Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (2024)

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (1)
Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (2)

The following is a distillation of several articles taken from the Sunday Times Newspaper April 21st2024 from a copy I found discarded in York City Library on Monday 22ndApril... seeking to focus upon education as per the cute title (above). Firstly, to read a newspaper properly is a skill that needs to be taught and learnt through practise (hopefully I am able to demonstrate this through the analysis below i.e praxis)...regardless of the precipitous decline in print media...the skill in being able to understand the positioning of articles, the omissions, the economic interests of the newspaper concerned, the political bent/interests of the newspaper and a variety of other complex factors and to appropriately assimilate or discard. I think the skill is more vital now than ever...given the proliferation of media/information via the internet and smartphone access. The ability to exercise discernment and discrimination is especially relevant due to the exponential rise/bombardment of information/propaganda. Just as in Soviet Russia...citizens developed an aptitude and skill for reading Pravda ('read in between the lines and learn the truth' : News of the World: The Jam)...I think educating children in the skill of being able to properly assess the information and consider, dismiss, understand, contextualise and to be able to do so quickly is time that is not wasted...The skill/ability is transferable to other sources of information. It is clearly lacking in the overwhelming majority of adults that I engage with... so it is unsurprising that children are so vulnerable to various forms of propaganda in its ever-increasing plurality of forms. I think young people face an unprecedented level of manipulation via media sources...the skill to discriminate takes time and effort but it is one that offers them some protection/inoculation against the many threats/harms/manipulations they face. To not appropriately forearm your child with such skills is an abrogation of responsibility.

  • 'Learn to ignore what the photographer saw' ( Pet Shop Boys, Left to My Own Devices,

  • ' Don't believe in everything you see or hear...etc etc (News of the World, The Jam,

  • ""Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see."- "... (Marvin Gaye, Heard it through the Grapevine/Also Tony Soprano,

Much like the old Television advert/appeal to Help The Africans wipe their bums properly from years ago... If I recall went

'Give a man from Umbongo a fish and he can feed his family for a day, teach a man to fish and he can feed his family for a week and ensure that they know how to wipe their bums properly like civilised Westerners...and possibly get a job in supermarket security, as a deliveroo c*nt or in the care sector after being put up in a 4 star repurposed/commandeered hotel... following his rescue by the RNLI in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.. having already passed through at least four or five safe first world European/Western countries '

(Ian Brown, Save us, The World is Yours / First World Problems, Ripples,

It was a profoundly memorable and heart retching advert. Similarly, the skill of understanding the newspaper/ print media sector...its history, to be able to judiciously apply consume and adjudicate with sophistication is a worthy pursuit in terms of education given the aforementioned proliferation in information and the associated increase in bad actors ... with them the many forms of misinformation, manipulation. The ability to deliver harmful/ more effective/dangerous information has been enabled/facilitated via technology and the harvesting of data/information. The information threats have never before been so advanced, specific/targeted or dangerous because neither the technology or the data was available to achieve this- unlike our present condition. Unfortunately for children born in the last twenty years...they are 'digital natives'...born into a world where their first gasps of oxygen have included, within the admixture, a miasma of binary code- ones and zeros. In many ways, shell suits aside, I consider myself fortunate to have been born in the 80s (one Christmas everybody except my grandparents were wearing a shell suit...that's 15 people...including 6 gainfully employed adults with parental responsibility for three children... for Christmas dinner/round a single table... all in shell suits. Even as a child I thought and stated explicitly'this is f*cking absurd and I do not wish to be involved...I will wait in the car...just leave the radio on and the window open')

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (3)

...with more rudimentary forms of technology...I do not think I would have coped well at all with the disturbing onslaught faced by children today. Much like Hadly Friedman writing in the Sunday Telegraph 14thApril 2024 I would probably have also become a Jewish nun and joined a convent...quite possibly the same one as her. (Sister Josephine, JakeThackray,

To set a deeply disturbing and worrying tone Dipesh Gadher (Home Affairs Correspondent, page 2, Meta' blinds itself to child abuse') reports that...

Graeme Biggar the NCA's director-general, said US companies such as Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, have "consciously blinded themselves" to serious crimes, including terrorism and child sexual abuse, by the default addition of new privacy measures.

Of the 36 million referrals by tech firms to the NCMEC last year, 17.8 million came from Facebook and 11.4 million from Instagram

I commented upon the encryption in December 2023 whilst in Inverness (See Bendy Conkers)..the decision (end to end encryption) is as suggested/implied by the above quote wilful, deliberate...'conscious'. 'Consciously'is as close to 'malevolent' (my description) as the NCAs director could possibly get without losing his pension and being consigned to dealing with Pikeys stealing lead off parish roofs and man hole covers. A sane/clear minded response to this end-to-end encryption issue given the above to 'shut em down' (Public Enemy)...simply refuse them the permission to operate in this country. It should not be a controversial response to the above data. As a free speech advocate and no fan of censorship (hence Substack)...the calculation is regardless should not require debate. The state has the power to do other countries have previously implemented the same prohibition on Facebook...albeit for other reasons (political, Turkey/ Iran etc etc).

The calculus should be a as follows...the harms in not refusing them permission to operate in this country are significant, devastating, diabolical and inevitable. The duty to protect UK citizens from such threats/harms supersedes the need for some douche bag to post pictures of their dinner or their makeup regime. Other platforms are available to advertise your sh*tty homemade soap business or for you to curate an illusory narrative of your sh*t pathetic life to people you class as friends in the digital realm but who would ironically be uncontactable should you ever be in need of any real-world help/support/friendship...that you do not know this is why you have an account with Facebook or you're some old boomer f*ck. This should be the only response. It should not be up for discussion unless you are a morally vacuous retarded utter piece sh*t.

(You)"OMG..No Gaybook...No INSTANTHAM to Ram up my stank digital fadge.... which I use as a bowl for my holographic manky rabid robot avatar dog...Yikes...First they came for my digital excuse for a life...and I said nothing because I'm a f*ckin mong ...then they came for Gaybook and INSTANTHAM etc etc

(Me)LOLz (insert multiple hilarious emojis here)

The NEWS REVIEW page 19 includes reporting on Katherine Birbalsinghs recent successful defence of a High Court challenge to her ban on prayer rituals....from an anonymous teacher. The attention-grabbing headline of the article...

The teacher asked pupils if they hated Britain...30 raised their hands

It is a very interesting article...written from the coal face/ the front line...the anonymity required for the teacher to express their concerns within is itself telling/revealing. Ms Birbalsingh having raised the heckles/ delicate sensibilities of The Guardian hacks... sending their sanctimonious 'over socialised'(Uncle Ted) minges a twitching labelling her decision an attempt...

“to promote a version of Britishness that is monolithic and absolute”, stating emphatically that “this ban on Muslims praying in school is a dystopian, sinister vision of Britishness” (The Guardian : Dylan Thomas / The Standard).

"In the absence of a clear commitment to British values, she argued, identity politics was filling the vacuum."

The anonymous teacher writes with sincere affection for her/his pupils and in a broader sense her/his concerns are born from what he/she sees as issues that impact both her/his vocation (as distinct from a job) and the welfare, wellbeing, development (intellectual and emotional) of his/her pupils...their education.

The teacher clearly works in a 'diverse' school where a multiplicity of ethnicities are represented (a large academy in the south of England...that caters to those from poor families...Most are Muslim and a few have lived in Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan). The article begins with an account of a pupil expressing agreement/endorsem*nt for aspects of Taliban Social Policy with respect to the education of women and gender inequality...

"The Taliban do let girls go to school," boasted the teenage boy " But they stop them when they turn 11, which is very fair."...

'I'm not sure how many of my pupils support the Taliban. It is probably a minority, but not a small one.'

' One year 8 pupil regularly interrupts lessons with diatribes about how western society is brainwashing men into becoming more feminine...Most of the lads I teach think women should have fewer rights than men'

'Such views come from a dangerous manipulation of their faith they find online...'

I instinctively find the suggestion of gender inequality in education abhorrent and belonging to the benighted sh*tholes of Peshawar or wherever (the planes should be on the runway and have their engines warmed up, ready and waiting for anybody advocating /seriously proposing or seeking to realise this in the UK). I have sympathies with aspects of the views of the young men/pupils she is referring to. I do not consider that I have been subject to a 'dangerous manipulation of my faith' (Christianity) online. I only need to walk down any high street of any UK town /city to see feminised men...whether it's some f*ckin mook with a woman’s shopping bag and skinny jeans...perhaps with the risqué addition of nail varnish or pass a Turkish Hairdressers (of which there is no shortage)...usually rammed full of young men getting their hair cut...preening.

At a fundamental/biological level there has been a significant reduction in testosterone levels in men over the last 40 years...The Alex Jones Meme about GAY FROGSis true...the estrogenic effect from human sewage/ waste on animals has resulted in Male Frogs turning Female...It is merely a canary/frog in a cage alerting anybody with the faculty of vision that is not in a brain dead f*ckin coma that which should be palpably clear. The degree to which that reduction in testosterone is attributable to interventions can be debated... is glaringly obvious that to achieve the levels of reduction that have taken place in men is wilful, contrived, conscious and deliberate. Otherwise...attempts would have been made to address/ arrest the precipitous decline a long time ago. The reverse is taking place with respect to the trend...chemically and psychologically. So yes...I concur with the young men with respect to the deliberate and wilful 'brainwashing' of men to become more feminine. How could one not?

Within the same newspaper (page 18) Katie Gatens writes about the resurfacing of a photograph of NHS staff at Royal Stoke University Hospital unveiling a banner with 21 flags representing a mix of sexuality and genders from 'demiromantic' to 'pansexual'.

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (4)

It should not be necessary to belabour all of the forms of propaganda that promote this is ubiquitous throughout advertising, mainstream media, Netflix and to a disturbing degree on social media platforms like Instagram/ Tik Tok etc etc. It is not an accident. It is deliberate to effect particular changes in culture and policy...and I have a great length/ cost/risk written extensively on the ideology...its imposition, promotion and its zealots (Just Another.. False Flag).

The boys are precisely is a form of 'brainwashing'. Some of the psychological techniques used by cults are employed in the assertion/delivery of the ideology- curiously it is even understood that feeding a low protein diet to cult initiates makes them more suggestable... whilst a common insult online for feminised weak men is Soy Boy/ The drink like lavender or other naturally occurring substances has an estrogenic effect. Vaping also has a significant impact upon the reduction of testosterone... so it was perhaps unsurprising to find that they are allowed in prisons...where typically the population is young, violent, aggressive men. I gave up 'vaping' after a day in HMP Preston...because sucking on a robot dick is gay as f*ck but more specifically it was to avoid the retarded c*nts coming up to me and asking me for a drag on my vape pen (which is common).

As stated above the technological developments and the speed with which they have occurred coupled with the harvesting of data allow for much more sophisticated forms of indoctrination via a spectrum of media sources. The use of a nudge unit utilised by the state during the Covid-19 crisis demonstrated just how easy it was to instigate/inculcate fear in the populace and corral them into obedience...surrender their liberty...muzzle their own child and even to demand the muzzling of children that were not theirs. (See the various teachers unions amongst others)

Their manner of expressing it with recourse to championing the Taliban is unhelpful...but I can understand how they may have had such sympathies re-enforced by what they and I witness routinely/daily...

'I feel like a lady and you my ladyboy...are you gay?'(Amy Winehouse, Stronger than Me)

'You must think that I'm some kind of GAY parade'(Lou Reed, Vicious)

'What else can I say...Everyone is Gay'(All Apologies, Nirvana, MTV Unplugged, Kurt Cobain)

Or perhaps having lived in Afghanistan or via their parents/family as the article states they have been witness to or are aware of the cultural imperialism that followed the bombing of the country to 'glass'(George W. Bush), the assertion of dominance over the Golden Crescent (opium trade: see Douglas Valentine/ Dope Inc/ The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrige: Phillip K Dick)...all under the narrative of rooting out 'Al Qaida/the database' and Osama bin Laden/ Tim Osman (C.I.A). Their parents, who maybe poor are possibly aware that the Taliban and the brave Mujahedeen were once championed and funded through the efforts of a then young and up and coming Republican : The Canary ( he sung like one when captured in Vietnam) John McCain...or that some even received mountain combat training in Scotland (Mark Curtis: Secret Affairs). Or perhaps they find it a little irking looking at the ugly Gollum f*ck Rory Stewart (self-styled Colossus/see his book cover) on their TV after he had been living out his boyhood Lawrence of Arabia fantasies in their motherland for M.I.6...nicknamed 'Lawrence of Belgravia'...I don't know...but one wonders...

Digression:Cool idea for Hoodie/poster

: The Donald Rumsfeld (aka Mr Aspartame) Quote...

"There's not one of those...there are many of those" (Donald Rumsfeld)

The Thunderbirds secret underground mountain base where Osama Bin Laden/ Tim Osman (CIA) was holed up...

It was some of the most retarded sh*t I have ever seen...and I've been to Darlington. Instead of a picture of the Secret Mountain Base (which looked like it had been drawn by a talented 8-year-old for a rural village library competition)... which is too obvious (as is the Thunderbirds/ Tracy Island) have a simple/stock image of a cloud or less surreally a single poppy next to the above quote...It's pretty niche (most c*nts haven't seen the clip or only have a vague idea of who Donald Rumsfeld is because they are thick as pig sh*t and consider watching the gozzy eyed gimp off Newsnight/Dragons Den (who has his bell end pierced) as political engagement or they're some fail mother/parent who still poisons her progeny with the sh*te (aspartame) because she is a useless c*nt...

Ron Paul had called out precisely where he was...they knew too...just as the most impoverished Chaiwala on the streets of Abbotabad, Pakistan knew the next morning that the daring raid and capture of Tim/Osama was bullsh*t/theatre. I think the market for the hoodie is probably me Nick Fuentes and Ryan Dawson but it's cool as f*ck and funny. Some uni c*nt/student should get the f*ck on it and make it...I'm too f*ckin busy. Wearing one at a Remembrance Day Parade (See Poppy Watch Twitter) is meta level protest art...Which isbetter and cleverer than the 'protest art' I have seen on Walmergate...Kingfisher guy excluded. I know this...what is excruciating and disturbing is having to explain it/spoon feed it to the slow witted...'But that's old news'(Oh Me, Kurt Cobain, Nirvana Unplugged,

A particularly powerful example of the cultural imperialism/enrichment to which I refer was featured in the Adam Curtis Documentary Bitterlake ...the teaching (in the clipped tones of English missionary zeal) of conceptual art in post-Taliban Afghanistan to a mixed group of male and female students...

The look and shake of the head... given by the young lady at 0.31 seconds is very familiar to me from my time studying a PhD at institution (like most universities/academia) which are, at this point thoroughly 'capture (d)'(Kemi Badenoch (The Sunday Telegraph 14thApril 2024)by the ideology featured and encapsulated by the picture discussed above on p18 The Times 21/04/24 and included below…again.

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (5)

The article by Katie Gatens does not dwell on the absurdity of the is implicit and self-evident to any clear minded individual (I refer to those amongst us who have not yet swallowed the low protein soy mocha Bolshevik Kool aid mong juice

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (6) speaks for itself (a picture can say 1000 words etc etc...I will seek to match that in commentary)... but rather she gives a concise history of the Gay Pride Flag and some of the context to its morphing and proliferation into the present sh*tshow featured in The Royal Stoke University Hospital picture… Incidentally, my pronouns are.. f*ck & You.

The findings of the Cass report published last week should be a wake-up bomb/call to any young woman/man. 'Just the facts Jack'... Notably the overrepresentation of young women (6 to 1: Female to Male) who were negligently/recklessly fed onto the medical industrial conveyer belt...with the encouragement/ to the whooping cheers and flag waving of its 'neo-religious'(J.K Rowling) acolytes/useful receive various pharmaceutical interventions...puberty blockers...some of whom would subsequently undergo surgeries...mastectomies and the cosmetic construction of false penises (which look even worse than my dick when I superglued my hand to it back in my 20s...the folly of youth etc etc)...with profound consequences for their health (mental and physical) for the rest of their lives.

If the 6 to 1 gender ratio was applied to an overpaid high status job in favour of sure as night follows day the same useless c*nts featured in the above photograph (in whose number, I include the black c*nt) would be aghast... and in strident, outraged tones speak of glass ceilings, sexism, inequality and possibly even misogyny (how many female street sweepers/litter pickers employed by any local authority have you ever seen/counted ? is an interesting challenge). There is no shame from the women featured in the picture...they will never be held responsible/accountable for their role (like many others) in advancing an ideology the consequences of which will have consigned many emotionally disturbed/confused young women and men (possibly with mental health issues or simply sexually confused/anxious or frightened...or gay) to a life of regret and dependency upon medical interventions. The suicide rate of such women, who regret the various procedures is very rarely mentioned/seldom discussed… neither is the devastation to their families and parents....whose voices/warnings are drowned out by the sanctimonious braying of flag waving c*nts.

In addition to a total absence of shame amongst such women who regard their progressive virtue as a badge of 'pride'...a demarcation of their educated status...their open mindedness...their liberalism...their inherent fairness and ultimately... their goodness...there is a corresponding absence in abhorrence amongst the public for such creatures...they are truly 'with the beasts'(Yasmin Alibhai-Brown). They should be regarded with and assigned the appropriate revulsion and utter contempt they deserve. The harms that they have participated in through their ignorance and vainglorious virtue signalling are serious/catastrophic and now established as a matter of record by the Cass report.... the fraudulence of the episode should be obvious in the above ratio 6:1.

Virtue... like respect.... is earnt/hard won not assumed. It cannot be acquired by latching on to any passing /fashion trend/gimmick (Gimme the Gimmicks, John Cooper Clarke). The ridiculousness/ludicrousness of some of the genders/sexualities represented in the image should not require elaboration ("demiromantic" etc etc )....but I think it is worth considering the image/ picture as representative/symbolic of something much bigger... the banner draped over the balcony (presumably somewhere inside the NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE HOSPITAL of the Royal Stoke University Hospital) reads...


By 'Everyone'...I would also include...the Drs, the psychologists, the butchers (surgeons), the snake oil pharmaceutical industry, the pseudo-intellectual Frankfurt School grifters/militants who churn out the underpinning research'/ideology/guff (academics), the various well-funded NGOs that promote and advance the agenda (see Scott Howard The Transgender Industrial Complex), those in the media who popularise the ideology whether explicitly or subtly/subconsciously, and at a personal level the useless fat jobsworth dullards at public libraries that unthinkingly and unaccountably sanctimoniously have pushed the propaganda ...and those who Kemi Badenoch (writing in The Sunday Telegraph 14thApril 2024).. lacked the spine or the courage to resist/confront/rebel...unwilling to put their head above the parapet...keeping their head firmly down or repugnantly burying it in the 'sand like an Ostrich' (Ian Brown, Unfinished Monkey Business, What Happened to Ya Part 2)

.... thus, by omission tacitly consenting to this barbaric irresponsibility... enabling the total f*cking nonsense to get to this point..

'In her first public intervention since the publication of Dr Hilary Cass’s report, the business secretary calls for a review into public bodies and their policies on transgender issues.

She also launches an extraordinary broadside against politicians of every stripe, the police, the media, the NHS and universities. She says the “cowardice of those in positions of influence”was “worse than the ravings of the militants”..

Badenoch, who is also minister for women and equalities, claimed the recommendations could not be fully delivered until the government addressed the “underlying problem” of “ideological capture” in British insti­tutions. Cass called for more NHS research into young people seeking help over their gender, different approaches to care depending on a child’s age and a more cautious attitude to social transitioning.

(The Sunday Telegraph 14thApril 2024)

With respect to Ms Badenoch.... I was largely unfamiliar with her...I find Westminster Politics only slightly less dull/ pathetic as the Tammany Hall Local bullsh*t. I broad brush strokes given my understanding of Power (See Rage and Love Part 2) essentially some poisonous concoction of Oligarchy and Kakistocracy (the least amongst us/ a rats nest...but... you get what you deserve/accept/tolerate…I’m uninterested…I’m going Greek/Gay like Dishi Rishi) for which representative parliamentary democracy serves as a theatrical/managerial: middle management/ HR department veneer ..they 'Gotta serve somebody'(Bob Dylan, Gotta Serve Somebody)

and the available polling data both here and in the U.S on major issues overwhelmingly confirms that it's not f*ckin YOU.

I am no fan of soap operas or kitchen sink dramas...even if the sink is Belfast (from where there is an unobstructed view of the duck house)... situated next to a tastefully reconditioned AGA...resting on York Stone as with the distressed Antique Welsh Pine dresser (see MP expense scandal etc etc) and on and-on-and Ariston Yada yada... However, through brief due diligence (googled ‘anything and everything about (her) black ass’ (Samuel L. Jackson, Jackie Brown)) ..I learnt that she cited Thomas Sowell as an important influence. So I can extrapolate that she will have also read The Black Jacobins and that she has a reality-'based' understanding of Black History/ The Transatlantic Slave Trade/ The Civil Rights Movement/ The American Civil War...

Unlike most Black people she knows that the narrative that black 'folks' are tricked/seduced with in terms of their understanding of 'their' history is consciously disingenuous and false. How else could you get them frothing at the mouth/ chimping out...looting and destroying major U.S cities...demanding reparations...unless it was just another grift (see Candice Owens: Black Lives Matter) and form of exercising POWER through ideological and cultural control. She will also understand that the Anglicised version taking place in the U.K for our more genteel palettes and bad teeth is equally disingenuous and false but for the same purpose...."black Tudors" "radical healing" "decolonisation" "cultural appropriation" and the cultural vandalism of historical statues/public notable figures etc etc..

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (7)

'pedagogical radicalism is not to calm tensions, but to exacerbate them' ( The Sunday Times. News Review, p19)

She will also be mindful/aware of the disturbing'raving militants'masquerading as teachers/educators which are also commented upon by the anonymous teacher.....

'They said they wanted to turn pupils into radical agents of protest against a state they say is institutionally racist' (The Sunday Times. News Review, p19)

And you just hoped little Nigel/ Nigella would get good/descent GCSE's...have the opportunity to develop intellectually/socially and emotionally in a safe environment as an important stepping stone to thrive in their young manhood/womanhood in whatever their chosen path in life...because... hopefully... you love them. That those entrusted with the privilege of spending the most part of any given weekday with YOUR children have their own plans and designs for YOUR children (that radically and subversively differ from yours and YOUR child) should deeply disturb and concern you... ( Making Plans for Nigel, Nouvelle Vague)

If it does have not been paying attention. Things your never heard your child say...

(Your Child)❤️'Mummy/Daddy...when I grow up I want to be a 'scholar activist' /c*nt.(The Sunday Times. News Review, p19)

(D’Yer wanna be a Spaceman ?,Oasis, Noel Gallagher)

"If I recall correctly"……… (Will Ferrell, Eastbound and Down)

...Firstly the Metropolitan Police (MET) were found to be'institutionally racist'...Steven Lawrence was sainted/beatified and now everybody gets a day off work/school once a year (even the banks/ black Venetians) to commemorate the young martyr.... his mother Sharonda was awarded/appointed to a star role in Panto... I have enjoyed many happy family celebrations on Saint Steven Lawrence Day...It really brought us together...the kitchen table laden with an abundant harvest of fried chicken wings and grape drank... 'we'd get together in a family circle singin' loud' (Johnny Cash, Daddy Sang Base, Complete Live at San Quentin)

round the Ole Casio....beltin' out choice verses from Public Enemy with my naked chubby little cherub of a sister Lucy (who we would cover head to foot in Robertson’s Marmalade)... We would fashion African Masks from watermelons and sing ‘Sonny’s Lettah’ as a prayer ( Sonny’s Lettah, Linton Kwesi Johnson)

and Finishing with a rousing chorus of 'Am I Black Enough For You'(Billy Paul)

I can't remember all the details... we were all usually off our heads on crack. I don’t know what went on downstairs when me and my sisters went to bed…but I think things got pretty DARK. The next morning there would be fresh chicken blood on the ceiling of the living room…and weirdly our Ready Brek had a pinkish hue.

There was no fear of an intervention from Social Services...My mother WAS Social Services (a social worker) who largely orchestrated proceedings...and who was also/and still is an honorary member of the Black Panthers.(Devil Made (Her)/Me Do it, Paris)

"Who says sh*t like that and doesn't laugh ?"(Jay- Z and Ye, Primetime)

Now that The State is, according to the'radical militant' secondary school teachers 'Institutionally Racist' (The Sunday Times. News Review, p19)... we can perhaps look forward to an extended/ more lengthy public commemoration in recognition of the United Kingdom having been found to be a Massively Racist Country...Maybe call it 'Black History Month'... "Just puttin' it out there...plantin' seeds/ (cotton/tobacco/indigo)...." (Bill Hicks,)

Back to Black...Ms Badenoch...I like that she has studied a legit subject (Civil Engineering)...bridges don't give a f*ck what your pronouns are either. I also like that she has worked in Mc Donalds. For those with an enquiring mind...which she clearly is/can be an education in and of itself (see Down at Mc Donelzz). I also think that she would regard with the same level of utter contempt anyone who 'took a knee' on her behalf as I would in being asked to perform such....'ignoble stooping'(Prospero :The Tempest Act II, Scene I, W.S). Furthermore, she will appreciate the juxtaposition of the meme/picture of Ronald McDonald seated on the same bench/statue as the fentanyl dealing f*ck ugly black thug George Floyd...for whom her political opponents Kier Starmer and Angela Raynor infamously, pathetically performed the woke genuflection in the House of Commons (see picture below...which should be more politically devastating to both than Ms Raynor flipping her council house after hastily filling in her RTB1 Form.. but we live in f*ckin is what it is).I also liked that she 'hacked' Harriet Harman’s website (see the young Harman and Hewitt fresh out of Oxbridge advancing the cause of the Paedophile Information Exchange) Ms Badenoch is clearly not a complete f*cking idiot...Black Olives Matter (Genco sh*t)...and so do Black Grapes..(Shaun William Ryder, Reverend Black Grape, Black Grape

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (8)
Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (9)

I would suggest, following the publication of the Cass Report, that the only 'hand- wringing'(The Sunday Times. News Review, p19) that should be taking place amongst those activist/militant teachers who I would include within the aforementioned 'EVERYONE'(see above) that which is brought on by guilt and shame.(‘Out Damned Spot’ Act V, Scene I, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, W.S). They have blood on their hands. It is entirely appropriate that they feel is its total absence that is problematic... psychopathic. Reminder...again, the numbers 6:1 'Men lie, women lie.. numbers don't'(Jay -Z, Reminder, The Blueprint 3 ).

It is likely much worse given the with-holding of data from obstructive/uncooperative adult gender clinics, six out of seven withheld data from the Cass Review Team.

Camilla Long writing in the Comment section of The Sunday Times April 21st 2024 : 'Liz Truss won't hide herself away in purdah, and a lot of men clearly cannot stand it' ) is largely focusing upon the media and public response to Liz Truss (Former Prime Minister and a kind of female politician Chauncy Gardner) who has recently released a book called 'Ten Years To Save The West'. In her commentary, which commendably avoids the cliché of 'sack cloth and ashes' Ms Long draws attention to the unfairness of one interviewer asking Ms Truss "Do you feel shame?"...I don't necessarily think it's an unfair question but agree... that it is not asked of either Tony Blair or Boris Johnson is perverse. I think it is something of a 'pecking party' (Ken Kesey, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)...on low hanging fruit...weak...easy...lazy and tedious. In the same way...The Book of Mormon Musical (Trey Parker, Matt Stone)...Yeah try that sh*t with Islam. I think "Do you feel shame?"is a question that needs to be asked far more. Shame has an important social function in governing behaviour...and a cohesive society requires it. That the capacity to feel it/experience is absent among the NHS flag waving 'replicants' (Blade Runner) of Royal Stoke University Hospital is deeply disturbing. FIRST DO NO HARM...the harms are in...they are quantifiable...devastating and now a matter of public record following the publication of the Cass Report. That it was allowed to reach the stage where the adults in the room with a f*ckin abacus and at least seven fingers (The Cass Review Team) had to step in is because the women/men waving the flags are completely f*ckin squalid, useless/useful idiots, shameless, thick as mince, unaccountable scum that have infected every institution in civil society. They are legion. They have zero self-awareness. The long march through the institutions crossed the finish line and started doing a victory lap draped in the trannie flag that some useless c*nt with blue hair threw from the crowd . The 'collateral damage' in the instance of gender reassignment/transgenderism are largely vulnerable young women and their families. Something to be proud of.... FOR SHAME...FRAILTY: Adjective Weak, broken or easily offended,...thy name is WOMAN: Noun : adult human female.

The radical measures taken by Andrew O'Neil of All Saints Catholic College...a secondary school in Notting Hill, West London...rated as 'outstanding' (The Sunday Times 21stApril 2024 p.5 : Head extends school day to 12 hours to break pupils phone addiction) reflect/are a response to the radical/extreme nature of the threats his pupils face. "Some of the most shocking things I have ever seen" Mr O'Neil reports are from the confiscated phones of 11- to 16-year-old children. I do not suspect for a second that the 'shocking'content he has regard to on the confiscated phones of pupils is a consequence of his prudishness or a sheltered life. Drastic times require drastic measures...the extension of the school day to 12 hours is not tinkering around the edges... Mr O'Neil is ultimately reacting/responding in a responsible informed way to the failures of the parents of his pupils. The radical nature of his measures only serves to underscore the scale of the irresponsibility of the parents of the pupils and their unfitness to be parents.

'Mr O'Neil is calling for parents to be reported to social services, or even prosecuted, if they fail to keep their children safe online. He lamented the fact that "if physical harm comes to a child at home, we involve social services and sometimes the police, but if psychological harm comes to child because they are not being adequately monitored online by parents we do nothing about it"'.

The secondary school of All Saints Catholic College is able to boast of having a former headteacher of the year and an Ofsted rating of "outstanding"...his credentials /bona fides are not in dispute. I suspect much sharp elbowed tussling within the catchment area in Notting Hill to secure a place at his school. It would take more than suddenly finding God and showing your face at mass every other Sunday etc etc. If a similar one-word adjective rating system were to be applied by Mr O'Neil to the parents of some of his as similar vein to implication of the above quote...such words may include 'criminal' 'failparent' 'f*ckinguseless' 'shameless' 'squalid' 'unconscionable'. Such a grading system is not available to Mr O'Neil...what is available to him as a Head Master...and which is in the best interests of the young people in his care and under his tutelage is the timetable. He has for good reason determined that it is in the best interests of the children, their welfare, safety and as yet unrealised potential that they spend more time with him and his colleagues than with their own parents. A 12-hour day is the same as a 'frontline' NHS nurse or a Police Officer. The calculus is a follows: it is in the best interests of the child/young person that they spend less time with their parents...who have failed them and are continuing to fail them...because they are unfit mothers/fathers (Jr Ewing, Dallas...)...not fit for purpose. The truth is seldom makes it no less the truth.

"You’ve had your last say in this house, Sue Ellen. You think you can get away talking about me in front of my mama and daddy like that? You’ve caused me enough humiliation. You’re a drunk and an unfit mother, and I honestly think you’ve lost your reason. I’m going to call Dr. Rogers. The sooner we have you put away in that sanitarium, the better off you’re going to be. [He turns and leaves.](A House Divided, Dallas, J.R /Larry Hagman)

The risk faced by young people of serious harm...has, via the 'conscious' end to end encryption decision of META/DARPA increased in orders of magnitude. The problem is accelerating...and the responses are reactive...delayed and largely downstream. The parents of the problematic children whose neglect/negligence/irresponsibility has prompted Mr O'Neil to instigate such radical reforms are likely addicted to smartphones and digital media themselves and completely oblivious of their lack of discrimination in the use of the device or its inherent dangers/harms...which like many adults has become a techno-biological extension of their hand...leaving them to dwell to varying degrees in a liminal ungovernable digital space...detached and dislocated from the physical/material reality.... It is a form of psychosis. It is so common and shared by an aggregate of society that the delusory behaviour/thinking is re-enforced. At a practical is not uncommon for such adults to not be able to use a pavement/public right of way or cross a road safely. It is the only data point I need...I see it every single day. When you have understood can extrapolate...the children they have or are yet to have already have Zero f*cking Chance.

Time Out of Joint (Phillip. K.Dick, SF Classics edition available at HMV) with close attention to the Afterword (Lou Stathis).. read in conjunction with The Divided Self (R.D Laing, available at HMV) ...provides a useful framework to understanding the nature of the psychosis and delusional thinking...although both pre-date Smartphone technology by decades...the understanding, principles remain constant. The Smartphone/digital reality further problematises the binary of individual reality and consensus reality which Phillip K Dick explores therapeutically in the novel. Digital media and their various digital ghettos create multiple liminal realities discordant with any consensus reality and with it any contiguous commonly held morality.

With respect to the actual mechanisms that create the 'apathetic' youngsters...I have already discussed this at some length. (see Bendy Conkers) The work done by Natasha Dow Schull only covers one aspect of this harm...largely the redeployment of the techniques/ psychology of gambling repackaged in various media etc etc with measurable biological effects...hyper-dopamine sensitivity. There are many other methods operating at a more subtle and sub conscious level. All this is taking place amongst the commonly held misconception/bias that there is a coupling between technological progress and moral progress which further re-enforces the delusional behaviour/thinking and the belief in it's inherent rightness/goodness. (See John Grey Straw Dogs).

At a personal level...if someone has advertised to me their Smartphone/digital addiction/usage I simply know not to waste my time...I know that the they will have very limited attention, comprehension, listening skills and therefore most importantly...empathy. That they do not know this (they are not self-aware/have no measure) not my problem. My time is my own. It does not have to be as crude as seeing someone using their smartphone extensively/addictively...often times their manner of dress/appearance, body language reveals affectations/behaviour of mentally inhabiting a delusional realm. So, it's not even necessary to subject yourself to their babble. When they do open their mouth, it takes less than twenty seconds for them to reveal their approximate consumption of digital and other media...through their syntax...their attention...their comprehension...their lexicon...their eye contact....their cadence....etc etc

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (10)

It is analogous to and as obvious as football in the sense that I hate watching it in pubs...which is pretty much every pub nowadays (That Mitchell and Webb Look)

It becomes immediately obvious within seconds that the man stood next to you has never kicked a ball in anger in his life...simply by noticing his reactions (body language/commentary) what he is seeing on the screen and commenting on/reacting to. I have played football all my youth and most of my adulthood...I have been fortunate enough to play with and against excellent footballers...some turned professional at varying levels or had played at that level (many could have...but life got in the way...particularly Birkdale F.C Southport..(Heavy Weight Champion of the World, Reverand and the Makers)

I do not consider myself amongst their number...far from it...I wasn't very good at all. I hated getting/having the ball in either football or brought with it risk of harm or danger to myself...I preferred that risk of harm and danger to rest squarely with whoever had the different colour tops/jerseys...kind of the polar opposite to the Dutch philosophical concept/approach of 'Total Football' ...instead 'Absolute f*ckin Zero Football" (Skerrit sh*t)

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (11)

but by no means a recommended or sustainable approach to the 'beautiful game'....But I have measure. Most often the guy....usually a 'bloke' next to you is completely unaware of how obvious are his 'tells' that he knows f*ck all...and is an insufferable c*nt. He will usually try and do a 'funny' to throw into the mix of know nothing chattin' sh*t when he has had his third pint of Carling (three-pint comedian etc etc). With rugby...I even played against Yorkshire...I genuinely have no idea who won...but can recall being very impressed when served a frisbee sized Yorkshire Pudding after the game in which a full Sunday Dinner was contained (I had never seen the likes of it before or knew it was even possible)...and returning to Lancashire to inform my Grandmother (Welsh/Druidical) that her Yorkshire puddings were 'insufficient and diminutive'. Her fruit cake (signature baked good) was denser than a collapsed star and would have to be routinely thrown over the hedge.

(My Mum):" Everybody loves your Grandmas Fruitcake"

(Me):"True...but they also love lickin the bum holes of gay Welsh dogs and rammin' myxi rabbits up their cheezy bellend Welsh Fannies."

*myxi = myxomatosis

...and they only had plain/ready salted hula hoops. ("I don't give a f*ck if Rachel likes them...I like beef"). There's no love lost between us...she tried to kill me...cook me to be precise...with the electric blanket. I watched her 'consciously' turn it up to three instead of off. I wrote a note for my mum... 'It was your mother...goodbye cruel world'...I lasted until about three in the morning then switched it off and lay on top of the covers until I had cooled down/stopped crying and then destroyed/ate the note. They wanted to cook me and eat me with mint sauce...they were Grandfather had the Omen on VHS which he had recorded off the telly like a massive Welsh Luciferian pervert.

There is some irony in the radical reforms implemented by Mr O' the extension of the school day 'offering art, drama, dodgeball, basketball and cookery classes after lessons' when considered with what is perhaps the best description I have heard of the modern university sector by Sam Hyde...describing it as 'Day care'for 18-21 year olds. With the financialisaton /corporatisation of academia...tuition fees/lucrative foreign/Chinese students etc etc...universities offer a service and an experience to consumers as opposed to an education. But unlike Mr O'Neil's pupils the 'day care' that modern university students face places them at far higher risk of psychological damage/harm owing to the ideological capture of most institutions to the 'over socialised' scholar activists. They are no longer a space in which a young person can grow/explore intellectually...they are Bolshevik madrassas...with the addition of extensive leisure/lifestyle facilities...Just as it is difficult to find food not packed with sugar (for which there are hundreds of synonyms/names) is difficult to find institutions and university courses/degrees that are not thoroughly infected by the Over Socialised HIV of blue haired Guardian reading thick c*nts/lecturers/professors...who, much like sugar, come in a variety of guises/forms other than the (blue haired guardian reading dyke cliché).

The transformation of academia (Do I sit down or stand up to wear a mask/ take a piss? Covid 19 ), its financialization/corporatisation has made them highly dangerous environments for young adults. That many of the students are completely unaware of how dangerous and harmful such ideologies can be to them and others is in and of itself frightening. There is a short story in Apricot Jam and Other Stories(Solzhenitsyn) that explores the difficulty of a female teacher attempting to navigate the strictures/ dictats of the enforced Bolshevik literature/education system. The teacher wants the children to enjoy and be exposed to Russian Literature and particular authors that she had enjoyed/loved and which had shaped her...but also understood that the world the children would be entering required a particular type of person dictated by the tyrannical bloody regime and its genocidal ideological convictions. The articles I have discussed above from The Sunday Times offer little that I cannot glean from this teachers account of her dilemma. The only perhaps.. a few new words are deployed in the modern context...'de-colonisation...'radical healing' etc etc and that the technological means and sophistication with which to deploy a particular ideological agenda have advanced significantly. The underlying ideology is the same...Like a lethal anthrax spore...apparently dormant.

I briefly dated a lady called Tess... a ceramics teacher at Bolton Grammar (She was politically retarded...she had a 'Bollox to Brexit' Sticker on a bedroom shelf...which is the political equivalent of having a Justin Bieber Poster in terms of advertising your infantilism and also bragged of meeting Diane Abbott at the Brighton Labour Conference...Mega lolz) and had the privilege of carrying her bag and walking her to school on her final day there. She had had a lengthy career at the school under seriously trying domestic circ*mstances. She was a very interesting lady...Other than trying to understand her narrative I most enjoyed sipping gin and looking at the work of her pupils which she marked in bed. I helped...not with the assessment/ marking of the work but some of the admin. Some of the art work of the young women she taught was incredibly impressive...remarkable. It was potential being realised not suppressed, distorted or misdirected and was country miles better than anything I was capable at their age/ or witnessed from others. It was interesting to note that IQ was used as a form of measure in their assessment but was diplomatically called something else.

Gender ideology was creeping into the school at the time (2 years ago maybe) but was as no way as advanced as in the state sector. Bolton Grammar being a private school. The absence of measure is a big problem...its erasure is conscious/deliberate.

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (12)

The art work that I saw from the young women at Bolton Grammar is not beyond the capabilities of many young women in the state sector. It is, however, in my 'well paid opinion' (Oasis, Noel Gallagher, Flashbax)

far less likely that that potentiality is realised to the same level/standard/degree amongst young women in state schools whilst a perverse ideological interpretation/mutation of Freire's 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' dominates the sector with its particular brand of 'pedagogical radicalism' (The Sunday Times, p19, 21/04/24)...served up subversively by zealots with their own very radical plans for the children they are entrusted with responsibility for...that are very unlikely to coincide with your hopes/wishes for your child.

'Only 1 in 20 young musicians at Royal Academy are from poorer backgrounds'(p. 11 The Sunday Times, 21/04/24)...I did not bother to read the article ...the headline/numbers is/are sufficient to make emphatic my point. Many of the young musicians featured in the Bolivarian Youth Orchestra come/came from the most impoverished/poor favelas of Venezuela Danzon No. 2 (Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra)

An exquisite piece of music that is the only evidence I would ever need to submit to demonstrate the wasted potentiality of the State sector. Not only is such exceptionalism possible from children from poor is achievable. That it is criminal. Including the parents, the teachers...and the bureaucratic education system they inhabit,

The mantra... that we are all equal is palpably absurd...attempts to enforce such equality will necessarily require tyranny/the absence of freedom. is a mantra that has been internalised by most and accepted as a self-evident truism...The externalities/consequences of enforcing this erroneous philosophical principle are emerging with the publication of the Cass Report. The victims of the ideology in this instance are largely young women. Many of the cheerleaders of the wider ideological agenda would struggle to describe or define what an ideology is. If asked, many of whom would...regurgitate some woolly sentimental pap...that they have picked up from a television advert...or would not be able to explain how they have arrived at their particular understanding of the propagandised are they. Nor would they have the empathy or abstraction to understand that not everyone thinks like them or wants the same things...that there are people that are far cleverer than them whose interests are not theirs...malevolence is not in their paradigm of thought or their understanding of the victims will continue...fuelled by the ignorance and cowardice of useful idiots.

'Ofsted set to scrap one-word rulings'(p.5 The Sunday Times, 21s April 2024) Sian Griffiths (Education Editor) repots on the tragic and untimely death of head teacher Ruth Perry, 53 years of age and mother to two children. The article is focused on the education select committee inquiry into Ofsted...and the possible reform to the one-word adjective system of rating schools...'Outstanding' 'inadequate' etc etc which is also replicated in the care sector with respect to nursing homes/care homes/residential homes for the elderly. Ms Perry’s sister Julia Waters led the campaign drawing attention to the issue of one- word rating systems and their associated problems but stated...that they are...

"clearly part of the problem, but the words themselves are not the biggest issues. What really affected [Ruth], and has affected hundreds of others, was the unfairness of how Ofsted reached that judgement, and knowing what the consequences of it would mean for her pupils, her school, her colleagues, the local community and her career."

It is perhaps notable that the article features on the same page as the reporting upon Mr O'Neils radical extension of the school day (p.5). The equivocation over one-word adjective judgements is, unlike Mr O'Neil's reforms, tinkering around the edges. That Mr O'Neils reforms are so radical and necessary suggest much more serious fundamental problems with the education system. If an actual Inspector the Priestly sense...He/she might invoke / suggest a more collective responsibility/accountability for the death of Ms Perry...He/she might draw attention to the failures of the parents, the regulators, the curriculum and its designers, the local community (it takes a village to raise a child I am reminded at the entrance to York Library) her colleagues, the system/ Combine...He/she might suggest that there is no quick and easy superficial fix... and perhaps prescribe some thoughtful reflection from all parties/participants involved...He/she might also controversially suggest that there is some.... God Forbid... accountability...and possibly some shame.

This is what I know. The ward is a factory for the Combine. It’s for fixing up mistakes made in the neighborhoods and in the schools and in the churches, the hospital is. When a completed product goes back out into society, all fixed up good as new, better than new sometimes, it brings joy to the Big Nurse’s heart; something that came in all twisted different is now a functioning, adjusted component, a credit to the whole outfit and a marvel to behold. Watch him sliding across the land with a welded grin, fitting into some nice little neighborhood where they’re just now digging trenches along the street to lay pipes for city water. He’s happy with it. He’s adjusted to surroundings finally.

(Ken Kesey, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Chapter 4)

Despite the serious problems discussed above with the Education system...some of which are intractable....given the 'institutional ignorance/cowardice' that exists with those that work within it and also as a consequence of the parents of the children/young people who have abrogated responsibility to a system that is actively/consciously/wilfully/malevolently acting against the best interests of the child/young person... There are cracks...where the light gets in. Within the exponentially increasing digital sewage/information spilt/spewed into the digital 'commons' (Elinor Ostram)…there are pearls to be found. The lectures of Mike Sandell (Harvard), Robert Sapolsky...are available for free is unlikely that any university politics department in this country could deliver something comparable for under 10 grand a year. The debates of Christopher Hitchens whether you agree with him or not are exemplars in how to marshal an argument and deliver it in an electrifying and engaging way...with wit and conviction. For a fairly nominal fee, relative to student fees, its associated costs/debt bondage you could find out how the world actually works via Jay Dyer. To name but a few...

The voices/words you choose to guide you in your pursuit for wisdom matter and will likely be as idiosyncratic as each individual and their circ*mstances...but without wonder or curiosity you are always lost/walking in circles/chasing your tail. Equally without the judicious application of discrimination and discernment in your will be left trying to interpret/decipher the incoherent/meaningless babble/white noise of blowhards and fools. I would strongly recommend having a magnetic North…a constant to guide your mental wanderings.

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (13)
Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (14)

The paradox of education is...the more that you attempt to understand the world...the less you realise you know. But lifelong learning and the pursuit of wisdom...depends upon ones curiosity and capacity to wonder. The chief responsibility to children is to ensure that that wonder and with it, curiosity is not thrashed/socialised/adulterated/ protect… and first do no harm. That this first order/ fundamental is so clearly and demonstratively under diabolical attack requires radical measures.

'The world is such a wonderful place'

(Ode to the LRC, Cease to Begin, Band of Horses)

With respect to the curriculum…heaving read Neil Oliver’s 100 Moments That Shaped The World…I think it would serve as a useful template…a philosophical approach…to understand the world. Obviously his selection of Moments is specific to him nor would it have to be 100…it could also apply to a an individual country or a specific region within a country i.e Yorkshire etc etc. From such moments…wonder…curiosity and a thirst for understanding/truth/knowledge would hopefully branch out organically. Just as trees tussle for light (I am a Tree, Guided by Voices)…hopefully their potential will blossom.

Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (15)
Education, Education...I've lost my Education ( Tony Blair aka 'Miranda' aka Charles Lynton/ Cassio: Othello) (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.