressful and traumatic situation despite the amount of nausea I had gotten out of no where. I groaned as Bobby looked over and realized " oh sh*t... MAX IS GONNA BLOW!" He shouted standing up and grabbing a trash can for me just in time to lean over and barf up the burger I had just eaten. As well as that Wagyu beef... man f*ck you Bradley Uppercrust jr. piece of sh*t, I wanted that steak to stay down!

After I threw up I fell over to my side and felt so dehydrated. My dad sat me up gently and gave me a water bottle and a napkin to clean my face. I leaned against my dad and took a sip of my water which felt like heaven. But what saddened me is just the thought of me dying. What would my dad do? How would he react to the situation if I had actually passed? For all I knew I don't think I can live without my father. He means the world despite how clingy he can get. But my dad is my whole life line. So it also makes me sad to know that Bradley can't share that same experience. I just hope that as we grow closer so does he and my father. It truly warmed my heart to see my dad comforting Bradley earlier and sitting next to him so Bradley wouldn't spiral.

My father was always someone I sort of look up to. He's goofy and a little dumb but when it comes down to it, his heart is absolutely beyond anything I could've ever imagined. He will always be there for you and he isn't one for any serious confrontation. So when he wrapped his arm around me allowing me to use him as support I felt like a kid again. When my mom died and my dad kept a strong front. He just held me closely and waited for all my tears to run out. Hee death made us closer than ever and now I can say I am beyond regretful when I remember how I treated dad my freshman year of college. He never deserved that whatsoever.

When Bradley came back with Tank he seemed to have calmed down. I offered a small smile as he walked over and quietly sat beside me.

The rest of the visit was well until visiting hours were up. Bradley had stayed while everyone left. Visiting hours only allowed one person at a time to stay and because of that, dad volunteered to leave. If Bradley were to go home he would die but dad had a home and a fiancé to go back too. I didn't mind the fact Bradley stayed. In fact this gave us an excuse to talk.

I scooted over a little bit and made some space for Bradley to lay down next to me. He hesitated and asked “ are you sure? I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” he said as I co*cked a brow “Babe, how many times have we cuddled already?” I snickered as Bradley sighed “that’s not what I meant. I meant by accidentally pulling out the IV or something.” As I perked up realizing what he meant “ oh yeah. Um…. You should be all good” I smiled as he nodded and slowly laid next to me. He was so careful it was adorable. I smiled softly as I watched him and chuckled.

I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned closer as he kissed my forehead. I blushed a little…. But all of a sudden my heart rate started increasing. Bradley flinched and looked up in a panic when he heard the beating going faster “oh my god! Are you okay?” He asked. I laughed softly and pulled him back down as my heart rate started to go back to a normal and comfortable pace “yes, that’s just what happens when you do cute sh*t. You make my heart beat like that” I said as now it was his time to blush like crazy “oh…” he said softly and chuckled. I smiled and kissed his cheek as he laughed softly at my overwhelming amount of kisses.

As we cuddled I asked him softly “how are you feeling?” And it took him a hot minute to respond “I’m… I feel terrible. I feel like this never would’ve happened if it weren’t for me” he said softly as I sighed “ Bradley, it’s not your fault babe, you didn’t do anything. It was you sh*tty father” I said softly as he looked at me with soft eyes “but he wouldn’t have done all that if I had just listened to him and married Claire”

This made me annoyed “you didn’t deserve to marry her by force. You deserve to fall in love and marry whoever you want. You do understand that right?” I asked him as he closed his eyes and sighed “ I know but still. If it meant keeping you safe I would’ve let my whole world burn down just to keep you happy” he said opening his eyes and turning his head to look at me.

“Babe I can’t be happy unless you’re happy”

“And I definitely can’t be happy, if you’re with someone else…”

Chapter 38: Chapter XXXVIII

Chapter Text

It didn't take a fool to realize my father didn't end up going to jail. He had bribed the police officers with a f*ck ton of money and they dropped the charges instantly. He didn't get a record under his name either. It pissed me off how he could get away with so much to no bounds.

When Max was released from the hospital thanksgiving break had practically been over. I felt terrible for it but Max was there to consistently comfort me and remind me that it's not my fault. Of course a small part of me didn't believe him.

When back at school I had come up with an idea. I had bought a new phone thankfully and restored everything and the first thing I did was remind Max to text me so I could save his number. I texted Max to get ready and that I was going to take him some where to which he was extremely confused. I should've never sent him that because he bombarded me with calls and texts asking me where I was taking him. Was it going to be romantic so he knows to dress all fancy. And then he asked me if we were gonna make out?? What the f*ck? I just replied with "please shut up and get ready, you're waisting time. Just dress nicely and warm. It getting colder out" I sent back.

Later on I picked him up from his dorm. I took him down town to explore random restaurants and just walk around. "I heard they already set up a Christmas tree." I smiled softly "wanna go see it?" I asked him as he chuckled " sure, let's stop to get some hot cocoa though first" he said as I agreed and we stopped by a cup cake shop. The place was lovely. Decorated in Christmas themed items getting ready for the holidays. The inside was warm considering outside was freezing cold outside. I had walked inside to be greeted by the smell of baked goods and a nice chocolate scent. The place had a Christmas tree decorated in bright lights and ornaments. This made me chuckle really. Business would run to the opportunity to decorate for Christmas right after thanksgiving. It was hilarious.

Bessie that, I got my arm yanked by Max as he ran towards this one area and stopped. He turned and smiled at me. I was confused until he looked up and I looked up as well. I saw a mistletoe! I perked up and blushed as I looked back down at Max who was now wiggling his brows and I rolled my eyes chuckling "you're such a dork" I commented "okay? But I'm your dork. So picked up pretty boy" Max said making me laugh until he shut me up with a kiss. I cupped his cheeks gently as he wrapped his arms around my waist. The kiss lingered for a good three seconds before letting go. I looked at him to see he was all smiley as I blushed profusely. I couldn’t help it Max was just so adorable. “Okay now I’m ready for hot chocolate. Let’s go” he said as I smiled and walked with him to the counter “you know. I’ve never been to this place before” Max whispered as I shrugged “Makes sense. This is for the highly sophisticated. The chocolate is actually directly imported as the cacao beans and the works make the chocolate here from scratch. It’s a very known place for the higher class” as Max co*cked a brow “ seriously? You didn’t have to call me poor like that” he said as I snickered “I’m kidding. It’s just like any regular old coffee shop hun except I think this place serves better treats than the Bean scene” I mentioned as Max gasped “how dare you! I think the bean scene is great” as I shrugged “and I think it could be better” I smirked as Max had a stink face which I found cute and kissed his nose. He let go of that face as he laughed just like a goofs laugh.

We ordered our drinks and cupcakes as well as I paid for both of them and left a tip. Then we were on our way out. As he walked around sipping our cocoa and chatting we sat by a peer which had a view of a frozen lake in front of us. I sat down and felt Max shift his body and lean against me. I titled my head to rest it on top of Max’s. He’s so cute and I’ve noticed nowadays he’s become much more touchy. Not even in the sexual way but in general he’s always touching me in some sort of way. For example when we’re simply just hanging out, he wraps an arm around me. When we’re bored he’ll play with my hair. That was a very uncomfortable conversation though the first time he did because he found the burn marks my father created on the back of my neck that I was trying to hide with my grown out hair. But I digress, he just always likes to hold me. Especially when it comes to falling asleep. I’m always little spoon for the specifically reason being that he thinks of me like his old teddy bear.

Speaking of which, Max looks up and gasped pointing to a random shop. I co*cked a brow confused as I looked over. “Build a bear?” I asked confused by what that meant. I turned to him and he looked absolutely shocked “you’ve never been to build a bear work shop?” He asked as I shook my head “no?” I said confused. “Oh hell no! We’re taking you right now!” Max said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up as he stood as well. “Woah! Someone’s excited!” I laughed as Max chuckled “hell yeah I am!” He exclaimed as he ran. I perked up and mentioned “Max! The roads are-” as he tripped and fell. I tried to catching him but we both fell like a couple of dumb asses “icy….” I sighed and sat up “you okay?” As he sat up too and rubbed the back of his head chuckling “yeah yeah I’m fine. I’ll be more careful next time” he blushed embarrassed as I chuckled “idiot”

When getting into build a bear workshop I looked around confused. I had no clue what this place was. So I turned to Max with a confused look and he explained everything to me. Long story short you basically just build a teddy bear. I thought the concept was cute until Max mentioned “let’s build teddy bears of each other.” He said as I perked up and chuckled “sure”. Max was really excited for this.

I was assigned to build a teddy bear that looked like Max. I tried to figure out what to pick. I picked one with darker fur to match his dark black hair and I got my teddy bear a red t shirt and tiny red sneakers. I thought this was this cutest thing I had ever seen. When I went to Max and saw his, he had given his teddy bear a button up white shirt with a purple cashmere sweater and tiny cream colored sneakers. He picked a light brown teddy and gave the teddy bear blue eyes. When finished I had paid for the teddy bears and we walked out together. Max whined “I was gonna pay. Cmon princess” he said as my eyebrow twitched “first, stop calling me that and second, I took you out on the date therefor I pay. You also seemed so excited to get these disgusting things so I might as well” I said tauntingly as he gasped “disgusting??” He mentioned. He saw the smile on my face and I knew I was joking but he added on “well yeah mine looks awful. It’s because it’s based off an awful person” he snickered as I perked up “hey! Don’t be mean!” I said as he laughed. He took his teddy bear and brought it closer to mine “mwah” as my heart squeezed. I blushed softly and looked away from Max. He made the teddy bears kiss and I couldn’t help but think it was the cutest thing “princeeeeeeesss~” he cooed as I refused to look at him and I practically ignored. He moved in front of the direction I was looking and kissed my lips just like the teddy bears had. I could feel steam coming out of my ears practically as I covered my mouth extremely flustered.

Max laughed and hugged me tightly “h-hey you have the teddy bears to do that now!” I said before he kissed my cheek as well. “ I much prefer to kiss the real deal” he mentioned as I hid my face in his shoulder as he continued to laugh.

Out of all of my relationships I don’t think I’ll ever find love like this.

Max is the one

And I whole heartedly believe it.

Chapter 39: Chapter XXXIX

Chapter Text

After the date Bradley had taken me on, he dropped me off back to my dorm. I waved goodbye but Bradley didn't drive off which confused me. That was when he stepped out of the car and walked over to me "I'm gonna walk you up" he said which shocked me slightly because I didn’t expect this at all but I found it cute. “Dang you’re that desperate you can’t let me go yet?” I teased. I just had to because of what comes next which was Bradley flinching and blushing like a tomato “ that’s not true jack ass! I still don’t like you!” He said “nah you love me” I snickered and kissed his cheek only to watch him melt practically at the kiss. I love my stupid boyfriend.

When we walked up the stairs to my dorm he waited for me to unlock it. I did and walked inside but not before giving Bradley one last goodbye kiss “I love you” I told him as he blushed yet again “I love you too…” he said softly and all flustered. I smiled and waved goodbye as I walked inside “make sure to text me when you get back to the frat” to which Brad nodded and smiled before leaving and I closed the door. Only to run to the window and watch Bradley get back in his car. I’ve noticed that Bradley tends to always take one last look at my window before driving off and I find it adorable so I waved goodbye and blew him a kiss. He waved goodbye as well before holding a heart with his hands and driving off.

I sighed so enamored by him. He’s just so cute. “You two disgust me” Bobby said “bllllegh” he did a throw up motion “shut the f*ck up Bobby” I said in a loving sigh as I watched his car drive out of sight. “Hey hey hey no need for hostility man jeez, you know I’m your biggest supporter man” Bobby said as I turned to look at him “surprisingly enough you actually aren’t. It’s Tank” I mentioned “okay well Tank and I are practically the same person dude” Bobby snickered “mmmm kinda. You’re like the hippie one who goes love is love and Tank is like this very aggressive cheerleader” I said making the both of us laugh “ I guess you’re right man I can’t deny it….. soooooo how was the date?” He asked. “ it was great, he walked around down town, got hot cocoa and cupcakes and look!” I mentioned showing him the teddy bear “ we made build a bears together of each other. You should see the Max one he made its so cute” I chuckled as Bobby smiled “that’s cute man. I’m happy for you. Honestly I was really worried about you the whole time” he mentioned which confused me. I asked “why were you worried?” And he shrugged “I just feel like knowing Bradley has such a psychopathic dad I thought something might’ve happened to you two.” Bobby mentioned. I guess he was right and I didn’t even consider that this date was a huge thing especially after what had happened to me previously.

“ yeah but…. I don’t know man I guess if I want to be involved in Bradley’s life I have to also be part of some aspects in the family drama. Isn’t that how relationships tend to work?” I asked Bobby and Bobby shook his head “no man. If you two were married then yeah or if you did something f*cked up involving the family then f*ck yeah but to meet his dad for the first time by kidnapping and then have him poison you is f*cked up” Bobby said “yeah but that isn’t Bradley’s fault though” I replied

Bobby shrugged “well dude obviously. It’s not your fault either I’m just saying when it comes to dating Bradley you have to remember to also put yourself first. I mean for a relationship to be happy and none toxic it needs to be fair” he said which shocked me “what are you trying to say Bobby? Are you saying my relationship is toxic?” I asked annoyed as Bobby shook his head and sighed “no dude I-… god um” he sighed trying to figure a better way of wording it. “Okay what I’m saying is that when it comes to you and your man. You have to be very careful about what you guys do together. Obviously. His dad wants to f*ck your sh*t up and he’s been abusing Bradley since the day he was born. What I’m saying is that don’t go around flaunting your relationship like nothing and don’t act care free. But also remember to consider your mental health and physical health as well. Everyone wants a forbidden lovers romance until they actually get it and see how f*cked up it truly is” he mentioned. Then it sort of hit me… Bobby was right… “ well… I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t think I can let go of Bradley man…” causing Bobby to flinch “ dude!! I’m not saying that!! I’ve never seen you be so happy in your life not even with Roxanne! But I’m saying just be aware!! I don’t wanna lose you man like I almost did the other day. That sh*t didn’t just affect you it affected ALL of us!” He said. The stress of the relationship was rising more rapidly. I didn’t know what to do… so I asked “what should I do then?” As Bobby hummed.

“I guess we just wait until his dad dies” he said as I rolled my eyes “the guy has enough money to become a machine to stay immortal and not only that but he has a lot of years left ahead of him, he’s only 18 years older than Bradley” I mentioned which shocked Bobby a little “hold on, teen pregnancy?” Bobby asked as I shook my head “no, his dad was put in a arranged marriage. His wife only knew him for a month, they got married and she had gotten pregnant all in the same month.” I told Bobby as his eyes widened “ oh wow… no wonder why he’s so f*cked up” Bobby said “ yeah I think it’s a generational trauma thing. Poor Brad he wants to break it so badly… and I wanna be there to help him break it too” I mentioned to Bobby who nodded agreeing. “You know…. You’re a really good person Max. I think you get that from your dad” Bobby mentioned.

I looked down to the floor when he said that and just thought about what my dad would do in situations like this. I looked back up at Bobby and smiled softly “ Thanks man” as Bobby nodded “no problem.”

Some background information on Bobby. He’s like a brother to me. Bobby’s mom was an alcoholic ever since his dad died from a heart attack. She wasn’t a bad mom but she had her days where she genuinely needed to be alone and so Bobby slept over my house a lot and PJ joined for extra support. The three of us were a trio since the first grade. Well actually PJ and I were friends since diapers since our dads were friends since their high school years. Bobby joined us in the first grade when he had moved from Canada.

Bobby’s dad was a good guy from what I can remember, but his death struck their family hard. Bobby was still developing obviously since he had died when he was in middle school so he had fallen into becoming a huge stoner just to relieve some pain while his mother was an alcoholic. She had been arrested for drinking and driving and she almost died because she needed a liver transplant. When Bobby cried his eyes out to my dad and I that day when she was in the hospital my dad had enough. He raised enough money at a yard sale and asked for donations without Bobby’s knowledge to fund her hospital bills. When she was back home, my dad had a serious discussion with her alone and she had gone to AA (Alcoholic’s Anonymous) meetings. She hadn’t touched a drop since and ever since then Bobby and her relationship have rekindled drastically.

Bobby acts stupid all the time for sh*ts and giggles but when it comes down to it Bobby is one of the most loyal people I know. He gets it from his dad. His dad was a sweet guy but he used to go batsh*t crazy on the kids and their parents whenever the kids tried to bully Bobby back in elementary. On the other hand, Bobby gets his empathy from his mother. He has a heart way to big for his body and he will always try to help whenever he can. For that I will always respect Bobby and stick by his side. He’s my ride or die. PJ can agree to that.

In fact when I told PJ about the yard sale and donations my dad was making. PJ gave up his limited edition Pokémon cards and his bike but my dad refused to sell his bike. The Pokémon cards though had brought in a lot of money so PJ was a real one. I know I made good friends and for that I will always be grateful.

For the rest of the night Bobby and I talked on and on and on about anything while we played our favorite video games. PJ wasn’t coming to the dorm because he was hanging out with his girlfriend yet again. Now it sounds like that’s all PJ does. Just hang out with Stacey but actually he finds a perfect balance to hang out with both Bobby and I and Stacey. Then again sometimes Stacey joins us as well with our hang outs too.

I feel like after years and years of our friendship. Nothing is going to ever break us apart.

And I am forever grateful for that.

Chapter 40: Chapter XL

Chapter Text

When I got back to the frat house I hid the teddy bear in my shirt and zipped up my hoodie. I can't let the others see this or they'll make fun of me for weeks. I saw slouch humming to himself while making a sandwich and when he turned to see me he flinched. I had been shooting daggers at this guy for days with my glaring. He knows why and he still hasn't apologized. He just runs and hides. He slept with Claire for a quick lay and a little pay like a f*cking prostitute and he knew why. He told her he didn't want to take care of a baby and she told him straight up that she didn't want to take care of a baby WITH HIM! And that she was gonna use it against ME! f*cking stupid piece of sh*t, I can't stand slouch and he used to be my friend. f*cking dumb ass. The rest of the gamma's don't know about any of this besides Tank who f*cking told me. In fact Tank threatened slouch that if slouch were to pull that bull sh*t ever again he smack the f*ck out of him.

I ignored slouch's cowardly behaviors and walked to my room quietly. I sighed as I closed the door and hung my coat up. I took the teddy bear out of my shirt and held it smiling softly before looking up. I froze in fear as I saw a shadow sitting at my desk. It was my dad... holy f*ck... who let this guy in?! What the hell- oh no wait. I realized my dad isn't that tall. It was actually Tank. I scoffed as my panic seemed to drift off "what the hell are you doing Tank?" I asked. My panic came back when Tank got up and grabbed me. He slammed me down onto the bed and laid next to me on his stomach. Did I do something? What the hell was Tank trying to pull?

Yet again I was fooled because Tank started kicking his feet like a girl "sooooo tell meeeee. How did the date go?" He asked snickering. “You know you don’t have to make such a horrifying entrance every time right?” I replied as he shrugged “it’s me baby, I’m Tank. I either make a big show or I don’t show at all” he snickered “ now tell me about the date!!” He demanded.

I chuckled softly and showed him the bear as he snickered “Max and I went out to look at Christmas decorations and grab hot cocoa, then we stopped by build a bear workshop and make bears of each other” I smiled staring at the Max teddy bear. Tank pouted and sighed “that’s so cute. Good for you man” he chuckled as I nodded “ thank you. Anyway, how’s it been for you and your dating life?” I asked. Tank shrugged “I haven’t been getting really lucky honestly…. I’ve been getting laid but no one peaks my interest and the ones who do peak my interest aren’t interested in me.” He shrugged. “Nonsense, you’re a very attractive guy Tank. Anyone would be lucky to date you” I mentioned as he looked over “then you date me. Come on baby I’m sure we’d make a lovely couple” he snickered and made smooching noises towards me as I cringed and laughed “ew Tank you’re so gross” I said as he gasped “how dare you speak to you lover that way Brad?!” He said “Bradley” I corrected before continuing “and I dare because you’re nothing more than my mistress” I continued the joke as Tank held his heart pretending to be hurt “but what about that kiss we shared?” He mentioned as I flinched “ FIRST OF ALL! YOU KISSED ME! BECAUSE YOU GOT EXCITED ABOUT A NEW MOVIE! YOU HAVE TO STOP KISSING PEOPLE WHEN YOU’RE EXCITED TANK!” I shouted. Every time he mentions it he laughs so hard because I have the same reaction always. It gets genuinely aggravating after a while. Especially because I was caught so off guard when he kissed me. But it’s not only me! He’s done that to Bobby and a few of the Gamma members! HES KISSED MY DAD! YOU KNOW HOW f*ckED UP THAT IS?! IT WAS EVEN WORSE BECAUSE MY DAD LIKED TANK TOO!! NOW HE CAN’T STAND TANK.

“ what can I say baby I’m just full of love” Tank snickered as I sighed and covered my face with my hands “Tank you’re a hazard…” I mentioned as he laughed and sighed. “….. I forgive you Bradley…” he said out of no where. I co*cked a brow confused “forgive me? For what?” I asked. “For almost killing me during the X-games. I forgive you” he repeated. All of a sudden the mood shifted completely. The vibe became more serious as I sat up quickly and looked at him “really?” I asked. He nodded “ yeah, it took a while but you stuck to your promise on trying to make it up to me. Now that I know why you went that far and I saw you get sh*t on again and again…. I forgive you.” He said to me…. I felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders. As if I finally had gotten redemption. “You’ve changed a lot. You aren’t as annoying, angry or rude like you used to be. You were a narcissistic ass hole but you came a long way.” He said nodding “and I’m proud of you”……. Those words hit me directly in my heart. I don’t get often told that people are proud of me and I genuinely thought Tank was never going to forgive me. But to hear that he does now…it was like life was giving me a break for once and returning something to me that I genuinely cherished which was my friendship with Tank.

I nodded softly as I fiddled with the bears ear in my lap. “ I’m glad that I can receive your grace. I didn’t expect you to ever forgive me but I’m happy you do…… I just want to make it clear out of all the years I’ve lived I’ve never had made a friend I cherished more than you. When I went manic during the X-games I… I don’t know I was just so scared that if I didn’t win then something bad will happen to me and it did…. My father treated me like sh*t and most of all I almost lost you as a friend. A small part of me doesn’t believe I deserve your forgiveness but a huge part of me is jumping in joy knowing that we can rekindle our friendship to what it used to be like but even better this time” I smiled as Tank nodded agreeing.

He sat up and hugged me tightly and I just let him despite the slight pain of his hold. Tank is a teddy bear. His hugs will never not be comforting. “Alright enough with the sappy stuff. I’m gonna order some grub you want?” He asked as I sighed “yes, I’m finally done with that stupid diet to try and impress my dad. I want food so badly” I replied. Being away from my dad meant I finally got to eat real and filling food. Who was the one person who always came in with food? Of course it was Tank. Tank knew how to cook, knew where the best places to eat were and he was always a fun person to eat out with unless you were on a diet. “ oh but uh…. Can I still use your credit card?” He asked sheepishly “ I thought you said you forgive me?” I asked “ okay yeah I do! But I got really good food out of it! LET ME USE YOUR CARD!” He shouted as I rolled my eyes “ fine whatever. Just get me wings please with fries and a side of ranch. TRADITIONAL! Wings” I made that specifically clear “okay man what sauce?” He asked “garlic parm and mild” I replied “puss*. I’m getting mango habanero and Caribbean jerk” tank snickered and ordered the food “delivering in about 15 minutes. I’m so ready man” he said doing a little happy dance on the way out of my room.

“TANK WAIT!” I shouted as he stopped and looked back into my room “ I know what you did by the way. You continued shameless without me. That was our show” I said as Tank scoffed “f*ck you. You called me your mistress and you got boyfriend. Watch a show with him instead the f*ck?” He rolled his eyes “ if you want we can eat the wings and continue on the episode your slow ass is still on” he mentioned. I crossed my arms and sighed.


Chapter 41: Chapter XLI

Chapter Text

The next day I woke up in my dorm with Bobby snoring in his bed beside me as per usual. I checked the time seeing I had an hour before my class started. I got up to get ready, my routine has changed ever since getting together with Bradley. He isn’t focused on changing my aesthetics or anything but he helping me out to feel better about myself. I was insecure of my vitiligo and my skin for the longest time. Now he’s been giving me skin care tips to help me out and get rid of any sort of acne I have. I used to straighten my hair because my curl definition wasn’t good at all but Bradley bought me hair products to help my hair become healthier and have definition and volume. I have to say I’ve never looked so good in my life. It was a nice change that I was genuinely happy with. But when it came to my vitiligo I always felt so… iffy about my skin condition. I genuinely hated it back then but I couldn’t use make up to hide it. I tried and it made me break out badly. I had learned to just ignore my vitiligo despite hating it for a while after until Bradley started consistently mentioning it. He would take a bunch of pictures of me as if I were a model and I would get super insecure but he genuinely liked those pictures. It made me feel acknowledged and felt more confident in myself.

Whenever I wanted to buy new clothing he would go shopping with me even though his style didn’t match mine at all. He tried to find outfits that suited my tastes and would compliment how I looked but also give me a brief description on why it looked good on me. From pop the accessories complimented my eyes and the clothing matched my vibe. Not only that but he got me to wear form fitting clothes as well. I had been so used to wearing loose clothing so I wouldn’t be pointed out in the crowd so big t shirts and hoodies were my go to. Don’t get me wrong I still love my big clothing but here and there I would wear form fitting outfits.

So today I had put on a dark gray wide leg baggy denim that had a embroidery on it matched with a studded belt, a long sleeve compression shirt for an extra layer of warmth and a type o negative graphic t-shirt on top. But of course there was one thing Bradley couldn’t change it was my favorite red sneakers. He tried to get me into other shoes and when he realized he couldn’t get me to he had stopped. Or well that was until he bought me a new pair of boots that I genuinely needed because of the snow. I had brushed my teeth first and then done my skin care. Another tip I learned from Bradley and then I fixed my hair up. Last but not least I had fixed my jewelry up. I look better in silver but Bradley looks divine in gold. Yet sadly he doesn’t wear much jewelry besides his earrings which I had convinced him to get pierced but he wears diamond studs. Regardless they look beautiful on him. I had spritzed on cologne and woke up Bobby so he could get ready as well.

Of course I didn’t get breakfast are you kidding? Bradley always brought me snacks for breakfast and I thought that was the cutest sh*t in the whole world. I sat next to him in class as he flinched looking at me and looked away. This concerned me so I wrote in my notebook “hey babe. What’s up?” And slid it over. He looked at it and wrote back something and slid it back “you can’t look this good in front of me this early in the day” I read it and smiled “awwww” I said out loud chuckling and leaned in as I kissed his cheek. Or well tried because he shoved me away quickly.

He wrote in the notebook “professor is here. Don’t act like my boyfriend rn. He has connections to my dad” and slid it back. I read it as my eyes softened and I wrote back “sorry” and slid it over. He wrote something and slid it over again “ it’s okay, I’m sorry for being paranoid. I’m not ashamed of you being my lover I just wish I could love you under different circ*mstances” …….. reading that made me remember what Bobby said last night. It broke my heart to read honestly.

Sometimes I often think to myself what life would’ve been like if Bradley didn’t have the father he has now. If he was more open minded. Then we wouldn’t be so scared to do anything. After all lord knows if this relationship can continue while his father is still alive.

I wrote on the notes as slid them back over to Bradley “breaking my heart this early in the morning? Do you at least have snacks?” I asked as I smiled softly at him. He read the note and rolled his eyes opening his bag and passing me some of my favorite snacks. I got so excited as I opened them and started munching. Of course then professor can’t exactly see us holding hands under the desks though right?

I slid my hand over to hold Bradley’s hand. He didn’t flinch or back away. He acted casual as I held his hand. When it came to taking notes though I figured it would’ve been a problem considering I was holding Bradley’s right hand yet I looked over to see him writing with his left. I looked a little shocked since that’s something I never noticed before.

When we left class together I slung my back pack over my shoulder and asked “ I didn’t know you were left handed” I mentioned as he corrected “I’m ambidextrous” he mentioned “when did you learn to do that?” I asked chuckling softly. “I predominantly used my left hand. My dad didn’t agree with that at all so he sat me down and forced me to write the whole entirety of the dictionary with my right hand. Every time I struggled I got a smacked with a ruler until I could use my right just as well as my left” he explained. I looked stunned at this but of course that sounded on brand from his father “that’s insane.” I replied as Bradley shrugged “ when is my father not insane” he sighed as we walked to the bean scene to grab coffee together. “ can I ask? Have you ever had a good experience with you father?” As Bradley thought about it. “Um…. He hugged me once and tried to comfort me after my mom died in a car crash but he said god wanted her dead because she was a walking sin” he replied as I let out a low whistle “that is not a good experience…” I mentioned “yeah well, it’s what I got” he shrugged.

I noticed his actions and responses were a little dry today and it worried me… “Bradley?” “Yes?” “Are you okay?” “Yeah what makes you ask?” “You seem very off today… is something the matter?”

He went silent for a second before looking through his phone and showing me. My eyes widened. A random number in his contacts had sent over 458 messages just this morning to him.

It was pictures of Bradley and I on our date…..

“What is this? No- who is this?!” I asked as Bradley sighed “…. You’re not gonna like the answer” “tell me!!! Who is sending you these?” Bradley stayed quiet and scrolled all the way up. There were finally word messages after all these pictures. Who is this stalker?! The messages read.

“If you don’t give me what I want I’m sending these to your father”
“Have fun with your stupid boyfriend while you can”
“You’re going to be my husband I promise you that”


It was Claire

Chapter 42: Chapter XLII

Chapter Text

Earlier today I had woken up to being bombarded with numerous text messages from an unknown number. I groaned as I yawned stretching my body a little before turning to check my phone "who the hell is texting me this early?" I said noticing it was exactly 5:48 am. I gasped once seeing the pictures of Max and I on our date yesterday. I scrolled through all the images. One by one collected data from the car ride to the lake view, from the cafe and inside where I was specifically holding Max’s hand, to the build a bear work shop where Max used the bears to kiss and then kissed me, to every… single.. hand hold, hug, kiss, stare, step, breath. That wasn’t all, she hand inside pictures as well to where Tank and I were talking last night as I held my bear, when we ate food and watched shameless. She hid a security camera in my room, in the bathroom, in the door way of the Gamma house, in my car. She had everything she needed. Enough evidence to prove I wasn’t just dating Max but I was involving him in my personal life and issues, she had pictures of my previous self harm scars along my inner thighs….

She had a video of us sleeping together….

I was immediately up and alerted the second I had seen those videos. What the f*ck was I supposed to do? I shot out of my bed and paced around wondering what the f*ck was she planning until I got another message.

xxx: I heard you got a new phone

xxx: you have the 3 months to make your decision before I find out the gender of the baby

xxx: you either marry me or I’m leaking these pictures to not only your father but everyone else

xxx: it’s your choice Bradley

I stared at the texts as my heart practically stopped beating. I didn’t know how to reply. My hands were shaking as I felt both cold and hot at the same time and any sort of noise that was happening had become a distant blur. The cars driving outside and the birds chirping? They sounded faded.

I felt another vibration from the phone as I read.

xxx: I can see that your reading the messages

xxx: you. will. be. mine.

What the f*ck was this psycho crazed bitch on? Why did she want me this badly I didn’t understand? I quickly turned the phone off and sat on the floor staring at the wall in my dimly lit room. As the hours had passed I had no conception of time until I heard knocking on the door and Tank shouting “you’re gonna be late Brady poo~” he sang. Even Tank’s comedy skits did not appeal to me whatsoever in this moment. I felt like I had just managed to avoid this situation how did I stir back up again yet ten times worse?

I had gotten dressed accordingly and left for class. I threw some snacks in for Max as Tank tried to talk to me apparently but I hadn’t even acknowledged him in the slightest. I was so zoned out in my own head I had gone autopilot. When class time arrived and Max tried to hold my hand I grew terrified. Eyes…. Everywhere… people… the videos… the professor… everything just hit me ten times harder.

That’s how we end up here now. At the Bean Scene where Max and I sat at the couch on the side and he was scrolling through my phone and these messages with the photos etc. he looked at me scared and I couldn’t blame him I was just as terrified.

“Bradley I…..” Max sighed. “We will get through this I promise” he said to me trying to hold my hand yet I jerked and pulled my hand away. What was to become of me? If I continued this relationship with Max it would never work in the end inevitably. I can handle a lot of things but seeing Max hurt? Like that again? Losing Max? I just couldn’t risk it at all. “Stop” I asked as I looked down to the ground. “What do you mean stop? Brad you aren’t going to let her win are you?” He asked as I looked away in shame keeping my mouth closed. I had fallen silently. “Max…. You almost died because of her and my father. Now the evidence is more clear than ever before I just can’t risk you in that situation again..” I said softly. Max grabbed my hand and pulled it to make me look at him. When I met his eyes which were full of disdain and anger he had spoken “I would rather die than have that bitch be with you!” He exclaimed as I continued on “and what would become of me after you die? A free man? Absolutely not I would still be forced to marry her and live on knowing this situation could’ve been avoided if I had just married her sooner. You think I can live knowing that I’m the cause of your death? Max it won’t happen and I’m not going to allow that” I replied with this stiffness in my tone. “It’s over…..” I said softly as I stood. “ it was fun while it lasted Max but I can’t risk you dying…..” “ Bradley…” the way he said my name struck my heart in a way I felt myself wanting to fall apart. “I love you. Please…” he said standing up to meet my eyes. “I love you too… but I just can’t live like that” I said shaking my head.

I used to think all the time last year how satisfying it would’ve been to see Max cry but now that I’m seeing him tearing up I felt my heart shatter. The amount of strength it took in me to not kiss him and wipe his tears away was astronomical but I held back. He held my hand once more but I gently pulled it away as I took one last glance back at him before fully turning and walking away. As I walked out and up the steps I felt each step growing heavier. I felt something run down my face. Automatically knowing it was a tear as I quickly tried to wipe it away. I bit my lip hard to try and suppress it but I couldn’t.

I sped walked over to the student parking lot to try and hide in my car so the Gamma’s wouldn’t see me sob but half way there I stopped. Claire has a camera somewhere in my car. I don’t know if that’s the only one so I can’t risk it.

I’ve never felt so aggravated in my life. I felt like a caged animal with no where to go and even if I did have somewhere to go she would be watching. She had me cornered….

All I could do was go back to the Gamma house. As I walked I had replied to her messages “fine, wedding is on again” to which she replied with a heart emoji and “I’ll tell my parents and have them contact your father. I love you pumpkin 💗” that name irritated me so much. I couldn’t bare it.

When I arrived back to the Gamma house I reviewed the footage she had sent me and spent my time searching for these cameras. I was shocked to see that the cameras were disguised as bugs and in front of the door. I stomped on it and it shattered into pieces. That’s when I remembered her family ran a security camera company and installed hidden cameras in every facility that had called in. I searched everywhere and found a total of 38 hidden security cameras all over the Gamma house.

How long have these cameras been here? I already could tell they’ve been here since the party we hosted where she had tried to rape me.

This bitch was a psychopath but she was smart and persistent in what she wanted…. That’s when my phone buzzed again. I looked at it and saw the message.

Claire: “ so when did you want to set the wedding date? I personally prefer spring weddings”

Claire: “ I love you pumpkin 💗 ”

Chapter 43: Chapter XLIII

Chapter Text

Watching Bradley leave me standing there in the middle on the Bean Scene left me in shambles. Did he really just break up with me? After everything? After we've been doing good for so long?....

I saw PJ and Stacey walk inside the Bean Scene and when they made eye contact they were smiling " heyyyy! Max what's up man?!" PJ asked me. But I remained silent. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I was just..... in shock. Stacey realized and asked "hey.. you okay Max?" As I took a moment to recollect myself "um...." I nodded trying to play it cool but I shook my head taking a deep breath in and out so I wouldn't break down. "No um... Bradley broke up with me..." I said. This stunned PJ and Stacey. Stacey was so chill so to hear her shout " WHAT?!" As the whole cafe stopped and stared. She coughed into her hand and recollected herself " this isn't the scene to talk about this." She mentioned " yeah. Let's grab some coffee and a few treats and head back to the dorm" PJ said.

Once PJ got everyone something including Bobby if he was at the dorm. He paid and we went back. Once arriving to the dorm Bobby was there finishing up some homework. He looked up and looked confused "yooooo... what's up? Emergency meeting?" He asked as PJ nodded "Max just got dumped man.." he mentioned as Bobby gasped " WHAT?! IM GONNA KICK THAT MOTHERf*ckERS ASS!" He shouted "Bobby chill it's not like that..." I said "oh-... okay then proceed" he said as he perked up at the coffee and thanked PJ. We all sat down as they stared at me. I sighed softly and begun. " so Claire had been stalking us and taking photos of Bradley and I whenever we weren't looking. She managed to gather so many photos over 400 practically and videos. She then threatened Bradley that she was going to show his father if he didn't marry her and that freaked him out because of what had happened to me so he's agreeing to marry her all for the sake that I wouldn't get f*cking assassinated by his f*cking dad" I said as I buried my face in the palms of my hands. I could genuinely feel the tears about to start brewing. My heart re-shattering all over again just telling the story once more.

I wanted to sob but it wasn't until a gentle pair of arms greeted me. I could tell it was PJ almost immediately. When I felt his hug I just broke down sobbing. I couldn't handle it. Breaking up with Roxanne hurt but this hurt ten times worse. I genuinely thought we were going to get through this together yet here we are. Bradley managed to make me fall so in love with him only to have this fairytale like love story come crashing down immediately. It's not even our faults. Its the fact that we still want to be with each other that hurts so much more.

Bobby and Stacey joined in the hug as I hunched over a felt myself crying harder. The warm tears falling down my face as the left over tear stains had turned cold right after. My face growing red and my head squeezing so tightly from how hard I had been sobbing. I knew I was going to get the worst head ache right after.

I had sat their cradled in their comforting arms for ten minutes straight as Bobby supplied tissues, PJ supplied sweet treats and coffee and Stacey gave me comforting words. Yet nothing worked. I needed space. I needed to breathe.........

I needed to call my dad.

I stood up and sniffled taking a few tissues as I wiped my face "thank you guys but I need to go... I gotta make a call I'm sorry" I said softly. They understood and let me be. I loved my friends don't get me wrong but a situation like this just wasn't going to be fixed with a pep talk from Bobby and Stacey, then PJ holding me like a broken doll. This was a time where I needed my father. More than anything I needed him right now.

I grabbed my jacket and walked out my dorm and down the stairs as I dialed his number on my cell. When the phone begun to ring I held it up to my phone and waited patiently for my father to answer. He answered almost immediately. His charismatic and joyous intro into the call sent me spiraling " MAXY! How is my son?! What are you doing kiddo?!" I can tell he was smiling behind the phone that I had called him. I've been calling him a lot more often now. I learned my mistakes during freshman year. But still his voice caused me to break down. I opened my mouth and stuttered as I huffed a stifled sob "d-dad? I n-need you" I stammered. f*ck... my voice cracked half way through that simple sentence. "Oh Max... do you want me to come pick you up?" He asked as I sniffled "y-yeah" I replied. "Okay Maxy. Stay on call for me honey" he said as I could hear the shuffling on the other side as he tried to put his shoes on. He zipped up his coat and got in his car driving over here immediately.

He got back on call as he asked "what happened Maxy?" He asked me. His voice was so gentle and full of concern. “Brad and I broke up… he’s being forced to marry Claire again against his will. Dad I don’t know what to do” I said covering my mouth with one hand as I looked down as saw my tears fall onto the icy ground one by one. “Oh boy…. dad’s almost here. Hang on tight buddy” he said I mumbled a “okay…”

Ten minutes later my dad pulled up with his car. He jumped out and ran over to me with open arms as he pulled me in with a tight yet comforting hug. I broke down again in his arms. It’s funny… every hug feels the same but when it comes to a parent or parental figure hug it’s as if the world is crumbling around you and it’s just you and your parent. On this little platform and if they let go you were going to fall into this deep dark pit.

I felt like a five year old again. Holding onto my dad when I scraped my knee for the first time while learning how to ride a bike.

He gently loosened his arms and cupped my cheeks wiping the tears off my cheeks as I tried to stifle my sobs. His eyes softened as he frowned softly. “Come on. Papa is going to take you home.” He said as he pulled something out of his pocket. I looked down and saw him take out this familiar orange stuffed teddy bear. I frowned and gently grabbed the bear looking at it. I curled up and let my head rest on the bear as my dad slowly stood me up.

We got in dads car and it was silent the whole way home. I was just holding onto the bear and stared out the window with my tear stained face.

When arriving home I felt this sense of familiarity. The scent, the warmth and the comfort of home overtook me. We kicked off our shoes and hung up our jackets as I walked over and sat on the couch. Dad was in the kitchen starting to brew up some tea to calm me down. While it was brewing he walked over and sat beside me. He wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and wrapped a arm around me pulling me in as I leaned against my dad. The crying did not cease.

“I love him so much dad…”

“I know Maxy…”

“I feel like this is all my fault…”

“It’s not Maxy.. you did nothing wrong and neither did Bradley. You two just have very different lives. But you know what I always say. If you wish for something hard enough and truly believe in it then it’ll happen”

“But dad this is different. If I mettle in this someone could die…” I replied as he hummed placing his hand on his chin scratching it. He always does that when he thinks. “ then that’s a toughy…” he said as I nodded “…. I wish it didn’t have to be like this dad…. I want him back so badly but his stupid dad…” I squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn’t continue to cry.

My dad kissed my head gently as he stood up “I’ll go bring you some tea. I want you to relax a little so your bad thoughts don’t spiral okay?” He said softly as I nodded.

I looked at my phone and debated on texting Bradley. Yet I let my thoughts get the best of me.

“Bradley please don’t go through with this”

“We can make things work. I promise I’ll figure something out”

“I love you……”


Chapter 44: Chapter XLIV

Chapter Text

There I sit in my fathers dining room along with Claire and her parents. I try my best to not looked stressed during the wedding planning process but I can't help it. The fact that I'm sitting here with the two people I hate the most in life and I'm hee parents who seem to be on the verge of a mix of concern and happiness at the same time. I wonder how they feel to know that their daughter is finally getting married and out of their lives. I'd be happy to if I had a bitch ass daughter. But sadly life doesn't always work in my favor and I'm the one who is being forced to bring her into my life.

As the wedding planner had made suggestions before I could get a word in she would interrupt and say "ummm no I want my wedding big so this won't do". She pissed me off so I replied with " honey I want a small wedding. You know how I get with to many people around" and a pout just to piss her off. She paused before snorting and laughing obnoxiously. The laugh genuinely caused me to flinch and stare in shock. Max's laugh was cute and simple and funny. Her laugh on the other hand felt like she was casting a spell on me. That was a horrifying experience. She then said "oh you! You're so funny with your jokes! Everyone knows you're a attention seeker. That's why you made that huge explosion in the x-games remember?" She giggled. That comment made me cringe. Why the f*ck would she say that? The vibe in the room shifted and I had to quickly elevate it. I laughed awkwardly as I nodded "yeah... you're right.." I chuckled.

I looked back at the wedding planner who nodded slowly and wrote down every little detail SHE! Wanted and disregarded my own options. It's not like I cared for the wedding. I just thought that if I made the wedding as sh*tty as possible she wouldn't want to marry me. Of course she got her way so that didn't work out too well.

My father went as far as to changing my classes in college so I'd avoid seeing Max all around. It was extremely aggravating but efficient. I tried to avoid texting him going as far as to block his number. It hurt a lot to be honest. But I had to do so, it'll only hurt let when the wedding day comes. Of course even though it hurt like hell to block him I knew I had to.

I've seen Max less and less as the days went by. I was barely even in the Gamma house. Stopping in and out to grab some books and avoiding conversations due to my exhaustion and utter distress. In fact even Tank and I had slowly been growing apart. I felt as though I've been growing insane due to the isolation and consistent stress over such a huge turning point in my life. Claire would continuously text or call me. Warning me to be careful because I haven't gotten rid of all the cameras she had installed. Thus creating rigorous paranoia in my day to day life. I acted accordingly when I should be in the comfort of my own home. I acted accordingly in the car stiff as a robot. I had no clue on where these hidden cameras were and I would spends days on end trying to find them. I collected around 20 cameras in the span of 3 weeks. There were still more. She would text me “I know you haven’t showered yet today. Don’t forget I’m watching you pumpkin❤️” or messages like “stop putting concealer on. You’re not a girl” etc. the showering thing though got to me. I felt so uncomfortable to shower when I knew she was watching me. I couldn’t find the cameras in the bathroom which was annoying. She hid them extremely well. So what I did to retaliate? I set the water to the hottest setting and let it run for a good 10 minutes. Of course I wouldn’t use the hot water, it damages your skin and hair. But I turned it on to fog up any security cameras so she wouldn’t see.

I then would change the setting back to cold water and took the rest of my shower quickly so that when I finished the bathroom would still be steamy. I would change, do skin care, get ready and leave. I couldn’t handle this consistent fear of her watching me, I knew stopped using my car and I just skated around to get to destinations. Of course it was a bit of a bother to places that were more long distances but I couldn’t do anything about it.

Everyday was a practical struggle. A continuation of this agonizing routine where I would wake up to text message from my so called fiancé, classes, go for a run, drive to my fathers place and continue the wedding plans.

Today I had my wedding suit fitted and tailored. I didn’t seem happy at all to which the tailor noticed and asked “shouldn’t you be excited? It’s your wedding!” He said trying to cheer me up “I’m excited” I replied casually “you don’t seem like you are…” he mentioned softly. I couldn’t trust anyone anymore. So I remained to myself and offered a sweet smile “ I’m just a little tired from the wedding planning. That’s all” I can assume he didn’t buy it but I was thankful he didn’t continue to push.

I had arrived back to the Gamma house exhausted one afternoon because I had spent it on a run. I had walked up stairs and into my room. I felt like I was going to die and contemplated if suicide was even a reliable option at this point. I was genuinely considering it with all the bull sh*t that had been occurring over the past few weeks. It was incomprehensible.

I lay in bed awaiting for the day to come by. It’s slowly creeping up closer and closer. I can feel my sanity slowly diminishing. She was taking my life away and the worst is that she had all the evidence necessary to do so. Should I play into the part and trick my mind into thinking I can actually want this life? That I can be happy as her husband? Can I?

These thoughts consistently running throughout my mind. Should I just be an adult and suck it up? Or am I stupid in believing I could ever actually live a life as a free man….

For some reason I started to think…. I felt bad for my father now. That’s the worst feeling I could’ve ever possibly have felt ever. To feel bad for the man who has caused me immense pain. I would also go insane if I had been in a forced marriage so young only to have a bastard son, a selfish piece of sh*t kid who only thinks so negatively.

I covered my face with my hands as I laid on my back in my bed. I took a deep breath in and out. Mind over flowing with self depreciation. Degrading every moment and movement I have ever committed. I felt so trapped in my own world and I needed to become free. I was going insane with every second passing and I couldn’t let this continue on forward….

I sighed as I let my mind run with these negative thoughts until I had revived a message. I looked at my phone and read the message.

Claire: “ hey pumpkin! I’ve got great news! It’s a girl!”

Claire: “let’s celebrate. Just the two of us”

Claire: “as husband and wife ❤️”

Chapter 45: Chapter XLV

Chapter Text

I reluctantly agreed to go out with her. I didn’t want to but I had to. No matter how much I attempted to convince myself that maybe things would be good, my mind just couldn’t fool itself. I genuinely contemplated suicide as my only option out.

After all a wedding can’t go on if the groom is dead…

I grew wary of the thought. Then I grew fond of it. It didn’t seem like to bad of an option. She then texted me “hellooooo! Get up! Get dressed come on I’m waiting!” With the cameras she could always watch me, even now since I was still laying in bed.

I sighed as I slowly sat up from my bed and went to go get dressed. I changed into something casual and that's when I got another message. I checked my phone and saw her write "don't wear that, I don't like it" .... Right...Cameras.... I then picked out a random shirt in my closet and held it up into the air silently waiting for her to see it. I waited a moment as she texted me "that's cute, put on your black pants to go along with it. I love it when you look like a poet 💗💗"

If there was one thing I can admit she did pick out nice outfits for me. I didn't mind the look since I was more of the dark academia aesthetic.

I had changed into my outfit and fixed my hair before grabbing cologne and spritzing it on. I grabbed my jacket, a scarf and put on my boots as I had walked out of the Gamma house and into my car. I tend to like the winter, cold and quiet. It was nice and peaceful. Not only that but it got darker quicker. The night time is something I enjoyed considering it was so quiet. Not as lively so I felt like I could truly be alone.

I had picked her up from her dorm, when she walked out I had noticed the baby bump became more predominant. It had been a few months since we've been engaged and we were set to be wedded in exactly one month. It was getting way too close for comfort. When she entered the car she had greeted me with the usual kiss on the cheek. I don't usually drive until she buckles in but when I noticed she didn't buckle in yet I co*cked a brow. I glanced over to see her still leaned in to me as I asked "what?" Only to have her kiss my lips. I had no reaction to this. In fact I've grown quite used to it. This actually isn't the worst she's done.

Since the beginning of our engagement we've had sex around 23 times. That's more than how many times I've had sex with Max. Max and I had sex around 2 times at least but that's because Max respects my boundaries when it comes to the topic unlike Claire. When I've told her I wasn't comfortable she would threaten me consistently and I would have to give in to her every demand. I tried to convince myself that I had enjoyed it but when you finish and lay there in bed feeling like you've done something wrong then you know it isn't love.

In the beginning of the year I had read Osamu Dazai's book- No longer human. I had previously stated that I was lucky that I had never gotten sexually assaulted before..... now I can no longer say that because of Claire. She had stripped me of all my dignity I once had.

We had drove around town, I bought her all sorts of food due to her pregnancy cravings and such. I complied. I didn't really care. In fact I had money to spend so it wouldn't have mattered. We drove and drove and drove until we were far away from the city and closer to a more rural area.

She gasped seeing this huge valley. It was empty, no one was there and there was an icy lake and train tracks that peered from the forest nearby. She shook my arm " we should go for a walk here! Looked at how pretty the scenery is!!" She said. I glanced over and replied "you always complain about your feet hurting though?" I mentioned as she laughed. God her laugh is hideous.... she then sighed and rubbed her belly "a little exercise would be good for the baby" she smiled.

I rolled my eyes and complied to her request. I parked on the side of the road and unbuckled my seat belt as I exited the car and waited for her to follow. I then got a text as I looked at my phone.

Claire: " be a gentlemen and open the car door for your wife!!"

My eye twitched in annoyance as I sighed and walked over opening the door for her. She huffed and said "so rude. How dare you! You're supposed to be a gentlemen!" She said "yeah yeah whatever" I responded as she looked furious. She was about to scream at me until a train horn blared and passed by. She flinched and turned quickly. I could tell she was scared but due to the loud noise I had a chance. I slowly leaned into the car and opened the glove compartment grabbing my pistol and closing it. I hid the gun in my jacket pocket before she could see. This ends tonight....

When she had turned I had closed the door and locked the car. She held my arm as she sighed "that was scary!" She giggled. I shrugged. I didn't mind loud noises honestly "it's whatever" I said not acknowledging her fear so she could get a hint I wasn't interested. But instead she swooned "oh gosh you're so hot~" she chuckled. I ignored her comment.

As we walked she talked on and on and on. But I let her. I didn't reply much. I just grew more agitated. We had walked for a solid 30 minutes. Far away from the car. Every crunch of of snow beneath my feat felt like it grew louder as time went on and every gust of wind had a whisper telling me to do it. To execute my main issue. She shivered as she held herself in a hug. I didn't care until she huffed "give me your coat!" She demanded. She's so childish. I co*cked a brow and asked "why should I?" As she had the nerve to say " because I'm the mother of your child!" This confused me as I replied "that child isn't mine. Don't say something so stupid" I replied. She sneered as she threatened me "how dare you! I'm getting really annoyed of your attitude!" She whined as she tried to pull off my coat. I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt my heart drop and I knew I had to do this. I pushed her off as she fell to the ground. She was comforted by the snow as I took a few steps back. She panted as she sat up "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" She shouted.

I really couldn't stand this, I couldn't stand her, I couldn't stand this new life so I had to do one thing and that was to get rid of the main source of all this. I opened my jacket and pulled out the gun out. A little context. I had chosen a TISAS 1911 Night Stalker Double Stack 9mm SF. The gun was slick, accurate and perfect. Made by a Turkish company known for its reliability on their work of pistols. Forged not casted thus making the gun stronger and named after famous serial killer Richard Ramirez who had been nicknamed “the night stalker” who had carried out his murders throughout the 80’s. This gun was perfectly.

As she heard the click of my gun she froze up as she turned and stared wide eyed at me. “This ends now” I said. She tried to speak but I didn’t even let her get her last words in. I pointed, aimed and fired straight for her straight in the heart. I didn’t trust one shot could satisfy so I shot her three more times. Twice in the head and one more in the throat. She laid there, blood drenching her face yet she was lifeless…..

I stared at her dead body for a second debating on what to do next. I looked to the sky and could tell a blizzard was on its way with the heavier pacing of the wind speed picking up. I can safely assume that the snow will cover her body but that wouldn’t be a smart decision since the cold can keep a body still in tact. Decomposition rates can slow down when in colder climates. Thankfully there was a forest near by. She’s an idiot to think it was safe to walk here. Everyone knew coyotes roamed around these forests. I grabbed her leg and dragged her limp body deep into the forest. Once set down I walked back out trying to remain calm. Who knows what’ll happen if I freak out.

When entering the car I texted her parents. “Hey can you get in contact with Claire? She said she wanted to go out on a date and I’m in front of her dorm but she isn’t responding?” I sent to them only to get a reply from her father. “That’s strange? Usually she would be outside in a hurry when it comes to you.”

I had an idea and replied “I think it’s because of what happened earlier. Maybe she isn’t feeling well because of the bad news” I sent as her dad replied “what bad news? Did something happen?” I instantly replied with “she texted me saying she wanted to know the gender of the baby and she had found out that she had a miscarriage, I tried taking her out to make her feel better but she isn’t responding” her dad sent back “hold on I’ll text her”

I drove back to the Gamma dorm silently. Everything seemed so much more calm…. I felt relaxed and at ease now…. I haven’t felt that way in a long time…..

A wedding can’t go on if the bride is dead….

Chapter 46: Chapter XLVI

Chapter Text

When I arrived back to the Gamma house after the whole ordeal I opened the door silently. The gun was in my jacket pocket. Right side in the secret pocket. This jacket was a a custom made designer gifted to me scarily enough from Claire. How funny that it was used to her disadvantage.

When I walked in I was sullen, quiet as per usual. I sort lost all reason to keep in touch with the Gamma’s and they soon forgot about me. Well all besides Tank. Which he so happened to be in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water until he saw me. He perked up and looked at me “hey Brad… can we talk?” He asked “not now, I need your help” I said and nudged my head. He looked confused but followed as we walked up the stairs to my room. “What do you need help with?” He asked concerned as I took off my coat. “ look all over my room, top to bottom. Try your best to find any security cameras you can in here” I said as Tank looked stunned “what?” He asked. “Security cameras. I’m sick of Claire watching me. She’s been doing it every single day. She’s hidden dozens of them all over my room, the bathroom and my car” I explained.

Tank looked annoyed “why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” He asked “ the camera’s have voice recording in them as well. That’s why I didn’t mention it to you” I said. I felt anger, I felt annoyed. Tank looked worried as he asked “ where should we start?” As I pulled on my bookshelf and which tipped over and fell to the ground with a huge slam. “ anywhere…” I said. Tank flinched confused “what the f*ck Bradley what are you doing?!” “Destroy the room I don’t care. Just get rid of these stupid f*cking cameras!” I shouted as I found five. Each corner of the book shelf and one hidden on top of the bookshelf on the wall. I collected them and smashed them onto the ground.

Tank tried to help but he ended up standing to the side as I tore the curtains down. I found six from the curtains. I forced tank to help me lift the bed because it was heavy as hell. There were three hidden on the bed frame. I took my pocket knife out of my drawer and cut open the mattress……. 4 camera in each corner…. I was horrified. What the f*ck did she see? Tank stared in horror as well “are there any more?” He asked. I nodded “there has to be…”

I tore out carpeting in my room. 45 cameras under the carpet, I looked in the bathroom and check between each tile. 5 hidden, the shower hedge 3 inside. There was one in the drain. I smashed by bathroom mirror, there was one behind it. I checked each drawer, the screws that held the handles had cameras…..

By the end of the search my room was destroyed and in shambles. But I found over 376 cameras in total in my room and bathroom. I looked at these tiny cameras I freaked out. They begun to look like bugs. My mind was playing tricks on me. Tank stared at the cameras in utter confusion “what the f*ck is Claire even on?” He said softly.

After we had thrown out all the cameras Tank hesitated to ask “… can we talk now?” He asked gently. I closed my eyes and sighed “sure…”

He sat me down in his room instead because my room had become its own safety hazard. He took a deep breath and begun “Bradley…. I just wanted to ask you how you were doing and if we’re cool but now that I saw what happened I can immediately tell what was going on…. I um…. I know this wedding stuff is stressful for you. But I want to be able to help you get out of it… I have an idea but it’s gonna sound a little wild” “there’s no need, Claire’s missing” I said immediately. He looked confused “what?” “ I said she’s missing. She ran off because she had a miscarriage and I wasn’t able to get in contact with her since” I replied “okay but what’ll happen if she comes back?” He asked. I shrugged “I don’t know I’ll figure something out. Let’s just hope for now she doesn’t come back.” I sighed. I had to lie. What would Tank think of me if he knew the truth? I wanted to tell him so badly but doing something this horrific was insane.

“Bradley she’s a psychotic stalker! You can’t just hope that she won’t come back! She is going to!” He said “you’re not happy with her man…” he said softly “what makes you think that?” I asked “oh I don’t know, the fact you aren’t allowing yourself to talk to us, the fact that you look like sh*t because you’re so exhausted, the fact that you were so much more lively with Max and not Claire, oh and don’t forget the fact you guy had sex multiple times and every time you were covered and hickeys and this girl was spotless.” He mentioned as I scoffed “okay what does the last part have to do with anything?” I asked as Tank looked shocked “Bradley it was like she was f*cking marking you! You got assaulted by her man you got raped dude. You’re not horrified already of her?” He asked as I rolled my eyes “sex is an essential part of marriage” I tried to rebuttal. I didn’t want to lose my cool and tell him why I wasn’t worried so I acted like I might’ve had an ounce of care for her in case truth comes out that she’s dead and eyes wouldn’t be directed onto me.

“ SEX! Bradley, SEX! Is essential. LOVEMAKING! Not f*cking rape!! There’s a difference dude!” Tank tried to lecture me as I stayed silent. He took a moment to wait for a response. I didn’t have one…. “Say something man…” “ CAN YOU JUST SHUT IT TANK!” I shouted aggravated. The stress was getting to me so badly. Tank paused before sighing. He scratched the back of his neck before having an idea “…. Cmon man. Let’s get high like we used to and chill out for a little. You need this tiny break…” he said…. I wasn’t opposed. I did need a little bit of a break. “fine. Let’s get high…” I said as he smiled.

Tank had a bong all ready and set to go. We sat on the ground of hit room taking small hits. I gave him back the weed but he pushed it back to me “take another hit man. You need it” he snickered. Me being stupid, I shrugged thinking why not as I took another hit. Tank snickered and sighed “yup… that’s the good stuff” he said. The warm sensation crawling down my throat caused me to cough after exhaling.

We got f*cked up to the point where I just felt like I was floating. Unaware of anything and everything going on in life. Tank was chilling as he laid on the ground. The high definitely set in by the time. I was a giggly high shockingly enough. Tank always reciprocated the vibe of the room when he was high so he was laughing with me.

“Dude… I’m like really craving shawarma wraps right now” Tank chuckled “yeah… ohhhh no no, hummus with carrots. The crunch just sounds so nice” I mentioned chuckling as Tank nodded agreeing “don’t make me hungry man. I’ll take a bite of my desk right now if I have to” he joked chuckling as I was snickering. I held my stomach and curled up into a ball while resting my head on Tanks bean bag chair. I sighed as I smiled “dude I’m so happy Claire is gone!” I laughed as Tank smiled while looking at me “not forever man. She’s probably gonna come back and ask for another baby” he said as I scoffed “how is she gonna do that if she’s dead?” I asked Tank while wheezing practically. He smiled and laughed thinking I was joking “oh god Brad man. You’re so gruesome.” He shook his head “it’s a genuine question man. She can’t come back to life and ask me for a baby again” I repeated as Tank laughed “ why do you keep saying that? She’s not dead!” He snickered as I shook my head “no she is, I made sure of it” I giggled as he looked at me confused “what?” He asked laughing softly.

I turned to face him as I had this sh*t eating grin plastered along my face “because I killed her.”

Tank sobered up real quick after that….

Chapter 47: Chapter XLVII

Chapter Text

Tank's Pov))

I stared at Bradley, I didn't know if this guy was actually kidding or not. Was I even high right now? Or did I instantly sober up when hearing him say that. "Bradley what the f*ck are you talking about?" I asked in a serious voice.

Brad just chuckled as he caught his breath and continued "I killed her. I stole a pistol from one of the bodyguards back home and hid it from them. You know I was originally going to kill myself actually? I was gonna shoot myself in the head. I wanted to die so badly but then I thought, why should I kill myself when I can kill the problem at hand?" He said as he begun to laugh again.

Words couldn't describe how concerned I was as I sat up " Brad?" I called out his name gently as his laughing sounded more like... crying? Both? I couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying. "Tank when I tell you that the bitch was I psychopath you don't even know the half of it, she had photos of my scars from when I used to cut myself and threatened to show my dad every time I wouldn't go out of my way to buy her a coffee. She one time broke into my room through the window , I don't even know how because she's pregnant! And she assaulted me in the middle of me sleeping" he laughed. I could tell his laugh was fake and it started to break my heart but I continued to listen silently "she had sent me 4,726 texts in the span of a months, 300 voice messages, 37 emails and 26 instagram messages, she was obsessed. To the point where she one time started listing off different names and combined ours to make a name for our child! Oh and don’t get me started on the time when I was feeling ill and she threatened me to either take her out on a date or she’ll send the photos to my father to kill Max. Oh and I tried to delete those photos and videos multiple times on her phone! But she had them saved to multiple devices and had literal VHS tapes ready to send a whole slide show to my father! Also she hated it absolutely LOATHED! Whenever I talked to you. She went on to say you were a bad influence. Trying to make me fat and stupid, when in reality you were helping me with my eating disorder and trying to talk to me to get me out of this stupid marriage” he laughed and covered his eyes. I watched as tears streamed down his face.

“And get this! My dad forced my mom to miscarry her first child because she was a girl! And then he killed my mother because he was trapped in a sh*tty marriage of convenience! How f*cking ironic is that! I’m turning out to be just like the man I absolutely despise. I’m turning out to be something I hate!” He laughed as I watched him spiral into a deep hole of immortality and chaos in his own mental. “Brad no you’re not..” I said softly “ STOP f*ckING CALLING ME BRAD!” He shouted as he sat up quickly “ IT’S BRAD-LEY! WHY IS THAT MY FATHER AND GRANDFATHER! THE TWO sh*tTIEST MEN ON EARTH EARNED ENOUGH RESPECT TO HAVE PEOPLE SAY THEIR FULL NAMES BUT I DON’T?! DO I NOT DESERVE RESPECT?! WHAT THE f*ck!!” He shouted at me as I took his hands “hey Bradley sweetie… listen to me. We use ‘Brad’ as a loving and shortened nickname. Like how my name is actually Theodore but people call me Tank for short sweet heart. No one thinks you aren’t worthy of respect.. it’s just a way for us to call you with an endearing and special way” I clarified. He sat quiet as tears fell.

“I just don’t feel the same way. I don’t see it the way you do because people only call me Brad in the most degrading way.” He sobbed as I hugged him gently. I pulled him in and rubbed his back as he sobbed “Tank I was doing so f*cking good… I was finally becoming a better person and then I killed her because I’m so selfish” he sobbed. I already knew he was referring to the X-games. I also knew how much that day weighed on his mental. And I also knew how much Bradley secretly hated himself. He pretends like he’s fine but every time he sees his own reflection he checks to see if he looks orderly and whenever he does he always manages to find a slightly imperfection in his appearance in which he’s never satisfied with. That’s just the a small piece of his self loathing. It goes much deeper than that.

As he sobbed in my arms he spoke once more saying “ I always thought I was like my mother, trapped in a house that resembled a cage. A victim to abuse with no where to go but now that I’m realizing it I was never like my mother. I always was like my father. I’m so ashamed in myself” he sobbed as I comforted him “that’s what you think but you’ve been trying so hard to break the cycle sweetheart. Just because you share similarities doesn’t mean you’re the same person. You’re much more different than that man, you’ve got an amazing heart, you have humility, you’re caring and you’re dedicated to changing. Your father chooses to stay cruel. You on the other hand want to become better. Now even though I don’t agree to murder, I understand why you did it. She was purposefully trying to ruin your life and you couldn’t handle it so you broke. But see now, you have to be extra careful Bradley. I don’t wanna see you go to jail at all. You’re gonna break my heart man” I said as if he didn’t already break my heart from his break down. I’ve never seen him like this besides the day when we were in the hospital when Max almost died.

“So you won’t say anything? do you promise?” Bradley asked me. He was shaking, I could tell that the murder was starting to set in on his conscience. But I nodded “I promise I won’t man.” I swore. Bradley and I were cool again and I’m one loyal motherf*cker. I’m not gonna put him for sh*t but I’ll defend him with my life. With how the situation was going in his life one can assume that there were only two options. Either Bradley died or Claire died. I’m just happy it wasn’t Bradley…

“ so what happens now? What are you gonna do with all the wedding stuff?” I asked curiously. I knew that her parents and his dad were going to grow suspicious of the whole thing and assume a bunch of hypotheticals and probably land on Bradley murdering her. But to think that out of every single option I had thought of, that the one option Bradley was going to pick was one I would never have thought of at all.

I honestly didn’t believe it when he told me. He sat there quietly thinking to himself before he knew what he had wanted to do….

“I think… I think I’m going to tell my dad…”

That left me in utter disbelief.

Chapter 48: Chapter XLVIII

Chapter Text

After I had said that Tank's jaw had dropped. He looked at me astounded as he replied "are you insane?! I You're gonna tell your dad?!" He asked me. I nodded. I didn't see why not. "Why not?" I asked "oh wwell I don't know maybe it's because your murdered the girl he was forcing you to marry?! Bradley, baby, think about this. Do you WANT! To die?" AHe said as I rolled my eyes "when I tell my dad she was having a daughter, he wouldn't be mad" w I'ma be 4 replied as Tank paused "the f*ck is that supposed to mean? I have two little sisters man and they mean the f*cking world to me" he said angered yby my words " yeah I know, I was supposed to have an older sister but my dad forced my mom to miscarry" I explained as Tank looked so confused and disturbed "what? Why?" He asked "because he doesn't believe in a girl being the best heir to the business." I explained as Tank shivered "your dad is such an ass hole..." he said as I nodded agreeing " pretty much yeah" I said.

That's when Tank mentioned "but... you killed her baby too... how do you feel about that?" He asked as I went quiet. "I..... if I had the option I would've let her live to take care of that child... I feel like I would've been a good parent but... they made it specifically clear that they wanted her and I to be married before the baby was born so the baby wasn't born a bastard....." I said softly. It genuinely toon a toll on my mental to murder her but to kill the innocent child as well made things even worse.

I felt such guilt after murdering the baby but Claire herself... there wasn't so much as much as there was genuine fear of getting caught.

Tank sighed softly as he shook his head "..... I won't tell anyone.... I'm just so sorry that it had to come down to this..." he said softly. I looked down to the ground and zoned out. I couldn't look at Tank but it was like my mouth had a mind of it's own. I just begun to vent more. Honestly I felt bad for Tank, he never asked for this but I've been holding it in for so long I just couldn't stand it. The worst part of this all was that as I vented to Tank I just felt like a even worse person because he was just sitting there listening to me gravel and loathe my entire being.

I told him everything from the beginning. Stuff I never told anyone and he just sat there... listening...

I told him about my self harm scars, I showed my the cigarette burns on the back of my neck, I told him more details on how mother actually died, I told him about how my father tried to offer to kill me when I told him how I genuinely was contemplating suicide, I told him about my physical insecurities that were established by my father, how I hated my hair, skin, nails, body, eyes, face, nose, ears, jaw, neck, legs, personality, mindset etc. I hated everything about myself, I told him about how my father forced me to never even think about having any other dreams or goals in life besides running the business after him. I couldn't have a dream job. Of course the stability of the business was comforting but it's not what I wanted. I couldn't want anything. I told him about how I knew everyone hated me and when I finally get a group of friends again it gets ruined by one girl who didn't hate me but instead adored me. I told him about how Claire broke into my house when I was visiting my father and screamed at me calling me all sorts of things like a damned pig when I denied her invitation to hang out with her because I was busy. I told him how she would sit outside the Gamma house for hours to wait for me to get back, I told him about a lot of things.

One thing I didn't tell him was how she assaulted me. I didn't feel comfortable giving detail obviously. But what she did was beyond horrifying. When she first time successfully assaulted me, she had came over my house and walked up to my room. I was asleep for once. My insomnia had gotten extremely bad as of recently. So the one time I was asleep, she had walked in my room and shut the door behind her. She crawled into my bed and under my covers. Now here's the thing, I could've pushed her off. I could've screamed, I could've cried I could've done so much but when you get assaulted I'm such a dehumanizing way you tend to freeze up. Your mind isn't right, especially because I was so deranged from how exhausted I was and more so because I haven't slept in a hot minute.

She had noticed when I was waking up so she climbed on top of me and whispered in my ear "morning sleepy head, do you miss me?" She asked as I froze up, I didn't expect a visit from her. She started kissing my neck. Her warmth from her lips alone made me cringe to the point where I felt my heart beating out of my chest. Her touch though on the other hand was so cold. She trailed her hand down and stopped at my pants. She shifted her face and kissed my lips as she shifted her weight on top of me so I wouldn’t move and she had her way.

I felt disgusting after that moment, aggressively cleaning my body in the shower, I could feel her hands stills all over me and as I scrubbed as hard as I can my arms turned red to the point there was a little. Blood appearing as well. I couldn’t look in the mirror for days because of the hickeys it was horrible.

I’m glad she’s gone, at least now I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore…

When it came to the next morning the guilt set in much heavier about the death of the baby. I felt like throwing up practically because of it. I had to do something… but should I really tell my dad? Will he even help me?

I pondered on this thought for a while. Actually I was thinking about it all day….

I needed a break. Maybe some tea would ease my mind. I got up and grabbed my coat as I froze feeling the gun in my pocket. I shivered as I took it out and hid it in my school bag which was hidden in my now destroyed closet. But doing so I also found a book on the floor. I picked it up curiously and read the title “the idiot” by Fyodor Dostovyesky. I shrugged and thought why not. I haven’t read a book in a while ever since this wedding planning has been going on so it might calm my nerves. So I brought it with me.

I went down stairs, grabbed my boots, my wallet and I left. I had walked all the way out to the bean scene to try to relax. I waited in line to grab and tea and found a seat on the couch all the way in the corner. When I was settled in I had opened the book to read and I filtered out any noise around me. The smell of the coffee was satisfying and the dim lighting made everything worth while to comfort and ease the tension that coursed every inch of my body. I struggled to read though so thankfully I brought my glasses with me. I put it on and continued to flip through pages.

As I was distracted I could feel someone was standing right in front of me. I looked up curious until I froze and my eyes widened. “Glasses?” They asked.

I simply smiled softly yet words couldn’t describe the happiness I felt in that moment instantly.


Chapter 49: Chapter XLIV

Chapter Text

I stared at Bradley shocked to see his face out in public again. I haven't seen Bradley in a while after the break up. I had fallen into a harsh depression again ever since he blocked me and cut me out of his life. I understood why but it hurt a lot regardless of the circ*mstances. But seeing him here I couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief that he was safe and okay. Or that's at least what I thought. I had no clue what was going on in his life since we hadn't kept in contact. I looked at his hand and searched for the wedding ring. When my eyes landed on it I softly smiled but I wasn't happy at all... "congrats" I pointed out the ring as he stared confused and looked at the ring. "How was the wedding?" I asked as I walked over and took a seat next to him. " we haven't had the wedding yet" he said closing the book he was reading. I was confused by this answer and asked "then what are you doing with a wedding ring?" I asked as he looked at his hand "do you mean my engagement ring?" He asked. I looked even more confused and chuckled softly "typically the men don't usually wear the engagement rings" I pointed out as he shrugged "not everywhere but where I come from they do" he said. I stared even more confused. "Wait.... Okay I'm gonna sound really stupid but are you... not European?" I asked as Bradley's jaw dropped. I blushed embarrassed immediately! I dated this man for almost 3 months and I never knew what his ethnicity was. " Max no!!! I'm not European!" He said as I covered my face embarrassed as hell. " oh god I am so sorry" I said feeling rude. This is the first time I see Bradley in forever and I felt like such a douche bag. " so... where are you from?" I asked curiously now. What he said shocked me a little " I'm Brazilian, my native language is Portuguese" he chuckled as I was left stunned. I didn't know that at all. "I can't believe you never knew this" he chuckled as I blushed embarrassed "it never came up in conversation that's why" I blushed horribly red as he chuckled. " jeez Max, be careful what you say you might offend someone" he teased as I felt myself fluster. After all this time Bradley still had me wrapped around his finger. " oh yeah, well I bet you don't know where I'm from" I mentioned as he quickly replied "Jamaica and your mom is from Korea" he said with no hesitation as I sighed "f*ck... now I feel like an ass hole..." I said as he chuckled "you're not, like you said it was just never brought into conversation" he tried to comfort as I rolled my eyes chuckling.

I smiled softly as I stared at him. He's still so cute. Just as cute as before. "So how have you been?" I asked. I wanted to know all about our time apart. "Um.... I've been better" he shrugged "and how is... Claire?" I asked. Bradley went quiet which confused me. "Bradley? You good?" I asked as he sighed "yeah it's just that... Claire has been missing since yesterday and everything been stressful. She isn't replying to texts and she's not answering calls. No one can get a hold of her" he said as I looked confused "really?" As he nodded "yeah she's just gone, like she vanished" he said. A little part of me sadly felt relieved that she was out but she was still a human being so it was concerning on how she just vanished. "Are police involved?" I asked as Bradley shrugged. "I assume so since I texted her father on where she was and he's texting me saying he worried about where she might've gone. I think they filed a missing persons report" he explained as I nodded. That's some dark stuff...

"How have you been Max?" He asked me. I perked up and rubbed the back of my neck "um.... I've been better as well. I've been practicing on my skating a lot more and I've gotten a few sponsorships now because X-games is coming back up" I said but flinched because I had forgotten Bradley was now disqualified from ever participating in the X-games. But instead of looking furious or annoyed he looked overjoyed. "That's amazing! I'm happy for you" he chuckled. I looked at him a little weary "are you sure?" I asked as he gave me a confused look "why wouldn't I be?" He asked me "well because you know..." I hesitated to answer as he shook his head "no no it's fine really, it doesn't bother me like it used to. The Gamma's are still participating and I feel like that's all that matters" Bradley said. I smiled softly. He's really grown ever since my freshman year. " I'm happy you're thinking about it in such a positive aspect" I mentioned as he shrugged "well skating isn't going to be in my life forever like how you're trying to make it a part of your life so I don't care personally. Why would I try to steal your thunder you know?" He asked as I chuckled and nodded "I did however like the competition you put up. That was fun" I mentioned as we both chuckled. " I'll admit it was interesting and all. Im still mad I lost to a freshman" he snickered as I rolled my eyes "holy f*ck Bradley get over yourself" I teased back as he smiled softly.

"I missed you a lot..." he said softly "I missed you too" I replied. The vibe changed slightly as we stared at each other. I wanted to kiss him so badly. Feel his lips on mine. I was leaning in slightly but I stopped myself. He's engaged I can't do this.... "It was really nice seeing you again.." I said awkwardly as he nodded agreeing "can you um.... Unblock me from your phone now please?" I asked as he perked up and blushed "oh god yeah I'm sorry" he said softly and took out his phone. His phone was new? why did it have so many cracks in it already "jeez what happened to your phone?" I asked. " my dresser fell and hit my phone last night. I didn't realize until this morning" he chuckled. I was shocked to say the least " how did you dresser fall?" I asked as he looked at me "my whole room is a disaster. We had a infestation or termites and I got so annoyed and ruined the whole room to kill them" he explained as I nodded. I couldn't help but feel like he was lying....

He unblocked me and started reading all the text messages I had sent him including this long ass love letter out loud as I blushed " SHHHH! STOP!" I shouted trying to stop him. He was blushing as well but laughing. God his laugh was so cute. But still this was absolutely embarrassing! "Oh come on. This is so adorable Max let me read it!" He chuckled as I hid my face in his shoulder " not in public come on!!" I whined as he snickered and continued to read it but to himself. As he read he pouted before his face turned to genuine sadness. He teared up as he looked at me and kissed my head. " I missed you too... I missed you so much Max don't think that I didn't think about you everyday..." he said softly.

From what I wrote, I was high with my buddies Bobby and PJ. I was so upset that night thinking about Bradley that I wrote over 10 paragraphs. Each paragraph listing one thing I loved about him and going into great detail on why, like his eyes or his smile or his laugh and personality or the way he gets all bashful at the tiniest things.

When I say it I mean it

And what I mean is that I really love Bradley

And I mean I REALLY love him.....

Chapter 50: Chapter L

Chapter Text

Max Max Max~

I stayed in the cafe for hours on that couch talking to Max and forgetting every worry in the world I had previously before running into him. His smile, his laugh and his beautiful eyes keep me entranced and distracted. It's as if I was the artist and he was my muse. I absolutely adore every breathtaking minute I have getting to stare at this man. His laugh brings me comfort for it's silly and goofy charm. The gap tooth in his teeth made him utterly adorable and-....

I froze and went wide eyed.... What did I just see? "Max open your mouth.." I asked. He paused and chuckled "oh you noticed it finally. I got it done recently" he mentioned as he stuck his tongue out. I gasped and covered my mouth blushing horribly. He had a tongue piercing in.... Holy f*ck he's so hot. I felt like a fan girl as he laughed softly "you're so cute Brad. But it's too bad we aren't together anymore. Or else I would've kissed you" he mentioned. His teasing pissed me off "so? I don't care that I'm engaged." I replied fast. What was wrong with me?

Max chuckled softly and smirked " wow someone really wants a kiss huh?" He asked as I shrunk a little in my seat when he leaned over. I felt like my head was going to explode. I haven't seen Max for a hot minute and this is what it's come to?

He leaned in and brushed his hand against my thigh. I flinched and pulled his hand away immediately. "What wrong~ you getting all flustered for what?" He cooed in my ear... this went from exciting and hot to instantly disgusting and disturbing. I had a face of shame and disgust as he paused. He looked confused and asked "hey you okay?..." softly.... I nodded and hesitated to reply "yeah I just don't feel comfortable doing this stuff..." I said which I expected him to get mad especially when he asked "is it me?" Which made me shake my head "no... it's not you" I was going to explain until he continued "is it because you're engaged..." he asked a little saddened but I sighed "n-no it's just um...." I rubbed the back of my neck.

I never knew how hard it would be to open up about my sexual assault experience to Max. I felt like it was as if I was cheating on him.

Suddenly the room felt like it had reached 250 degrees and I was on the spot. Max looked at me worried and realized he was still leaned over to me. He sat down normally and asked "Bradley you can talk to me you know?" He asked softly as I sighed "I-.... I know I just feel like you're gonna think I'm disgusting" I said softly. I knew I was a disgusting person especially for murdering Claire but this brought me great shame as well "I told you. You're only disgusting when you say you like pineapples on pizza babe" he tried to crack a joke to make me feel better. I glared at him as he snickered "pineapple on pizza is delicious thank you" I said as he rolled his eyes "but in all seriousness. What's going on? Why are you shaking when I'm near you?" He asked. I looked down and noticed my hands were shaking. I quickly hid them behind my back which made Max frown "what's wrong?" He asked.

" I um..... I feel like a disgusting person Max... we broke up and I had sex with Claire multiple times..." I said softly as Max's eyes widened "oh...." He said softly "so... the relationship is going well then?... I'm happy for you" he offered a small smile. "No no just listen... I-.. f*ck" I sighed " it's not sex it's more like um..." I didn't even want to spit it out. Max looked more confused as I groaned annoyed " she took advantage of me multiple times and I don't feel comfortable at all in situations like this right now. I don't want you to even touch me because I feel like you're going to be grossed out since her hands have been all over me and I feel like I was just some sort of sex toy. I don't want you being disgusted of me but I'm also scared that you won't see me the same because of it.." I blurted out as he froze "... she what?" He asked me. I went quiet "she....." I sighed again " she raped me..." I said softly.

I looked up and was stunned to see this look on Max's face. He looked disgusted... I knew he would be grossed out by me...

It wasn't until he stood up and told me "that's it. I'm going to f*cking murder her..." he said walking out of the bean scene. My eyes widened as I shot up and followed Max out quickly "Max! Wait!" I called as he continued to walk. He knew where her dorm was and he was walking there.

I quickly ran over and stopped him " Max there's no use in going over there!" I said to him as he snatched his arm back "yes there is! She's way out of line! I'm going to kill her!" He said infuriated as I flinched at the word kill. He noticed and asked "what? Why do you care if she's alive huh? She treated you like sh*t!" He mentioned. I laughed awkwardly and asked softly "do you really want to kill her? Like actually not like your just overreacting?" I asked. He looked at me confused as he replied "well I want her dead but I don't think I can do anything to her actually since I'd go to jail" he said as I smiled awkwardly. "So um...... here's the thing you don't exactly have to" I explained as he stared confused "what?" He asked. "Is it because she's missing? Because trust me I will find her and I'll give her a piece of my mind" he replied angrily.

I sighed and looked left and right before whispering in Max's ear. "She's dead already" I said " she isn't missing. She's in the blue lake forest outside of the city." I whispered and took a step back to see Max's reaction. My heart dropped when his eyes were wide. He looked horrified.. stunned... he looked at me and asked "how do you know that Bradley?" He asked hesitantly.

I rubbed the back of my neck and took a deep breath in and out "because I might've been the one who had killed her..." I said as he asked "might've? Or did you?" He asked for clarification " I did.." I replied. There was a deafening silence that swallowed the both of us. I prayed to any god out there to help me. I didn't want Max to hate me. If he hated me or was scared of me then I would kill myself too. Life wasn't worth living if Max wasn't a part of it.

He sighed and took a moment to think before asking " did you dispose of her body?" He asked as I nodded "how?" He asked " I left her in a area where the coyotes tend to roam around .." I added on. I was practically sweating in nervousness. My anxiety shooting through the roof. He nodded "take me there. I want to make sure she's gone. If not then we will light the rest of her body on fire so no one can find her okay?" He said as my eyes widened "what-.." I said in shock as he cupped my cheeks "I lost you once. I don't want to lose you again okay.." he said sternly as I nodded. The absolute comfort I felt in his reaction was indescribable. " when did you do it?" He asked as I replied "yesterday around 1 pm" I said softly as he nodded " okay then let's get going now. Whatever happens I'm not letting you go to jail and if you do then I'll make sure I'm an accessory of murder so you won't be going alone" he said.

I smiled softly. But my eyes widened when he kissed my lips. I practically melted into that kiss. I missed his lips so much. He didn't think I was disgusting and he didn't think I was insane... he made me feel like I was perfect. Like I was normal....

Like I was finally alive again....

Chapter 51: Chapter LI

Chapter Text

Tw: graphic descriptions

Bradley took me to the forest. He showed me where he shot Claire and led me in deeper the forest. I had the supplies with me on hand as we managed to find her body, her stomach was ripped open and her right arm had gone missing along with a chunk of her thigh, her neck was broken and swollen, covered in blood to make sure she was fully dead by the coyotes hands. Her face was ripped off and she looked unrecognizable. I stared in disgust and shock as Bradley stared in... silence. He didn't show any facial expression besides a wide eyed stare which was intense. I understood why because this was a graphic display.

I gently placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort as he flinched and looked at me. I guess he was still scared. "We will get through this. Now come on. Let's get to work" I said. I took out an axe and we dismembered every limb of her body before burning every part of her to ash. If there's one thing I learned from my father it was how to make a good camp fire.

The smell of her body burning, along with her hair was enough to have both Bradley and I cover our mouths and noses with our scarves as we backed away. It was disgusting and disturbing.

It took hours and our fear of being spotted by coyotes grew worse so we decided to go back for the car and drive it over in case coyotes would come round. When in the car Bradley sighed "I thought the coyotes would've taken care of her. I guess not.." he said softly as I chuckled a little "it's okay. The evidence is almost gone. I think you'll be fine" I comforted. He then looked at me and asked " you aren't... scared? Of me?" He asked softly. I shook my head "no... I would've gone bat sh*t crazy to if I was in your predicament." I replied as he smiled softly. He leaned in and kissed my cheek but since I knew he was going to I quickly turned my head and caught his lips with my own instead.

I caught him by surprise but I could feel him melting into the kiss with a smile. I smiled into the kiss as well. How I missed his lips so much. But I broke the kiss eventually and ruffled his hair " we aren't making out during a crime scene despite how sexy it is" I joked as he perked up blushing " that wasn't what I was trying to do!!" He said as I snickered and rolled my eyes "whatever princess" I said as I got out the car and put out the fire.

Once she was fully turned into dust I went back into the car and buckled in. I looked at Bradley who was looking at where the fire was. I asked "is something wrong?" As he looked at me "you know you're a psychopath right?" He asked as I co*cked a brow and chuckled "okay? But you love me" I smiled "that's up for debate" he snickered as I gasped "say it! You know you love me" I smiled as he refused to say it. I knew what he was trying to do. I leaned over "come oooooon.. you can't resist me just say it~" I teased " Braaaaad~" I cooed as he blushed "stop calling me that!" He demanded "I'll stop when you say you love me Brad" I snickered as he sighed "I like you" he gave me "nope! I wanna hear it!" I laughed which caused him to smile "fine. I love you.... Kinda" he joked as I rolled my eyes " whatever. I know you're obsessed with me" I snickered as we drove off.

I grew hungry and noticed a burger joint on the way back "wanna grab some food?" I asked "sure but where?" He asked as I pointed "that burger joint right there sounds good" as Bradley glanced over "sure" he shrugged and busted an illegal u-turn. I gasped as I felt the whole car shift left and I held onto my seatbelt as the cars behind us honked their horns. Bradley didn't care on bit. " THE f*ck WAS THAT?" I shouted "what?" " THE U TURN YOU JUST PULLED! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT IT SAYS NO U-TURNS!" I shouted as he chuckled " oh whatever. We're still alive that's all that matters."

Until he saw a car driving 20 on a 35 and he blared the horn and shouted " f*ck OUT OF THE WAY! IM TRYING TO GO SOMEWHERE JACKASS!" As the car in front of him rolled their window down and flipped him off. I froze and held Bradley's hand fast "Bradley, princess. Don't do something you're gonna regret honey. Please" I said trying to calm him down. He gritted his teeth before taking a deep breath in and out "okay.... You're right...." He sighed " he isn't worth our time..... but I hope that bitch drives off a f*cking bridge and drowns." He cursed "okay let him do that. I want food. Let's go" I replied as he drove in to the parking lot.

We hopped out the car and went inside. Of course I opened the door for Bradley. He's a princess after all and I let him walk in first. He noticed the treatment and strutted inside flipping his hair and all acting like he was the sh*t as I rolled my eyes. " never opening doors for you ever again..." I scoffed as he snickered " why not? I think I look good from behind" he mentioned as I co*cked a brow and tilted my head smirking "yeah you do" I snickered and he turned and smacked the back of my head blushing as I giggled "I didn't mean like that jack ass" he scoffed. I'm so glad to have him back. He's so f*cking funny.

When we ordered our food I wanted to pay but Bradley shoved me out the way and paid for our meals instead. "I'm supposed to give you the princess treatment" I mentioned as he chuckled " okay and I'm a f*cking princess with money? Imma spend it" Bradley said with confidence until he realized what he said. He blushed and covered his mouth as I smirked "you like being called princess?" I teased smiling as he blushed harder "shut up and find us a spot to sit at" he demanded as I smiled and shrugged walking off to find a seat for us.

He eventually brought back our trays as I smiled "you know. You'd make a cute waiter" I mentioned as he co*cked a brow " I'd rather die" he replied as I snickered and we sat down together and ate our food. I noticed Bradley bought a cheeseburger, medium fries and a large milk shake. It made me happy that he was finally eating genuine meals again. I was so worried during that whole era where he was starving himself but now I'm just happy he's okay again.

I lifted a cheese fry towards his lips as he looked at it "try it" I smiled as he leaned in to take a bite and smiled looking me up and down to tease. I couldn't help but be a little grossed out at this but mainly disappointed as he noticed and busted up laughing " you know, it's when you try to flirt I don't see the sex appeal" I mentioned as he shrugged " you just can't handle all this is what I'm hearing" he snickered as I rolled my eyes and ate my fries glaring at Bradley "what?" He asked " I'm thinking about writing a sexual harassment report after what you did to my fries" I replied as he co*cked a brow "get off your high horse. It was a joke" he snickered. His snicker is so devious as threatening...... I low key really like it so I couldn't stay mad at him.

After we finished our food and went back to the car. We sat inside. Bradley was about to drive as I stopped him "wait. Give me your hands" I asked opening mine up for him to hold. He was confused as he gave me his hands and I looked up "dear Heavenly Father, please let us get home safe and Bradley not commit anymore life threatening illegal turns ever. Especially when I'm in the car. Thank you" I prayed as I looked down and saw Bradley glare at me and snatch his hands back "kill yourself Max" he said " only way I'm doing that is if it were a double suicide honey" I mentioned snickering. "You're gonna regret that" he said as I co*cked a brow. I didn't understand what he meant until.... Bradley started to drive and speed as if we were on a race track. I screamed and held onto my seat belt and the car door handle. You don't know true fear until you drive with Bradley, it's a real thing.

When we made it back to the dorms some how. He dropped me off. I gave him a kiss goodnight "see you tomorrow sweet heart?" I asked leaning against the car window as he shrugged "maybe. If I feel like it" he smiled and I pinched his cheek "ow" I mentioned and rubbed his cheek as I chuckled "you're so cute" I had to say it again. "Shut up Max." He rolled his eyes as I laughed "ah-yuck!" And I blushed covering my mouth. Bradley smiled and turned away covering his face. I knew he was fanboying over the laugh as I sputtered "sh-shut up!!" I said as he laughed harder "you're such a nerd I love it" he laughed before turning back to me. He flinched seeing how close I was "and I love you" before kissing his lips again "dork". He blushed softly "I love you too...." He replied "good night princess" "good night loser" he said as I waved goodbye and walked into my dorm. He then drove off.

It felt so good to see him again.....

Chapter 52: Chapter LII

Chapter Text

Bobby Pov))

I was struggling hella man. I don't even know what the f*ck is wrong with me. I saw this really cool hair style I wanted to try out dude and I just.... Oh god did I f*ck it UP! I saw this one dude in a magazine this chic was reading and he looked cool as f*ck. He was rockin a buzz cut like me, he was a ginger like mwah and he dyed his hair to make it look like he had cheetah print hair. You know how dope that sh*t looked? And then I thought ' man f*ck yeah I wanna try that!' So I did dude. I bought supplies from the drug store with confidence and thought I'mma bag me one lovely lady or gentleman with this cut dude.

f*ck no, I ended up crying on the floor because my sh*t was f*cked UPPPP to the Max! Haha no pun intended. But man the one time I need Max here he isn't! Dude I can't go out in public like this! My cut look like turds. This ain't cool. I stared at myself in the mirror trying to adjust to it. Posing and all, flexing and blah blah blah... nope... nah in fact this ruined my confidence even more.

Then I thought.... Who was gonna help me in my time of need man? PJ is at his girls place again, Max is somewhere I don't even know dude, Bradley is being depressed, nah I shouldn't say that, that's mean low key. I'm a good person. Anyway, Bradley is missing which is equally as concerning but anyway. I'm sitting in the bath tub and thinking who to call. Then it hit me, my boy Tank got a steady hand. He's a chef dude. He can help. So what do I do? Bro I call him duh.

I dialed in his number and waited for a answer. When he did he said "what's up sweet heart?" Like he greets everyone. So I reply with "the ceiling" while snickering and he starts dying laughing. Man I knew I was funny. Anyway, dude says "okay okay but why'd you call doll face? Something happening? What's the word?" He asked. "Bro I f*cked up my hair bad. I need your help homie" as he sighed "like did you go bald?" He asked "no I tried dying my buzz and it ain't lookin too good dude" as he hummed "oh sh*t. Aight I'm on my way." He said "but Imma stop by the gas station real quick. You want anything?" He asked "bro.... I could seriously down some nachos with extra cheese and Jalapeños with a slushy on the side" I asked as he hummed "alright, what flavor for the slushy, doll face?" He asked as I hummed "mix in co*ke and Cherry bro. Thanks Tank I love you man" I said "awwww shucks bro you know I love you too dude" he snickered as I snickered back "no hom*o man" I mentioned "nah bro full hom*o" he joked as we both cracked up on call.

Eventually around 30 minutes later he got to the crib and knocked on the door. I stood up and answered as he cringed "yeesh- dude your buzz is wack as f*ck" he commented as I laughed "I know bro!! Dude she look gnarly" I snickered. Tank co*cked a brow " man are you high?" He asked "dude am I ever sober is the real question." I corrected as he nodded. " okay well I got you food." He said setting in down and cracking his knuckles " let's get started man" he said as I sat down on the desk chair and Tank worked on my hair. " I'm understanding the appeal I just don't understand what made you think you can do this alone sweetheart" Tank said as I shrugged "dude.... You asking the wrong guy" I replied as he laughed softly. It took a hot minute for him to finish but when the final product was done I stood up and looked in the mirror "woah.... Check me ooooooouuuuttt" I howled as Tank nodded "my masterpiece man" he mentioned as he sat on my bed. " dude you f*cking rock for this" I laughed shaking my head. "No problem man I got you"

I walked over and slurped on my slushy and walked back to sit on Max's bed before starting up a new joint. Tank co*cked a brow and asked "hey Bob man. Why do you get high so much? I don't think I've ever seen you sober" he mentioned as I shrugged "I get high to function bro." "Function?" He asked. "Yeah my dad died a while back and my mom became like a raging alcoholic man and I thought she was gonna die because she was on the verge of liver failure." I explained as Tank's eyes softened "sorry to hear that man... can't imagine what that's like" he said as I shrugged " yeah but it means I get a cool ass back story" I snickered trying to lighten the mood as I took a puff. It worked because Tank laughed. You know I really like Tank. He laughs at my dumb jokes and he's a great listener. Bro is also always ready to help when he can. He's a good guy.

" what about you bro? Why do you always go to the gym?" I asked. Tank co*cked a brow as he extended his arm wanting a hit of my joint. I gave it to him as he took a hit. He exhaled the rest and coughed a little before answering " I hit the gym because I had raging anger issues back then. Brad can tell you about it. Back in my middle school years I used to get into fights all the time and beat the sh*t out of everyone. I was like severely bullied for being overweight and because of that I would fight back so people would get scared of me. I tried to lose weight and got a bad eating disorder which did nothing. I didn't lose sh*t but I starved the f*ck out of myself to the point I'd pass out. The stress of being overweight and being called ugly all your life and then being a target for people to laugh at you pissed me off and stressed me out. Not to mention when word got around that I was adopted and my parents weren't my real parents that gave the other kids more ammo, I one time broke this one kids legs because he kept picking on me so my parents sent me to boarding school. I managed my anger issues by working out and eating healthier but I still never felt good about myself. I actually had a six pack once believe it or not. But I still like really hated myself. It wasn't until I got into body building where all my stress sort of fell off. I ate healthier and ate like a body builder and now I'm the healthiest I've ever been. I gained all my weight back but I now have huge ass arms. Check it" he said before flexing.... I would've never expected that from Tank. That story was so shocking and touching but I was really happy that the guy found comfort in something good.

"If it makes you feel any better man I think you're hot as f*ck. You're like a teddy bear dude. You're so comforting and cuddly man. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I'm shocked you don't have anyone right now" I mentioned. He looked a little shocked but he smiled "thanks man. Same goes for you" he chuckled.

People don't understand Tank just like how they don't understand me. But I'm happy we can understand each other and not be judged. Even if our first meeting wasn't the best I believe in second chances. What's even better is that Tank believes in them too. I mean just look at him and Bradley. They're even better friends from what they were before.

Tank is cool and severely underrated. He needs a lot more love than people think....

Chapter 53: Chapter LIII

Chapter Text

After I returned Max home, out came Tank before I could drive off. He was smiling as he laughed " hey sweet heart! Gimme a ride back would you?" He asked. I immediately could tell Tank was high by the way he was acting. I shrugged and unlocked my car as Tank entered the back seat and laid down. "I guess I'm a chauffeur now" I joked chuckling as Tank snickered "oh too bad Bradley" he snickered as I shook my head and we drove back to the Gamma house. " what we're you doing in their dorms?" I asked Tank as he yawned " Bobby called me saying he needed help because he f*cked up his hair big time and I came over to help him fix it. Then we sat down and got stoned together. You know Bobby is a really chill dude. I like that guy" he chuckled as I shrugged " those guys are something else really" I replied as Tank snickered " yeah? And what were you doin with Max?" He asked "Max and I bumped into each other at the Bean scene and then we went out for burgers which was nice." I smiled.

Tank hummed "soooo you gonna get back with him?" He asked me as I shrugged "yeah maybe, hopefully eventually when everything starts to die down" I replied honestly as Tank groaned " god this is so annoying" he complained as I co*cked a brow confused " what is?" I asked. " the fact that you two still can't be together. I mean if Claire is missing than the wedding has to be called off right?" He asked me as I nodded "right but suspicions need to die down and they need confirmation of her death too before the wedding is called off" I explained as Tank chuckled " alright man I see you. You into that thriller life huh?" He joked as I rolled my eyes chuckling "shut up Tank" as Tank busted up laughing.

When we arrived back to the dorm Tank headed inside with me right behind him. I had taken the whole day to myself out of the dorm so the cleaners my father had hired had cleaned and renovated my room. Especially after I had completely destroyed it trying to search for those cameras. I walked back into my room to see it was back in perfect condition. I smiled happily as I sighed and slumped into my bed sinking into the cushioning of the mattress. I shifted my gaze to my alarm clock and noticed the time. I should probably finish up on the rest of my school work. I sat up and searched for my back pack wondering where it could be. I found it under my desk as I opened it at searched for my homework. When I pulled it out and placed it on my desk I realized.... Wait.... Where is my gun?

I searched the bag but to no avail I couldn't find it. I frantically searched and searched but nothing. I dumped my whole entire back pack on the ground and saw it wasn't there. "What the f*ck" I whispered to myself in a panic as I searched the whole room but nothing.

I covered my face and fell to my knees on the floor not knowing what the f*ck to do as I panted horrified of what the hell was to come. Who stole my gun? What are they going to do with it?

I panicked but then I realized that these were my fathers cleaners. Maybe he knew something about all this. I searched for my phone quickly until I found it and picked it up. I quickly dialed in my fathers number and pressed the call button. I held it up to my ear as I heard it ring. I was gnawing on the nail of my thumb waiting for him to pick up. Once he did I spoke “ hello? Father? Are you there?” I asked. “Yes, what do you need?” He asked “um… did the cleaners take an item of mine? I was wondering if you knew of its whereabouts?” I asked as he hummed “ no, I don’t know what item you are referring to” he said. My father was telling the truth and I knew it immediately “okay then never mind I have to go” I said as I hung up quickly. Where the f*ck could it be?!

I felt suffocated in this room. I felt like I could barely breathe. I needed air. So I got up and went down stairs and sat in the front porch. The cold breeze hitting my face as I tried to calm my nerves. I took deep breaths praying to any god out there to help me. I never believed in god. If god was real then god wouldn’t have given me this life I’ve never wanted in the first place… yet I prayed. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Clasping my hands together and resting my forehead in the surface of my wrists wanting all of this to go away as if it were some bad dream. I asked god for forgiveness, to be free. I never believed in god but when life gets so bad to the point all you can do is pray, not only that but you don’t even know who you are praying to, you just pray… that’s how you know you’re in this black hole of your life that you feel you can never escape.

I covered my face in the end as I took deep breaths. I gasped for air wanting to be released….. how did life get so bad? It was always bad but never to this point. All I wanted was to be loved, loved by my father…. That’s all I wanted, I wanted his mercy. I wanted it more than I wanted to be alive and yet here I am in front of the gamma house on the verge of a panic attack because of my desire to be free from all this bull sh*t has caused me to do the unthinkable. What kind of a f*cked up person does that?

I felt the guilt set it and because of that I continued to pray yet again.….. I felt as if I were drowning in this pit of nothing but utter regret. Maybe I should’ve just toughed out this whole marriage thing…..

I stared at the ground silently until I noticed peculiar lights… my eyes widened as I looked up. I heard a car pull up besides the gamma house…. The siren, the red and blue lights. The similar cop that has been to my house once before…..

I stood up as the cop exited the car along with another officer. Apparently they were startled by my standing so they quickly pulled out their guns and faced them towards me. “FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!” They shouted. I didn’t move from my spot but I silently put my hands behind my head following their orders. I didn’t want to get shot after all.

They put their gun away and ran over to me roughly grabbing my hands and handcuffing my wrists “ Bradley Uppercrust the III you are under arrest for suspicion of murder and kidnapping. We will be taking you into custody. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.” He said. It’s weird being read the Miranda rights when it’s specifically targets you. It’s something you don’t think about because you see it in movies or when someone else gets arrested but when it’s you. It’s like your whole world shifts….

They brought me into the cop car and sat me inside before slamming the door in my face shut. I flinched as I looked out the window to take one last look back into the Gamma house……

Then the car started driving off….

Chapter 54: Chapter LIV

Chapter Text

As the car drives off and I’m on my way to the prison I sit there silently in the back seat. The cops don’t try to engage with me at all but I could tell on their faces that they thought I was disgusting. I knew it because whenever the driver stared at me through the rear view mirror she would glare sending daggers towards me. What scarily enough was the it felt like the drive took hours upon hours to get to the destination so this suffocating tension had filled the car. I wanted to ask a question so badly but… it took me a hot minute to do so. I didn’t know how to ask this question at all without feeling this sort of struggle whenever I try to speak.

Eventually I got the courage to ask as I took a deep breath. “So… why am I being suspected?” I asked. “Someone reported to have found a gun in your room. We took it and investigated it, we sound your finger prints and some blood on it. The blood matched the DNA of Claire.” They answered. I immediately knew it was one of the cleaners. It wasn’t the maids but it was one butler in particular. This butler always had it out for my when I was younger. I hated him so much… the way he would kiss up to my father and he never cared for conversation about my mother. The way he made me feel like I was an embarrassment when I would just walk.

I had very fond memories of this butler. I remember one time back when I was only 10, my mother had recently died and the butler walked into my room when I was asleep. He sat on top on me ensuring I didn’t move and wrapped him arms around my throat. Attempting to suffocate me until I blacked out. I could hear his whisper’s still when he leaned down to my ear and the heat of his breath brushed my face. “ you’re nothing but a nuisance, just like your mother. Getting in the way of what should’ve been mine.” He whispered as his grip would time and I felt the blood drain from my face as I felt this harsh pressure around the base of my neck, closing up my air ways. I wanted to gag but I couldn’t because he put so much pressure on me. When we heard footsteps coming round the corner he perked up and stopped, letting go as I shot up and barfed into the trash can beside me. I felt tears form from my eyes as he rubbed my back soothingly in attempts to cover up what he was trying to do to me instead and faked it as comforting me as I was sick.

He had this weird obsession with my father. I wonder as to how my father never noticed this obsession. It was odd and discomforting but nevertheless I couldn’t complain. I did once before and my father got mad at me thinking I was accusing him as a hom*o. Even though I wasn’t but anything remotely close to that topic aggravates my father beyond compare.

When arriving to the prison I was taken out of the cop car and out of my hand cuffs when inside fully. “You have one call. Use it wisely” they said as they gave me a quarter. I looked down at it before looking at the officer who now was walking away from me. I sighed and placed the quarter into the telephone as I dialed Max’s number. Max was the only person I could think of in this situation. I couldn’t tell my dad despite my initial thoughts. I thought if I told my father earlier then he would help me but now I think he would just murder me. Tank was right and I followed my gut to listen to Tank.

I let the phone ring for a couple of seconds before I got a response. “Hello?”…. Max’s voice offered such a comforting sound to my ears “Max” I sighed with a smile. “Princess? What’s up? I just saw you like an hour ago” he chuckled “you miss me already?” He asked. “Um…. I’m actually in jail right now. I can seriously use you right now….. I need you Max” I said softly and noticed a stutter in my voice. f*ck… Max went silent before I heard rustling noises “ I’m on my way right now” he said until the guard said “5 minutes is up. Come on” they said as I sighed “ alright…. I’ll see you later Max…” I said softly into the phone “you too Brad” before I hung up.

I was brought into a waiting cell. I sat on the bench of it silently as my leg bounced up and down. I felt like throwing up and wanting this to just all go away… the pressure was too much at this point and I felt like I was breaking at any moment now. I felt at my lowest… I’ve hit rock bottom all over again. At the moment of her death it was like pure bliss. A burden weighing off of my shoulders. I felt lighter and less trapped. The relief of giving into the destruction was phenomenal at that moment but the consequences created chaos that was to soon replace her. With that my body burns in shame and guilt not because of her but because of what I’ve become, I feel as though I am not me. I don’t know who I am anymore, I am just an new generation of my father. I am neither original or unique. So why does my life matter in the sense of individuality when I can not be my own individual. I’m just a toy who should carry out the tasks, assignments and expectation my father had bestowed upon me yet I am such a broken and useless toy to the point I haven’t been able to complete any of that but instead have brought shame to my father. Who was to be blamed here? My father for not knowing how to correctly raise me or was it me for not knowing how to correctly be.

These thoughts clouded my head as I stared ominously into whatever sort of void I wanted to hide it. That I had know clue that Max had been standing in front of my cell. “Princess?” He called as I flinched breaking out of this awful daze. I looked up with a gasp. When locking eyes with Max I stood up and ran to the bars “Max…” I smiled softly. He cupped my cheeks gently as we kissed from opposite sides of these bars. When we broke the kiss he never let go of my face. He looked me in the eyes and asked “how long have you been in here?” He asked as I shook my head “I have no clue. I think it’s when I called you. How long did it take for you to get here?” I asked. “An hour….” He said softly. “Then an hour” I chuckled gently as he smiled. He let go of my fave and held my hands gently as I looked down. “…. Max I don’t know what to do…” I said softly. “…I can’t let you leave me again Bradley. I won’t allow it” he said with desperation as I looked at him. I smiled softly as tears welled up in my eyes “someone’s desperate” I teased chuckling as he smiled “ shut the f*ck up. You’re so annoying” he smiled.

“Well what do you think we should do then?” I asked him as he went quiet and had this face… he had a thought that he wasn’t sharing with me. I looked concerned and asked “what is it?” Gently.., what he said next made me immediately freeze up “ I’m going to find your father and tell him…….” He said softly as I went wide eyed in shock. I shouted at him “ WHAT?!” As he flinched “Brad listen to me. This is the only shot we’ve got. You’re clearly guilty no matter how much you lie to them you can’t cover up what you’ve done!” He replied as I felt my heart pick up speed again “ Max no! Please! Please don’t do this!” I squeezed his hands tightly as I couldn’t stop my panic quickly picking up speed “ Bradley I have to! You said he’s paid his way out of felony’s! He can help!!” Max replied as he struggled to tear his hands away from me but I kept a tight grip on him “ BRADLEY LET GO!” He shouted “MAX STOP! PLEASE DONT DO THIS! I’LL SERVE MY TIME IN PRISON PLEASE DON’T TELL HIM!” I shouted even louder and more desperately as tears brewed and fell down my face rapidly I felt like the prison was spinning at this point. “ MAX PLEASE PLEASE!” I shouted as he ripped his hands from me. I gripped the bars of the cell as I watched him look at me one last time with a look of pain before walking away. “ MAX DON’T DO THIS!” I shouted as he walked out.

I felt my breath hitch before I had begun to sob. When a sob turns so violent you feel yourself not being able to breathe anymore… your knees get weak as you begin to plummet onto the ground. I fell onto my knees and covered my face sobbing violently. What was my father going to do? He isn’t going to kill me, I knew it would be much worse than that and if he were going to kill me…,,

then I would rather die by my own hands….

Chapter 55: Chapter LV

Chapter Text

I got in my car and drove off. I looked up where the Uppercrust estate would be and just drove. I knew Bradley was going to be mad at me. I knew he was going to hate me but I couldn't let him rot in prison and ruin his name? I just got him back there is no way!

Of course my anxiety didn't seem to cease knowing that I'll be driving all the way up to the man who tried to murder me previously. I had to stop this before it gets too out of hand. It already has gotten out of hand but.. f*ck I can't even put my thoughts together anymore.

When I arrived to the estate I pressed the intercom button on the gates. It buzzed and Bradley's father answered. "Hello?" As I quickly replied "hello sir, it's Max Goof. Your son is in trouble, he's in jail and he seriously needs your help man- I mean sir!" I corrected quickly. He shouted into the intercom " WHAT?!" ... he sounded really mad. My heart dropped for a moment as I replied "sir please he needs your help!" I begged as I saw from far off the door opening from the estate. A driver opened the car door for his father as he got inside the car. There wasn't even an explanation needed I guess? As he drove but then stopped next to my car. He opened the door with a look of annoyance " get in now" he demanded. I flinched and just silently listened as I hopped in the car next to him and the car drove off.

"What happened? Why is he in jail?! Did you influence him to do something?" He started accusing me as I flinched "no no sir! Nothing like that at all!! He um.... He might've murdered someone though..." he said laughing nervously. "It's Claire isn't it?" He asked and scoffed. I was kind of shocked. I thought he would've been more mad but he wasn't? "Yes?" I replied.

He went silent the whole rest of the ride. He didn't even look at me. He got the answers he wanted and I well... I think I'm getting Bradley free hopefully. Oh god I hope I didn't f*ck up...

Bradley's father is just so intimidating I didn't know how to approach this guy, at first you think that oh well Bradley is 22 and his father is an older man he should be okay sees he's an adult and he can fight back his dad easily but no. His dad was his manipulative sociopath with a f*ck ton of money to do whatever he pleased. He had an army of bodyguards, security guards and if I'm not mistaken he has the money to order assassins if he pleased. This guy was cunning and smart, just sitting next to him makes you feel like your life is in his hands and he can do whatever he want with no consequences. There was genuinely nothing protecting you from this man.

What I cant wrap my head around was the fact that how can a man be so f*cked up in the head like that. I just didn't understand. Regardless we eventually made it back to the prison and Bradley's father paid the bail without even batting an eye and paid a little extra to keep his sons record clean.

When they released Bradley I smiled softly at him, I was happy he was free even though his face was tear stained and red. What I noticed was that he didn't look at me at all. That struck a cord with me. I was concerned as I reached out and grabbed his wrist gently as I called his name “Bradley?” I tried to be gentle but he snatched his hand away from me and replied angrily “don’t touch me…”

My heart stopped for a moment… he was mad…. There was no other option than to tell his father though I had nothing else I could’ve done! “Bradley please just-” he then ignored me as he looked at his dad. I felt like I had been punched in the face by that. His dad nodded “let’s go” he said walking out with Bradley. I watched them leave only for the dad to stop before exiting as he looked at me “ I appreciate you telling me this information. I ordered a chauffeur to come drop you off to your dorm and a driver has dropped your car back to your dorm as well. I hope you get back safely” he said. But all I could think of was how angered Bradley looked at me. Like I had betrayed him….

I watched their car leave as I waited for the chauffeur to pick me up. I couldn’t help but feel l this pit in my stomach as I sat on the curb silently… what a mess everything has become… I hugged my knees and placed my forehead down as I felt myself attempt to not cry. Why did he even get caught in the first place? How? We were so careful!

When the chauffeur arrived I silently entered the car and told him where to go as I stared out the window the entire drive. All I could think of was why did it have to come to this? All I wanted to do was help and this was the only option we had left….

I hope Bradley is okay… I hope he doesn’t hate me…

When I arrived to the dorm I silently exited the car and walked inside. I tried to wipe away my tears in case Bobby and PJ were there. When I opened the door I didn’t just see them but I also saw Stacey. “Hey Max!” PJ greeted “ wanna join?” He asked offering a console “ no I’m good guys.” I smiled softly “I think I’m just gonna finish up some homework…” I said softly. They shrugged seemingly not noticing I had been crying thankfully.

I sat at my desk and pulled my homework out to work on it but my mind was so clouded by the events of what happened today and… Bradley’s face when he walked out crying. The fact he didn’t look at me…. f*ck I did something wrong didn’t I?

I put my head in my hand as I bounced my leg and tried to finish any bit of homework to distract myself but I just couldn’t and if I talked to the guys I would’ve been noticed immediately. They don’t know anything about what happened. I don’t even think they know that I got back in contact with Bradley. I didn’t want to tell them because I was scared that they were going to look at me differently and my relationship with Bradley. I was scared that they were going to hate Bradley for murdering Claire even after he had worked so hard to change himself. Could you blame me? I had everything I wanted and in just an hour things had changed rapidly.

All I wanted was to help Bradley and because of that I screwed up and I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to see him. Is he even back in the Gamma house? Is he with his father? I had no clue. All I knew was that he was out of jail.

I was so spaced out, I had my hand clamped over my mouth as my leg bounced and tears falling down my eyes I didn’t even realize I was shaking. I didn’t realize Stacey walking over and gently placing a hand on my shoulder “ Max?” She called as I flinched “what?” I said softly as I looked at her. She looked shocked before her expression softened and she asked me “are you okay?” No I’m not okay. Not after everything that just happened. I nodded and sighed though “yeah yeah I’m fine” I said softly. “Are you sure?” She asked again “I said I’m fine just leave me alone” I said a little more irritated now. She sighed and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed “you’re not fine at all but if you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to” she said before pulling something out from her back pocket. I didn’t look at her until I noticed she tossed me a box of matches and a cigarette. I looked at it confused before looking at her.

“You look like you need it skater boy”

Chapter 56: Chapter LVI

Chapter Text

The trip back home was rather silent with my father and I sitting opposite ends of the car. I didn't even want to breathe in fear of maybe a sniffle came out and my father would scold me.

The minute we got back to the house though I had exited the car and followed my father back inside. He was quiet... I hated when he was quiet. It made me sickly and paranoid. I was scared something was going to happen. I looked around the house noticing nothing had really changed. After all it hasn't been that long since I was last here. I noticed from the corner of my eye though... the butler was watching behind a door. In the crack of the door I could see his hardened gaze glaring at me. It freaked me out. He was so off putting majority of the time. Especially when I realized how much he hated my existence it was scary, I thought if I let down my guard for just a second he would attack me.

But that's what I did, I let my guard down and I didn't realize my father coming up from behind me. He reached out grabbing a fistful full of my hair and smashing my head against the wall. The family portrait had fallen on impact and shattered onto the ground. He pulled my head back again and smashed it once more against the wall with the same force. I had previously gotten a concussion from my father and considering he was implementing another injury on my head I felt myself growing dizzy. I groaned as I fell to my knees and held my head as I bent down to my face screaming " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? MURDERING YOUR BRIDE TO BE?! YOU THINK THAT WILL GET YOU FREEDOM?!"he shouted as I flinched. His voice was so loud but I didn't dare cower in front of him. That'll only make him angrier.

"And to think the one who told me was that boy." He groaned angrily " you've made a fool of me. How dare you disgrace this family?" I asked outraged as he grabbed a vase that was displayed in the walk way and smashed it onto the ground next to me. I flinched but was grateful he didn't hit it directly on my head. He looked up at him as the light illuminating the room from the ceiling shined with this orangey hue. A comforting light that warms up the room nicely despite the cold demeanor my father had plastered on his face. "No son of mine will shame me in such a way" he said with anger but all I could think of was how this was the first time he's ever called me son.... I didn't know how to feel or what to say so I silently stared up at him shaking like a leaf but I couldn't help but feel like such and idiot. I didn't even realize that I was smiling.

He looked at me confused and angered as he asked "why the f*ck are you smiling for?" He asked. I blurted out "because you called me son... you've never done that before" I chuckled softly as tears welled from my eyes. His eyes widened not knowing what to say. "f*cking hell..." he scoffed "you've always been my son. I didn't think I needed to call you that for you to know" he said as I felt myself on the verge of sobbing "I-I know it's just that I've never f-felt like your son. You've never treated me like one" I replied which had angered him "BECAUSE YOU NEVER EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE TREATED LIKE ONE! YOU FIND CONTINUOUS WAYS TO EMBARRASS ME AND NOW YOU DO THIS?! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!" He shouted as he grabbed head on both sides shaking me aggressively. I was so horrified as I was stunned into silence.

"SAY SOMETHING! SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!" He shouted, a vein bulging from his forehead as his face turned red with anger and I felt at any moment he were to explode if I didn't say something quickly. "I- I-" and as I stuttered like some sort of injured dog he grew infuriated " I THOUGHT WE HAD GOTTEN RID OF YOUR STUTTERING AGES AGO!" He shouted since whenever I stuttered he grew angrier. How do I f*ck things up even more with this man? I couldn't breathe so I didn't say anything, my body wouldn't allow me to because every time I spoke he grew worse. He screamed in a fit of rage and locked my head in place with a fist full of my hair. I noticed he had balled his hand into a fist as he quickly swung and punched me square in the eye. I could've plummeted to the ground but he kept a hold of my hair as he brought me closer to his face screaming louder " SPEAK NOW DAMN IT!" He shouted. I felt blood running down my nose but it wasn't as if I wasn't used to this feeling before.

What was new though was how he wrapped his arm around my neck. I instantly had memories of the butler attempting to suffocate me with his hands but my father used his whole arm.

My breathing had became ragged as I tried to find anything that'll ease his mind. I clawed at his arm desperately to have him get off. Then it occurred to me. That dream I had of my mothers miscarriage. " father... she was going to have a girl" I replied still quivering in fear. He paused and asked me "what?" As I nodded "she went to find out the gender a-and she said it was a girl" I said smiling as I shook attempting to ease his mind best I could. He took a moment as he sighed "I guess.... Maybe then it was for the best..." he said letting go of my head.

I plummeted to the ground coughing as I attempted to breathe normally again. He dusted himself off as I rubbed my throat which felt sore. I sighed as he looked down at me "and you're sure it was a girl?" He asked as I nodded "y-yes" I replied. What a f*cked up mentality my father had. If it were a boy he would've ended my life there and then but since it was a girl that makes her murder okay? What about how she treated me? His own son!

I looked up at him to read his facial expression but nothing... he was unreadable. He was still seated on the floor watching me silently as I sat there staring at him waiting for what he were to do next.

What shook me was that when my mother died that was the first and last time he hugged me. Now that my fiancé is dead.... He extended his arms to touch me as I flinched. I was scared of this man. Beyond horrified. But he pulled me into a gentle hug as he stroked my hair. I was frozen in fear but I quickly sobbed into his arms as if I were some child all over again. This is the psychological sh*t he likes to play at. He makes you want to have his love for so long and when you are at your lowest moment he pulls you back in with his gentleness. He knew how to play his f*cked up mind games because I was falling into them perfectly....

As I sobbed in his arms he stroked my hair gently as he hushed me in a calming manner "you've really grown boy, you're becoming just like me..." he said softly. I could feel his smile without looking at it. He was happy... he was happy I murdered my fiancé and unborn daughter just as he did with my mother.

All my life I thought in a situation like this I had been some sort of Anne Boleyn. The victim. But I quickly realized I was becoming like King Charles. Just following in the footsteps of my ancestry as he did with king Henry. Two different generations and yet the same story... how f*cked up is that?

Yet I sat there sobbing in his arms as he held me....

"You truly are my son...."

Chapter 57: Chapter LVII

Chapter Text

I was in my dorm. Stacey and PJ were cuddling on his bed asleep and Bobby was knocked out on his bunk. I was the only one one laying awake and staring at the wall somberly. I couldn't sleep, how could I? Especially after what happened last night... it was too much. I sighed knowing I needed the sleep since I had an test tomorrow. So I shifted onto my other side and stared silently at the alarm clock which read "3:24 am" f*ck.... Im in some deep sh*t now. If I can't sleep then I'm completely f*cked for this upcoming test tomorrow.

I managed to sneak 30 minutes of rest before the test had come at 8:30 am. f*cking hell. I knew I was in for some sh*t but I didn't know that the events of what had been happening recently would f*ck me over this badly. I looked at the questions and felt completely lost and disconnected from the subject entirely. How in the f*ck was I supposed to pass? Not only that but because I was so fatigued I had begun to space out due to the fact I was so utterly exhausted. I kept on thinking of Bradley, Bradley, Bradley and the thought of him never left my mind.

I hadn't even completed the test. I was the last one in that room and sighed as the professor took my paper away. This routine continued. I would zone out during class, zone out during homework, spam Bradley's messages begging him to talk but he would only leave me on seen or delivered. I was being ignored. I didn't talk to PJ nor Bobby. I had completely isolated myself wrapped around my own guilt. I should've listened to Bradley instead of going against his wishes. Everything had been completely ruined after we just were becoming closer to one another again.

It's been three days since the event and I can't get it out of my head. The guilt had consumed me and I needed to see Bradley now. I couldn’t wait any longer. I texted him “Bradley?”

“Are you there?”

“Bradley I need to talk to you”

“Fine then I’m coming”

I think he thought I was joking but no I was dead serious. I grabbed my keys and was heading out of my dorm only for Bobby to ask “where ya headed?” “Out” I replied and slammed the door behind me. I ran down the stairs and got into my car driving over to the Gamma house. I called Tank while doing so for him to pick up “hey Max, what’s up baby?” He asked “Is Bradley at the Gamma house?” I asked “yeah? Why do you ask?” “Good. Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere” I asked “ummm… okay?” He replied confused before I had hung up the phone. I needed to talk to Bradley, it was killing me inside.

When I had arrived I parked without thinking. My parking might’ve been sh*t who knows. I was to busy thinking of what I wanted to say to him. What did I even want to say? Nothing. I just wanted to see him. I opened the door to the frat and walked inside looking around. I saw the other Gammas stare at me confused as I passed by them. The tension grew heavier… why was the gamma house so dark? It felt so demonizing in here. I walked up the stairs and used the hand rails to keep my balance. Before I knew it I had made it to Bradley’s dorm.

I knocked on his door shouting “I’m coming in!” And I opened the door to find Bradley sitting at his desk. He was writing something, what I assumed was homework before he looked up at me. I froze seeing his black eye and instantly felt responsible for that…. He looked at me in anger “get out! Now!” He shouted as I closed the door behind me. Signaling to him that I wasn’t going to leave. “Go!” He shouted standing up and pointing to the door “no, I’m not leaving until we talk things out!” I replied as he looked at me disgusted by my efforts “excuse me? Talk what out? There is nothing to talk about here so leave!” He demanded “no! You’ve been avoiding me for three days!” I shouted trying to get him to listen “you don’t know why I’ve been avoiding you? You completely disregarded my feelings in the situation and you still went on to betray me!” He replied pointing at me “I had to do it! There was no other option please! I had to do what benefited you! What benefited us!” I shouted and noticed him gritting his teeth in fury towards me. “ you could’ve got me killed!! You could’ve gotten yourself killed! You know how my father is!”

“But I also know how you are! You wouldn’t last a day in prison!” I replied accusing him of being a mad man for even considering that he could’ve lasted in there “ so what are you insinuating?! That I needed you?” He asked me as I groaned “ well in the moment yes you did! You’re free and you still have a future ahead of you!” I replied desperately to have him hear me out “ no no no! If anything you needed me!” He shouted as I stared confused “what?” I asked.

He tried to hold himself together as he pointed towards me “ you were NOTHING! When you started college. The only reason why you got the recognition you have is because of our rivalry. You were NOTHING! And I made you into this… this champion skate boarding x-games winner. I was on top and because you won last year and dethroned me you became somebody” he replied. This comment had me stunned into silence, I couldn’t believe that he thought so low of me… “ at least I am my own person… what are you? Just your fathers pawn?” I asked as he took a deep breath in and out “I follow rules, I get good grades and I have a stable future ahead of me. You haven’t even decided what you’re going to be majoring in. If anything I have myself put together already mean while your ‘go with the flow’ attitude will forever hold you down.” He replied. I felt my heart shatter…. “f*ck you Bradley…” I nodded as I felt tears well up in my eyes “ you think of me that lowly then fine….. you know what’s funny? Is that when I was in high school I f*cking looked up to you. I wanted to dethrone you because I knew you were some hot shot and a talented skater but now you’re nothing but some phony. You used the gammas to help your little ego boost when you know you aren’t sh*t” I snapped back. I couldn’t just let him talk to me like that. “No Max, no you don’t get to say anything, like I said you were nothing without me and now you’re even admitting it. You were so envious of me and my successions and you took it all away. I made you phenomenal. You got what you wanted so take your stupid title and leave me alone.”

He looked at me disgusted…. That look made me feel like I genuinely was nothing “you were my everything… now that I know what you really are…. I do feel like the stupid one. f*ck I can’t believe I let myself get so caught up in all this bull sh*t!” I shouted rubbing the bridge of my nose annoyed. “You didn’t have to get involved. I never asked you of anything.” He said a sigh as he sat back down in his chair “but I did because-”he interrupted me “because what? Because you felt bad for me? Because you thought I needed your help so you can feed your savior complex?” He asked “ because I loved you…. I loved you so much Bradley…” I felt tears welling in my eyes as I walked over and grabbed his hands. I fell to my knees as he stared at me shocked “ you were my everything and I needed you… I needed you more than you needed me. I wanted you around. The time we spent apart because of your stupid wedding planning, I had never felt so low in my life. I did what I did back in the prison for selfish reasons. I did it because I couldn’t stand the thought of being apart from you again Bradley please.” I sobbed and rested my forehead in his hands. I felt his hands briefly squeeze mine in silence.

“Bradley I wouldn’t do anything to purposely hurt you but that was the only way. I had nothing else left. I just wanted you here with me…” I sobbed. I felt so desperate “ you’re wrong about everything. I’m not phenomenal and on most days I feel like this empty shell if it weren’t for you” I admitted. “You don’t mean that. You don’t want me to leave please Bradley…” I begged and pleaded. But I was too scared to look into his eyes. I didn’t want to see that same disgusted expression again “Bradley say something. Please. Why am I the only one talking?” I asked realizing now that I was shaking.

“ Max…. Please let go..” he asked as I squeezed his hands tighter “no” I begged “Max you’re hurting me!” He shouted. “Please Bradley… just give me one more chance… just one” I sobbed breaking down completely. “These past three days I’ve felt so guilty. I need you so badly. You’re right I’m nothing without you so please don’t let me go”

“Please Bradley….”

Chapter 58: Chapter LVIII

Chapter Text

I cried and cried into Bradley's lap begging him to give me another chance. His silence was creating tension in the air. I felt my voice strain and crack as I sunk my head down deeper into Bradley's lap. I held onto his hands tighter afraid that if I let go he would slip away from me forever. "Bradley please... I love you... and I'm sorry" I begged as I had begun to sob all over again. The silence was killing me " TALK BRADLEY! SAY ANYTHING PLEASE!" I shouted. "Max let go..." he finally spoke "no..." I replied crying " Max enough!" Bradley chanted as I shook my head " MAX I SAID LET GO DAMN IT!" He shouted trying to pull his hands away and when he managed to I quickly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He was still on the chair and I was still on the ground " MAX!" He shouted. He'd begun to punch my back but I just couldn't. I didn't want to let go " YOU'RE ALL I WANT BRADLEY! I LOVE YOU!" I shouted " NO YOU DON'T!" He replied as I sobbed harder " I DO! I LOVE YOU! WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE YOU FORGIVE ME?! What will it take for me to prove to you how much I care?! Please Bradley! After everything!" I cried out as he tried to push me off "no no no! Stop!" He shouted as I let go of his waist and stood up quickly. I didn't know what came over me. But when I stood I grabbed his cheeks and kissed his lips. He froze in place stunned. I could feel him melting into the kiss before he came back to his f*cked up senses and shoved me off of him " WHAT THE f*ck IS YOUR PROBLEM?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TAKE THE REJECTION?!" He shouted " BECAUSE I CAN'T BRADLEY!.... I-....." I needed to regain myself as I looked at him " I know you love me too" I said softly as he shook his head "no I don't"

Those words hurt me as if a bus drove full speed and crashed into me. I couldn't take it "you don't mean that Bradley..." I said softly. His gaze was hardening though... " Bradley I just kissed you and I felt you melt into that kiss I know you still love me" I mentioned. That made him go quiet. This time the silence made me smile a little, the fact that I still had hope. But then he shook his head "Max go away" he begged.

I went silent " Bradley please..." I begged one last time "Max..... leave me... now" he said sternly. I went quiet yet again. I was so shocked by his persistence. But I nodded "fine then... does that mean we're done?" I asked as he nodded "yes" he said with confidence. Like his answer has been finalized. All I could do now was nodded and sniffle "okay then..." I said softly. I felt so awkward now. I had nothing else I could do. "Fine...." I sighed. " it was nice while it lasted..." I said before leaving. I opened the door and slammed it behind me as I walked down the hallway and then down the stairs. I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming and aching pain in my chest. I couldn't even leave the gamma house before sobbing.

Once I entered my car. I drove back to the dorm but I didn't exit immediately. I stayed in the car and rested my head on the steering wheel. I gripped my shirt, specifically the area right over my heart as I sobbed profusely as I felt this overwhelming pain aching through out my body. Breaking up with Roxanne didn't hurt nearly as much as breaking up with Bradley did. This was the second time which was even worse than the first considering I knew it was my fault as to why this all happened.

I had spent an hour sobbing in the car before I was ready to walk back into my dorm. When I did Bobby immediately noticed my distress appearance. His eyes softened as he gently called "Max? You okay man? What happened?" He asked as I sniffled " Bradley and I broke up... and it's all my fault" I said softly, my voice cracking somberly. "When did you get back in touch with Bradley?" He asked as I sniffled "only for a little bit but I f*cked up so badly..." I said clasping my hands over my face as I sat on my bed. "What did you do?" Bobby asked sitting up. "I told his dad he was in trouble even though he told me not too. But it was the only way I could've saved him." I said as Bobby hummed "see... knowing Bradley's da that's pretty horrible man. But on the other hand... I think you still have a shot man. You just have to be persistent man! I think you can do it!" Bobby smiled " But I-.." Bobby then interrupted " ARE YOU GONNA LET THIS HEART BREAK TAKE OVER MAX?! ARE YOU GONNA LET THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE JUST RUN AWAY?!" He shouted as I flinched "n-no?" I said softly. Bobby always does this when I'm on the verge of giving up " THEN GET UP! AND GET YOUR MANS BACK!!" He shouted as I sniffled " yeah!! But... how do I do that?" I asked "oh honey.. you gotta ask PJ that question. I'm not the one to talk to about relationship advice" he said. I sighed but at least he was truthful.

I texted PJ asking what he would do and he eventually replied "buy him a bouquet of flowers" knowing Bradley I had to be specific. I looked up June birth month flower which was honeysuckle and roses. I didn't just buy a little though I bought a big ass amount. I had to take out a loan for these flowers.... Not only that but PJ also mentioned I should use my guitar skills to serenade him a song. I knew electric guitar so I thought serenading him wouldn’t be hard but extremely cringe….. I was desperate though and knowing Bradley he would’ve enjoyed the desperation.

I had to get extra shifts to cover my debt for these flowers. Regardless, when I finally had them I had thought something was missing…. A big obnoxious teddy bear. I went back in my car and was EXTREMELY picky about what teddy bear I wanted. The workers there who were just trying to do their job grew so fed up. I apologized every five seconds since I felt bad for being so picky. But this is Bradley we’re talking about.

I set the bear next to the roses and honeysuckle bouquet that was twice my size. I knew something was missing….. I sighed realizing that I should get him a promise ring too. I WAS IN TOO DEEP! So I went back into my car and drove off again. I tried to find a ring within my budget but I couldn’t. Everything was so f*cking expensive and I already spent a f*ck ton of money. I gave up and looked for something else….

So that’s how we end up here now… I’m sitting in the middle of my dorm looking up video tutorials of how to make a diy beaded bracelet. I used specific colors, blue and black to match our eyes and in the middle I put a heart in the middle to be cheesy. Of course the bracelet kept on breaking over and over again but I finally managed to get it. I put it in a perfectly wrapped gift box and when everything was done I drove off to the gamma house. When arriving I texted Bradley.

“Come outside I have to show you something”

Chapter 59: Chapter LIX

Chapter Text

I noticed my phone vibrate as I looked over wondering who texted me at 3 am… I picked it up and saw “Max?” I whispered to myself confused as I sighed. I decided to leave him on read as I fell back into bed wanting to just get some sort of rest.

“Mi buen amor
Pues, la verdad, no hay otra cosa que yo pueda hacer.
Tú no cambiarás, no me vas a convencer
De que ahora sí, todo va a estar bien”

… what in the actual f*ck… I sat up right away and opened the curtains from my window and as I peaked through…

“¿Hasta cuándo?
¿Seguirás pensando?
¿Que puedes jugar a pedir sin nada dar?
Pues, ahora no estaré esperando.”

MAX WAS OUTSIDE HOLDING A f*ckING RADIO ABOVE HIS HEAD SERENADING ME?! The music was so loud I knew it would disturb the other gammas and they would give me sh*t for it. I groaned as I stood up and grabbed my robe putting it on along with my slippers and ran down the stairs. I walked outside and met Max who was smiling all goofy. “What do you want?!” I whisper shouted as he looked confused and turned off the radio “what?” He asked. He didn’t hear me from how loud the radio was “I asked you what do you want? When I said leave me alone I meant! Go home Max! Get the f*ck out of my life!” I replied as he put the radio down and held his hands up “please please just wait!” He begged and ran to the car. I sighed and stared at him angrily.

I froze though when he opened the trunk and pulled out a giant bouquet of flowers. “ I got specially honeysuckle and roses because they’re your birth month flowers. June” he smiled goofily. I blushed softly as he handed them to me. There had to be over a hundred flowers… “Max…” I said softly “wait! Wait that’s not all!!” He said and ran back to pull out this ginormous teddy bear “ I even dressed him up as power line! Because of the time we were listening to power lines music in class together!” He explained as I stood there stunned into silence “hold on! I know you won’t really like this gift but I worked really hard on it…. Here…” he said and pulled out a tiny gift box. I looked at it curiously before looking up at him. His face was red, as red as a strawberry. This made me question what the hell was even inside.

I gently put the roses down and took the box unwrapping it… it was a little beaded bracelet. “ I know it’s not your style but I spent so much money on the teddy bear and the roses. I wanted to buy you a real promise ring but I just couldn’t afford it and… I looked up so many tutorials on how to make these… I put black and blue to match our eye colors and I even put a heart I just…. Bradley you don’t have to take me back just please give me one more chance… I’m really and I mean really sorry… like so so so so sorry… I didn’t want to f*ck everything up” he said horrified. I stared at the bracelet silently before replying “I never had anyone make me a gift before…” I said softly. No one’s ever genuinely took the time and effort to make me something. This meant so much to me… honestly I don’t think I would’ve cared if Max bought me the promise ring but when I saw the teddy bear referencing our time together in class and then the birth month flowers that made me go a little soft but…. The bracelet was so sweet. He genuinely cares about me…

I looked up at him and saw how he went so quiet. He was so nervous and waited for my response. I gave him the bracelet back though. I saw how broken hearted his expression looked. He must’ve thought I was refusing it. But that wasn’t the case. I extended my hand out and spoke “well? Aren’t you gonna put it on for me?” I asked as he perked up. He smiled and put it on my hand gently before lifting it and kissing the top of my hand. I blushed softly at the gesture as I scoffed “you’re such a dork…” I replied to it as he smiled “buuuuuut?” He asked waiting for me to continue with these puppy dog eyes. I blushed harder becoming flustered. I looked away attempting to not give in… but I ultimately sighed “but I love you…” I said softly as he smiled so brightly and jumped circles around me “ YES YES YES!” He laughed. He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately which caught me by surprise of course but I melted into the kiss. What shocked me even more was that he wrapped a arm around my waist and dipped me “ WOAH!” I shouted before being bombarded with kisses even more so. They tickled so I had begun to laugh uncontrollably “okay okay stop stop!” I laughed.

He eventually stopped as we stood back up and stared into each others eyes “do you forgive me?” He asked. “…. I guess… I can give you a second chance” I smiled.

He seemed so happy. It made me feel like he genuinely did really care about me. Like he really did love me…

“It’s getting late. I’m so sorry I woke you up” he apologized again as I shrugged “ it’s fine I wasn’t sleeping anyways” I chuckled as he sighed in relief “ okay I’m happy I didn’t disrupt your beauty sleep princess” he teased as my eyebrow twitched “ I can easily not forgive you. You know that right?” I asked him “ okay okay I’m sorry!” He chuckled. But then I kissed his lips “I still hate you Goof” I stated as he swooned “I love you too Brad~” “BradLEY!” I corrected as he snickered “okay Bradley~ good night” he smiled and kissed my forehead. He waved goodbye as I blushed and watched him leave.

I brought his gifts back into the frat only to see Tank sobbing “Tank? What’s wrong?” I asked him as he sniffled “you guys are so f*cking gay it’s disgusting” he sobbed as I rolled my eyes “oh go cum in Bobby again” I scoffed rolling my eyes as he shouted “WOAH!!!…. Low key sounds fun not gonna lie” as I perked up and turned my head around to look at him “ WHAT?!” I shouted “ low key I’d tap that again” he admitted. I felt disgusted by the thought as he snickered “what?” He asked me “you’re disgusting” I replied as he chuckled “ okay and? Bobby is hot. I’m man enough to admit that” he said as he leaned back against the couch with his arms behind his head. I took a moment and squinted “holy f*ck… you like Bobby!” I gasped as he flinched and blushed “ NUH UH!” He shouted “ YEAH HUH YOU DO! Holy f*ck! When?!” I asked him as he blushed harder “um….. man just go to sleep! I liked it better when you shut the f*ck up!” He shouted as I snickered.

That’s when slouch appeared and looked disturbed “man you two are such losers” he said as I swung my bouquet at him full force as if it were a baseball bat. “ OUCH!” He shouted falling to the floor.

“Talk again and I’m my foot up your ass” I threatened. Tank snickered as slouch held his nose “ f*ck you Brad…” he groaned rubbing his nose as I walked over him and up to my room.

Man why did slouch have to talk and ruin the moment….

Chapter 60: Chapter LX

Chapter Text

Bradley had finally forgiven me thank the gods above, but now we still had one issue in our way. His father, despite the whole Claire situation his father still stood in the way. It genuinely didn’t understand why a father of all people would cause so much mental torment upon their own child but yet here we are watching this dispute between father and son go down.

To be honest, after everything that has happened his father still stands as this strong pillar in my mind. He was a force not to be reckoned with despite all the interactions we’ve had being negative. So how was I going to set Bradley free from this man? Murder wasn’t an option considering he had body guards everywhere surrounding him at all times. If you didn’t know him, looks alone would make you think he some sort of royalty. He was always dressed accordingly and had this vibe to him, a elegant feel with a dark past? I wouldn’t know how to explain it but just by looking at him you could tell he was extremely posh and collected but the sanity in him had died out a long time ago.

Now looking at it in perspective you’d assume Bradley was just like his father but no. The two couldn’t be more different. Despite their similarities in aesthetics and the way they carry themselves. Their eyes speak volume. Bradley shows traits of hope, forgiveness and redemption mean while his father on the other hand is this cold and broken… no, shattered* shelf of a man. His selfishness is beyond compare and I’m not speaking just from personal experience. But it breaks my heart once you face the true reality of it all. Bradley’s father grew up just as he did but he had never found comfort in anyone. In fact if I remembered it clearly enough, his father was actually isolated from the world and he attempted to do the same to Bradley yet his wife persisted that Bradley went outside and socialized with other human beings.

When it comes to Bradley’s father, even Bradley doesn’t know the whole true story of how this man came to be. Hell, neither did I of course but curiosity always got the better of me. I lay awake tonight staring up towards the ceiling aimlessly day dreaming on what sort of past his father had endured. Not only that, but if I wasn’t the one to influence Bradley’s assassination of Claire… and if Bradley had married her…. Would he genuinely become just like his father? I ponder this question all the time. No let me correct myself. I ponder THESE questions all the time….. but in the end I’m comforted by the thought that I’ve helped Bradley become more open and truthful about his thoughts and feelings. All he needed was just an opportunity to truly feel seen and appreciated for who he is despite this persona he puts on due to his father.

I sighed softly and shifted on to my side only to be greeted by my Bradley build a bear doll. I smiled gently before grabbing it and holding it close despite it being nothing compared to the real deal.

I think what upsets me the most was the fact that I no longer have Bradley in any of my classes anymore. He genuinely made me enjoy being in my literature class so now that he isn’t in there anymore I felt sort of detached from the whole subject.

So you could imagine my surprise when I was seated in my 9 am literature class only to be greeted by a familiar smile seated right next to me. I looked over my shoulder as my eyes widened. Stunned into silence practically. “Woah, what’s the matter? Cats got your tongue?” He asked me with his snarky and sarcastic tone of voice. I smirked and snickered before replying “no, but this obsession you have of me has got to stop Bradley, you have to stop following me around like that” I snickered as he nodded agreeing “yes, it’ll give people the wrong impression I’m afraid” he chuckled before grabbing my hand gently. “Don’t get ahead of yourself it’s just hand holding” he smirked. I laughed softly and held his hand back “gross, you’re such a obsessive weirdo” I joked back, he elbowed my shoulder as I snickered and rubbed it gently. I couldn’t help but notice he was wearing the bracelet I made for him. It made my heart swell over joyed to see it but I didn’t want to mention it, afraid that if I did he would get embarrassed and take it off.

I’m happy think went back to normal. I just hope it can remain subtle for the time being. Although last time I said that everything turned to sh*t real quickly. But for now things are good… it’s okay to live in the present sometimes.

“How did you manage to get your classes changed again?” I asked Bradley “easy, it took a little convincing and a exchange for cash and I was back in.” He smiled all smugly like he was proud of himself so I snickered and attempted to lean my head on his shoulder but he shoved me off and sat me up straight. I looked at him confused “doesn’t your dad know already?” I asked “ why does it matter if the professor sees and tells your dad?” I asked him curiously as he replied “ yes my dad knows but he doesn’t want us to continue this relationship. I’m sorry Max but it needs to remain a secret for both our benefits” he said softly as I nodded “I’m okay with that…” but in actuality I really wasn’t…. I wanted us to be open and out there. It just sucked that there were so many restraints that were holding us back, but at this point in time you have to just say get over it and find another way.

During class I had grown bored and started to doodle in my notebook again. I had nothing else better to do and it wasn’t like I tuned out the professor I could still hear him. But I noticed Bradley staring curiously at my drawing as he pointed to it “is that supposed to be me?” He asked as I looked offended “no it’s supposed to be power line. Is my drawing that bad?” I asked him as his eyebrow twitched “are you insinuating I look bad?” He asked me annoyed as I shrugged. No I was in fact drawing Bradley, I just got bored and wanted to bicker. “f*ck you Max” he grumbled under his breath. “I’m just kidding cutie jeez, so easy to annoy holy f*ck” I snickered and slid him the notebook. He looked at the drawing and ripped out the paper, we both flinched considering it was so loud in this quiet classroom so we sat frozen like idiots.

Bradley shuffled for scissors in his bag and pulled them out to cut the drawing out quietly. “What are you doing that for?” I asked him “I use your drawings as bookmarks” he admitted. I hate how much this f*cking nerd has me going soft hearted. “God you’re such a loser” I sighed as he smacked my shoulder and I flinched snickering. “Im kidding…. You’re so cute” I smiled softly, he looked away in fluster as I giggled softly.

After class I walked out with him and asked “ do you wanna grab lunch?” As he nodded “yeah I’m starving, what are you thinking?” He asked “ um… well what do you want?” I asked him back but Bradley shrugged “I don’t care. Anything is fine” he said….. f*ck… I knew where this was going “okay um… burgers?”

“ we had that last time”


“No not in the mood”


“Not right now, nachos are better during the night time”

“ not true but um… Chinese?”



“I don’t feel like it right now”

“Soup and sandwiches?”

“Maybe if there’s nothing else”


“ I don’t feel it”


“Nah, it’s good but no not now”

“……… tacos?”

“I don’t know….”

WHY WAS BRADLEY ALWAYS DOING THIS?? He says “I’m down for anything” and then has me listing off stuff he doesn’t want.

“Fried chicken?”

“Too greasy”

“ salads?”

“I’m so sick of salads that’s all I ate for two months straight”

“Okay then um….. desserts?”

“We’re going to lunch, I want to eat a meal”

“Okay first of all, desserts can be considered a meal!”

“Name one!”


“……. Shut up and continue the list” he scoffed. I had him stumped lol.

“Okay then how about…. Sushi?”


“ dude-.. babe? Dude babe? Babe dude? I don’t know. Babe can we just pick something? I’m starving!” I groaned rubbing my temples as he hummed and crossed his arms. “Hmmm….. oh there a Vietnamese place. I’m down for pho” he pointed and looked at me “huh…. Okay I’m down. Let go” I shrugged. We walked over there together and when doing so we got lost in conversation. I didn’t even realize that the street was so busy. I walked aimlessly onto the road only to be yanked away just in time before a car ran me over. The car blared it’s horn at me as I flinched and looked at Bradley who looked at me annoyed “open your eyes for the love of god!! You could’ve gotten yourself killed!!” He exclaimed as I want a bit quiet for a second. “You okay Goof?” He asked me as I smiled and laughed. He flinched and looked confused before I hugged him tightly “you care about me!” “ OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!” He shouted annoyed. I love teasing this guy so much.

We crossed the road when we were finally able to, I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked across and were able to reach the restaurant . But the minute we walked in Bradley froze so I bumped into his back “what’s going on?” I asked curiously. Bradley turned around and hushed me as we peaked inside together. I wondered what the hell Bradley was looking at…. Until I saw it.

“Tank and Bobby are on a date?….”

Chapter 61: Chapter LXI

Chapter Text

Bobby POV))

Honestly man I was hella bored, I think the most exciting thing that's happened all week was seeing Max crying over Bradley low key. I mean that sounds sad*stic and all but what the f*ck? I didn't even know they got back in contact dude since when? I guess Bradley's dad called off the marriage or something dude I don't know.

But life got so boring, I don't hang out with Max and PJ like I used to ever since they got their little lovers. I just have kind of been feeling sort of... really lonely....

Don't get me wrong Im so stoked for Max and PJ because they're happy. Well PJ is, Max's relationship is going through a bunch of sh*t but he's really happy with Brad. They've been so pre occupied with their lovers that I sort of feel like I'm not exactly needed anymore... I wanna be supportive I really do but it's so hard to support your friends and not have them around at the same time.

I spend most of my days in the dorm by myself now or skating alone in the park. I'm trying to not let it get to me even though I can't help but feel a little jealous of Stacey and Bradley since they took my friends. But they're good people, well Stacey is. Bradley is becoming a better person I'll give him credit for that.

What's sad is that it's 4 pm on a Friday and I'm just laying in bed. The trio used to always gather at the Goof's place and play video games til 3 in the morning but now they're just busy... I don't know I think I'm coming off as clingy but dude can you blame me? I thought college was going to be fun but I've never felt so alone in my life.

I spent the whole day just bed rotting. I haven't seen PJ or Max at all today.

I spent the whole Saturday bed rotting. Same thing as yesterday, I haven't seen my friends.

And now it's Sunday. I've been spending the whole weekend bed rotting. If I didn't have to go to class then I didn't need to get up. Not only that but mom hasn't called me in 2 weeks and I miss her a lot. Last time I heard from her she was getting better. She's currently 5 years sober and she recently got a boyfriend that's been treating her nicely. I've even talked to him and he seems super sweet and all but I'm kind of afraid to meet him. I don't want him thinking I'm weird and ruining things for my mom you know?

I say that because I didn't have any friends growing up besides Max and PJ. I knew I was the weirdo but I just lived on my own terms. I didn't wanna mask my personality because I didn't wanna feel trapped but it didn't get me anywhere really. My ex from high school broke up with me because of "college" since our schools are 5 states away. What sucks is that Max doesn't know my ex and Roxanne started dating but I don't think he'd care. Maybe he would be happy for those girls but who knows. He's too busy with Brad.

I kind of make it a point to not have bad endings to friendships or relationships. My other ex after graduation though was a complete psycho so that ended terribly but I try to not have that whole relationship weigh on my mind. But all this happening makes me feel like I just can't keep people around... is there something wrong with me?

Is it because I'm lazy? I'm dumb? I don't know I just try to be myself but I guess people don't like me for just being me. I don't want to say I hate myself but sometimes like right now it's been getting bad lately. That's also another reason why I don't like being alone. My thoughts get to me horribly.

It's currently Sunday, 11 pm. I haven't left the dorm once and I only get up because I'm hungry and will eat the left over pizza in the mini fridge we bought for the dorm.

I'll see Max pop on by sometimes through out the week and every time he does it's always about Bradley. He didn't ask me how I've been once... it's not his responsibility though but it just made me feel like he doesn't care about me...

Monday eventually arrived and I had to get up and get ready for my classes. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and grabbed a Red Bull. I could use the energy for today. Man did I need a joint and food bro. I'm starving, I can't believe I forgot breakfast today. Me being hungry through out class was the worst. I couldn't focus at all and I just wanted to go back into the dorms and sleep off the rest of the day. I didn't understand sh*t that whole class period but I was finally out after that 2 hour lecture.

When walking out I thought maybe I could grab a bite outside. Get some fresh air, that might be good for me.

I was trying to decide where to eat at and because I was distracted trying to figure out where to go. I had bumped into someone. I fell over so clearly I bumped into someone much bigger than me. Mid fall they caught my arm and were laughing "hey no need to go around falling for me sweet heart" a familiar voice spoke. I paused and looked up to see " Tank!! Man how are you dude?!" I asked with a smile plastered on my face. After having such a sh*tty weekend, seeing a familiar face brought joy.

Tank shrugged at my question "honestly sweet heart I'm starving. I'm trying to find a place to eat" he chuckled "dude same!" I smiled as he perked up "let's go grab grub together. I'm gonna head over there to grab pho if you wanna join" he offered "dude I can so f*ck up some spring rolls right now." I snickered. "Man let's get going then!" Tank laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we begun walking.

Tank was a vibe, I love that big guy he’s so sweet despite his intimidating appearance. He knows how to make you smile on a bad day and will f*ck up anyone who messes with his friends.

When we got to the restaurant, we were seated and given menus. I was low key debating on what I wanted. Tank noticed me being indecisive and he tried to direct me on what to get. His knowledge of food was crazy so I asked “do you know this much about food because you’re a body builder?” I asked. He shook his head no and replied “my parents are chefs so you pick up a thing or two” he said. When the waiter came by Tank ordered for me. I sat there looking amazed at what he was ordering. It was a lot and yeah I could down that much food but I can’t pay for all that!! When the waiter left I looked at Tank nervously “uhhh dude… I can’t pay for all that!” I exclaimed as Tank co*cked a brow “why do you think I didn’t ask for separate checks?” He asked as I looked dumb founded “ummm…” I hummed trying to debate my answer as to why. He simply snickered and replied “it’s on me sweet heart you don’t have to worry about it” he said before winking at me.

Dude is such a good friend. So mad we didn’t know each other earlier! And he was so sweet and sh*t like he talked to me about my interests, listened to me whenever I was down, gave the best hugs, paid for my meal now.

This guy is an amazing friend…

Chapter 62: Chapter LXII

Chapter Text

Bobby's POV pt2))

" ew bro gross" I say to Tank. We started a conversation about our experiences in high school which also included the locker rooms. Tank's stories were absolutely rancid "gross? Dude you literally said you feared the locker room because Max would towel whip you every time" he laughed as I sighed "that by far is my most traumatic memory" I fake sniffled as Tank leaned in "you're such a puss*. That's not real trauma dude I'll tell you real trauma. Real trauma is when your football coach smacks your ass before each game" Tank snickered as I gasped " WOAH WHAT?!" I shouted as he busted up laughing " YES! EVERY SINGLE GAME TO EVERY SINGLE PLAYER!" He shouted and with every SINGLE word he bashed his fist into the table every SINGLE time. Now I might be dumb but there has got to be a code in there somewhere..... okay nah I'm stupid. Anyway! So I was shocked, appalled in fact because that was gross "but.... For why?" I asked "I don't know tradition and for why?" Tank asked back as I nodded "dude who says for why?" He asked me curiosity as looked offended " Mayhaps I say for why" I explained "Mayhaps isn't a word sweet cheeks" Tank clarified "I'll make it word like how that one chic in mean girls tried to make fetch a word" I replied back. He squinted at me curiously. I stared at him a little confused by the sudden silence " for what dude?" I asked as he hummed "bro are you like..... gay or just guy" he asked "what does that even mean bro?" I asked

"Gay or just guy?" He asked for clarification as I nodded "yeah that, what does that mean?" I asked "well gay is like... are you gay? Or are you just a dude who thinks a hole is a goal" he asked me as I snickered "Tank buddy, if I wasn't gay then I wouldn't have been the hole when we slept together man" I mentioned as he nodded " okay yeah you're right." He nodded "I'm not labeled though" I clarified as he asked "what does that mean?" And I explained "I'm not gay or straight I'm just a boy~ Im just a boy in the world~ that's all that you'll let me beeeeeeeeeee~" I broke into song because that song was low key in my head all damn day.

"Okay you're so f*cking lame dude" Tank teased as I replied " dating losers is cool now though man" I mentioned "damn maybe I should date a loser huh?" He smirked as I agreed " you should we're so awesome, I hope you find yourself a loser" I replied as his smile dropped and he leaned back in his chair. I don't get it though was it something I said? Whatever it's probably nothing though.

So Tank continued the conversation " what's your type sweetheart?" He asked as I hummed " I don't know man I guess... someone who gets me and isn't judgmental man. A go with the flow sort of person. Physically wise I don't have a preference. I'm a lover boy dude I get crushes all the time I don't know" I shrugged "oh well that's funny because I get you man, I'm super chill I'm not judgmental at all, in fact I hate judges like court sucks and I'm a super easy going go with the flow guy who's single by the way" he mentioned as I laughed and smiled " DUDE YOU'RE A TOTAL CATCH!" I mentioned. "...." "What?" "Nothin man. But thanks" he said as I snickered "no problem bro. What's your type?" I asked him "oh like um.. a 5'8 dude, ginger hair, buzz cut, freckles, always has sun glasses on, cute freckles, one hoop earring, a cute button nose and is like super chill" he mentioned. Woah..... Tank was really detailed in his type " I hope you find this person man. It looks like you got a check list goin" I snickered as he slammed his head against the table. I just nodded because real bro. I be feeling like that too my guy.

After we ate and Tank paid for us I thought the hang out was over so I got a little upset. He looked at me and asked "what's wrong sweet heart?" As I replied with a sigh " nothin man I just wanted to hang out a little longer bro" " I'm down. What do you wanna do?" He asked. He didn't even hesitate he was just immediately ready to vibe. This brightened my mood. " dude let's go! Where we heading?" I asked him "any where sweet heart. I'm just a go with the flow kinda guy" he mentioned again as I nodded "f*ck yeah you are dude, see now that’s why you’re so f*cking cool man” I nodded. He smiled and chuckled “thanks sweet cheeks” he said winking at me yet again. Now at first I thought he was winking to be cute and sh*t but now… I’m seriously concerned “hey man… if you aren’t up for the hang out it’s fine bro…” I said softly. He perked up and looked confused “what? I’m up for it man what makes you think I’m not?” He asked “ well… you’re eye bro is it irritated? You keep winking it” I asked as he paused for a split second “…. No Bobby I’m completely fine…” he said as I nodded “okay dude! Just checking in on yah!” I said smiling.

We walked out of the restaurant only to bump into Bradley and Max. I smiled and greeted them “sup guys. You two on a date?” I asked. “Yeah…. Sort of….” Bradley said quietly looking at Tank with one brow raised as Max silently looked between us. I didn’t like the silence so I broke it “nice choice guys. This would be a pretty cute date spot” I nodded as Max perked up and gasped “ really?!” He asked excitedly. I was confused by his reaction so I smiled and nodded “really bro!” I said with such sure confidence. I didn’t even notice Tank shaking his head no. Max calmed down as he nodded “yeah I’m sure it’s a cool date spot.” He said softly. Why did he lose his excitement?… I don’t know and honestly I didn’t think to much into it. “Are you two doing something right now?” Max asked us as Tank replied “yeah, we’re gonna hang out some where. Hopefully back at my place” he laughed jokingly as I snickered “yeahhhhh! WOOOOO!” I howled. As Max snickered “sh*t bro you guys don’t need to tell us about your sex lives ya nasties” Max snickered “bro don’t worry it’s no hom*o right Tank?” I asked him. His eye twitched before nodding “yeah no hom*o…” he said…… dude his eye is twitching now is he okay? I think his eye is f*cked up today man I’m kinda scared for my buddy here.

Tank face palmed himself and sighed as Max and Bradley snickered. I didn’t get the joke so I looked dumb and stood there confused “what? What’s goin on?” I asked curiously “nothin man. You two have fun yeah?” Max smiled as I nodded “yeah you guys too” I said as we waved goodbye and left.

I still have no clue as to why they’re laughing…

For the rest of the day Tank and I were skating in the park. I brought my roller blades since I like them much better. But Tank was an absolute beast on his skate board. We ended up skating, talking and smoking a joint together so it was really fun. We also grabbed pizza too and of course Tank paid again. He’s such a nice guy man.

But the rest of the day was really nice… it hit sunset and we sat and watched the sunset enamored by the colors of the sky…. It was until I felt his hand grab mine. I looked over my shoulder to see him as he smiled softly at me “bro you’re so gay” I snickered. The guy has got humor too he’s literally so silly. “Yeah I know I am. For you bro” he said as I fake blushed and lowered my sun glasses, batting my eyelashes “awwwwww shucks bro. You know you’re pookie material” I teased snickering. But he didn’t laugh… I looked at him confused as he leaned in an said “Bobby I’m serious… I love you” he said softly


“I love you too homie. You’re so funny bro” I laughed as I leaned back at watched the sunset again. “Dude if we had a ship name it would be Bank. B from Bobby and ank from Tank. Because we be makin that money low key” I snickered. “Haha…” he softly chuckled.

After the sun set I stretched and sighed. I looked at my phone and realized I had night class in a half hour “I gotta head out. Class is starting bro! I’ll see you Tank” I smiled standing and waving goodbye “see you sweet heart…

And then I skated off. Today was a really nice day. I’m glad I ran into my buddy Tank.

Tank’s POV))

Why the f*ck did I fall in love with such a f*cking DUMB ASS!

f*ck BRO!…

Chapter 63: Chapter LXIII

Chapter Text

The rest of the day went smoothly, Max and I ate lunch, hung out for a while and then we went our separate ways since I had an afternoon class. Of course we said our goodbyes before we left.

After my afternoon class was done and over with I returned back to the frat house. The vibe of the frat house had become sullen with this unnerving sense of fear that laced every single atom that clustered together. I took one step into the dorm and with the singular creak of the floor board I had placed my weight on the dorm had fallen silent. The silence was deafening practically as I looked around curiously to find each member of the Gamma house besides Tank of course sitting, standing, laying down. Besides everyone in some different area or posing in some random form their gaze stiffened and their tongue had gone to a complete still.

I looked at them one by one as curiosity grew. Peaking my interest, I found this situation a very odd one to be in. Of course it wasn't the first time considering I was in the same situation after I had almost murdered Tank from last years X-games but now having the feeling settle back in again like this felt like I had been in the spot light for all the wrong reasons yet again. The silent stares annoyed me, I looked at each individual for a moment waiting for someone to speak up. When they didn’t I felt by annoyance boil over as I asked “what?” In a annoyed tone.

One of the Gamma’s spoke. “ some random dude showed up crying, he wanted to see you. This blonde old man with brown eyes.” They explained. I knew who they were talking about immediately. They were talking about Claire’s father.

What I don’t understand is why they were staring at me like that though? “Okay? But why are you staring at me like that?” I asked them. “What did you do to the guy?” Another gamma member asked. I stared shocked, it felt like I was being interrogated now. “Excuse me?” I asked as they agreed with the other gamma member “yeah, What did you do to the old man Bradley, he’s a senior what’s wrong with you?” They asked “okay but what makes you think I did something to him?” I replied in shock. Why are they accusing me of harassing a random senior. That’s crazy. “Well it’s not like you’re a good person Bradley” one replied causing a chain reaction of chuckles. “Isn’t it obvious? We kind of expected you to at least admit how proud you are of harassing your elders for no reason” they continued. This commentary pissed me off to no end. “Okay okay, let’s talk sh*t then if you want to. You’re in the gamma house yet you’ve never played for the team. You’re literally here for bragging rights to the frat. What I don’t understand is that just because I got banned from enlisting into the games this year that somehow makes you think you can talk sh*t to me.” I retorted with annoyance lacing my voice.

This didn’t comfort the other gammas at all “ Bradley shut the f*ck up, you aren’t even a talented skater. You depend on us to fabricate the x-games.” Another added in. “Oh! I’m sorry my ideas are so grand for your big ass head! But last I checked didn’t you f*ck up your only job in the X-games last year? You dressed up as a old lady to block team 99 and yet you f*cking flew and landed right next to a old man and got hit on.” I replied which pissed the other off “and who’s idea was it to dress me up like that?” He asked “ ME! Of course!! But apparently I was so dumb to do so. I forgot how tiny you are that keeping you stable on the ground was out of the question!” I busted up laughing “ oh and let’s not forget that you’re tiny in ALL aspects. Sucks you can’t get a girl because you don’t know how to please any of them” I snickered. Another Gamma stood “oh and you know how to get a girl? Aren’t you f*cking that one team 99 player? Max?” He asked me.

I didn’t care on who knew on college campus anymore. My dad knew already it had to be obvious, so the rumors tracing back to him weren’t as terrifying as before. “ so what if I am?” I asked the other with a stone cold expression. I genuinely did not care what they thought about the relationship. It wasn’t any of their business anyway. “ oh so you’re a full on hom*o? That’s why you can’t pull bitches huh?” They asked as they snickered. “ I’m not a full on hom*o, I’m bi you f*cking idiot. Not only that but I wouldn’t be talkin when I f*cked your bitch at last years Halloween party. Guess who’s name she was screaming? I guarantee it wasn’t yours” I smirked with my hands on my hips. This pissed the other Gamma member off as he swung his fist at me. I didn’t exactly know how to block a fist but I managed to dodge on time “too slow! f*ck!” He swung another fist into my stomach making me fold immediately. I fell to my knees clutching my stomach in pain.

He was about to swing again but Tank got back home just in time and broke up the whole fight as soon as it started “ what the f*ck guys, go away” he told off the other Gamma’s. I heard them scoff and walk away. I looked up to see Slouch glance back at me one more time “the f*ck are you looking at?” I asked him annoyed. “ Bradley enough” Tank tried to stop but Slouch added on “ you talk a lot of sh*t sayin you f*cked his bitch. Pretty ironic of you huh?” He snickered. I know what he was talking about. He was trying to say I got karma back since he f*cked Claire. I wasn’t defensive of Claire but him using that era filled with nothing but bad memories against me pissed me off. I stood up and wanted to jump him so badly but Tank held me back “ Slouch, shut the f*ck up or I swear to god I’ll beat the f*ck out of you” he threatened. Slouch flinched and ran off immediately. Tank is a teddy bear but he can be horrifying when he threatens others.

“What the f*ck happened?” He asked me. “ I don’t even know, Claire’s dad apparently showed up crying and asking for me when I wasn’t here and these ass holes just decided to take leverage of that and use it against me to make fun of me or some sh*t” I sighed as Tank co*cked a brow “ why didn’t you just ignore it?” He asked. “What?” I was shocked by his response “ well… I mean the gamma’s always tease each other like that and they strike you too sometimes but you’ve never broken out into a fight over a stupid comment.” He answered. “What is that supposed to mean Tank?” I asked him with the annoyance bubbling up yet again. “See this is what I mean. They were joking with you Bradley…. Are you okay? Are you stressed about something?” He asked me worriedly.

I didn’t understand why Tank was accusing me of being the ass hole! This didn’t make any sense “what the f*ck Tank?! you’re supposed to be on my side!” I exclaimed as he held up his hands in defense to try and calm me down. “ I’m not picking sides sweetheart but you’re clearly on edge. They’re messing with you and you’re taking things to heart. Do you wanna sit down and talk about it? You know I’m here for you” he tried to comfort me….. why was I being played as the mad man here? “They were antagonizing me” I replied “Brad, they were playing around.” “No they weren’t “yes! They were. You’ve been so stressed about everything going on you haven’t even talked to the rest of the frat for months now. You forgot how they joke or act.” Tank replied. I went quiet for a moment. Now I didn’t even know if they were joking or not. Tank wasn’t even there to see it so how would he know? “It didn’t feel like a joke…” I mentioned as he sighed. “ okay how about this, you settle down for a while and I’ll talk to them?” He asked. “…..” I didn’t like this conversation at all. I felt like a kid getting into a petty argument and a teacher or something was trying to resolve the issue. “Can’t, I have to make a call…” I said softly and walked away. If I stayed there any longer I was going to get really pissed, then Tank and I would’ve started arguing as well. I didn’t want that to happen.

I left the frat and sat outside on the porch silently as I took out my phone and dialed in the number. I held the phone up to my ears and waited for an answer. When Claire’s father answered he had greeted me “hello Bradley, how are you doing kiddo?” He asked. “I’m doing well sir, how are you?” I replied to be respectful. “I’m alright… I tried finding you earlier” he mentioned as I hummed “yeah I heard, is there something you needed sir?” I asked. “Well…. I just wanted to inform you that Claire was pronounced dead. Forest rangers found ashes scattered in some random spot as they took it to a lab to see what it was in case of a unknown forest fire or something and they found traces of Claire.” He said. I knew all this but I had to act as if I didn’t know. “I’m so sorry for your loss sir… if there’s anything I can do to help I would gladly be there” I replied. It was a lie since I didn’t want anything to do with that girl but her father and mother were very sweet people. “ oh um… actually yes. We were wondering if you wanted to say a few words at her funeral tomorrow? You spent a lot of time with her and we thought that it would be sweet if you talked about our girl” he said softly. I froze…. But I didn’t have any other option so I said “ sure thing sir… that would be lovely” I said gently as I could hear him chuckle “oh thank you! I hope to see both you and your father there tomorrow” he said. I could feel his warm smile from the other side of the phone “of course…” I replied “good night kiddo” “good night sir…” and that was when the phone call ended.

I placed my head in my hands, what the actually f*ck was I going to write about? How she abused me? Forced me into an arranged marriage? How I murdered her? f*ck….

I took a shaky deep breath in and out…. Trying to ease my nerves. I was so pissed off at this whole situation. It wasn’t until the door opened and I heard foot steps walk up to me from behind “Bradley….” A familiar voice called “Slouch…” I sighed “what do you want?” I asked. “Tank is forcing me to apologize to you… so I’m sorry…” he said softly “cool” I nodded, I really couldn’t give a sh*t about his half assed apology right now “cool? You’re not gonna say anything back?” He asked me in shock. I turned to him silently. I’m not gonna apologize of course but I’ll explain why the old man from earlier was crying.

“That old man crying earlier is Claire’s dad. You know, the girl you got pregnant? Well she’s dead. She got murdered in a forest preserve and I’m heading to her funeral tomorrow” I explained as Slouch stood frozen in shock “oh…” he said softly.

“You’re going to that funeral” I stated as he looked confused “what?” He exclaimed as he looked at me in shock “ you know her well enough that you were inside of her and you were the father of her child. You have some sort of relation to her. You’re going” I said with annoyed smile, I wasn’t kidding. “But I don’t know her like that though…”

“You’re going Slouch”……

Chapter 64: Chapter LXIV

Chapter Text

That night I had sat at my desk holding a pencil in hand staring in front of a blank sheet of paper dragging on what the hell I was even going to write. What do I say about her? I knew she was annoying, petty and a brat but how would writing such things appeal to my image. I have to seem earnest and provoke emotion in my writing. On the up side her death didn't just relinquish me from horrid marital strife but I could also gain publicity. She is the daughter to a business man after all so who knows. Or well she was the daughter to a business man.

As I debated on what to write, I looked up multiple examples of people speaking about the passing of a family member in their writing, when I wasn't heavily influenced I had a better idea to search speeches during court trials with the victims family talking about them. Both were good examples on how to write about a passing so I took inspiration and begun to write. Of course I edited my writing multiple times in attempts to try and seem original. But this was all fake, these were nothing but deceitful words, perhaps I can use crocodile tears or something to gain more sympathy and less suspicion? Who knows I'll just go off the mood and base my responses off the functions vibe.

I wrote and wrote and wrote until I was interrupted by a knock at 2 am. I co*cked a brow, stopping my writing as I looked at the door "come in" I called out as the door slowly swung open. You could imagine my shock when I saw Slouch. "What do you want?" I asked aggravated. " something has been weighing on my mind.... I need to get it off my conscience..." he said rather ominously. "What are you referring to?" I asked. He took a deep breath in and out ".... I never got Claire pregnant" he said softly as I looked confused " what are you talking about? She was clearly pregnant" I replied as he shook his head "no... I told her that I was willing to take care of the baby since I knew you weren't comfortable with the thought. She called me an idiot and told me there was no baby and she paid me to keep quiet." He explained. I felt my heart drop... "but... wait wait wait what do you mean?" I asked Slouch standing up confused " the 'baby' growing in her belly was actually a silicone pregnancy belly. It was fake. Those ultrasound pictures... I edited them because she knew I had a graphic design degree...." He admitted not looking me in the eye.

So I was forced into a marriage because of the fear of the child being born out of wedlock, even though the child didn't exist. Not only that but the fear of me murdering the unborn child had weighed so heavily on my mind as well... she went this far for what?! I then asked Slouch " did you even sleep with her?!" I asked him as he nodded " I did and she told me she was on the pill. When she said she was pregnant I asked her about the pill and she said they defected in some cases" he admitted. I fell back into my chair upon hearing the news. I didn't even know how to react... I was so appalled by the whole situation it left me in utter shock. “I’m sorry Bradley…” “f*ck you Slouch” was all I could say. “Bradley I said I’m sorry” he said yet again “ I hear it, doesn’t mean I have to accept it. You can’t undo all the sh*t that has happened to me these last few months with a simple apology you f*cking idiot” I said back to him. “Dude what did you even go through?! It can’t be that bad you were going to get married to a sexy blonde chic who was obsessed with you! That doesn’t sound bad at all!” He replied and that sent me over the edge.

“ Slouch you have five seconds to leave my room or else” I threatened as he looked angered “ or else what?” He asked. I opened my drawer and took out a pocket knife and swung it open “I’m not afraid to cut a bitch” I said as he flinched and ran away. I sighed and stood up slamming the door shut “ can’t even shut the door I hate his stupid ass…” I scoffed. I closed the knife and tossed it into the drawer before closing it.

I sat back down at my desk and finished writing the letter. I closed it and looked for proper attire to wear tomorrow. I found a black turtle neck, a black blazer and black dress pants and a nice belt to go along with it. I made sure to iron my clothing and find proper shoes to fit the outfit. By the time I finished up everything it had hit 3:30 am.

I got a message on my phone, I looked at it curiously, who could even be texting me this time of night? It was Max.

Max: “ it’s freaky hour 😈”

Bradley: “ wtf are you doing up?”

Max: “ I can ask you the same question, don’t you need your beauty sleep princess?”

Bradley: “ I’m about to sleep, I was writing”

Max: “ oh my god my little poet🙈❤️”

Bradley: “ I’m writing a speech, I’m going to a funeral tomorrow”

Max: “oh-”
Max: “I’m sorry for your loss”

Bradley: “I’m not, it’s Claire’s funeral”

Max: “ why are you writing a speech for her?”

Bradley: “ her father asked me too”

Max: “ damn that’s gotta be rough”

Bradley: “yeah it is, wtf am I supposed to write about? Her amazing personality?”

Max: “ LMFAO! Yeah she was so sweet and caring ❤️🤭”

Bradley: “10000%”
Bradley: “ also guess what I found out?”

Max: “what?”

Bradley: “guess”

Max: “f*ck you, I’m not doing that”

Bradley: “you’re such a bitch”
Bradley: “Anyways, Slouch told me Claire was never pregnant”

Max: “excuse me? 😀”

Bradley: “and he knew this whole time, she paid for his silence”

Max: “ so we kill Slouch next is what I’m hearing?”

Bradley: “ no, I can use this”

Max: “what are you talking about?”

Bradley: “ I run the gamma house and Slouch knows he’s on my sh*t list, he will do anything to get the benefits from being a part of the gamma house but to have those benefits he needs to win my favor, I have Slouch at the palm of my hand now. Whatever I want he will have to obey or else he can say goodbye to the popularity he gains as well as the benefits from the house.”

Max: “ holy f*ck princess you’re scary as f*ck”

Bradley: “ I get it from my dad”

Max: “ what are you gonna make him do?”

Bradley: “ he isn’t exactly the most useful person out there so I’ll have to see what happens, for now I’m gonna have improv a speech in Claire’s funeral”

Max: “ lol you’re f*cking awful”

Bradley: “ you love me though”

Max: “are you sure about that?”

Bradley: “I will decapitate my Max doll”

Max: “ no you won’t”

Bradley: “yeah ik I won’t :/ but I also know you love me”

Max: “ no I don’t”

Bradley: “ SAY IT!”


Bradley: “ alright then, I was planning on paying off your tuition but never mind 🖕”

Max: “ oh in that case I love you so much princess 🥹❤️”

Bradley: “kill yourself”

Max: “ that’s another way to get out of students loans, good idea”

Bradley: “ ACTUALLY DIE!”

Max: “ anyone ever tell you that you look like Jimmy neutron?”

Bradley: “anyone ever tell you that you look like you’d be on a sex offender list?”

Max: “ yeah actually”

Bradley: “ wtf? Who?”

Max: “ Bobby 😭”

Bradley: “ tell Bobby I said I agree”

Max: “f*ck you Bradley”

Bradley: “you wish”

Max: “ already did 😜”

Bradley: “ conversation over, you’re so gross”


Bradley: “goodnight Max”

Max: “ goodnight Pookinator 3000 ❤️”

Needless to say I hate Max with a burning passion.

The next morning I had gotten up and got ready for the funeral. I slicked my hair back and I had put on my outfit. I spritzed on cologne as well before I left my room and knocked on slouches door “are you ready?” I asked as he opened the door “yeah I’m ready…” he said softly “good, I’m driving let’s go” I said as I walked off and he followed. Once in the car I knew what I was gonna do.

I was gonna terrify the f*ck out of Slouch with my driving….

Chapter 65: Chapter LXV

Chapter Text

I had achieved my goal on scaring the absolute sh*t out of Slouch which was well deserved. But when we arrived to the church I had parked my car and hopped out along with Slouch who looked like he was about to puke. That sight was amazing. Regardless we had entered the church and I was immediately greeted by Claire's mother and father who were crying, rightfully so. I mean their poor, sweet, innocent daughter died. Totally undeserved punishment of course.

They greeted me with a hug and asked if I had a speech ready to present. I told them I did and they were happy. "May god bless my sweet daughter's soul" ... wow this guy had no clue on what his daughter was actually like at all huh? I digress, I looked around and realized this was a Catholic Church. My father is a devoted Catholic, my mother I had no clue about her religious beliefs. Me personally, I am Agnostic. I believe in a higher power but I can't exactly confirm what the higher power is. But I had just recently became Agnostic. That is why when I prayed out on the porch before my arrest, I didn't pray to a specific god, I prayed to any god. But it worked, I ended up having a good outcome in the end which sort of shifted my mindset about religion.

My father was raised to be a devoted Catholic so he attempted to force Catholicism onto me. His way of going about it made religion feel more like a chore rather than a genuine connection. Being Agnostic doesn't mean I stray far away from the Catholic faith in my opinion it just means that I know that's there was a higher being there with me that night helping me. I just don't know what the higher being exactly is.

But being back in a Catholic Church brought back fond memories. My childhood was filled with Sunday schooling, the priest and nuns were genuinely good people. My favorite memory was when the priest yelled at the kids for not inviting him to play double Dutch and he jumped right in. All the children loved him and the nuns were very respectable women. When my mother had passed I looked up to them slightly as motherly figures even though I never told them that. They just brought that sense of comfort though. It sucks because I probably would've been more fond of the Catholic faith if it weren't for my father who criticized me on the daily basis about not following the right steps of the religion yet he was the spitting image of a sinner. Regardless, if there was one thing I agreed with it was that my father donated money to the Catholic Church monthly from my childhood. Even if not for religious purposes they did do a lot for the community. They took in the homeless and hosted food banks and did all sorts of community service which I found sweet. I also got my high school community services hours done there. The requirement was 25 hours but I went above and beyond and achieved 150 hours all as an excuse to leave my house and go anywhere else.

I didn't feel uncomfortable being in the Catholic Church is what I'm saying, what discomforted me was the amount of people there and how the majority had no emotions on Claire's death. Granted I murdered her for a good reason but to see how many people genuinely just did not care made me feel.... Remorse? I didn't know who to feel that way towards. Was it the people who Claire tormented or was it Claire who had no one but her parents to genuinely mourn for her?..... nah it was definitely the people. What the f*ck did this bitch do to these innocent people?

Slouch had found a seat to sit in as I was calmly talking to Claire’s father. That was until my own father showed up and greeted Claire’s father with a handshake “ I’m sorry for your loss” my father said. That irritated me. His apology. I didn’t know why but it just did. Claire’s father nodded and replied “ thank you for coming. It means a lot” he smiled. They begun a conversation to which I found myself slowly zoning out from.

I didn’t want to be here at all…

I zoned back in the second my father wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I heard the words “we are going to wait a while before my son gets engaged yet again, I can’t imagine the grief he’s going through from losing such a beautiful woman.” My father said as I nodded “ it hurts, I was genuinely excited to start a new life with her” I lied just like my father, with confidence and no hesitation. Claire’s father smiled and nodded “she talked a lot about you Bradley, mentioning how you were so smart and special to her, how you were a gentleman and would’ve been the perfect example for the child…” the dad said softly. Child… yeah right. I nodded “ yes she was a lovely woman” I smiled softly.

When the funeral started and the family gave a few words it was eventually my turn to go to stand. When I was up there the room felt bigger and much more tedious. I felt like they all knew what really happened… I felt like they knew I did it. But did they? I didn’t know. The anxiety was kicking in yet I had to remain calm. I gave my speech effortlessly and fluently. I was so focused that I forgot the lack of emotion I had put forth so half way into the speech I pretend to stutter and grow teary eyed with the occasional sniffle. When finished I went back to my seat and sat down. My father gave me a tissue silently to which I took it, gently patting it on the corners of my eyes. I wasn’t actually crying but I managed to learn how to cry on command. It came in handy with this situation.

When the funeral had ended my father asked me to stay afterwards to talk. I didn’t have a say in the matter. So I told Slouch I won’t be dropping him off back to the Gamma house. “What the hell man? How am I gonna get back?! You were my ride!” “Find your own f*cking ride, you got money from Claire I think you can afford an Uber” I replied as he went silent. Slouch pissed me off so much. I left him standing there as I walked off and asked my dad “ where are we going?” “Home, I can’t stand being out an about” he sighed rubbing his temples. If it’s not for publicity matters or business my father never wants to be out of the house. He would rather stay home. He’s always been a introverted man ever since I can remember.

I got in my car and drove back to the house where I met him. Curious, I had no clue as to why my father wanted me to come back home and talk to him.

He asked the butler to make tea, thankfully it was a butler I trusted or else I wouldn’t have taken the tea. The other butler I could never trust. We sat in the living room as my father pulled up a file and set it on the table. I co*cked a brow before taking the file curiously and opened it up “ she’s dead, so we need to look for a replacement. Do any of these women suit your fancy?” He asked. I noticed something about each individual woman. They all had some sort of attribute relating to Max. Either his Vitiligo, his punk aesthetic, his piercings, his dark curly hair etc. I looked through each report and read them carefully before putting the papers back in the folder “I don’t like any of them” “why?” My father asked angrily “they aren’t Max” “ but they have attributes to him!” “ attributes but the rest of the features I can’t ignore” I simply said as my father slammed his hands on the table. Standing up whilst leaning towards me “why are you so persistent on that boy?” He asked “ oh I’m not, it’s just that I’m too busy mourning the loss on my ex fiancé” I said simply.

My father gritted his teeth annoyed “ you’re so full of sh*t!” He snapped “ I’m afraid I’m bot constipated father” I snickered “ how dare you disrespect me? You have no right!” He shouted as I simply shrugged. I didn’t reply which infuriated him. “ you’re such a bastard…I can’t believe I raised such a underachieving brat, a useless and pathetic child” he tried to insult as I shrugged “and who’s fault is that? After all YOU! Did raise me” I smirked “all I have to say is, like father like son” I added on. That irritated him beyond compare, he chuckled softly but as every word he had spoke his voice darkened “You may have fooled everyone in that Church with your sweet words today, but I know who you are. You’re a selfish. Unprincipled. Liar! You’d do anything to gain attention to fill that poor, little, fragile ego you have.” He voiced, rage lacing his words. “Like I said, like father. Like. Son.” I replied each word having a brief pause in between.

He swiped all the treats and tea of the table, he placed his knee on the table to further reach over and grab the collar of my shirt to pull me closer to his face “ how dare you!” He shouted as I lunged over. I was so sick of his sh*t. I probably shouldn’t have done this, I had a feeling it was going to backfire against me in the future. But I shoved him against the wall with all my strength before pulling out my pocket knife and flipped it open. I pointed it towards him, dangerously close to his neck. I don’t know what came over me but the adrenaline of the moment took over me as I said.

“Don’t make me kill my own father now”….

Don’t mess with me - Outtahereeee (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.